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Part-Time Faculty in Engineering Technology

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2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition


Vancouver, BC

Publication Date

June 26, 2011

Start Date

June 26, 2011

End Date

June 29, 2011



Conference Session

ETD Design V: Classroom Delivery, Course Content, and Assessments

Tagged Division

Engineering Technology

Page Count


Page Numbers

22.1140.1 - 22.1140.27



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Paper Authors


Terri L. Talbert-Hatch Indiana University Purdue University, Indianapolis

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Terri Talbert-Hatch is the Assistant Dean for the Purdue School of Engineering and Technology, IUPUI. In this position she is responsible for recruitment of undergraduate students and all scholarships. She is responsible for all marketing for the school including program brochures and the school’s website. She also oversees the School’s Career Services office and is the advisor to the school’s student council. She received her Bachelor’s in General Studies and M.S. in Adult Education at IUPUI. She is currently working on her dissertation toward an Ed.D. in Higher Education Administration at Indiana University.

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Stephen Hundley Indiana University Purdue University, Indianapolis

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Stephen P. Hundley is Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Undergraduate Programs and Associate Professor of Organizational Leadership in the Purdue School of Engineering and Technology at Indiana University Purdue University, Indianapolis (IUPUI).

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Part-time Faculty in Engineering Technology: Needs, Uses, Perspectives, and RecommendationsMany engineering technology programs in the United States employ part-time faculty toaugment the work of full-time faculty, manage enrollment and employment fluctuations, andprovide subject-matter-expertise that may otherwise be lacking in a particular context, amongother reasons. The preparation, performance, and impact of part-time faculty is significant, ashigher education leaders and external stakeholders press for quality, accountability, andcontinuous improvement of programs and institutions. Thus, a challenge for engineeringtechnology programs is to make certain that part-time faculty members possess both theacademic and professional qualifications for employment, and to ensure that these colleagues areappropriately supported in order to be effective in their role.This paper presents results of a qualitative study of part-time faculty members in engineeringtechnology and other disciplines at .The rationale for employing part-time faculty, institutional types that most heavily rely on part-time faculty, the strengths and challenges associated with part-time faculty, and the relationshipsbetween full-time faculty and part-time faculty will be described. Specific attention will be paidto the reasons part-time faculty seek affiliation with the institution, the expectations part-timefaculty have concerning their role, and the self-reported satisfaction levels of part-time faculty.Examples of part-time faculty perspectives from engineering technology will be examined,compared, and contrasted with those of other disciplines.Recommendations will center on: (1) determining the conditions under which part-time facultyare needed; (2) recruiting and selecting part-time faculty effectively; (3) orienting, training, anddeveloping part-time faculty for their role; (4) monitoring, supporting, and evaluating part-timefaculty; (5) rewarding and recognizing part-time faculty; and (6) enhancing and leveraging part-time faculty as key resources in engineering technology programs. Implications for engineeringtechnology students, full-time faculty, part-time faculty, administrators, and policymakers will bediscussed. Considerations for policy, practice, and future research will also be highlighted.

Talbert-Hatch, T. L., & Hundley, S. (2011, June), Part-Time Faculty in Engineering Technology Paper presented at 2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Vancouver, BC. 10.18260/1-2--18627

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