Service Learning in the U. S. Virgin Islands National Park: A Virtual Preservation Project Karen J. Horton, Constance Holden, Ken Wild University of Maine/National Park ServiceAbstractIn the spring term of 2004 twelve students and two faculty members at the University of Maine(UM) participated in a service learning project for the U. S. Virgin Islands National Park (thePark) on St. John. The Park archeologist sought to virtually preserve decaying sugar plantationbuildings using three dimensional computer-aided design (3D CAD) models with photographicskins. The challenges included fast turn-around time, student project management, andunforeseen technical
that defines 5S as: 1) Seiri, 2) Seiton, 3) Seiso, 4) Seiketsu, and 5) Shitsuke 2. TheEnglish-version of the 5S Philosophy stands for 1) Sort, 2) Set-in-Order, 3) Shine, 4)Standardize, and 5) Sustain. Simply stated, it encompasses the philosophy of workplace safetywherein there is a place for everything and everything is in its place – and it is kept that way.“Five S (5S) is a visually-oriented system of cleanliness, organization, and arrangement designedto facilitate greater productivity, safety, and quality. It provides a foundation for moreresponsible behavior on the job—better work, better products, better morale.” 3 Step 1: Sort The goal of Sort is to have a workspace with only the bare essentials required to do thetasks. One
Session xxxx Engineering Design in Five Weeks – Designing a Wind Chime S. Scott Moor Indiana University-Purdue University Fort WayneAbstractProviding first-year students with a realistic engineering design experience is both difficult anddesirable. The benefits of hands-on projects to student learning and to student interest are welldocumented. However, it is a challenge to pose simple design problems that include bothengineering analysis and engineering synthesis. The construction of a wind chime provides anexcellent and yet quick engineering design problem for first-year
Supporting a Meaningful Design-Build Challenge for Freshman Engineering Students S. C. York and T. W. Knott Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech)The second semester Introduction to Engineering course taught by the Department ofEngineering Education (EngE) at Virginia Tech contains a semester-long, design-build, team-based project that constitutes a significant portion of each student’s grade in the course. For thepast three years, EngE has directed students toward the ASEE Engineering Design GraphicsDivision (EDGD) freshman design challenge as the required design project and EngE hasutilized the ASEE project as a vehicle
Session 1668 SHARPENING STATICS AS A TOOL FOR DESIGN: DEMYSTIFYING THE MODELING OF FORCES AT CONNECTIONS Anna Dollár, Paul S. Steif Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering Department Miami University, Oxford, OH 45056/ Department of Mechanical Engineering Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213IntroductionStatics is an early, critical step in preparing engineers, persons who can bridge the gap betweenfundamental concepts of physics and the analysis and design of real mechanical and structuralsystems
A Framework for a Bandwidth Based Network Performance Model for CS Students D. Veal, G. Kohli, S. P. Maj J. Cooper Edith Cowan University Curtin University of Technology Western Australia Western Australia are currently various methods by which network and internetwork performancecan be addressed. Examples include simulation modeling and analytical modelingwhich often results in models that are highly complex and often mathematically based(e.g. queuing theory). The authors have developed a new model which is based
The Integration of State Diagrams with Competency-Based Assessment G. Kohli, D. Veal, S. P. Maj and G. Murphy Edith Cowan University, Perth, Western Australia units in Computer Networking technologies are increasingly popularamongst Computer Science students. However, to test the hands-on component it hasbeen found to be necessary to use Competency Based Assessment (CBA). The hands-on exercises can become outdated very quickly due to the rapid advancement oftechnology. To offset such effects the authors have developed an abstract high levelmodel to aid students’ conceptual understanding across a range of
Session 2158A Conceptual Model as an aid to student understanding of Network Security G. Kohli, S. P. Maj, G. Murphy and D. Veal Edith Cowan University, Perth, WA, Australia is amongst the most widely discussed topics in today’s world of high speed networking.Security broadly deals with problems that affect millions of computer users around the worldeither through the spread of viruses, or information theft from personal computers and networkservers. Security issues can encompass large quantities of detailed information
Engineering Frameworks for a High School Setting: Guidelines for Technical Literacy for High School Students Catherine Koehler1, Elias Faraclas2, Sonia Sanchez2, S. Khalid Latif2, Kazem Kazerounian2 1 Neag School of Education/ 2 School of Engineering University of Connecticut Storrs, CT 06268AbstractThe introduction of engineering concepts into the classroom is a relatively new idea that isbeing adopted and written into several state science frameworks. As part
accomplishing that outcome. Finally, again as othershave done, the committees went the extra step of requiring course chairs to develop sub-outcomes (e.g., course outcomes) that give explicit guidance to faculty about specific results thatare required in individual courses if the broader program outcome(s) are to be achieved. It isthese course outcomes that have taken on a central role in the quality control process.Course Outcomes In identifying course outcomes, the intent of the curriculum committees was to create a setof clear metrics by which course successes could be judged. Thus, it was essential that courseoutcomes be stated in clear terms and in a way that lent them to objective measurement. To thatend, course chairs were charged with
Markov Chains: Reintroducing Lost Knowledge Back into a Modeling and Simulation Course Kathleen M. Kaplan, D.Sc., Lt Col John J. Kaplan (Ph.D., J.D.) USAF Howard University/USAFAbstract“Over 500 educational institutions are using Arena today!” states the popular textbook site.Many of these educational institutions use the Arena textbook in their Modeling and Simulation(M&S) courses. Yet, out of this six hundred sixty eight page M&S book, only one sentencementions “Markovian.” Compare this to a textbook used by the authors in their college years, anentire section is dedicated to “Markov Chains and Their Properties
can be modeled as shown in Figure 3. The transferfunction for this model can easily be shown to be X 1 ( s) K = F ( s) 1 2 2ζ s + s +1 ωn 2 ωnwhere K is the static gain, ωn is the natural frequency, and ζ is the damping ratio. In the timedomain, both ζ and ωn can be estimated using the log decrement method, and the static gaincan be estimated by determining the ratio of the steady state value of the cart
. Although this will "cos t" you tim e before the lab, it will s ave you tim e after the experim ent is perform ed becaus e you will know what to do and what to expect (thus minim izing confus ion and tim e consum ing rework). Enough background m aterial is included in the early experim ents so that they are (hopefully) independent of the cours e m aterial and s equence. The background inform ation also includes an as sociation with concepts from Mechanical Engineering and Phys ics so that m echanical engineering m ajors can develop an understanding of electrical circuits by analogy and electrical engineering m ajors can develop a better unders tanding of mechanical s ys tem s . L AB O R AT O R Y Z E R O C O M P U T E R U S E I S M AN D AT
had yet to be covered in the concurrently taught ES301 “DynamicSystems Modeling and Simulation” course, the block diagram model of the dynamometer setup ofFigure 4 was provided for the students T2 ( s ) Ωm ( s ) I1 ( s ) T1 ( s ) 1 E1 ( s ) + − G1 ( s ) G2 ( s ) +− G3 ( s ) θ (s
answers but were questioned until the answers were veryspecific. Extensive notes were taken throughout the interview using personal shorthand andincluding as many direct quotes as possible. The transcriptions were prepared as Microsoft© textfiles and imported into Atlas TI © hermeneutic software. The demographic information suppliedby the participants was incorporated into each transcript. Using the coding function in Atlas TI©,each file was coded for demographic information: age, profession, gender, max degree, whatdegree(s), time in career, etc. This permitted confirming adequate representation in the sampleset. The sample set was found to include at lease one representative in each of seven age bracketsand representatives from B.S., M.S., and
feedback % Elimination of one loop numg=[1]; deng=[500 0 0]; sys1=tf(numg,deng); numc=[1 1]; denc=[1 2]; sys2=tf(numc,denc); sys3=series(sys1,sys2); % combine series blocks sys=feedback(sys3,[1]) % convert closed into open loop Figure 1-A: Elimination of a single loop example 1 s +1 s+2 2 500s Figure 1-B: Block Diagram of a closed loop systemTime-History CommandsThere are three general ways to create the time-history response
accreditationcriteria 3(a-k) requirements, the Mechanical Engineering (ME) program at Alabama A&MUniversity (AAMU) was designed to meet additional requirements by the American Society ofMechanical Engineers, such as (l) an ability to apply advanced mathematics throughmultivariable calculus, and differential equations; (m) a familiarity with statics, linear algebraand reliability; (n) an ability to work professionally in both thermal and mechanical systemsareas including the design and analysis of such systems; (o) a knowledge of contemporaryanalytical, computational, and experimental practices; (p) a competence in experimental design,data collection, and data analysis; (q) a competence in the use of computational tools; (r) aknowledge of chemistry; and (s
field andequations can be of integral and/or Gauss’s law for Magnetic fields.differential form. We are presenting themhere for future reference. ∫ D • dS = ∫ ρdv s v (5)The first one is Faraday’s law Again, this equation reads as follows; the flow of charges in a wire creates a flow of d∫ E • dl = − dt ∫ B • dSc s (1) current in a wire
circuit in Figure 3 to a 1V step input for a circuitwhere ω n is normalized to 1 rad/s. The figure shows two underdamped cases (α = 0.1 and0.707), one critically damped case (α=1), and one overdamped case (α=1.5). The least dampedcase clearly shows classic damped harmonic oscillation, where energy is being transferredbetween the inductor and the capacitor and slowly dissipated in the resistor, behavior identical tothe damped harmonic motion of the spring-mass-damper system of Figure 2. The transfer of Page 10.394.8reactive power between the capacitor and inductor for the least damped case (α=0.1) is shown in Proceedings of the 2005
PID controller3. It is a combination ofthree distinct components and is used in closed loop feedback systems. In most cases, the inputis the error signal, which is the difference between the system set point value and the system Page 10.128.1output. The controller output signal is Proportional to: the error, the Integral of the error, and theDerivative of the error. The PID has the following form3: “Proceedings of the 2005 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference &Exposition Copyright©2005, American Society for Engineering Education” 1 u( s) = K[1
Proceedings of the 2005 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright 2005, American Society for Engineering Educationfrom the journal time stamps, and entered into an electronic database by date. Data were thenaggregated to the project level to increase the reliability and representativeness of the data. (SeeSobek7 for more detail on the codes and coding protocol.) Design Levels Concept System Detail Design Activities (C) (S) (D) Problem Definition
due to the cable and sample holder Proceedings of the 2005 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright © 2005, American Society for Engineering EducationThe residual inductance, stray capacitance, and resistance of this model were computed by usingtwo-terminal elements, namely, a piece of brass (short circuit) and precision resistor (15 k-Ohm).The total admittance of this model, in general case, can be expressed by 1 Y = G p + jω C p + (1) (Rs + jωLs + Z sample ) Z s = R s + jω L s
generate the results plots are also programmed intomacros.IV. References1 Wosu, S., Lovell, M., and Goldbach, R., “Pitt Engineering Career Access Program: Building aPipeline for Success through Project CARE”, Proceedings of the 2004 ASEE Annual Conference& Exposition, American Society for Engineering Education, (2004).2 Leake, J.M., “Development of an Advanced Course in Computer-Aided Design, Analysis, andPrototyping”, Proceedings of the 2004 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, American Societyfor Engineering Education, (2004).3 Chattopadhyay, S., “Teaching of Design in Various Academic Settings”, Proceedings of the2004 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, American Society for Engineering Education,(2004).4 Hagigat, C., “Using Finite
2, context-free; and Type 3, right linear, leftlinear, or regular. The types are defined by restrictions placed upon the productions; notethat Type 0 does not follow any conceivable set of rules, including production rules.A Type 1, Type 2, and Type 3 grammar is defined as: G = (N, ∑, P, S) Page 10.662.3 “Proceedings of the 2005 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright 2005, American Society for Engineering Education”where N is the set of nonterminals, ∑ is the alphabet, P is the set of productions, and S isthe designated start string
in 20-SIM. It uses standard terminology such as Se for source of effort, I for inertia or inductance, andR for resistance (damping or electrical). GY is used to represent Gyrators, objects that transformeffort input into flow output and flow inputs to effort output (such as voltage to speed andcurrent to torque).In our example the following parameters were used to model the motor. Motor Resistance (R1 = R = 1 Ω) Motor Inductance (I1= L= 0.05 H) Motor Back-EMF Speed Constant (Ke= 0.020V-s) Motor Force/Torque Constant (Kt=0.020N-m/A) Rotational damping coefficient (R2 = B =0.001 N-m-s/rad) Motor Input Voltage (Va= 42.0V) In our example the rotor inertia is varied at four levels 2.4/1.2/0.6/0.06 (kg m2). I
obtained assuming reactor inletand outlet temperatures at 500°C and 900°C respectively. While the heat transfer coefficientvaries with temperature, the unknown bulk temperature Tbulk was found for each section. The gasmass flow rate required was 127.33 kg/s to keep the reactor at steady state. Page 10.866.5 Fig. 3. - PBMR coolant channel schematic [27].Proceedings of the 2005 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & ExpositionCopyright © 2005, American Society for Engineering Education4. SI Process Modeling The first step in creating a computational model of the SI process in order to
the 0-10 scale. There were 17 respondents out of a total of 18.The table also indicates the average percentage obtained by the class in homework, exam 1,exam 2, and the final exam (HW, E1, E2, and FE respectively). Page 10.356.4“Proceedings of the 2005 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright© 2005, American Society for Engineering Education”The last column “S/NS” gives satisfactory (S) or not satisfactory (NS) to each learning outcomeas given by the instructor from the assessment data.“Not satisfactory” remark only indicates that improvement is possible in increasing the overallstudent
]: • Inadequate planning Insufficient capital Page 10.463.1 • • Management failures Proceeding s of the 2005 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright 2003, American Society for Engineering Education • Poor marketing plans & strategies • Legal issues • Lack of vision and missionVirtual globalization of marketplace has reduced even more the chance of success for newstart-up companies, since most of these new companies have few resources available toestablish a strong foundation to compete in the global
rolls% Usage: Die10Roll(N)% First attempt to pick random startup state for randrand('state', sum(100*clock))% Define random arrayX=rand(1,N);% Form array of random integers 1 through 6G=floor(10*X);Listing 4 – used to plot experimental data for five six-sided dice. Roll56 creates the data array Roll56d.% IDiceEx.m% Identical Dice Experimental Data% Run data fileRoll56;% Compute the sumsS = sum(Roll56d');% Set up bin centers for histogrambins = 5:31;% Get frequency count and bin centers[n,xout]=hist(S,bins);% Normalize frequency count as fraction of total triesn=n/sum(n);% Create normalized histogram using bar plotbar(xout,n)% Add axes labelsxlabel('Sum of Spots')ylabel('Fraction of Total Tries')% Change default histogram appearanceh
Session ADDRESSING THE ALTERNATIVE ENERGY WORKFORCE NEEDS Mulchand S. Rathod, PhD, PE Vladimir Sheyman, PhD Division of Engineering Technology College of Engineering Wayne State University Detroit, MI 48202SUMMARY Reliable and alternative energy sources are essential for the economic well being andnational security of the United States of America. Recent spikes in energy prices have