A Gallery of CAD Generated Imagery: Pedagogical Reflections Michael P. Hennessey, Peter S. Rhode, and Allen C. Jaedike School of Engineering, University of St. Thomas 101 O’Shaughnessy Science Hall, 2115 Summit Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota 55105-1079 Email: mphennessey@stthomas.edu Abstract A gallery of imagery generated from many of the recent CAD (computer-aided-design, or graphics) projectsundertaken by St. Thomas undergraduates in mechanical engineering courses (Engineering Graphics in particular)are
Reflections on Fifteen Years of Service-Learning Projects in Thailand Richard Vaz Worcester Polytechnic Institute.I. IntroductionWorcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) provides international experiences for over 50% of itsengineering students, more than any other US-based university. As part of its internationalofferings, WPI has since 1989 been sending mixed teams of engineering, science, andmanagement students to Bangkok to complete 8-week interdisciplinary projects. These projectsconnect science or technology to social issues and human need, and have been sponsored by Thainonprofit organizations, government agencies
Using Wikis and Weblogs to Support Reflective Learning in an Introductory Engineering Design Course Helen L. Chen1, David Cannon2, Jonathan Gabrio, Larry Leifer2, George Toye2, and Tori Bailey2 Stanford Center for Innovations in Learning1/Center for Design Research2 Stanford University, USAAbstract An observation and a pedagogical challenge often found in project-based design coursesis that students see what they have produced but they do not see what they have learned. Thispaper presents preliminary findings from an NSF-sponsored research project which experimentswith the use of weblogs and wiki environments, two
Designing Effective Electrical Engineering Laboratories Using Challenge- based instruction that Reflect Engineering Process Lason L. Watai, Arthur J. Brodersen, Sean P. Brophy Vanderbilt University School of Engineering, Nashville, TNI. IntroductionIn electrical engineering, physical lab courses should provide a multi-facet environment thatenables students to apply concepts and principles to design, synthesize and analyze electricalcircuits and systems, and gain practical “hands-on” experience, knowledge, and skills and givestudents “a feel” for problem solving. However, students are often ill prepared to perform thelabs and few resources are available for students to learn how to
School of Mines24 has added anePortfolio component to their freshman program (~370 students) and University of TexasAustin25 has developed an ePortfolio system presently in use by more that 600 engineeringstudents.In this paper, we present an extensive study involving approximately 1250 engineering studentsengaged in the use of ePortfolios.Use of the ePortfolio at Virginia TechIn fall 2003, Virginia Tech began a university-wide pilot of an electronic portfolio system inresponse to a recognized need to support student reflection and the purposeful collection ofacademic work over time. Using software available through the Open Source PortfolioInitiative, a group of faculty, with the support of the university’s Educational Technologydivision, began
. Furthermore, historical reflection will be addressed through theintegration enhancing student knowledge of Roman architecture.This paper presents the results of assessment for this integrated approach of teaching 3-DAutoCAD and makes recommendations to the university community for future 3-D AutoCADteaching. Many issues related to integration of computer technology and architecture historywere discovered which will provide valuable information for future course format and contentnot only for AutoCAD courses, but also for architecture history courses as well as architectureand interior design studio courses.I. IntroductionTraditional 3-D AutoCAD Course Format and ContentIn traditional 3-D AutoCAD course, instructors only demonstrate new commands to
of the 2005 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright © 2005, American Society for Engineering Educationdiscussed in this paper. This is accomplished by utilizing the experimental method of caustics.The determination of SCF is beyond the scope of this paper.Optical method of causticsThe method of caustics is relatively new as it was developed in the last 30 years. The methods oftransmitted and reflected caustics in various investigations have proven to be a powerful methodto measure stress intensity factor at a crack tip in static and dynamic fracture mechanicsproblems9,10. In 1991, the use of the method by undergraduate students was suggested to extractmode I stress
objectives listed for the course on the syllabus were the following: • Understand the importance of self-knowledge. • Enhance developmental and interpersonal skills. • Explore various leadership frameworks. • Understand gender influences in society and on leadership. • Discover the multi-disciplinary nature of leadership studies. • Identify and discuss ethical dilemmas in leadership. • Develop a personal definition of what it means to lead and of the role of personal responsibility in leadership. • Begin building a leadership portfolio that demonstrates and integrates classroom learning, leadership experiences, and personal reflections
knowledge inscience and technology to students with different backgrounds; (4) promotes reflective anddivergent thinking, self-directed learning, and encourages collaboration.The need to improve project-based instruction and include studies of the project method inpre-service teacher education is emphasized in literature5. However, only minimalinformation is available on educational approaches and examples of courses which prepareteacher students to guiding design projects. Clear recommendations for development of suchcourses are currently required.This paper considers our Teaching Methods in Design and Manufacturing course in whichstudents study engineering subjects and gain project guidance skills. The students performlaboratory and project
givenlearning situation14. It involves both knowledge about and regulation of one’s own cognition,including knowledge about one’s strengths and weaknesses as a learner, learning strategies, andwhen and where to use different strategies. Metacognitive knowledge increases incrementallyover time through practice by developing expertise within a specific domain, reflecting onexperiences, and engaging in peer-regulated and autonomous learning experiences14, 15. Peer-regulated learning, the process by which metacognitive knowledge can be developed throughlearners interacting with other learners who are slightly more advanced than themselves,provides learners the opportunity to observe the proficient use of metacognitive skills and servesas a standard against
detected on the same side (reflectance mode) or the opposing side (transmissionmode) after traversing the vascular tissues between the source and the detector.10 When afingertip is simplified as a hemispherical volume that is a homogenous mixture of blood (arterialand venous) and tissue, the detected light intensity is described by the Beer-Lambert law: 11 ( )( )( I t = I 0 e − µ atT e − µ avV e − µ aa A ) (1)where I0 is the incident light intensity, It is the light intensity detected by the photodetector, andµat, µav, and µaa are the absorption coefficients of the bloodless tissue layer, the venous bloodlayer, and the arterial
the need for reflection in criticalthinking for ill-structured problem scenarios. Students often assume that whatever enhancesperformance in the short-term will enhance performance in the long-term, but in fact,circumstances that make initial acquisition more difficult may improve later performance. Afocus on metacognition may fall into that category. Numerous studies have shown that goodproblem solvers (experts) differ from poor problem solvers (novices) in their use ofmetacognition. Although few studies have directly assessed whether the relationship is causal,the assumption is that as students become more aware of their own thinking and problem solvingprocess and of the effectiveness of different strategies, their learning will be
of engineers in Australia.The course was developed and analysed using an action learning approach. The mainresearch question was “Can extra teaching and learning activities be developed that willsimulate workplace learning?” The students continually assessed and reflected upon theircurrent competencies, skills and abilities, and planed for the future attainment of specificcompetencies which they identified as important to their future careers. Various evaluationmethods, including surveys before and after the course, were used to evaluate the actionlearning intervention. It was found that the assessment developed for the course was one ofthe most important factors, not only in driving student learning, as is widely accepted, butalso in
the College of Engineering. This redesign resulted in changes tocourse curriculum and coordination and hiring/management of faculty.The increased focus on educational research has had multiple effects on EngE1024, including theincorporation of outcomes of ongoing research projects, such as the incorporation of electronicportfolios for assessment and reflection purposes originated from an NSF Bridges to EngineeringEducation grant and use of a ‘spiral curriculum’ approach from an NSF Department-levelReform grant.The change in paradigm resulted in significant personnel changes. For the first time, thedepartment hired graduate and undergraduate teaching assistants to aid in course developmentand implementation. Also, to provide faculty time to
achievement of the learningobjectives, provide students an opportunity to reflect on their accomplishments, and makeprogram improvements. The main components of the assessment system are regularly scheduledstudent surveys and facilitated discussion sessions. This paper presents the results of anexploratory analysis of the survey instrument to assess its structure. Here we also discuss thebenefits and challenges of using such an instrument.IntroductionAs cross-functional teams have become more prevalent within professional work environments,so have interdisciplinary project-based teams in academic environments. More institutions ofhigher education have been incorporating interdisciplinary education into their curricula.Common goals of these programs
summarizes students’ self-reportedpreferences for receiving information visually or verbally, processing information in an active orin a reflective manner, focusing on sensory or intuitive types of information, and understandinginformation in a sequential or a global fashion. The ILS can be used to identify an overallpreference or to describe a degree of preference (mild, moderate, strong) for a learning style, andis a valid assessment tool for the purpose of discussing teaching and learning [2,7]. With priorInstitutional Review Board approval (#UT316), we administered the ILS to all students attendingthe first day of the Fall 2002 session of ENGR 100, the first-semester introductory engineeringcourse at Tulane University. The ILS was administered a
semiconductor device courses are typicallyreliant on visualization methods. 20 16 Active Reflective Sensing Intuitive 15 12 CountCount 10 8 5 4 0 0 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10
actions and knowledge about their current practice. Consequently,we used four analytical themes (Reflections on Practice, Changes in Practice, Intentions toChange Practice, and Change in Knowledge) to examine the likelihood that what teachersencountered in the course would transfer to their classrooms. Three graduate students allowed usto gather data over a semester to develop in-depth cases. The teachers were Alice, an elementaryteacher; Denise, who taught at a Science Center; and Dana, a high school chemistry teacher.Alice intended to change, or changed things, such as teaching the design process explicitly,learning the science behind engineering concepts, developing activities for young children, usingeveryday contexts, and planning a model
4.06 4 8 4.0 4Student Feedback on the Impact of the Module SurveysTo gauge the impact of the module surveys on student learning from the students’ perspective,the students were asked to answer the following two additional open-ended questions whichwere to be submitted with the last module: How well did you reflect on the course topics (orintended learning outcomes) in the course modules before completing the module survey? Howdid the module survey impact your learning in this course? Here are representative samples ofstudent responses:“It was a good tool at going over the important points in my head and holding me accountable tolearn them. I’ve gone back a couple of
University and Columbia University.The National Society for Experiential Education (Honnet and Poulsen 1989) delineatesprinciples of good practice in combining service and learning involving an effective andsustained program. Based on these principles, the people with needs are able to define theirneeds and those providing the service are engaged in responsible and challenging actions for thecommon good. Furthermore, there are training, supervision, monitoring, support, recognition,assessment included in the process and it provides structured opportunities for people involved toreflect critically on the service experience. In particular, the reflection characteristic of service-learning endeavor distinguishes it from traditional design-across-the
. Page 10.881.1 Proceedings of the 2005 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright 2005, American Society for Engineering EducationFelder Learning Style Model and Instructional TechnologyThe Felder Learning Style Model identifies characteristics of the learners according to fourcategories: Active/Reflective, Sensing/Intuitive, Visual/Verbal and Sequential/Global4. TheFelder-Soloman Index of Learning Styles (ILS), a psychometric instrument associated with themodel, is freely available online5. Literature review, most notably of the work by Felder, showsthat there is a mismatch between learning styles of engineering students, who areoverwhelmingly Active, Sensing and Visual
/airmixture. The second plate contained a series of peripheral channels, creating a venturi thatintroduced and blended propane into the incoming air stream. This design then provided ameans to accurately control fuel/air mixture for experimental purposes, as required.The spark ignition system differs from a typical small engine in that it supplies multiple sparksper stroke rather than the single spark from a magneto input. The system sparks continually at arate of approximately 1 kHz when triggered by the input sensors. The spark system is describedin more detail in the authors’ previous paper1. After initial testing, this spark system was alteredby adding a second reflective sensor on the camshaft. The original version had only a singlereflective
teacher assumes as an adviser. Students work in groups to solve challenging problems that are original,curriculum-based, and often interdisciplinary. Students take the active role to decide how totackle a problem and what activities to pursue. Students gather information from a variety ofsources and synthesize, analyze, and derive knowledge from it. Their learning is inherentlyvaluable because it is connected to something real and involves liaison skills such ascollaboration and mediation. The most important element is reflection. Students candemonstrate their newly acquired knowledge in the final report. Students are judged by thepresentation and peer assessment. The role of teachers, unlike traditional classroom teaching,is to provide
sample. The instrument wasadministered on-line and over 500 students completed it. The results were subjected topsychometric analysis to investigate reliability and validity and to extract trends in the data withrespect to field of study and gender.IntroductionThe Index of Learning Styles©, created by Felder and Soloman,1 is designed to assess preferenceson four dimensions of a learning style model formulated by Felder and Silverman.2 The ILSconsists of four scales, each with 11 items: sensing-intuitive, visual-verbal, active-reflective, andsequential-global. Felder and Spurlin3 summarize the four scales as follows: • “sensing (concrete, practical, oriented toward facts and procedures) or intuitive (conceptual, innovative, oriented
--learning by attempting to solve anopen-ended realistic problem--is effective. So one joint objective of each team was to find a goodchallenge problem.“…students have a difficult time understanding all the different parameters and boundaryconditions that go with each of these models [of light propagation]. So what we had was alearning problem. Students have a hard time learning which models to use and understandingeach of the models and we needed a different approach to teaching this and learning it. So whatdid we do? Well, we gave the students a design problem actually. We asked them to come upwith a method of measuring the oxygen content inside somebody’s head.” [quote from faculty 1]The LS helped by posing reflective questions such as ‘what do
my Interest Did this program affect your interest in engineering in any 71% 5% 18% way? Definitely Sort of Not Sure No Did this program make you feel more confident about 48% 24% 28% 0% your ability to learn math and science? In addition, students were asked two open ended questions about what they likedmost and least about the lesson and its related activities. Their comments reflected thatthey enjoyed the hands-on activities such as using the shake table and building their ownstructures. Students described the
doing a good job of teaching, andmay unnecessarily drop the course or drop out of school. While the instructor may be partly at Page 10.1482.1 Proceedings of the 2005 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright 2005, American Society for Engineering Educationfault, the student’s performance can usually be improved through better preparation andimproved metacognitive knowledge monitoring.Metacognitive knowledge monitoring is the skill of reflecting on one’s learning to judge yourlevel of mastery. Research on metacognitive knowledge monitoring has demonstrated
. Beginning as industrial arts with the objective to educate high school students inaspects of an increasingly more industrialized society, the name technology education wasofficially adopted by the primary professional association – International Technology EducationAssociation on February 20, 1985 to reflect the field’s transition toward an educational focus onthe technological underpinnings of society.7 To a large degree, this transition reflected arecognized need within the general K-12 educational scheme to prepare non-college bound highschool graduates to directly enter the workforce with a suite of technological skills. Eachtransition in the growth and development of the field was accompanied by an appropriate shift inthe educational schema
designcourses provide an opportunity to assess all of the a-k outcomes. Such assessment is clearlypossible within materials science and engineering programs, where design projects typicallyrequire student teams reflect back through their coursework to determine the types of testsneeded to evaluate material properties, and to design processes and experiments appropriate formodifying those properties according to defined project criteria. Because the projects draw onthe full breadth of student learning, they offer a potential resource for comprehensive assessmentof student performance, both individually and programmatically. The project cannot teach all ofthe relevant issues but, when managed with outcomes assessment in mind, can provide a strong
reflect on theirlearning both individually and with peers, timely and constructive feedback, and an environment Page 10.1053.3that supports and encourages inquiry. Equally, in their seminal publication, “How People Learn”,Bransford8 et al. argue that individuals learn best when their preconceptions regarding a Proceedings of the 2005 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright © 2005, American Society for Engineering Educationparticular subject are drawn out and engaged, when they are provided with a deep foundation offactual knowledge developed and organized in the context