AC 2007-2420: A SMALL, HIGH-FIDELITY REFLECTANCE PULSE OXIMETERDavid Thompson, Kansas State University David Thompson is a Fulbright Fellow currently studying in Japan. He received his B.S. in Electrical Engineering from Kansas State University University in May, 2006. His areas of research interest include biomedical sensors, neural prosthetics, embedded systems design, and analog & digital circuitry.Steve Warren, Kansas State University Steve Warren is an Associate Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering at Kansas State University. He teaches courses in linear systems, computer graphics, biomedical instrumentation, and scientific computing. Dr. Warren manages the KSU Medical
AC 2007-1706: ASSESSING REFLECTIVE JUDGMENT THINKING INUNDERGRADUATE MULTIDISCIPLINARY TEAMSMichael Cama, Illinois Institute of TechnologyDaniel Ferguson, Illinois Institute of TechnologyMargaret Huyck, Illinois Institute of Technology Page 12.272.1© American Society for Engineering Education, 2007 Assessing Reflective Judgment Thinking in Undergraduate Multidisciplinary TeamsAbstract – Our University has a project-based interprofessional learning program (IPRO)designed to improve competencies in project management, teamwork, communications,and ethics among the undergraduate students. An emerging goal is to increase the level of“reflective judgment
AC 2007-205: ENGINEERING IN A MORALLY DEEP WORLD: APPLICATIONSAND REFLECTIONSGeorge Catalano, State University of New York-Binghamton Page 12.638.1© American Society for Engineering Education, 2007 Engineering in a Morally Deep World: Applications and Reflections AbstractAt the foundation of a morally deep world view is the importance of an integralcommunity. The implications of a morally deep world view in engineering are explored.Engineering design based on such a view is compared and contrasted with other designalgorithms. An engineering design case study is presented which focuses upon the Arcticecosystem with particular attention to
AC 2007-166: THOUGHTS AND REFLECTIONS ON RENSSELAER’S PRODUCTDESIGN AND INNOVATION PROGRAMMark Steiner, Rensselaer Polytechnic InstituteLangdon Winner, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Page 12.1491.1© American Society for Engineering Education, 2007 THOUGHTS AND REFLECTIONS ON RENSSELAER’S PRODUCT DESIGN AND INNOVATION PROGRAMABSTRACTThe experience of students in Rensselaer’s Product Design and Innovation (PDI) program offersa glimpse into how to integrate the humanities and social sciences (H&SS) into an engineeringcurriculum. PDI offers a dual degree program built around a studio design class each semester,integrated into a core-engineering curriculum
AC 2007-2708: TRANSFORMING CURRICULA TO REFLECT NEW ITLITERACIES FOR 21ST CENTURY STEM CAREERSPatricia Carlson, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Dr. Patricia A. Carlson received the BS from the College of William and Mary in 1968 and the MS and Ph.D. degrees from Duke University in 1969 and 1973 respectfully. Currently Dr. Carlson is Professor of American Literature and Director of PRISM, Department of Humanities and Social Science, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology.Dale Bremmer, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Dale Bremmer is a professor of economics in the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, Terre Haute, Indiana. He has taught at
AC 2007-504: NASA OPPORTUNITIES FOR FACULTY AT MINORITYINSTITUTIONS: REFLECTIONS OF NASA ADMINISTRATOR FELLOWSLouis Everett, University of Texas-El Paso Louis J. Everett is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Texas El Paso. Dr. Everett is a licensed professional engineer in the state of Texas and has research interests in the use of technology in the classroom. His technical research interests include robotics, machine design, dynamics and control systems. He began his NAFP tenure in 2006 and is presently with the Mobility and Manipulation group at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena California. Racette, NASA
AC 2007-1142: EXPERIENCE AND REFLECTION ON AN INQUIRY ANDBLENDED LEARNING MODULE FOR SENIOR ENGINEERING DESIGNMarjan Eggermont, University of CalgaryBob Brennan, University of CalgaryTheodor Freiheit, University of Calgary Page 12.710.1© American Society for Engineering Education, 2007 Experience and reflection on an inquiry and blended learning module for senior engineering designOur full-year capstone design course, “Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering DesignMethodology and Application”, provides students with an opportunity to learn basic knowledgeand concepts through lectures and tutorials on a variety of subjects important to the designprocess
the Naim and Ferial Kheir Teaching Award. Page 12.567.1© American Society for Engineering Education, 2007 Easy-to-Do Transmission Line Demonstrations of Sinusoidal Standing Waves and Transient Pulse Reflections AbstractJunior, senior, and graduate level courses in electromagnetics often cover issues related tosinusoidal standing waves and transient pulses on transmission lines. This information isimportant for students because a theoretical understanding of such phenomena provides aconcrete foundation for later study involving the general propagation of electromagneticfields, and
AC 2007-402: ASSESSMENT OF AN ENGINEERING STUDY ABROADPROGRAM: REFLECTIONS FROM THE FIRST 124 STUDENTS (2001 - 2006)Solomon Eisenberg, Boston University Solomon Eisenberg is Associate Dean of Undergraduate Programs at the Boston University College of Engineering (since 1998) and Professor of Biomedical Engineering and Electrical Engineering. He received the SB, SM and ScD degrees in Electrical Engineering from MIT, and joined the faculty at BU in 1983. He was a 1987 recipient of an NSF PYI Award, and received the Metcalf Award for Excellence in Teaching from BU in 1990. He served as Dean ad interim of the Boston University College of Engineering for the 2005/06 academic year.Jo-Ann Murray, Boston
student with tools that will foster the development of global engineers.Students were required to not only prepare traditional designs and write reflections inessay format about the impact of their designs. The reflections provided rich data for thisstudy. The data gathered offers a glimpse of the characteristics of a global engineer andprovides an insight into the role that engineering educators can play in creating engineerswho are flexible, adaptable, resilient and ultimately lifelong learners. A proposedmethod that provides an opportunity to reflect on integration of liberal arts courses isoffered. This method can be utilized in the classroom to ensure that engineeringeducators are molding a global engineer
retail stores andmanufacturing environment, where fluorescent lights are commonly used. Fluorescent lights areenergized with AC power at certain frequencies depending on their design and go through twocycles of ionization/de-ionization during each power cycle which makes them time varying RFreflectors. There is a possibility that the time varying component of the RFID signal reflected bythe fluorescent light may share the same spectrum as similar components originating from theRFID tags, when they are operating in backscatter mode. This dynamic reflection of RF signalsmay interfere with the operation of the reverse link of the RFID systemA research project was conducted within the Bloomsburg University electronics engineeringtechnology (EET
, 2007Seeking New Praxis and Pedagogy: Using Ethnographic Research Methods to Teach Architectural Technology within an International Service ContextAbstract Ethnographers rely heavily upon methodologies that require observation and participationin the social actions they attempt to document (Hume and Mulcock 1). Extending thesemethodologies to architectural technology education requires consideration of their tools of thetrade: reflection, videography and journalistic field notes (to name a few) (DeWalt and DeWalt2 ). In the particular instance described within this paper, these methods were applied to aninternational architectural technology course (an undergraduate directed study) that involved theevaluation of post earthquake housing
collection utilized the“think-aloud” technique. Twenty groups were assigned the project and three of those groupsparticipated in the “think-aloud.” The qualitative method entailed a detailed task analysis foreach group from which a task map was developed. Corresponding ratings for the quality of eachmajor task and the group’s tolerance for ambiguity during each session were assigned. Aqualitative analysis of the impact that social interactions had on key decision points wascompleted and the use of reflection tools was evaluated. Of the three groups, the highestperforming group demonstrated high quality ratings in each of the major experimental tasks:design, analysis and conclusions. They also exhibited an increasing tolerance for ambiguity asthe
accuracy in the order of 1 nanometer. Thus this method is suitable to inspect veryfine - close to mirror finish surfaces. Page 12.1107.3Light scattering technique uses a beam of light of known wave length that is projected onto asurface at an incident angle θ. Figure 3 shows the basic light scattering principle If the surface isperfectly smooth, the light will be reflected at the same angle as θ, according to the law ofreflection. However, if the surface is rough, the reflection will be scattered around the directionof specular reflection.. The diffused light intensity has close to linear relationship with surfaceroughness. The necessary link
integrates aniterative process of reflective teaching and learning. Specifically, the focus is onliteracy, discourse, and metacognition with content focused on principles such ascounter-intuition and model elicitation.The successful NSF sponsored Phase 1 project (DUE-0411320) focused onstudent attitudes, study habits and in-class activities. Faculty were involvedprimarily as curriculum developers and guides. When considering a transition toPhase 2, emphasis was placed on faculty attitudes, teaching habits and reflectionin an attempt to elicit desired student behaviors. The faculty and students aremodeled as interrelated components in a learning system in which they bothreflect on engineering content and the pedagogy for delivering the content in
clearlyrecognized that every engineering challenge will demand an interdisciplinary effort.On the basis of this collection of essays, how do the students’ priorities agree with ournational priorities at the moment? How do the students’ priorities reflect what the mediasays? Do the students’ responses accurately portray the best job opportunities of thefuture? The results of this ongoing survey may be useful to engineering students as theychose specific majors and, eventually, embark on various fields of work.
metaldesign project utilizing newly implemented Solidworks CAD software and one MS Excel basedFEA solution to cutting tool temperature distribution. This individual FEA assignment, much ofit lecture based in instruction, was included to allow the students a direct comparison base tocontrast the two methods. This reflective assessment was collected anonymously at the end ofthe semester utilizing the online course management information platform.Problem-based Learning ApplicationUtilizing a problem-based learning methodology requires a complete change in instructionalstyle. First, the instructor must realize that the PBL method of instruction requires a facilitativeapproach. This interactive approach requires posing a problem, helping the teams
ABET ASSESSMENT USING CALIBRATED PEER REVIEWIntroductionMost engineering programs have some type of capstone design experience. At Rose-HulmanInstitute of Technology (Rose) the Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) Department alsohas a similar set of courses. Therefore, the ECE Department decided to use senior design toassess EC3(g) (ABET Engineering Criterion 3-g): “ability to communicate effectively”.However, we needed/wanted a tool to help us develop our assessment process for EC3(g).The ECE Department was introduced to the Calibrated Peer Review (CPR) [1]. CPR is anonline-tool with four structured workspaces that perform in tandem to create a series of activitiesthat reflect modern pedagogical strategies for using writing
reflect our Engineering Clinic activities that are offered to ourincoming freshman engineering students. As such a brief overview of the Rowan engineeringclinics is provided below:Rowan’s engineering programs include hands-on, team-oriented laboratory and real worldexperiences with a strong interdisciplinary component. All engineering students take eightsemesters of required Engineering Clinic Courses4-5 a unique component of the engineeringprogram. Key clinic features include:• Creating inter- and multi-disciplinary experiences through collaborative teamwork,• Stressing innovation and total quality management (TQM) as the necessary framework for solving complex problems,• Incorporating state-of-the-art technologies throughout
engineering content in K-12 education through professional development activities, and• Serve as a national model for other undergraduate institutions in integrating engineering content in K-12 education.This is the first university initiative to integrate engineering content in the middle schoolcurriculum and train teachers regarding engineering concepts as well as the identification ofstudents with potential to become engineers. The ECT program is being funded by a generous Page 12.620.2grant from the Martinson Foundation.Rowan’s Engineering Clinic ProgramThe ECT program activities reflect our Engineering Clinic activities that are offered
should look like. Although the authors wereapproached several times with the familiar question “Just tell me what you want …”Students were instructed on basic online research especially concerning reputable online data andinformation. It was also suggested that students read Friedman’s The World Is Flat9 and threeother especially selected articles to sparkle their interest as well as to place the project in someperspective10, 11, 12.The assessment component of the project included: • Pre- and post-test that attempted to measure changes in attitudes toward and perceptions of workplace diversity. • A paper in which students self-reflected on their learning experience. Students were asked to address how this learning experience
Three- Exploring Prisms Exploring Exploring Translations, Transformations Exploring Rotations Dimensional Pyramids Cylinders, Cones, Reflections, and on the Number Transformations Shapes Students develop a and Spheres Rotations Line
students learn with understanding by thinking qualitatively and by organizing their knowledge around key concepts. iii) Assessment-centeredness: Frequent opportunities are provided for students to make their thinking visible in order to help them refine their understanding. iv) Community-centeredness: Classroom norms are fostered that encourage students to learn from one another and that recognize the teacher as a co-learner.Each lesson in the Math Out of the Box program is designed based on a four phase learning cycleEngage-Investigate-Reflect-Apply (Diagram A) that is similar to the five phase STAR Legacylearning cycle, Challenge-Initial Thoughts-Perspectives/Resources-Assessment-Publish, which isthe basis of the Felder
teachers using their traditional teaching methods. The experimental sections of the studybegan the course with a grand challenge focusing them on determining the strengths andweaknesses of the different tools and computer software engineers might use. Instructors thenintroduced three challenges that helped students learn the content goals listed above for thecourse in addition to focusing continually on the strengths and weaknesses of the tools andcomputer software packages.Three types of data were used in this study: survey responses, answers to test questions, andreflective responses. The surveys were required of students in all eleven sections of this course.These surveys were completed on-line and submitted to a database. The reflection
were collected electronically. The solutions were then graded by theresearcher using a scoring rubric called the Quality Assurance Guide (Table 2). Second, for theteams analyzed in this study, the researcher and the TA rated the team functioning using the TAObservation Tool (Table 3). Immediately following the conclusion of the MEA, the studentsindividually completed an online survey called the Team Effectiveness Tool (Table 4), and latercompleted the MEA Reflection Tool (Table 5).The quality of the student team solution is rated using a rubric called the Quality AssuranceGuide (Table 2) which assesses whether teams fully met the client’s needs. It is based on a fivepoint scale where five corresponds to “Shareable and Reusable: The solution
of eachcourse is reflected in their respective titles. The first course in the sequence is titled,“Engineering: The Art of Creating Change”. The title of the second is: “Engineering Projects:The Practice of the Art”.Both courses use assigned reading followed by reflection, writing, and discussion related to adebatable question (or questions) posed by the instructor. Section size is limited to 25 students.A relatively senior member of the regular faculty and one teaching assistant facilitate classdiscussion using Socratic questioning.Both courses also use design projects as vehicles in developing student understanding of keyconcepts. In the first, the course requirements manage student-team project activities; in thesecond, the student-teams
needs and reflect on the service activity in such a way as to gain further understanding of the course content, a broader appreciation of the discipline, and an enhanced sense of civic responsibility.Many disciplines have imbedded service-learning into their college curricula as well as many K-12 schools. Service-learning is aligned very well with the ABET Criteria[2], as well as theNational Academy’s Report on the Engineer of 2020[1, 8]. Engineering is a relative late comer tothe service-learning movement. While there is a growing momentum within engineeringeducation, the community has been slow to adopt the pedagogy on a large scale.Components of Service-learningService-learning has distinct and important components. These
. We also share a few surprisesfound in the data.Our main contributions are the analysis of the rich body of collected data, as well as distillinggroups of questions that have yielded particularly useful results, and categorizing those by targetoutcome: questions for evolving the course, for “reading” students’ moods, and for gettingstudents to reflect on their experiences. Many of these questions may be broadly applicable.The remainder of the paper is structured as follows. Section 2 elaborates on relevant aspects ofthe course structure and describes our mechanism for collecting feedback data. Section 3discusses what we have learned from our data analysis – first about the course, and then aboutthe process of doing student surveys. We
be required to show Page 12.1139.2once they graduate. Rather than allowing our students to avoid intellectual property issues, weforce them to confront the issues head on. One of our most significant outcomes is that ourThe views expressed in this paper are those of the authors and do not reflect the official policy or position of the United States Military Academy,the Department of the Army, the Department of Defense or the United States Government.students not only understand that most of the material they find on the Internet is protected bycopyright law, but they also experience the process
investigate, theauthors decided to adopt the model developed in 1988 by Richard Felder, an engineeringprofessor at North Carolina State University, with help of psychologist Linda Silverman thatfocuses on aspects of learning styles particularly significant in engineering education3, 8. Themodel currently has four bipolar dimensions describing Perception (Sensing-Intuitive), Input(Visual-Verbal), Processing (Active-Reflective) and Understanding (Sequential-Global) ofinformation, with scores in the range of 6-7 indicating a balanced learning style with mildpreference either way, scores in the range of 8-9, indicating a moderate preference, and scores inthe range of 10-11 indicating strong preference for a particular mode of learning. In 1991