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Building a Comprehensive Solution to Obtain and Sustain Student Learning Outcomes for a Collaborated Lab

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2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition


San Antonio, Texas

Publication Date

June 10, 2012

Start Date

June 10, 2012

End Date

June 13, 2012



Conference Session

Impacts on Engineering Education Through Collaborative Learning, Project-based, and Service-learning

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Page Count


Page Numbers

25.275.1 - 25.275.9



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Paper Authors


Fanyu F. Zeng Indiana Wesleyan University

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Fanyu F. Zeng is an Assistant Professor in business information systems at Indiana Wesleyan University. His research interests include software development, programming, database management, database performance, data mining, software project management, teaching methods, and international cultures in high education.

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Building a Comprehensive Assessment Solution to Boast and Sustain Student Learning Outcomes in a Collaborated Lab CourseAbstractIn today's high education to make students know their subject matter and pass exams are nolonger enough. They must obtain knowledge from their course work and lab exercise and sustainthe same knowledge for their future practical problem solving. This research is to develop andbuild a comprehensive assessment solution to ensure every student to achieve and sustain thesame learning outcomes for a lab course in a Chinese Information Technology Bachelor’sprogram.Needless to say, students come to their colleges with different motivations, goals, plans,attitudes, and expectations. However, they must complete all their assignments and pass all theassessments with no requirement compromised. Course related computer lab assignmentsprovide instructors with a unique opportunity to measure and assess student learning outcomes.To ensure every student achieve and sustain the same learning outcomes new assessmentsolutions must be developed to first enforce all students get involved in lab activities andexercises in the same degree.While stimulating student collaborations remains in the center, effective measurement andassessment on every student lab exercise can be another key solution. This research focuses onthe potential for dramatically improving learner assessment as a part of courseworkdevelopment. It selects successful evaluation and assessment strategies from American higheducation and applied them in designing better lab courses by letting assessment goals lead theway. It engages students in the assessment standard setting and determines when to vary targetsor incorporate student work samples in the assessment standards discussions. In addition it treatsthe assessment standard setting as an ongoing process and to achieve all the educationalobjectives is the center and focuses on develop learning experiences to meet student'seducational and professional needs by encouraging student intentionality, discussion andinvolvement through classroom lab demonstration, discussion, presentation, document co-creation, micro-sharing, peer critique, and peer evaluation.This research identifies and differentiates several kinds of standards and benchmarks afteranalyzing and evaluating advantages and disadvantages of various standards for assessment. Itthen adopts the standards that are appropriate for the specific classroom lab and circumstancesand develops processes to set standards for individual student performance and targets forcollective student performance.The assessment data is processed and analyzed in a setting benchmarks or standards to enableinstructors to analyze and apply their assessment results to help convey strengths andaccountability and also to identify the areas that need improvement. Assessment results work thesame way with predetermined context or point of comparison to evaluate student learningperformance and further improve benchmarks or standards of assessment as benchmark andstandard setting is an ongoing process.

Zeng, F. F. (2012, June), Building a Comprehensive Solution to Obtain and Sustain Student Learning Outcomes for a Collaborated Lab Paper presented at 2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, San Antonio, Texas. 10.18260/1-2--21033

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