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Engineering Education Experience, E3, for Teachers: A Professional Development Workshop for 6–12 Engineering Education

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2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition


Atlanta, Georgia

Publication Date

June 23, 2013

Start Date

June 23, 2013

End Date

June 26, 2013



Conference Session

K-12 Professional Development II

Tagged Division

K-12 & Pre-College Engineering

Page Count


Page Numbers

23.505.1 - 23.505.34



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Paper Authors


Bette Grauer Kansas State University

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Assistant Dean for Retention, Diversity, and Inclusion, College of Engineering, Kansas State University

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Karen L Roberts Upward Consulting

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Dr. Roberts has more than 30 years experience in K-12 and higher education. As Executive Director of Teaching and Learning for a large school district in Kansas, her responsibilities included facilitating professional development, program development, along with curriculum and instruction. She has worked with K-12 students and teachers through the fields of chemistry, human ecology, gifted education, and central administration. She has facilitated programming in Science Olympiad, USFIRST, Engineering & Science Summer Institute (ESSI), Odyssey of the Mind, and STEM activities with local school districts. Dr. Roberts enjoys working with K-12 teachers and providing information relevant to career exploration.

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Tom C. Roberts P.E., FASEE, FNSPE Kansas State University

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Roberts has more than 35 years experience in planning, organizational development, and leadership training programs. He worked for Black & Veatch for sixteen years, formed Upward Consulting in 1989 and has served as a learning organization and process improvement consultant for a number of manufacturing and service companies, and educational institutions. Roberts has worked with K-12 teachers for 30+ years facilitating curriculum development, STEM activities, and providing information on engineering careers. His work at K-State includes outreach and support of STEM programs like Future City, USFIRST, Odyssey of the Mind, Boy Scouts and Engineering & Science Summer Institute (ESSI).

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Gary A. Clark Kansas State University

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Senior Associate Dean and Professor

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Amy Rachel Betz Kansas State University

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Dr. Amy Betz is an assistant professor at Kansas State University in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. She received her Ph.D. from Columbia University in 2011.

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Engineering Education Experience, E3, for Teachers: A Professional Development Workshop for 6–12 Engineering EducationAbstractThis paper describes a professional development program for middle and high school teachers,counselors, and administrators designed to provide information about grades 6–12engineeringcurricula, engineering career paths, and the impact of engineering on society and the economy.The program, Engineering Education Experience (E3) was developed at _____________, a mid-western university with a comprehensive engineering college. Created to support the______________ Act by the State of ______________, the program was presented to teachers,counselors, and administrators from across the state. The ______ Act provides funding for thestate’s three engineering colleges to increase the number of engineering graduates in the state.The goal of the act is to increase the number of engineering graduates by nearly 60% over thenext ten years. In support of this goal, ________________ created E3 to inform workshopparticipants of engineering as a topic of study and career path with the intent of reaching middleand high school students in their school settings.During summer 2012, two 3-day workshops were hosted, one on the campus of______________ and the other workshop was at _______________________. Participantsreceived 20 hours of professional development or one graduate credit hour in engineering.Curriculum for the workshop was planned and implemented to allow participants to betterunderstand the field of engineering and related careers, engineering education at__________________, preparation for study of engineering, and how to introduce engineeringeducation into classrooms and school settings. Specific topics covered were 1) design process, 2)problem-solving, 3) nanomaterials and bioengineering, and 4) energy and environmental issues.Activities and discussions allowed the teachers to extend their knowledge of STEM and to meetwith ________ administrators, faculty, and students in an effort to better understand theengineering curriculum, support services, and partnership opportunities.A total of 66 teachers and counselors participated in the E3 workshops, including 21 males(38%) and 41 females (62%). Participants attending the _________________ workshopsrepresented over 20 school districts across the state, including middle and high school math,physical science, biological science, and gifted teachers, along with counselors andadministrators. Participants completed a pre-workshop survey to determine their existingknowledge of engineering and what they hoped to learn from the workshop. They alsocompleted a post survey to evaluate the workshop. Results of the pre and post surveys arepresented in the paper. A majority of the responses were favorable to the E3 workshops, with98.5% of participants rating Overall Quality of the Presenters/Sessions as very good or excellent.Participants indicated satisfaction in presentations of the many areas and applications ofengineering, variety of programs and careers associated with engineering, and engineering-related activities for the classroom, including specific information on bioengineering andnanomaterials, and wind energy. The paper includes discussion topics, presentations, and lessonplans developed for the E3 program and used during the workshop, including hands on activitiesrelated to energy and nanomaterials.

Grauer, B., & Roberts, K. L., & Roberts, T. C., & Clark, G. A., & Betz, A. R. (2013, June), Engineering Education Experience, E3, for Teachers: A Professional Development Workshop for 6–12 Engineering Education Paper presented at 2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Atlanta, Georgia. 10.18260/1-2--19519

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