curriculum updates. This access reduced the timeneeded for course development and allowed faculty more time in the classroom and laboratory.To participate in the Cisco CNAP program, faculty must be certified in order to have access tothese resources. CCNA certification indicates a foundation in and apprentice knowledge ofnetworking. CCNP certification indicates advanced or journeyman knowledge of networks. Page 10.809.5 Proceedings of the 2005 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright © 2005, American Society for Engineering EducationIn addition to industry certification(s
variation and howGD&T can monitor and control this variation, we have created several families of parts withintentionally distorted geometry. To illustrate the concepts, tolerances are large and variationsare readily apparent. Parts within each family have different amounts of variation from perfect;some are within specification and others are not, mirroring the “real world.” Page 10.1450.1A student’s task is to “build” CAD fixtures, to measure the variation in each part and compare itto the GD&T specifications. Since each student is assigned a different part to inspect, s/he must Proceedings of the 2005 American Society for
2 Bravada0 Bravada1 Bravada2 Bravada3 1 50 0Vehicle Speed (mph) 40 Acceleration (mph/s
. American Association of Higher Education Series of Service-Learning in the Disciplines. Available at the AAHE website at .4. Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (2004) Engineering Criteria. Available at ABET website at .5. American Society of Engineering Education (1994) Engineering Education for a Changing World. A joint project report of the Engineering Deans Council and the Corporate Roundtable of the ASEE. Available at the ASEE website at .6. Eyler, J., Root, S. & Giles, D.E. (1998) “Service-learning and the development of expert citizens: Service- learning and cognitive science.” In With Service in Mind : Concepts and Models for Service Learning in Psychology
Conference & Exposition. 4. Bloom Benjamin S. and David R. Krathwohl. Taxonomy of Educational Objectives: The Classification of Educational Goals, by a committee of college and university examiners. Handbook I: Cognitive Domain. New York, Longmans, Green, 1956. 5. D. E. Richards, "Integrating the Mechanical Engineering Core," Proceedings of the 2001 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, American Society for Engineering Education, Washington D.C., 2001. Presented 26 June 2001 in Albuquerque, NM. 6. InformationMICHAEL A. COLLURA is a Professor of Chemical Engineering at the University of New Haven. He received hisB.S
, workplace and marketplace of today and tomorrow willrequire the leaders of tomorrow to understand and to implement diversity principles in all areasof their enterprises.American industries need continuing intellectual capital to grow their businesses and sustaintheir competitive advantage. The old adage holds:” If not us who; If not now when.”Since the early 1990’s, companies have begun to see diversity as a business issue – needed tosustain and to improve their competitive advantage.Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology Diversity Thrust AreasOn March 20, 2004, the ABET Board of Directors proposed and adopted the following policystatement on diversity: ABET is committed to developing and using the talents of all qualified
background information & the significance of this paper and its impact on the field? • What approach was used to address the hypothesis or accomplish the goal? • What were the results of the paper? o Were appropriate controls used? o Was each figure necessary? o Is more data needed? • Are their conclusions accurate (correlate well with the data presented) or are the conclusions over-stated? • What does the work contribute to the field? • Did the work address the hypothesis? Support or refute it? • What is at least one future direction and the method/s to use to address it? A rough draft was completed prior to the final deadline and returned after
Page 10.563.7course revision is to increase student retention in engineering, this result is of great concern to the “Proceedings of the 2005 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright © 2005, American Society for Engineering Education”instructors. However, there is some indication that many of the student criticisms related to thisissue reflected issues that arise when a course is being taught for the first time.As an example: There was a philosophy of the instructors not to give the students all of theinformation on some projects at the start, so that the students would be forced to discuss the projectwith their teammate(s), analyze the problem, note any information they
Beyond the Academic Gatekeepers: The Tenure Process. APA Online.Retrieved on Dec. 29, 2004 from Kim, S. (January 2003). The impact of research productivity on early retirement of university professors.Industrial Relations, 42, 1,6. Retrieved January 3, 2005 from Brown, M., Doll, C., Ghitelman, W., & Lozada, V. (2002) The Bumpy Road to Tenure. Chicago BusinessOnline. Retrieved May 27, 2004 from EVANECKYDonna Evanecky started teaching as an assistant professor for Purdue University School of Technology in 2001 afteran
.Case 4: Assume zero initial conditions, x1 (0) = x 2 (0) = x&1 (0) = x& 2 (0) = 0. Now, let B1=B2=1.5 N-s/m.Assume the forces are: f1(t)=0; f2(t)=cos(7.42 t). Find the system response. The information required is: a) A plot of “x1 vs. time”, for a time range of 0-20 seconds, and a separate plot for 15-20 seconds. b) A plot of “x2 vs. time”, for a time range of 0-20 seconds, and a separate plot for 15-20 seconds. c) A listing of the m-file. d) An estimate of the steady-state response frequencies and amplitudes for x1 and x2.Case 5: Repeat Case 4, except assume the forces are: f1(t)=0; f2(t)=cos(15 t). Provide the same informationfor this case as provided for Case 4, except the m-file listing is not
. Fridrich, R. Narayanan, S. Tufekci, .D. Whitney, and J. Zeigert, ‘Integrated product and process design”, The Innovator, 6 (1996), pp. 1-15. 4. T. K. Miller II, ”The engineering entrepreneurs program at NC State”, The Innovator, 4 (1995), pp. 12-13. 5. D. F. Schrage, “Integrating graduate and undergraduate education through student design competitions”, ASEE Proceedings, session 1202, 1997. 6. M.Dixoon and C. Barron, “Establishing effective, multi-disciplinary projects”, The Innovator, 8 (1997), pp. 3, 14-15. 7. 8. J. P. Rust, H. Hamondo, E.R. Hewitt, H. W. Shelnutt and T. Johnson, “Quality improvement partnerships with industry using student teams”, International
fuel cost to determine the payback period for theplant. Moreover, the students compared NOx emission from the gas turbine power plant with acoal-fired power plant of the same capacity to understand the impact of using clean natural gas. Another project is to design a 350MW wind farm. In this project, the students were giventhe power required so they only needed to choose the type and number of wind turbines toproduce 350 MW of electricity. Students made the assumptions on the parameters such as heightand wind conditions of the location, spacing between turbines, power coefficient, andefficiencies of the transmission and generation. Based on these data, the students chose 2 MWBonus turbine with a design wind speed of 12 m/s. The total
Legal Studies Curriculum for Technical Professionals Martin S. High, Paul E. Rossler Oklahoma State University Stillwater, OK 74063AbstractA novel curriculum has been designed involving the legal aspects of engineering as they apply totechnology practice. The purpose of the curriculum is two-fold: 1) to make technicalprofessionals aware of how engineering practice relates to an organization’s legal duties and 2)to encourage those professionals to engage in policy debates that shape business regulation andthe common law. From an educational perspective, the curriculum is a logical extension oftraditional science and
Productivity and Human Performance -Completing the Continuous Improvement Spiral- William Swart and Steve Duncan East Carolina University Greenville, NC 27858AbstractSustained success in business requires continuous improvement in productivity. Thedevelopment of productivity enhancement concepts is an ongoing activity that most oftenfalls under the responsibility of units such as industrial engineering, operations research,quality assurance, or engineering services. Once developed, these concepts are typicallyturned over to a training unit who will develop the training program(s) intended toprovide the workforce
/connection_summer03.pdf6. Caffyn, Sarah, “Development of a continuous improvement self-assessment tool,” International Journal of Operations & Production Management, Vol.19 No. 11, 1999, pp. 1138-1153. 38 Page 10.358.9 “Proceedings of the 2005 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright 2005, American Society for Engineering Education”7. Scachitti, S., Neff, G. P., Higley, G., "The Next Level of TC2K: Continuous Quality Improvement," Proceedings of the
, 200114 Hendrix, T. D., J. H. Cross, S. Maghsoodloo, and K. H. Chang. 2002. "EmpiricallyEvaluating Scaleable Software Visualizations: An Experimental Framework," IEEE Transactionson Software Engineering, Vol. 28, No. 5, 463-477.8. Biographical InformationDavid A. Umphress is an associate professor of computer science and software engineering atAuburn University. He is the lead investigator of the AU OK project.James H. Cross II is professor of and chair of the Department of Computer Science and SoftwareEngineering Department at Auburn University. He is the director for the jGRASP project.Larry A. Barowski is a computer science doctoral candidate at Auburn University. He is the leadprogrammer for jGRASP
? How long has it been inbusiness? Where are its headquarters? What products does it produce? What geographicmarkets does it serve? How many employees does it have or appear to have? What percentage ofthe work force are professionals (engineers and/or business)? What type(s) of engineering andbusiness is (are) used in the manufacturing? What differences exist between the company in thevisited country and a similar one in the United States? Does your firm have any comparativeadvantages with respect to other global competitors because of its fit with the conditions(P.E.S.T.) of the country/region in which it operates? What is your firm’s position within itsindustry with respect to cost leadership, differentiation or focus?The final section, is
Solving multidimensional problems through a new perspective: The integration of design for sustainability and engineering education Ryan Legg, Mark Tekippe, Krishna S. Athreya, Mani Mina Iowa State University, Ames, IowaThis paper introduces the concepts and premises of design for global sustainability and itsintegration into engineering education. Since the main premise of engineering is “design withconstraint,” the integration of global sustainability concepts and requirements will offermultidimensional constraints that will enrich the challenges and benefits of engineering. Designfor sustainability is a new interdisciplinary approach to
result of the abovementioned findings and the results obtained.Bibliography[1] ABET (2004-2005), Criteria for Accreditation of Engineering Programs,[2] Barakat N. and M. Carroll, “Teaching Engineering Ethics With a Global Dimension,” Proc. Of the2004-ASEE-NCS Spring Conf., Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI. April 2004.[3] Serdon E. T., Global Challenges for US Engineering Education, 2nd Global Conference on EngineeringEducation, Nashville, TN. June, 2003.[4] Luegenbiehl H. S., Themes for an International Code of Engineering Ethics, Proceedings of the 2003ASEE/WFEO International Colloquium, Nashville, TN. 2003.[5] Barakat N., “Issues and Challenges of Teaching Engineering Ethics,” Proc. Of the CSME 2004
Page 10.1444.7 Time (s) “Proceedings of the 2005 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright © 2005, American Society for Engineering Education”Figure 5. Results of the transient conduction lab for a 1” thick steak subject to a uniform heat flux on one side and convection on the other.ConvectionThe Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology requires that engineering programsdemonstrate that their students have “an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as toanalyze and interpret data” [4]. The heat transfer benches are an ideal platform through which toaccomplish this
not normally teach some of thetopics necessary to successfully design less well-defined, “real world” projects. This paperdescribes the evolution of the integrative senior design course in the Electrical EngineeringProgram at the United States Military Academy (USMA). In the early 1980’s the senior designproject in the Electrical Engineering Program at USMA was an individual project completed atthe end of the final electronics course. The design project has since evolved into a two-semesterdesign course with interdisciplinary group projects. Throughout the two-semester course,students work with a dedicated faculty advisor to develop a written project proposal, several in-progress reviews, a prototype demonstration, and a final report. The
. Figure 1: Format for Weekly Status Report Company Name Here Memo To: Your Team Advisor (either Brackin, Gibson, Chambers, or Sanders) From: Team ____, Include full names of all team members here, CC: Your contact person/s Date: March 1, 2005 Re: Status report of (company or client) project as of week ending __________. Problem Statement : Repeat here each week the GENERAL problem that your team is working to solve. Tasks Accomplished This Week : List SPECIFIC, not general, accomplishments. Avoid vague statements like “we researched” this or that. Tasks to be Accomplished Next Week : Again, you
construction engineering management focus that isintegrated in UAB’s Civil Engineering program at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. Itis envisioned that the civil engineer with adequate education in construction will better serve thecivil engineering profession and help in advancing the industry.Bibliography1) Tener, R. K., “Industry-University Partnerships for Construction Engineering Education.” Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice, ASCE 122 (4), p. 156-162, 1996.2) American Society of Civil Engineers, “The Challenge of the 90’s.” Civil Engineering, ASCE 60(10), p. 44-53, 1990.3) Abudayyeh, Osama; Russell, Jeffrey; Johnston, Dave; and James Rowings. “Construction Engineering and
to 25GPA for all Math & Science Courses Up to 25(P)SAT Score Up to 25Parent(s) Educational Background Up to 25In State Residency Up to 10Family Income Up to 25 Subjective Criteria (maximum 50 points) Category Maximum PointsLetter of Recommendation Up to 25Personal Statement Up to 25Program ExpensesEach year, the EOE staff is required to solicit funding to support the MITE program. In the past,MITE was funded by a
) with a cold war legacy but poised to take on new R&D challenges and Page 10.1315.1respond to initiatives of national import. This proximity to a national laboratory provides anexcellent opportunity for collaborative research. In fact, a memorandum of understanding “Proceedings of the 2005 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright © 2005, American Society for Engineering Education(MOU) has been signed between the University and SRNL and a collaborative proposal hasalready been submitted for review by the U. S. Department of Energy (DOE).Indeed, a larger
Undecided (PSMH) 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 Undecided (HPS) % Lamp OutputFigure 8. Summary of Question 11, Overall Preference.A sample of the illumination levels are shown in Fig. 9. The data was taken in quadrant 1 withthe light pole at the origin. A grid was established using measurement tape and two laser beams.The grid points were set at 26-foot intervals from the light standard. Notice that at grid (5,5) and(104,104) that there are five readings. The central reading is the horizontal illumination and thefour surrounding numbers are the vertical illumination levels facing the compass directions N, E,S, and W. The readings are in LUX not foot-candles. The conversion is 10.76 LUX
theinstitution(s) receiving such degrees across all STEM fields. Page 10.542.2 “Proceedings of the 2005 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright 2005, American Society for Engineering Education”The Teacher Professional Continuum (TPC) Program, 7 which is jointly managed by theDivision of Elementary, Secondary, and Informal Education (ESIE) and DUE, addressescritical issues and needs regarding the recruitment, preparation, enhancement, andretention of STEM teachers for grades K-12. The program’s goals are to improve thequality and coherence of the learning experiences that prepare and
and George List (2004), “The undergraduate research advantage: The split perspective”, ASEE annual conference, Salt lake City. 11. Ronald W. Welch, Mark D. Evans (2004), “Undergraduate independent study research projects”, ASEE annual conference, Salt lake City. 12. K.L.S. Bernhardt and Mary J. S. Roth (2004), “Undergraduate research: The Lafayette experience”, ASEE annual conference, Salt Lake City. Page 10.1143.7 13. David Lilja (1997), “Suggestions for teaching the engineering research process”, ASEE annual conference. Proceedings of the 2005 American Society for
an engineer – where the training is offered by a trade school or ascontinuing education and is not based on “engineering” as we know it.In engineering certification of interest has long been that of PE (Professional Engineer). Thiscertification is more of a license to practice engineering and is required by state law for certainengineering work. Examples of this work are structural designs and pressure vessels. In many, ifnot most states, the offering of engineering consulting services requires at least the principal(s) inthe firm to have a PE. The professional organization for holders of the PE designation is theNational Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE) 1. This organization supports the need for thelicense/certification and provides
instructor’s time or energy. The teaching assistants tabulateand record the data from the timesheets and design project team member evaluationforms in a spreadsheet. Next, the Professor identifies large variations of time on task ormember evaluation scores within a team for subsequent closer examination. If warranted,the Professor may meet with each team member individually to discuss the data and toreceive their input. Moreover, the Professor may consult with the teaching assistants andthe campus technicians to better ascertain the performance of the individual(s) inquestion.Teams are assigned nominal scores on their website, oral design presentation, writtendesign report, and design performance. Individual are scored for their progress reportsand