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Stepping Outside the Box: Education of Global Engineers

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2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition


San Antonio, Texas

Publication Date

June 10, 2012

Start Date

June 10, 2012

End Date

June 13, 2012



Conference Session

Innovative College-Industry Partnerships for the Future

Tagged Division

College Industry Partnerships

Page Count


Page Numbers

25.1174.1 - 25.1174.18



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Paper Authors


Samuel P. Clemence Syracuse University

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Samuel P. Clemence, P.E., Laura J. and L. Douglas Meredith Professor for Teaching Excellence, L.C. Smith College of Engineering and Computer Science,
Syracuse University, is a Fellow in the American Society of Civil Engineers, a member of Chi Epsilon and Sigma Xi, and was elected to Tau Beta Pi as an Eminent Engineer in 1977. He has received Outstanding Teacher awards at the University of Missouri, Rolla (1974-75, 1976-77) and at Syracuse University (1988-89). The Division of Higher Education and Ministry of the Methodist Church selected him as the 1990 Scholar/Teacher of the Year at Syracuse University. Clemence received the 1998 Outstanding Educator Award from the St. Lawrence Section of the American Society for Engineering Education. He served as Senior Associate dean of the L.C. Smith College of Engineering and Computer Science from 1991-1996. He is the Editor of three books and author or co-author of more than 60 technical publications. Clemence received his Ph.D. in civil engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology in 1973.
He is a registered Professional Engineer in the state of New York.

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Sharon W. Alestalo Syracuse University

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Sharon W. Alestalo, M.S., is the Program Director for Syracuse University’s Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) program within the Colleges of Engineering & Computer Science and Arts & Sciences at Syracuse University. Sharon came to the University with 25 years of practical and executive experience in social action venues and eight years in higher education settings. Her bachelor’s and master’s degrees are from the University at Albany in sociology and rehabilitation counseling respectively. In addition to managing programs in the academy, Alestalo has worked with adults with a variety of disabilities and with children and families in both service and administrative capacities. During this time, she has developed an expertise in girls and women’s issues, cultural competency, managing not-for-profit agencies, and program development and evaluation.

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Shobha K. Bhatia Syracuse University

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Shobha Bhatia’s areas of specialization are geotechnical and geosynthetic engineering. Her research is funded through an extensively funded research program and she has produced more than eighty technical publications in prestigious journals and conference proceedings, invited participation in national and international conferences, as well as key note addresses, short-courses, and service and leadership on numerous technical committees. Bhatia’s extensive research has achieved both breadth and depth, ranging from the material characterization of soils to the application of geosynthetics and natural materials in waste containment, road and building construction, and erosion control. She has held numerous offices such as Vice President of the North American Geosynthetics Society (NAGS) and member of the prestigious Technical Committees Council and International Activities Committee Task Force of the Geo-Institute of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). Her collaborative research is further evidenced by her new vision which brought together the leaders in the field ranging from psychology, management, law, public policy, and sociology to deal with a variety of issues concerning women and leadership. A case in point is the awarding of the ADVANCE Institutional Transformational Award for Women in Engineering Leadership Institute (WELI) (National Science Foundation, May 2003-2006). This multi-institutional proposal was accomplished by Bhatia and other internationally-renowned leaders from Utah University, Iowa University, University of California at Davis, University of Central Florida, Guelph University, and University of Louisiana. The main findings and contributions resulted in a coauthored book entitled “Engineering Women and Leadership,” published by Morgan & Claypool Publisher, La Porte, Co.

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Eric M. Lui Syracuse University

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Eric M. Lui received his B.S. degree in civil and environmental engineering with high honors from the University of Wisconsin at Madison, Wis., and his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in civil engineering (with emphasis in structural engineering) from Purdue University, Ind. Since joining the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Syracuse University, Lui has taught a variety of undergraduate and graduate courses in the areas of mechanics of materials, numerical methods, structural analysis and design, and green technology and sustainability. He was named a recipient of the College of Engineering and Computer Science Crouse Hinds Award for Excellence in Teaching in 1997, received the College Educator of the Year Award from Technology Alliance of Central New York in 2007, was named the Laura J. and L. Douglas Meredith Professor for Teaching Excellence in 2007, and was awarded the College Faculty Excellence Award in 2009. Furthermore, he is the recipient of the ASCE Committee on Student Services Certificate for Exemplary Services in 2000, has served as the Faculty Advisor of Syracuse University's Chapter of ASCE for more than a decade, and was named recipient of the ASCE Faculty Advisor Reward Program from 2001 to 2003. Lui has been a long-time member of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), and has served on a number of ASCE publications, technical, and educational committees. He was the Associate Editor (from 1994 to 1997) and later the Book Editor (from 1997 to 2000) for ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering. He is also a member of other professional organizations such as the American Society of Engineering Education, American Institute of Steel Construction, American Concrete Institute, American Academy of Mechanics, and Sigma Xi.

He has been listed in more than ten Who's Who publications, and has served as a consultant for a number of state and local engineering firms.

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Ossama M. Salem Syracuse University

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Ossama (Sam) Salem, Ph.D., P.E., CPC, LEED AP, is Yabroudi Chair Professor of sustainable civil infrastructures and professor of construction engineering and management in the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, L. C. Smith College of Engineering and Computer Science, 151M Link Hall, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY 13244-1240; Phone: 1-315-443-3401; Fax: 1-315-443-1243; Email: Web:

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Stepping Outside the Box: Education of Global EngineersAbstract:Learning to work effectively within the global context of today’s world requires both technicaland intercultural competency beyond what is gained in a traditional course of study. Accordingto the 2006 article “The globally competent engineer: Working effectively with people whodefine problems differently” by Downey, Et al., a global engineer “possesses the knowledge,ability and interpersonal skills to work effectively with people who define and solve problemsdifferently than they do.” Working closely with the (company name) Company, in collaborationwith the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department at (University Name), an innovativeprogram has been developed to address the educational challenge of how to provide studentswith distinctive skills sets to enhance their capacity as global civil engineers in real and practicalways; and how to maximize practical experience, professional development, and careeropportunities through university-industry partnerships and networks. The result is a uniqueprogram that engages American and Middle Eastern engineering students to work together in asummer internship in (city and country name) at the (company name) Company. Through acombination of learning and discussion sessions at corporate headquarters, hands-on experienceon actual project sites, and visits to architectural/engineering firms and fabrication shops,students learn the detailed workings of the contracting and construction industry in (city) and theregion. During this time, American and Middle Eastern students also work collaboratively onteam projects. By working, learning and living side-by-side with professionals and students fromother countries and disciplines, lessons learned in the pre-internship six-week seminar focusingon the history, culture, traditions and customs of the Middle East are reinforced. Thus theprogram commendably inculcates the skills and behaviors essential to intercultural andcommunication competency. The practical application and the social-cultural learningopportunities create a cluster of experiences for the professional growth and personaldevelopment so necessary to becoming an effective global engineer. Program evaluation showsthat students are positively influenced by each component; the experience-based learning with anindustry partner and the cultural awareness seminars. In addition, the combination of bothcomponents unequivocally creates substantial growth in students especially the myriad ofprofessional skills that go beyond technical expertise and which are so critical to professionalsuccess in a global world. This paper will discuss the program design, implementation, andevaluation results as well as the implications for engineering education and study abroadprograms.

Clemence, S. P., & Alestalo, S. W., & Bhatia, S. K., & Lui, E. M., & Salem, O. M. (2012, June), Stepping Outside the Box: Education of Global Engineers Paper presented at 2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, San Antonio, Texas. 10.18260/1-2--21931

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