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Supporting Change in Entrepreneurship Education: Creating a Faculty Development Program Grounded in Results from a Literature Review

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2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition


Indianapolis, Indiana

Publication Date

June 15, 2014

Start Date

June 15, 2014

End Date

June 18, 2014



Conference Session

Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation Division Technical Session 6

Tagged Division

Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation

Page Count


Page Numbers

24.1144.1 - 24.1144.12



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Paper Authors


Sarah Giersch Broad-based Knowledge

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Sarah Giersch is a consultant for Broad-based Knowledge (BbK), where she conducts quantitative and qualitative evaluations for BbK's higher education clients. Giersch also consults in the areas of archiving digital materials. Prior to joining BbK, Giersch worked for Columbia University libraries, guiding the growth and development of the online research repository. Giersch also has consulted in the area of education technology and specifically on implementing, evaluating, conducting outreach for, and promoting the sustainability of education digital libraries. Prior to establishing a consulting practice, Giersch worked in the private sector, conducting market analyses and assessments related to deploying technology in higher education. She received an M.S.L.S. from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.

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Flora P. McMartin Broad-based Knowledge, LLC

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Flora P. McMartin is the founder of Broad-based Knowledge, LLC (BbK), a consulting firm focused on the evaluation of the use and deployment of technology assisted teaching and learning. Throughout her career, she has served as an external evaluator for a number of NSF-funded projects associated with faculty development, community building, peer review of learning materials, and dissemination of educational innovation. She is PI for the project ”Learning from the Best: How Award Winning Courseware has Impacted Engineering Education.” This research focuses on determining how high quality courseware is being disseminated and what impact it is having on the culture of engineering education as measured by changes in student learning, teaching practices, and the careers of
the authors of these materials.

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Elizabeth Nilsen National Collegiate Inventors & Innovators Alliance (NCIIA) Orcid 16x16

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Elizabeth Nilsen is Senior Program Officer for Epicenter at NCIIA. Her professional focus is on the development and growth of STEM and innovation ecosystems. Prior to joining NCIIA, she led STEM initiatives at the Penn State Center, Pittsburgh, was the southwest regional coordinator for the Pennsylvania STEM Network, and served as the director of outreach and new economy program development at the Institute of Advanced Learning & Research, a Virginia Tech initiative. She earned her B.A. from Stanford and an M.B.A. from Northeastern University.

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Sheri Sheppard Stanford University


Phil Weilerstein National Collegiate Inventors & Innovators Alliance (NCIIA)

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Phil Weilerstein is the executive director of the National Collegiate Inventors and Innovators Alliance (NCIIA). As an entrepreneur in a not-for-profit organization, Phil has grown the NCIIA ( from its founding as a grassroots group of enthusiastic university faculty to an internationally known and in-demand knowledge base and resource center that supports and promotes technology innovation and entrepreneurship to create experiential learning opportunities for students, and successful, socially beneficial businesses. NCIIA does this by providing a linked sequence of programs that move faculty and student entrepreneurs from innovative ideas to launching start-up companies. Phil began his career as an entrepreneur as a student at the University of Massachusetts, where he and a team, including his adviser, launched a start-up biotech company. This experience, coupled with a lifelong passion for entrepreneurship, led to his work with the National Collegiate Inventors and Innovators Alliance. He is a founder of the Entrepreneurship Division of the American Society of Engineering Education and a recipient of the 2008 Price Foundation Innovative Entrepreneurship Educators Award.

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Supporting Change in Entrepreneurship Education: Creating a Faculty Development Program Grounded in Results from a Literature ReviewEpicenter, an NSF-funded STEP Center, is creating a team-based program to supportinstitutional change and faculty development, the Pathways to Innovation Program, with the goalof integrating entrepreneurship and innovation education into formal and informal engineeringcurriculums in higher education. To guide the design and implementation of the facultydevelopment program, a literature review was conducted during June-August 2013 to identifyeffective models and promising practices from the complementary topic areas of facultydevelopment and change in higher education. During the review and selection process, relevantarticles were expected to address the following parameters:1. Scale: the faculty development program should be regional or national;2. Topic: the program should support engineering faculty in adopting or adapting curricula;3. Context: engineering faculty should integrate entrepreneurship and innovation curricula;4. Sustainability: successful changes would be institutionalized at all levels;5. Evaluation: faculty development programs would demonstrate changed attitudes, knowledge, and practices in engineering faculty and students.Although articles that definitively addressed all of these parameters were not found, we wereable to identify articles that reported promising practices or models around Scale, Context, and tosome extent, Evaluation. We synthesized these results into findings about the components ofeffective faculty development and change programs.Components of Meaningful Faculty Development Programs:• The combination of duration, experiential learning opportunities, and peer interaction are factors that contribute to meaningful faculty development programs.• The content and activity of faculty development programs should be constructed around a learning theory and principles of instructional design.• Evaluation, beyond satisfaction, is not conducted programmatically in faculty development programs; but it should be incorporated into every stage of a faculty development program, including pre-planning activities.Components of Fostering Change in Higher Education• Curriculum change must be viewed systemically. It is not merely a matter of ‘adding-on’ or ‘adding-in’ missing or new curriculum components.• Theories of change must guide the work of making change in order to evaluate the success of particular approaches or the impact of the change effort.• External facilitators are essential to managing group change processes and to creating a less stressful learning environment when faculty members begin to question their approaches.Our paper will present detailed results about promising faculty development models andinstitutional and curricular change management processes. It will discuss implications of thefindings and recommendations for the design of the Pathways to Innovation Program. And it willreport on the progress of the program launch (planned for Spring 2014) and integration intoentrepreneurship and innovation curriculums at participating institutions of higher education.

Giersch, S., & McMartin, F. P., & Nilsen, E., & Sheppard, S., & Weilerstein, P. (2014, June), Supporting Change in Entrepreneurship Education: Creating a Faculty Development Program Grounded in Results from a Literature Review Paper presented at 2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Indianapolis, Indiana. 10.18260/1-2--23077

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