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Displaying all 4 results
Conference Session
Track 2 - Session 2
2014 ASEE International Forum
Julia Ziyatdinova; Phillip Albert Sanger, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Artem Bezrukov, Kazan National Research Technologcal University, Russia
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Curriculum and Lab Development
their colleagues and subordinates. A general outcome of scientific activities in universities is the submission of papers tohigh-impact international journals. Publications in top scientific journals (all of them arepublished in English) are the main indications of a successful scientist. Native Russianspeaking scientists often have trouble writing in English for journals and conferences becauseof structural differences between the English and Russian languages as described previously.Furthermore many Russians with “unpolished” English” have a strange confidence that thescientific value of their submission will outweigh its linguistic incompetence and a nativespeaker in editorial board will ultimately “polish” it. The goal of this
Conference Session
Track 1 - Session 2
2014 ASEE International Forum
Miquela Trujillo, University of New Mexico; Peter V. Vorobieff; Francisco Martin Vigil, University of New Mexico; Tennille Charisse Bernard, The University of New Mexico; Clinton Lee Corbin, University of New Mexico
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Curriculum and Lab Development
and the high cost of new laboratory equipment has left manylaboratory courses outdated and understaffed.1 Non-traditional teaching methods such asProblem-Based Learning (PBL) provide a way for instructors to give students the hands-on skillsthat they need and develop their critical thinking skills while working within the financialconstraints placed on most courses. PBL is grounded in the idea that students should befacilitated by instructors in self-directed experiments that encourage critical thinking and Page 20.23.2problem solving amongst peers. It has been seen that PBL is an effective method to engagestudents with the fundamental
Conference Session
Track 1 - Session 2
2014 ASEE International Forum
Yakov E. Cherner, ATEL, LLC; Maija M Kukla, University of Maryland, College Park; Linn W Hobbs OBE, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Sergey V Vasilev, Yaroslavl State University; Ivan Fedorov; Alexander S. Sigov
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Curriculum and Lab Development
Paper ID #11041Use of a Virtual Multifunctional X-Ray Diffractometer for Teaching Scienceand Engineering CoursesDr. Yakov E. Cherner, ATEL, LLC Dr. Yakov E. Cherner, a Founder and President of ATEL, LLC, taught science, engineering and technology disciplines to high school, college and university students. He has extensive experience in writing curric- ula and developing educational software and efficient instructional strategies. Dr. Cherner introduced an innovative concept of multi-layered simulation-based conceptual teaching of science and technology. He also proposed and implemented the pioneering concept of
Conference Session
Track 1 - Session 1
2014 ASEE International Forum
John Matthew Long, Deakin University; Simon William Cavenett, Deakin University; Eloise Gordon, Deakin University; Matthew Joordens, Deakin University
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Curriculum and Lab Development
Page 20.18.2  Indonesia  the Netherlands  the United States.We even have taught handful of students while they were at sea, either in the merchant marineor in the Royal Australian Navy.In our experience, isolation, lack of real-time contact with teaching staff, and lack of access tolaboratories are some of the most significant challenges faced by these students, leading to highdrop-out rates among on-line students.7 Educational challenges faced by their lecturers includedifficulty teaching teamwork skills, ensuring effective group work among students,implementing cooperative and peer-based learning, supervising projects, and enabling thestudents to give in-class presentations. Laboratory work is