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Displaying all 2 results
Conference Session
Dissecting the Nuances that Hinder Broad Participation in Engineering
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Renetta G. Tull, University of Maryland, Baltimore County; Damon L Tull; Shawnisha Hester, University of Maryland, Baltimore County; Anthony Michael Johnson, University of Maryland Baltimore County
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Minorities in Engineering
Paper ID #17239Dark Matters: Metaphorical Black Holes that Affect Ethnic Underrepresen-tation in EngineeringDr. Renetta G. Tull, University of Maryland, Baltimore County Renetta Garrison Tull is Associate Vice Provost for Graduate Student Professional Development & Post- doctoral Affairs at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC: An Honors University in Mary- land), where she is the Co-PI and Founding Director for the National Science Foundation’s PROMISE: Maryland’s Alliance for Graduate Education and the Professoriate (AGEP) for the 12 institutions in the University System of Maryland, and Co-PI Louis
Conference Session
Concurrent Paper Tracks Session II Skills Development
2016 ASEE International Forum
Autumn Marie Reed, University of Maryland, Baltimore County; Renetta G. Tull, University of Maryland, Baltimore County; David A. Delaine, Universidade de São Paulo; Darryl N Williams, Tufts University; Rovani Sigamoney, UNESCO
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Diversity, International Forum
evaluates programmatic inter- ventions designed to recruit, retain and advance diverse faculty at UMBC. Dr. Reed also routinely dis- seminates best practices learned from UMBC’s diversity initiatives at national and international venues. Dr. Reed is on the advisory board for the Mid-Atlantic Higher Education Recruitment Consortium.Dr. Renetta G. Tull, University of Maryland, Baltimore County Renetta Garrison Tull is Associate Vice Provost for Graduate Student Professional Development & Post- doctoral Affairs at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC: An Honors University in Mary- land), where she is the Co-PI and Founding Director for the National Science Foundation’s PROMISE: Maryland’s Alliance for