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Flipping the Biomedical Engineering Classroom: Implementation and Assessment in Medical Electronics Course

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2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition


Indianapolis, Indiana

Publication Date

June 15, 2014

Start Date

June 15, 2014

End Date

June 18, 2014



Conference Session

Biomedical Division Poster Session

Tagged Division


Page Count


Page Numbers

24.617.1 - 24.617.6



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Paper Authors


Jean-michel I. Maarek University of Southern California

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Jean-Michel I. Maarek received his engineering degree in Chemical Engineering in 1980 from the Ecole des Mines in Nancy, France, his Doctorat Ingénieur in Biomedical Engineering in 1984 from the Université Paris Val-de-Marne in Créteil, France, and his M.S. degree in Education in 1997 from the University of Southern California. His research interests include engineering education, in relation to the use of information technology for teaching and learning in the undergraduate classroom.

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Flipping the Biomedical Engineering Classroom Implementation and Assessment in Medical Electronics Course (Works in Progress)The flipped classroom paradigm inverts the traditional model “teaching during lecture” followed by“learning through homework” by delivering the instruction online ahead of the more cognitively learningtasks which take place in the classroom. We are implementing this approach for instruction delivery andlearning in a junior-level course in analog electronics for Biomedical Engineering undergraduates. The learning content is available through narrated video recordings developed using Microsoft“Powerpoint” and Techsmith “Camtasia Studio” and posted on the course management system“Blackboard”. Development of the learning content follows a backwards design in which specificlearning objectives are first identified before assessment activities are outlined to test achievement of thelearning objectives, which is followed by exposition of the learning content congruent to the learningobjectives. Several problem solving examples are included in the presentations. Solutions are included forsome problems and students must attempt solving the other problems on their own ahead of the in-classlessons. They also prepare “watch summary questions” to summarize the content of the lessons. The first 15 min of class time are spent with the students discussing in small groups their lessonsummary, answering each other’s questions, and comparing solutions to the sample problems from thelessons. Students then work collaboratively to solve circuit analysis problems, including computersimulation exercises developed with National Instruments “Multisim” which test their understanding ofcircuit behavior when components change or become faulty. Open-ended design activities allow thestudents to design a circuit and test their design against pre-defined design requirements within the circuitsimulation environment. During that time, the instructor circulates in the classroom to provideindividualized and small group guidance. To compare the problem solving abilities of the students in the flipped classroom and in thetraditional lecture format, we plan to compare the students’ performance on multiple choice examsquestions (MCQ) which require the students to analyze circuits and solve for a circuit parameter. Weexpect that the flipped classroom paradigm will improve the performance of the bottom third of studentswho may be more engaged and compelled to apply the course content in multiple situations with feedbackfrom their classmates and the instructor. Students’ engagement will be gaged by examining classattendance numbers in the flipped classroom in comparison with the traditional format. To analyze thestudents’ problem solving strategies, a multi-dimensional rubric is designed to measure various aspects ofproblem solving strategies for circuit analysis and design. An observer administers the rubric in classwhile students work on problem solving and circuit design activities. Application, analysis, and evaluation, are essential traits associated with engineering educationthat are promoted in the flipped classroom paradigm. By increasing the amount of time the students spendengaged in circuit analysis and design problems, and enriching the environment in which these activitiesare performed with peer learning and instructor feedback, the flipped classroom paradigm appears wellsuited for teaching and learning electronics in biomedical engineering curricula. Our experience willreveal some of the essential benefits of this pedagogical model for BME education.

Maarek, J. I. (2014, June), Flipping the Biomedical Engineering Classroom: Implementation and Assessment in Medical Electronics Course Paper presented at 2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Indianapolis, Indiana. 10.18260/1-2--20508

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