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Displaying all 5 results
Conference Session
Engineering/Engineering Technolgy Transfer Issues: Two-year College to Four-year College
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jennifer Sinclair Curtis, University of California, Davis; Beth Frances Broome Broome; Cynthia Murphy-Ortega, Chevron Corporation
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Two-Year College
Conference Session
Engineering/Engineering Technolgy Transfer Issues: Two-year College to Four-year College
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Surendra K. Gupta, Rochester Institute of Technology (COE); James E. Moon, Rochester Institute of Technology (COE); Roy W. Melton, Rochester Institute of Technology (COE); Michael E. Kuhl, Rochester Institute of Technology ; Daniel P. Johnson, Rochester Institute of Technology (CAST); Todd Dunn, Rochester Institute of Technology (CAST); James H. Lee, Rochester Institute of Technology (CAST); Franz Allen Foltz, RIT; Rob Garrick, Rochester Institute of Technology (CAST)
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Two-Year College
Conference Session
Engineering/Engineering Technolgy Transfer Issues: Two-year College to Four-year College
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Amelito G. Enriquez, CaƱada College; Nicholas Langhoff, Skyline College; Erik N Dunmire, College of Marin; Thomas Rebold, Monterey Peninsula College; Wenshen Pong P.E., San Francisco State University
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Two-Year College
Conference Session
Engineering/Engineering Technolgy Transfer Issues: Two-year College to Four-year College
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Susan P. Gentry, University of California, Davis; Colleen Elizabeth Bronner, University of California, Davis; Jennifer H Choi, University of California, Davis; Jason White, University of California, Davis
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Two-Year College
Conference Session
Engineering/Engineering Technolgy Transfer Issues: Two-year College to Four-year College
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Samuel Paul Merriweather, Texas A&M University; Karen L. Butler-Purry, Texas A&M University; Shannon Walton, Texas A&M University; Judy Kelley
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Two-Year College