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Displaying all 5 results
Conference Session
Achieving the Civil Engineering Body of Knowlegde
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jennifer Karlin, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology; Andrea Surovek, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology
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Civil Engineering
Conference Session
Achieving the Civil Engineering Body of Knowlegde
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Ronald Welch, U.S. Military Academy; Allen Estes, U.S. Military Academy; Fred Meyer, U.S. Military Academy
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
Conference Session
Achieving the Civil Engineering Body of Knowlegde
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Fred Meyer, U.S. Military Academy; Allen Estes, U.S. Military Academy; Ronald Welch, U.S. Military Academy; David Winget, U.S. Military Academy
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
Conference Session
Achieving the Civil Engineering Body of Knowlegde
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Enno Koehn, Lamar University; James Koehn, Chadron State College; Sunil Paleru, Lamar University
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
Conference Session
Achieving the Civil Engineering Body of Knowlegde
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
C. Conley, U.S. Military Academy; Decker Hains, U.S. Military Academy; Scott Hamilton, U.S. Military Academy
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering