Vancouver, BC
June 26, 2011
June 26, 2011
June 29, 2011
Poster Sessions for Unit Operations Lab Bazaar and Tenure-Track Faculty
Chemical Engineering
22.1160.1 - 22.1160.6
Jason Keith is an Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering at Michigan Technological University. He is co-chairing this poster session which the Chemical Engineering Division would like to feature at future conferences.
Roger C. Lo is an Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering at California State University, Long Beach. He received his Ph.D. from Texas A&M University in May 2008. Roger teaches undergraduate and graduate required courses (fluids, math, and transport phenomena) and also numerical analysis using Excel and MATLAB for chemical engineering calculations. Roger's research interest focuses on microfluidics and its applications to solving chemical and biological problems, such as fuel cells, microreactors, and high-throughput chemical/biological assays.
Poster Session for Tenure Track Faculty Organized by: Donald P. Visco, Jr. Department of Chemical Engineering Tennessee Technological University And Jason M. Keith Department of Chemical Engineering Michigan Technological UniversityAbstracts from this session will be featured in a poster session at the ASEE Annual Meeting. Thegoal of the session is to allow tenure-track faculty or instructors to share their research effortsand their pedagogical interests with their peers at other institutions. The posters will have abouthalf of the material related to research related pursuits with the rest containing information onteaching efforts/interests. A hopeful outcome of the session is that new faculty/instructors begiven the opportunity to discuss collaborations with faculty at another university to aid the goalsof their research and/or teaching. Jeffrey A. Nason, Ph.D. School of Chemical Biological and Environmental Engineering Oregon State UniversityResearch InterestsMy research interests are in the areas of aquatic chemistry and physical/chemical treatmentprocesses, with a focus on particle dynamics in natural and engineered systems. Current researchis focused on understanding the fate and transport of engineered nanomaterials in theenvironment. The rapid development of novel nanomaterials and their incorporation intoconsumer products has not been paralleled with an equal effort investigating the possibleenvironmental implications. Increasingly, the properties of engineered nanoparticles (ENPs) aretailored for specific applications through the use of organic capping agents. The propertiesimparted by the capping agents are also likely to influence the transport, toxicity and fate ofthese materials in the environment. In addition to the purposeful tailoring of ENPs, it is wellestablished that natural organic matter (NOM), which is ubiquitous in surface water, will interactwith natural colloids and ENPs, influencing their environmental behavior. The overarchingobjective of our current work is to develop an improved understanding of the roles of syntheticcapping agents and NOM in controlling the homogeneous and heterogeneous aggregation ofENPs in aquatic environmental systems. The poster will discuss recent results examining theinteractions between NOM and gold nanoparticles with different capping agents.Teaching/Education InterestsMy teaching responsibilities include undergraduate courses in Material Balances and AirPollution Control. I also teach graduate courses in Aquatic Chemistry and Physical/ChemicalTreatment Processes. In all of these courses, I strive to incorporate active learning techniquesand peer-instruction, along with appropriate uses of technology in the classroom. The MaterialBalances and Stoichiometry course is a large interdisciplinary course that is required ofchemical, biological and environmental engineers in our program. In this course, I utilize aWeb-based Interactive Science and Engineering (WISE) learning tool developed here at OSU.The WISE learning tool allows the instructor to pose questions to the class that probe forconceptual understanding and supports a variety of student response types including: multiplechoice answers, multiple choice with short answer follow-up, numerical answers, short answers,and Likert-scale surveys. The tool provides formative assessment of student learning, allows forimmediate feedback by the instructor, provides rich opportunities for peer-instruction, andfacilitates education research.At present we are exploring the extent to which student performance on WISE activities,perception of WISE as a useful teaching and learning tool, and participation using WISE in theMaterial Balances course correlates with student approaches to learning as determined by theColorado Learning Attitudes about Science Survey (CLASS) and the Revised two-factor StudyProcess Questionnaire (R-SPQ-2F). In promoting conceptual understanding, we hypothesize thatthe WISE activities will appeal to students who take a deep approach to learning. However,realizing that students’ perceptions of the WISE tool will also be influenced by factors includingthe active learning environment and the immediate feedback it promotes, these aspects of studentperception will be evaluated in an additional survey of student opinions at the end of the course.This work is part of a longitudinal study which seeks to determine the extent to which activelearning approaches can change students’ approaches to learning.
Visco, D. P., & Keith, J. M., & Nason, J. A., & Lo, R. C., & Abulencia, J. P., & Mendez, S. (2011, June), Poster Session for Tenure Track Faculty Paper presented at 2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Vancouver, BC. 10.18260/1-2--18379
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