questions with more complex and detailedresponses after having taken a course that included ethics content. This raises interesting issuesaround students’ feelings about the importance of these topics, and indicates that these questionsmay reflect on the affective domain (e.g. value) to an equal or greater extent than the cognitivedomain (e.g. knowledge, reflected in the response to Q2).IntroductionEngineering has significant and important impacts on society, being critical to providing basicnecessities (e.g. access to clean water) as well as contemporary conveniences and entertainment.While largely positive changes have resulted from the use of technology, engineers should alsocarefully weigh the potential for negative outcomes. The process of
questions as a timed section of the first exam in fall 2018statics courses at both Whatcom Community College (WCC) and Western WashingtonUniversity. Analysis of students’ unprompted use of vector representations on the open-endedproblem-solving section of the same exam provides evidence of the assessment’s validity as ameasurement instrument for representational competence. We found a positive correlationbetween students’ accurate and effective use of representations and their score on the multiplechoice test. We gathered additional validity evidence by reviewing student responses on anexam wrapper reflection. We used item difficulty and item discrimination scores (point-biserialcorrelation) to eliminate two questions and revised the remaining
that the flexibility indeveloping video content is a good opportunity to fix the content and seeks to continue addingnew content or make changes to reflect accumulated experience and student feedback.The course under considerationThe Electrical Circuits is an undergraduate level course at Missouri S&T intended for non-EEstudents. The content primarily includes AC circuit steady-state analysis covering single andpoly-phase circuits with emphasis on applications like transformers, induction machines andfrequency response. DC circuit analysis is used as a special case to introduce the basiccomponents and basic analysis techniques. Primarily, students from Mechanical Engineering,Civil Engineering and Engineering Management departments take
significantly higher in the mixed class thanin either the flipped or traditional sections. Overall, the grades reflected similar outcomes to theexams where students in the mixed section outperformed students in both the flipped andtraditional sections. This indicates that, despite some promise shown in the flipped coursesection, students in that section were still not able to achieve at the same level as their peers inthe mixed-delivery class. The reason for this outcome answer may be due to the reinforcement ofideas provided by the combination of lecture and video in the mixed section (described in moredetail below) as well as the difficulty students and faculty experience with transitioning to aflipped classroom model.As noted in the literature