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Engineering Future Chemical Engineers: Incorporation Of Process Intensification Concepts Into The Undergraduate Curriculum

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2010 Annual Conference & Exposition


Louisville, Kentucky

Publication Date

June 20, 2010

Start Date

June 20, 2010

End Date

June 23, 2010



Conference Session

NSF Grantees Poster Session

Page Count


Page Numbers

15.489.1 - 15.489.14



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Paper Authors


Rebecca Toghiani Mississippi State University

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Dr. Rebecca K. Toghiani is an Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering at MSU. She received her B.S.ChE, M.S.ChE and Ph.D in Chemical Engineering from the University of Missouri-Columbia. She received the 1996 Dow Outstanding New Faculty Award and the 2005 Outstanding Teaching Award from the ASEE Southeastern Section. A John Grisham Master Teacher at MSU, she is an inaugural member of the Bagley College of Engineering Academy of Distinguished Teachers. She has also been recognized at MSU with the 2001 Outstanding Faculty Woman Award, a 2001 Hearin Professor of Engineering award, and the 1999 College of Engineering Outstanding Engineering Educator Award.

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Adrienne Minerick Mississippi State University


Keisha Walters Mississippi State University

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Dr. Keisha B. Walters is an Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering at Mississippi State University. She received her B.S. degree in Biological Sciences from Clemson University in 1996 and her M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Chemical Engineering from Clemson University in 2001 and 2005. Dr. Walters has taught the undergraduate and graduate Transport Phenomena, Heat Transfer, Fluids, and Advanced Polymeric and Multicomponent Materials courses. Dr. Walters is a member of the MSU Bagley College of Engineering Academy of Distinguished Teachers and has been a member of ASEE since 2002

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Priscilla Hill Mississippi State University

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Dr. Priscilla Hill is an Associate Professor in the Dave C. Swalm School of Chemical Engineering at MSU. She earned her .S. and M.S. degrees in chemical engineering from Clemson in 1982 and 1984, respectively; and her Ph.D. from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst in 1996. While at MSU she has taught the graduate level chemical engineering thermodynamics course and various undergraduate core courses including Process Design, Plant Design, Mass Transfer and Thermo II. As a result of receiving an NSF CAREER award in 2005, she developed a split level elective course in particle and crystallization technology. Her research interests include crystallization, particle technology, population balances and process synthesis of solids processes.

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Carlen Hennington Mississippi State University

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NOTE: The first page of text has been automatically extracted and included below in lieu of an abstract

Engineering Future Chemical Engineers: Incorporation of Process Intensification Concepts into the Undergraduate Curriculum. ABSTRACT

Process intensification (PI) encompasses a broad spectrum of activities focused on identifying fundamental limitations in a chemical production route, and developing or combining processes to minimize resource utilization and optimize product quality. Such activities are essential to industrial competitiveness as they can enhance safety, increase operating efficiency, lower energy usage, reduce capital costs, and/or reduce waste emissions and process hazards. Improving processes using PI concepts requires engineers to integrate many fundamental concepts and goes beyond traditional unit operations. Engineers are often taught how to synthesize a process by linking together standard unit operations, but are frequently not trained to synthesize processes through linking together fundamental concepts in new ways for novel and efficient process designs. This project seeks to correct this deficiency through the development of instructional modules for use in existing courses.

Four core chemical engineering courses are targeted: fluid flow operations, heat transfer operations, mass transfer operations, and chemical reactor design. Over the three-year CCLI project, activities/modules will be developed and incorporated into each of these courses, with each activity/module focusing on a particular element from the process intensification spectrum and designed to also enhance vertical concept integration. This poster presentation will focus on the activities and modules developed in Year 1.


The chemical industry faces numerous challenges in the coming years due to decreasing availability of raw material and energy resources. Thus, existing processes must operate in an efficient manner, with maximum yield of products from a fixed feedstock. Development and design of new chemical processes requires chemical engineers to sequence production steps to accomplish the necessary transformative steps taking the feed material and converting it in to a product or products with acceptable market value. The manner in which the conversion is accomplished may vary slightly from company to company; however, the traditional approach has been to sequence single-purpose unit operations to accomplish the conversion. This has been a very successful strategy in the past, and has been the model for instruction of chemical engineering design education.

In recent years, a paradigm has begun to emerge in the industry, whereby two or more steps in the production sequence are combined to yield a more energy efficient or more environmentally friendly process to accomplish multiple steps

Toghiani, R., & Minerick, A., & Walters, K., & Hill, P., & Hennington, C. (2010, June), Engineering Future Chemical Engineers: Incorporation Of Process Intensification Concepts Into The Undergraduate Curriculum Paper presented at 2010 Annual Conference & Exposition, Louisville, Kentucky. 10.18260/1-2--16774

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