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Conference Session
Disability Track - Technical Session VI
2018 CoNECD - The Collaborative Network for Engineering and Computing Diversity Conference
Meenakshi Manas Das, Mississippi State University; Sarah B. Lee, Mississippi State University; Litany H. Lineberry, Mississippi State University; Chase Addison Barr
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graduates with Lime Connect is a global nonprofit organization that'sdisabilities face numerous barriers to securing career rebranding disability through achievement. They prepareopportunities. These barriers often prevent individuals with high potential university students and professionals withdisabilities from attaining careers. In fact, the employment disabilities for scholarships, internships and full-timerate for college graduates with disabilities is approximately careers with their corporate partners which include Google,30 percent less than their peers without disabilities, Facebook and Microsoft to name a few. They also have aparticularly in STEM- Science, Technology, Engineering
Conference Session
Disability Track - Technical Session VI
2018 CoNECD - The Collaborative Network for Engineering and Computing Diversity Conference
Alexander Michael Alvarez, University of Arizona; Paula C. Johnson, University of Arizona; Stephanie Zawada M.S., University of Arizona; Linda R. Shaw; Marla A. Franco, University of Arizona; Vignesh Subbian, University of Arizona
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testing skills), Learning Specialist (including anymeetings over phone, email, or in person with learning specialists), Tutoring (for any particular topic orsubject), Math and Science Lab (for drop-in tutoring of math and science subjects), Writing Lab (fordrop-in tutoring on writing and editing), and Tech Coaching (for help in utilizing tech resources) . Inaddition, we collected specific information on the majors of engineering students and courses for whichstudents were seeking academic support.ResultsResource Availability We found 34 webpages offering resources for students with disabilities on the arizona.eduwebsite through a simple internet search. Of these webpages, 15 pages were DRC materials ranging from‘FAQ’ and disability