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2013 North Midwest Section Meeting
Adam Kramschuster; Gregory Slupe
for MFGE-325, Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM)establishes eight groups of three students each. Intentionally, each group has studentsrepresenting plastics engineering and manufacturing engineering. Proper group sizing has beencrucial in order to effectively maximize CNC machine tool usage, in addition to facilitatinginner-group collaboration.Prior student knowledge and skill of operational sequencing, proper machine tool setup, toolingselection, and CAM programming are reflected in the choices each group makes as they proceedto manufacture the injection mold inserts in MFGE-325. Groups are also faced with makingdecisions on how to collectively utilize their own talents to assure timely completion for thePLE-310 class (to allow for molding
2013 North Midwest Section Meeting
Nischal Adhikari; Sima Noghanian
with environmental features and make their way to receiver. Interactionincludes: • Reflection off the ground • Reflection off the surface of a building face • Diffraction off of an edge of a building • Transmission through a wallThe software uses advanced high-frequency electromagnetic methods to provide accurate resultsover a frequency range from approximately 50 MHz to 40 GHz. In this paper, we have presentedthe ray tracing software with a unique approach to attract the student by giving a wholesome ideaof designing and running a project in WI. Wireless Ray Tracing Education Land (WRTEL)8,Urbana™ 3-D Wireless Toolkit9,10, SE-RAY-EM11,12 are a few examples of many ray-tracingsimulation software which has different features and
2013 North Midwest Section Meeting
Sousada Chidthachack; Mark A. Schulte; Forster D. Ntow; Jia-Ling Lin; Tamara J. Moore
Program Model For the past two decades, there has been a call from the National Academy ofEngineering, National Science Board, Industry Leaders, Engineering Education leaders andothers for a new model of engineering education that will produce engineers who will meetcurrent and future challenges to keep the United States competitive in an increasinglycompetitive global economy. One common realization is a consensus among engineering 147educators is that to better prepare engineering students, education models need to be improved,moving away from traditional ones to reflect the demands and challenges in work place.2, 8 Inresponse to the urgent needs in engineering education reform, a Midwest
2013 North Midwest Section Meeting
Luis Rodriguez; Gail Coover; Dalelia Davis; Angela Frey; George Johnson; Oumar Kaba; Andrew Pham; Kathlyn Bender
variables including motivation andachievement in the face of challenge or difficulty. Some individuals tend to believe thatintelligence is fixed, not changing over time or across contexts, an “entity theory.” Because theybelieve that ability is fixed, entity theorists [2] are highly concerned with messages and outcomesthat supposedly reflect their "true" abilities. When facing challenges, entity theorists tend todemonstrate lowered focus and task avoidance. Others tend to view intelligence as a quality thatcan be developed and that it changes across contexts or over time, an “incremental theory.”Incremental theorists tend to be more focused on improving rather than proving ability to 439themselves or
2013 North Midwest Section Meeting
Jerry Gao; Lianbo Zhu
construction companies and review their projects and data formats. • Companies and the university establish an agreement of collaboration between the 444 selected companies and classroom teaching. The collaboration assigns responsibilities for each party. • Instructors obtain the initial project data and establish the data server. The raw data will be sorted and processed to make sure the data used for classroom is live, real and reflects the actual construction practice, i.e., typical construction processes that are critical for students learning are selected. • Instructors establish the frequency and channels to update the project data with selected
2013 North Midwest Section Meeting
Francis Peloubet; Eakalak Khan; G. Padmanabhan
this paper.Course Goals and Objectives The course combines all aspects of the preparation, planning, design, and pre-constructionphases of an engineering project into a single comprehensive and meaningful educationalcapstone experience that integrate engineering and management disciplines and reflect real-world engineering design practices. Students, working in small groups, use the knowledge andskills acquired throughout their undergraduate education to develop the documentation requiredfor actual engineering project design (i.e. project analysis, design calculations, drawings, 169material quantities, basic cost estimate, design schedule, and an overall work plan) and presentresults in verbal
2013 North Midwest Section Meeting
Charles McIntyre
course content. 66.7 25.0 5.0 0.0 0.0 3.3 | College 4.072 0.807 5789 | University 4.094 0.870 42537------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------In addition to the six (6) standard questions, instructors are permitted to ask additional ratingquestions on the SROI. For CM&E 111 an additional ten (10) rating questions were generated.These questions were provided to the students a week before the administering the SROI so thatthe students had an opportunity to reflect on their learning. These ten (10) supplementalquestions directly relate to
2013 North Midwest Section Meeting
Christopher R. Carroll
Digital Conversion sixteen analog inputs eight analog inputs Figure 4: Input/Output in the S12 and ATmega32 197 The comparisons for memory and input/output detailed in Figures 3 and 4 reflect the capabilities of the specific processors used on the Dragon-12 and EasyAVR development boards. In each case, many other members of the processor family exist, with varying amounts of memory and input/output capabilities, so either processor family is likely to include a family member that meets the
2013 North Midwest Section Meeting
Bakr M. Aly Ahmed; Khaled Nassar; Mike Christenson
exercise relate specifically to professional careers in AECindustries?14 Physiological factors (e. g., poor vision or hearing), psychological factors (e. g.,emotions or outlook on life), and cultural factors (e. g., cultural heritage and values) are threefactors causing people to perceive things differently and often erroneously.15After analyzing the gameplay, accurate perception is clearly shown to be a factor in students’communication. There is obvious potential to improve the accuracy of students’ self-concept andthe perception of others by identifying perceptual mismatches behind miscommunication, and todevelop the skills of self-reflection, mindfulness, and perception checking.Game Analysis and DiscussionThe game is a cycle of processing
2013 North Midwest Section Meeting
Cristinel Ababei; Anca M. Miron
and conclusions or recommendations expressed herein are those of the authors anddo not necessarily reflect the views of the NSF. The authors also thank the Dept. of ECEat NDSU for providing the lab space and facilities, to prof. Kalpana Katti for thepresentation and tour of her research labs, to the engineers at Phoenix International,Packet Digital, Appareo Systems for their presentations and tours, and to Whitney Conmy,Courtney Becker, and Nancy Rossland for their assistance. Finally, many thanks are due tothe six participants who made WEE-GIRLS 2012 a fun and rewarding experience.Bibliography1. National Council for Research on Women. Balancing the equation: where are women and girls in science.
2013 North Midwest Section Meeting
Nannan He; Gale Allen; Cameron Johnson
experiencesinvolve use of current real-time open-source software and supported microcontrollers.At the beginning, to introduce students the topics on defining real-time systems, power pointslides presentation and class discussion are used to in the lectures. As these topics are the basisfor further learning, it is important to help students to set up a solid and comprehensivefoundation. In class discussion questions are designed to enable student to reflect on keyconcepts in real-time systems, and to encourage active learning. Here are some examples: 1) Arereal-time systems synonymous with ‘fast or high performance’ systems?, 2) “In the statement‘All practical systems are ultimately real-time systems’, what is your idea of the degree of ‘real-time’?, 3
2013 North Midwest Section Meeting
Cory J. Prust; Stephen M. Williams
Subsystem Test Plan 8 Team Charter and Project Plan 9 Subsystem Test Results 10 Personal Growth Plan 11 Formal design reviewTerm 2 – EE-408. In the second course in the three-course EE senior design sequence each teamcompletes the Final Design of their system solution, on paper. Upon reflection, each studentassesses their team processes and defines ways to use team processes more effectively in supportof team productivity. Following that, all major subsystems are built and tested. The second termends with an oral Final Design Review. Throughout the quarter there are weekly meetings withthe advisor. Substantial, continuous individual
2013 North Midwest Section Meeting
Wen-Chen Hu; Naima Kaabouch; Hung-Jen Yang; Hongyu Guo
of HTML5 Geolocation interfaceThe getCurrentPosition method returns the current position of a device. ThewatchPosition method monitors the device’s position. When the position changes, thecallback function must be invoked with a new Position object, reflecting the current locationof the device. Table 5 gives the attributes of the Postion interface. Position Interface Attribute Value Unit Descriptioncoords.latitude double degrees The latitude of postioncoords.longitude double degrees The longitude of positioncoords.accuracy double or null
2013 North Midwest Section Meeting
Byron Garry; Suzette Burckhard
were askedto provide the narratives.12Another response to Boyer’s call for SoTL resulted in the National Effective Teaching Institute(NETI), which was first offered at the 1991 Annual ASEE Conference in New Orleans,Louisiana. NETI has been attended by 992 professors from 216 different schools. The NETI hasmotivated many of its participants to adopt or increase their use of proven teaching strategiesknown to correlate with improved student learning; made them more student-centered, scholarly,and reflective in their teaching practice; and induced many of them to engage in instructionaldevelopment and educational scholarship.13 SDSU has sent several faculty members to NETIover the last few years, an indicator of College of Engineering support for
2013 North Midwest Section Meeting
Steven Buchhop; Tate Carlson; Evan Edwards; Prakash Ranganathan; Reza Fazel-Rezai
functionallity. The program runs continuously and monitors the ho ouse. In order to keep thecode more organized and easier to understaand, a stacked sequence is utilized. Each circuit subsystemm has its own frame. Forexample, the HVAC sense and control struuctures are housed in a separate frame from the lights. In n each frame, the specificpins for the subsystem are read. The GUI iss then updated to reflect the new data as read from the seensors. The sensor data iscompared to user settings for certain subsyystems. The predominant comparison method is to use logical l expression blockssuch as AND, OR, IF. The results of thesse comparisons cause
2013 North Midwest Section Meeting
Majura F. Selekwa
example 2 , start the topic by discussing the generalmicrocontroller structure, most of others just jump to the particular microcontroller used by thebook. And even those that discuss the general microcontroller structure, they do so very spar-ingly without planting the necessary seeds to make the topic understandable to students. This ineffect is reflected in how the class ends up being taught in many schools, see for example 7–12 . Assuch students are forced to learn on type of microcontroller as if it is the only one in the market.These student tend to get stuck when required to decide for themselves which microcontroller touse in a particular design, or when required to work with a different type of a microcontroller.Their knowledge tend to
2013 North Midwest Section Meeting
Jon J. Smith; Sima Noghanian
packages: 1. The packages are independent programs that require separate licenses that must be purchased, 2. From institution to institution, a different program may be utilized to run the same simulation types leading to complications in sharing and analyzing data which results from differing design input formats and output data formats.In the field of electromagnetics (EM) there are numerous simulation packages available that dealwith the design and simulation of high and low frequency circuits and antennas, or theinteraction of objects with electromagnetic waves and scattering of waves. Therefore, theseinteractions can be categorized into either “passive” such as reflection, refraction or absorptionof waves, or “active” such