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Quiz Re-takes: Which Students Take Advantage and How Does it Affect Their Performance?

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2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition


Seattle, Washington

Publication Date

June 14, 2015

Start Date

June 14, 2015

End Date

June 17, 2015





Conference Session

Environmental Engineering Pedagogy and Innovation

Tagged Division

Environmental Engineering

Tagged Topic


Page Count


Page Numbers

26.1298.1 - 26.1298.11



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Paper Authors


Stephanie Butler Velegol Pennsylvania State University, University Park

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Stephanie Butler Velegol has been teaching Environmental Engineering courses in the Civil Engineering Department at Penn State for 7 years. She has pioneered the use of Flipped classes to increase active leaning in the classroom. In addition she has worked with dozen on undergraduate students on a sustainable process using the seeds of the Moringa tree to produce clean water in developing communities around the world.

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Kathy Schmidt Jackson Pennsylvania State University, University Park

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Kathy Jackson is a Senior Research Associate at Pennsylvania State University’s Schreyer Institute for Teaching Excellence. In this position, she promotes Penn State’s commitment to enriching teaching and learning. She works in all aspects of education including faculty development, instructional design, engineering education, online teaching and learning, learner support, and evaluation. In addition, she is an Affiliate Faculty in the Higher Education Department where she is the instructor for a course on college teaching.

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Quiz re-takes: Which students take advantage and how does it affect theirperformance?Even though we know that students learn best from their mistakes, we often do not allowstudents to learn from their mistakes. Typically engineering students are given one chance toshow what they know in a quiz or exam. Once the quiz or exam is turned back the students maybe given a solution but rarely have any incentive to look at it again.In this presentation I will discuss the incorporation of quiz re-grading in a large 3rd yearIntroduction to Environmental Engineering class. Graded quizzes were returned to students withminimal comments. The students then had one or two weeks to return the quiz and correct theirmistakes and earn up to 50% of their missed points back. No points were returned unless thestudents explained what they did wrong and how to correct their mistakes. The instructor wasavailable during normal office hours to help students with their questions about the quiz.This presentation will address two research questions: 1. What are the characteristics of thestudents who took advantage of the quiz re-grading? This will be discussed in terms of academicperformance and demographics. 2. Did the students who took advantage of this opportunityperform better than expected on the cumulative final exam? This will be assessed through astatistical analysis of a group of students who took advantage of the re-grade vs. those who didnot.Finally I will discuss the students’ feedback about this opportunity. Students were given surveysthat addressed why students did or did not decide to use the quiz re-grading. The surveys alsoaddressed how the quiz re-grading opportunity changed their self-efficacy during the taking ofthe quiz.

Velegol, S. B., & Jackson, K. S. (2015, June), Quiz Re-takes: Which Students Take Advantage and How Does it Affect Their Performance? Paper presented at 2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Seattle, Washington. 10.18260/p.24635

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