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Asee Student Members’ Needs Analysis: Implications For The Asee Student Constituent Committee

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2010 Annual Conference & Exposition


Louisville, Kentucky

Publication Date

June 20, 2010

Start Date

June 20, 2010

End Date

June 23, 2010



Conference Session

Graduate Student Experience

Tagged Division

Graduate Studies

Page Count


Page Numbers

15.193.1 - 15.193.16



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Paper Authors


Ana Torres-Ayala University of South Florida

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Ana T. Torres-Ayala is a doctoral candidate in Higher Education at the University of South Florida. She holds a BS degree in Computer Engineering from the University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez and a MEng degree in Computer and Systems Engineering from Rensselear Polytechnic Institute. She has experience in the telecommunications industry where she worked for Lucent Technologies. Before beginning her doctoral studies, Ana was also an Information Technology instructor. Her research interests include: preparing future engineering faculty, improving teaching,distance education and underrepresented student success.

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Daniel Bumblauskas Iowa State University

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Dan Bumblauskas has been with ABB Inc., since 2003 and is presently a group account and marketing manager. Dan is a PhD student in the department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering at Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, where he has been conferred B.S. and M.S. degrees in Industrial Engineering. Dan is also a masters degree candidate at Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, in general management.

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Matthew Verleger Purdue University

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Matthew A. Verleger is a Post-Doctoral Researcher in Purdue University’s School of Engineering Education. He received his Ph.D. in Engineering Education in 2009, also from Purdue. His research focuses on Model-Eliciting Activities and the first-year experience. He will be starting a job in August as an Assistant Professor of Engineering and Technology Education at Utah State University.

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NOTE: The first page of text has been automatically extracted and included below in lieu of an abstract

ASEE Student Members’ Needs Analysis: Implications for the ASEE Student Constituent Committee


The American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) attracts student members, but until recently they were not formally organized and as a consequence their role within the national organization was unclear. To help clarify their role and interests, a survey of ASEE student member needs was conducted by the Student Constituent Committee (SCC). An invitation to participate in a web survey was sent to all student members of ASEE (N=635). Ninety-seven (15%) students responded to the invitation. Ninety-three percent of respondents were graduate students.

This paper presents the aggregate results of all 97 respondents. It includes a profile of survey participants, motivations for joining the ASEE, experiences with the ASEE, interests and suggestions. Additionally, this paper will discuss the implications those results had on the SCC Executive Board's immediate plans for the 2009-2010 year, as well as on the longer term strategic plan of the SCC.

History of ASEE Student Members

Since its creation in 1893 the American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE) has attracted faculty, administrators, and industry representatives committed to furthering education in engineering and engineering technology. The ASEE also attracts student members but until recently they were not formally organized.

The first step towards establishing a student voice within the organization occurred in 1993 with the formation of the first student chapter at Purdue University1. Since then, student chapters have been established at many other universities. The goals of these chapters depends on local interests but may include one or more of the following: “encouraging undergraduate engineering students to attend graduate school and aiding in their decision of where to apply or attend, aiding graduate engineering students in preparing to seek employment in academia, recognizing outstanding teaching through administration of teaching awards, adding to the sense of engineering community by drawing across all engineering disciplines, and performing outreach activities to encourage K-12 students to consider studying engineering”2. A more detailed discussion of past student involvement in ASEE can be found in a 2005 paper2.

Despite the proliferation of student chapters around the country, they were (and continue to be) local centers of activity. In 2007, in order to provide a national voice within the organization, the ASEE board approved the formation of the Student Constituent Committee (SCC), with the long- term goal of forming a Student Division. To help guide the organization’s student leaders, an advisory council was formed consisting of faculty and industry leaders familiar with ASEE. In 2007, that advisory council formed sub-committees to develop by-laws, nominations, recruiting, and the 2008 program. The SCC elected their first executive council at the 2008 ASEE National Meeting in Pittsburgh, PA.

Torres-Ayala, A., & Bumblauskas, D., & Verleger, M. (2010, June), Asee Student Members’ Needs Analysis: Implications For The Asee Student Constituent Committee Paper presented at 2010 Annual Conference & Exposition, Louisville, Kentucky. 10.18260/1-2--15982

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