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Conference Session
Assessment & Quality; Accreditation in Engineering Education
2005 Annual Conference
Melissa Eljamal; Matthew Mayhew; Eric Dey; Stella Pang
Outcomes Assessment in International Engineering Education: Creating a System to Measure Intercultural Development Matthew Mayhew1,3, Melissa B. Eljamal2, Eric Dey1, and S. W. Pang2 1 School of Education 2 College of Engineering The University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48109 3 Current Address: University of North Carolina Wilmington Wilmington, NC 28403AbstractThe University of Michigan College of Engineering has developed a
Conference Session
Issues in Computer Education
2005 Annual Conference
George Stockman
web. We all need tomaintain some fundamental knowledge and procedures on which to build future knowledge. Aninstructor of an IT course should always be ready to switch to research mode and use IT itself toresearch issues and technology [9]. So should students.References[1] website for informatics at Indiana University[2] website for IT at Renssalaer[3] B.M. Lunt, J. Ekstrom, E. Lawson, R. Kamali, J. Miller, S. Gorka, and H. Reichelt, Defining Page 10.333.8 the IT Curriculum: The Results of the Past 2 ½ Years, Session 2558, Proc. ASEE National Conference, (17-21 June 2004) Salt
Conference Session
Multidisciplinary Engineering by Design II
2005 Annual Conference
Linda Head
defineswhat is covered by an LCA, such as the • functional unit – i.e., what exactly is the LCA conducted on, • reference product(s) – existing products that provide the same function, • assessment parameters – such as environmental impacts, resource consumption, and/or work environment, • time horizon – just production, or is the use period included, or the future? • allocation – i.e., allocating impacts amongst various products that are produced in an interrelated way.An LCA inventory includes describing all of the key processes pertaining to the production, use,and disposal or recovery of the product, an inventory of each process exchange with theenvironment, data collection for each process to make best estimates
Conference Session
Capstone & Educational Resource Developments
2005 Annual Conference
Robert Riggins; Bruce Mutter
from the encoders contains position, velocity, and azimuth. • Diffuse Sensors – By emitting light that reflects from a surface back to thesensor, the frequency can be analyzed and compared to a programmedfrequency. The sensors can be programmed to detect a particular frequency (color)on the ground. • Proximity Sensors – By emitting light that reflects from a surface back to thesensor(s), the proximity sensors can find obstructions.Computers The computing system isdivided into two parallel systems.A central computer is responsiblefor planning paths, forcontrolling the vehicle, and forinterfacing to all sensors exceptfor the vision. The secondcomputer system dedicates itself
Conference Session
Computed Simulation and Animation
2005 Annual Conference
Bugra Koku; Ali Sekmen
microcontroller [10] based board(s)that is (are) connected to a PC via RS232 or a similar serial port. PICit1.0 is the first limitedversion of this design paradigm where BS2 is chosen to be the PIC based microcontroller board,and a set of its low- and high-level functions are exported to Matlab. The hardware and softwarecomponents of this system are introduced below respectively.5.1 Hardware: Overview of Basic Stamp 2The Basic Stamp 2 (BS2) microcontroller from Parallax Inc. is an improved version of theoriginal Basic Stamp. Stamps are easy to program and use, hence very popular at elementarylevel education applications. With its small footprint, these microcontrollers ideal for small scaleRobotics and Mechatronics projects. However, at the development
Conference Session
New Approaches & Techniques in Engineering I
2005 Annual Conference
Fazil Najafi
time pedestrians are high, and where shifting lane alignment,turn-only lane assignment, or a pavement-width transition forces a path-following adjustment ator near an intersection (7).Pedestrians Although 75% percent of the elderly that possess a driver’s license are actively driving,there are seniors that do use public transit systems and sometimes walk to their destination if thedistance is minimal. Due to this percentage of non-drivers some alterations or improvements topedestrian design and control devices must be taken into account especially in areas of largeelderly populations. In this case the following features or facets of pedestrian design arerecommended (7): • A walking speed of 2.8 ft/s is recommended for design of
Conference Session
K-12 Programs for Women
2005 Annual Conference
Karen Ramsey-Idem; Sally Pardue; Kristine Craven
activities when the younger attendeeswere still completing four activities. A compromise has been developed for the 2005 program inwhich the 5th / 6th grade teams will continue to complete four 45-minute activities and the 7th / 8thgrade teams will complete three 75-minute activities and have an element of team competition.Another challenge is the increased number of persons to be fed and the logistics to do this in asingle time slot. During 2004 too much time was required to feed everyone and some of the lastparticipants and volunteers to receive their lunch had cold pizza, often finding it difficult to finda desirable choice among the remaining options. For 2005’s program the activities will be re-arranged to provide a staggered lunch period. Also
Conference Session
K-12 Programs for Women
2005 Annual Conference
Elizabeth DeBartolo; Margaret Bailey
most students would never see on a first co-opassignment: communication, event planning, budgeting, and managing volunteers, all for atechnical event.Recruitment for Park and Ride and EYH was done through school guidance counselors as wellas math and science teachers. Brochures were sent to schools both in the city of Rochester andthe surrounding towns; where possible, they were sent directly to a faculty or staff member withwhom contact had previously been made. In addition, the local Girl Scout Council and Societyof Women Engineers Rochester area professional section were notified and included informationabout the event(s) in their newsletters. The target group size is 30 girls for Park and Ride and 80for EYH.Both new events included a
Conference Session
Multidisciplinary Engineering Programs II
2005 Annual Conference
James Farison
Some Characteristics of Highly Ranked Programs in the U.S. News &World Report Ranking of Engineering Programs in Institutions without Doctoral Programs Jim Farison Department of Engineering, Baylor UniversityAbstractMany prospective engineering students and engineering educators and the schools they serve areaware of the U.S. News & World Report rankings. A distinct set of U. S. News & World Reportrankings is the ranking of the undergraduate engineering programs in institutions withoutdoctoral programs in engineering. While many observers point out the subjective and variablenature of these rankings, many also wait eagerly for
Conference Session
Capacity Building: Engineering for Development & Megatrends
2005 Annual Conference
Russel Jones
Page 10.537.8innovation and social well-being is largely dependent on the internal skills they have at Proceedings of the 2005 American Society for Engineering Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright © 2005, American Society for Engineering Educationtheir disposal. Those are not only important for internal R&D, but even more important tomake sound decision regarding imported technologies. One of the big challenges fordeveloping countries is the scarce participation of researchers in enterprises: in LatinAmerica, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Mexico, Uruguay, have only 20 or 30% of theirresearchers working in firms, compared with 70% in the US. Programs for helping SMEto hire young engineers and other S&T
Conference Session
Innovative & Computer-Assisted Lab Study
2005 Annual Conference
Yi Li; Kai Li; Jing Zhao; Xin Tang
. Cohen, R., “On the Cost of Virtual Private Networks,” IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 8(6), pp. 775-784, Dec. 2000.3. Success Stories: Virtual PC for Student Training. Connectix Website: Liu, S., Marti., W., and Zhao, W., “Virtual Networking Lab(VNL): Its Concepts and Implementation,” ASEE Annual Conf. Proc., Albuquerque, MN, June, 2001.5. Fabrega, L., Massaguer, J., Jove, T., and Merida, D.A, “Virtual Network Laboratory for Learning IP Networking,” in Proceedings of the 7th Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, June 2002.6. Stockman, M., “Creating Remotely Accessible Virtual Networks on a Single
Conference Session
K-12 Poster Session
2005 Annual Conference
Wayne Burleson; Noah Salzman; Christopher Emery; Kevin Kloesel; Sandra Cruz Pol; Omnia El-Hakim; Kathleen Rubin
Congressional Commission on the Advancement of Women and Minorities in Science,Engineering and Technology Development. (September, 2000). Land of Plenty: Diversity asAmerica’s Competitive Edge in Science, Engineering and Technology. National ScienceFoundation, Arlington, VA.Acknowledgement of SupportThis work was supported primarily by the Engineering Research Centers Program of theNational Science Foundation under NSF Award Number 0313747. Any Opinions, findings andconclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do notnecessarily reflect those of the National Science Foundation.Biographical InformationNOAH SALZMANNoah Salzman is a M.Ed. candidate in the School of Education at the University of Massachusetts
Conference Session
ECE Online Courses, Labs, and Programs
2005 Annual Conference
Justin Davis
Designing an Evolving System-on-Chip (SoC) Laboratory Justin S. Davis Mississippi State UniversityAbstractIn the digital age, information is very easily accessible. This creates many problems forthe traditional classroom which uses the same exam questions and lab assignments fromone semester to the next. Instead of fighting the flow of information (which industry hasfound to be exceptionally hard), the learning environment must adapt to not only toleratethis, but use it to further educate. We have redesigned our digital systems design courseto incorporate these changes.In traditional digital systems design, silicon chips from different manufacturers arebrought
Conference Session
International Engineering Education I
2005 Annual Conference
Margaret Pinnell; Carl Eger
understanding of appropriate technology. 6. Expose students to developing creative, innovative solutions to engineering problems: Limited materials, time and equipment and appropriate technology considerations require the students to develop creative and innovative solutions to the problem(s) during their service-learning internship. 7. Enhance the ability of students to function effectively on engineering and interdisciplinary teams: Preparatory workshops, especially the cultural immersion workshops, include team-based activities. Participants in the cultural immersion workshops are from a variety of majors and engineering disciplines. In most service- placements, the students work on projects that involve
Conference Session
Emerging Trends in Engineering Education Poster Session
2005 Annual Conference
Anna Lambert; Aaron Robinson; Charles Camp; Jeff Marchetta; Laura Lackey; Stephanie Ivey
, J.N., Durrant, S. O., Terry, R.E., “Use of the Kolb Learning Cycle and the 4MAT System in Engineering Education,” Journal of Engineering Education, 82, 2, pg. 70-77, 1983. 20. Felder, Richard. “Reaching the Second Tier: Learning and Teaching Styles in College Science Education,” Journal of College Science Teaching, May 1993, pg. 286-290. 21. Stone, R., and McAdams, D. “The Touchy-Feely Side of Engineering Education: Bringing Hands-on Experiences to the Classroom,” 35th American Society for Engineering Education Midwest Section Conference Proceedings, Omaha, Nebraska, April 2000. 22. Felder, Richard, Silverman, L. “Learning and Teaching Styles In Engineering Education,” Journal of Engineering
Conference Session
Curriculum Innovation & Assessment
2005 Annual Conference
Richard Whalen; Susan Freeman; Beverly Jaeger
5 10 10 8 5 10 8.3 Function files 10 8 10 10 10 10 9 10 9.6 Formatting iomanip 8 2 5 5.0 - fprintf 6 ~ 10 10 10 9 2 9.5 7.8 - cout, printf 6 10 10 10 10 9 3 10 8.3 Random #'s
Conference Session
College/University Engineering Students K-12 Outreach
2005 Annual Conference
Malinda Zarske; Jacquelyn Sullivan
Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET). Accessed December 23, 2004. < >.5. Noddings, N. Gender and Curriculum. In Jackson, P.W. (Ed.) Handbook of Research on Curriculum. New York, NY: Macmillan Publishing Co., 1992.6. Matyas, M. L. and Malcolm, S. Investing in Human Potential: Science and Engineering at the Crossroads. Washington, DC: American Association for Advancement of Science, 1991.7. Oakes, J., Gamoran, A. and Page, R. N. Curriculum Differentiation: Opportunities, Outcomes, and Meanings. In Jackson, P.W. (Ed.) Handbook of Research on Curriculum. New York, NY: Macmillan Publishing Co., 1992.Biographical InformationJACQUELYN F. SULLIVAN is a founding co-director of the Integrated
Conference Session
Curriculum Issues in Software Engineering
2005 Annual Conference
Barbara Bernal
://[15][16][17][18][19] Naur, P., and Randell, B., (1969). Software Engineering: A Report on a Conference Sponsored by the NATO Science Committee, NATO.[20] Notkin, D., Gorlick, M., & Shaw, M. (May 2000) An Assessment of Software Engineering Body of Knowledge Efforts.[21] The Joint Task Force on Computing Curricula - IEEE Computer Society and Association for Computing Machinery. (August 23, 2004). Software Engineering 2004.[22] Thomas, B. B., Duggins, S. L. (July 2002) "The Internationalization of Software Engineering Education" 2002 American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Montreal
Conference Session
Capstone/Design Projects: Information/Computer ET
2005 Annual Conference
David Loker
Disconnect Complete Disconnect Complete s 0405 0400 0100 13 0405 0400 0100 13 eThe next command was the Write Connection Accept Timeout, which told the module themaximum amount of time to wait for a connection accept response from the host. Associatedwith this was the Write Page Timeout, which defined the maximum time the local device willwait
Conference Session
Multidisciplinary Engineering Courses II
2005 Annual Conference
Michael Gregg
Criteria for Evaluating Engineering Programs, 2005-6, ABET, Baltimore, Md. 11/01/04 6 Frank G. Splitt, McCormick Faculty Fellow, McCormick School of Engineering and Applied Science, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, email correspondence 11/23/04 7 C.F. Mason, On the Economics of Eco-Labeling, University of Wyoming, 2002 8 R. Sedjo and S. Swallow, Eco-Labeling and the Price Premium, Resources for the Future, Washington, D.C., 1999 9 Paul Anastas and Julie Zimmerman, Design through the 12 Principles of Green Engineering, Environmental Science and Technology, March 1, 2003, p. 95, American Chemical Society.Mr. Gregg is
Conference Session
Instrumentation and Laboratory Systems
2005 Annual Conference
Robert Bertini; Christopher Monsere
, and the National Science Foundation.References1. Felder, R.M. and R. Brent. Learning by Doing. In Chemical Engineering Education, Volume 37 No. 4, 2003, pp 282–283.2. Bertini, R.L. and M. Lasky. Frontier Project Evaluation of Video Recognition Travel Time System (Draft). Portland State University, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Portland, OR, 2004.3. Bertini, R.L. and S. Tantiyanugulchai. Transit Buses as Traffic Probes: Empirical Evaluation Using Geo- Location Data. In Transportation Research Record, Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., 2003. (In Press).BiographiesROBERT L. BERTINIDr. Robert L. Bertini is an Associate Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental
Conference Session
Graduate Student Experiences
2005 Annual Conference
Timothy Murphy
for Research on Learningand Teaching at the University Of Michigan for valuable advice and conducting the midtermstudent feedback session. The authors would also like to thank the EECS Dept. Chair Prof. DavidMunson for his encouragement of this project.Bibliography1 Wankat, P. C. and Oreovicz, F. S., Teaching Engineering, available online at ChE/News_and_Events/Publications/teaching_engineering/index.html.3 R.M. Felder and L.K. Silverman, J. Engr. Education, 78(7), 674 (1988).5
Conference Session
Retention Issues
2005 Annual Conference
Walter Fisher
International SUN Conference on Teaching andLearning: “Cooperative, Collaborative, and Team-Based Learning,” University of Texas at El Paso, Session #50,March 5 – 6, 2004.8. Corwin, S., and Chase, J., Peer Instruction for Student Engagement, NSF # 0229652, May 01, 2003.Astin, A. W., "The Measured Effects of Higher Education," Annals of the American Academy of Political andSocial Science, Vol. 404, pp. 1-20, 1972.9. Bohrson, W.A., Kurtz, M.J., Piacsek, A.W., Glasby, S.P., and Gellenbeck, E.M., In Answer to a NationalChallenge: A Pilot Program to Increase Participation in Science, Technology, and Mathematics [STEM] Fields,NSF # 0230395, January 01, 2003
Conference Session
MIND Education Trends
2005 Annual Conference
Benjamin Flores; Jana Renner Martinez; Ann Darnell
& Exposition Copyright © 2005, American Society for Engineering Education”[3] Foertsch, J.A., Alexander, B.B., and Penberthy, D.L. (1997). Evaluation of the UW-Madison’s SummerUndergraduate Research Programs, Madison, WI: University of Wisconsion-Madison, LEAD Center.[4] May, G.S. (1997) An Evaluation of the Research Experiences for Undergraduates Program at the GeorgiaInstitute of Technology, Proceedings of the Frontiers In Engineering Conference, Pittsburg, PA.[5] Alexander, B.B., Foertsch, J.A., Daffinrud, S. and Tapia, R. (1998). The Spend a Summer with a Scientist (SaS)Program at Rice University: A Study of Program Outcomes and Essential Elements, 1991-1997, Madison, WI:University of Wisconsin-Madison
Conference Session
Recruiting, Retention & Advising
2005 Annual Conference
Frank Jacobitz; Kathleen Kramer; Rick Olson
Academic Achievement of Engineering Students”, Journal of Engineering Education, v. 86, n. 2. 1997, pp125-132.[3] Bradley, W. L., and S. Bradley, “Increasing Retention by Incorporating Time Management and Study Skills into A Freshman Engineering Course," Proc. of the 2004 ASEE Annual Conf. and Expo., Salt Lake City, UT.[4] Blowers, P., “A Course in Freshman Survival Skills,” Proc. of the 2004 ASEE Annual Conf. and Expo., Montréal, Quebec, Canada.[5] Carter, R. L., M. Hoit, and T. Anderson, “Factors Influencing Freshmen Retention in Engineering Programs,” Proc. of the 2003 ASEE Annual Conf. and Expo., Nashville, TN.[6] Minitab User’s Guide 2: Data Analysis and Quality Tools, Minitab, Inc, 2003.Biographical InformationRICK T. OLSON is an
Conference Session
Multidisciplinary Engineering Program Innovation
2005 Annual Conference
David Russomanno; Anna Lambert
commitments,yet she was retained in the University as a part-time student. Interestingly, hercircumstances have changed and she is currently a CSEMS recipient for the 2004-2005academic year, meaning she has been able to return to her studies on a full-time basis.Goal 2’s objective to decrease the average time to degree completion for CSEM studentsalso compares favorably within the Herff College of Engineering, and The University ofMemphis total student body as well. Seven (7) of the initial twenty-five (25) recipientsgraduated within the first year of the program, and nine (9) graduated within the secondyear of the program.Program data revealed that Goal 3 was met as the 2002-2004 CSEMS graduates reflect ahigher percentage of underrepresented
Conference Session
New Learning Models
2005 Annual Conference
Johannes Strobel; David Jonassen
meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA.20 Hong, N.S., Jonassen, D.H., & McGee, S. (2003). Predictors of well-structured and ill-structured problem solving in an astronomy simulation. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 40 (1), 6-33. Page 10.598.10 Proceedings of the 2005 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference& Exposition Copyright © 2005, American Society for Engineering Education
Conference Session
DEED Poster Session
2005 Annual Conference
Mei-yi Lau; Ming-yin Chan
in theirlearning contract. This brings finally to the nature of the use of project method, which is in contrast toexaminations. In a nutshell, one of the most appropriate teaching and learning methods forstudents’ all-round development is group project-based learning. Page 10.699.12 “Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education, Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright © 2005, American Society of Engineering Education”Bibliography1. Nightingale, P., TeWiata, I., Toohey, S., Hughes, C., Ryan, G. & Magin, D. (1995). A resource for improving the practice of assessment in
Conference Session
Educational Research Initiatives at NSF
2005 Annual Conference
Theo Brower; Meredith Knight; Chris Rogers
advisor also guides the summer work. During the senior year, Robotics Academy work becomes more regular and morespecialized. The team(s) meet once a week to assign responsibilities and report on theirprogress during the previous week. These team meetings are organized and run by theRobotics Academy graduate student coordinator. The role of the graduate studentcoordinator is to help answer basic questions, coordinate meetings, and keep track of thematerial procurement and budget related tasks. The graduate student coordinator alsomakes sure that the team keeps on schedule to hit major deadlines, but the team membersthemselves handle most time management. The final product of Robotics Academy projects has two components: a robot anda
Conference Session
K-8 Engineering & Access
2005 Annual Conference
Malinda Zarske; Rene Reitsma; Martha Cyr; Nancy Shaw; Michael Mooney; Jacquelyn Sullivan; Paul Klenk
.) Handbook of Research on Science Teaching and Learning. New York, NY: Macmillan Publishing Co., 1994, pp. 542-557.20 Atwater, M.M. “Research on Cultural Diversity in the Classroom.” In D.L. Gable (Ed.) Handbook of Research on Science Teaching and Learning. New York, NY: Macmillan Publishing Co., 1994, pp. 558-576.21 Bonangue, M.V. “Long Term Effectiveness of the Calculus Workshop Model.” A presentation as part of Increasing Minority Participation in Math-Based Disciplines, a Chautauqua Shortcourse, University Extension Services, California State University, Long Beach, April 1992.22 Gersten, R. and Baker, S. “What We Know about Effective Instructional Practices for English-Language Learners.” Exceptional Children, 2000, 66(4), pp. 454