Paper ID #33691Self Reflection of Engineering Majors in General Chemistry IIDr. Patricia Muisener, Stevens Institute of Technology Dr. Patricia Muisener is an Associate Teaching Professor and Associate Chair of Graduate and Undergrad- uate Education in the Chemistry and Chemical Biology Department at Stevens Institute of Technology. She teaches and coordinates the General Chemistry I and II course sequence. She was previously at the University of South Florida as a faculty member and Assistant Chair in the Chemistry Department. She holds a B.S. in Chemical Engineering from University of Massachusetts at Amherst and a M.S
, such as learning to work in a team,to be organized, to be more reflective and critical, and to self-manage ” [3], in addition torecommending the use of Scrum for the development of projects in the university classroom.Yazyi carried out an investigation whose object of study was a workshop-type educationalexperience in a virtual environment, where it was proposed to develop the promotional brochureof a fictitious company, using the Scrum methodology. The members of each team weregeographically distributed, so they used information and communication technologies to carryout the tasks, such as Google Docs, Skype, e-mail, Moodle forums, and Google Wave. As part ofits conclusions, Yazyi mentions that “through the experience presented in this work
students to unfamiliarworkplace genres and the ways in which these genres shape interactions between engineeringconsultants and clients. In the following sections we report on the design, implementation, andpreliminary evaluation of these integrative assignments and reflect upon the potential forcross-disciplinary collaboration toward student achievement of program outcomes related tocommunication.Development of Prototype AssignmentsTwo courses were identified for introduction of an assignment in Spring 2021 that incorporated asignificant component of professional communication in various genres: a course onmanufacturing & product design and a course on heat transfer. Both of the courses wereundergraduate Mechanical Engineering Technology (MCT
Paper ID #33964Engineering Problem Typology-based Reflection and Communication ofUndergraduate Engineering Experiences: Professional Engineers’Evaluation of Students’ Mock Interview ResponsesDr. Andrew Olewnik, University at Buffalo Andrew Olewnik is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Engineering Education at the University at Buffalo. His research includes undergraduate engineering education with focus on engineering design process and methods, ill-structured problem solving, problem typology, and experiential and informal learning environments in the professional formation of engineers. He is interested in the
•Understand and Respect Other Professionals •Research Information Information and •Identify Relevant Information Communication Literacy •Express and Receive Ideas Clearly •Write Concisely •Generate New Ideas Critical Thinking •Think Critically •Think and Act Independently •Organize Things Effectively •Self-Reflection Self-Management Skills •Manage Time and Meet Deadlines •Be Punctual to Class or MeetingsFigure 1. Generic Skills Perception Questionnaire Factors
Paper ID #33572”You Could Take ’Social’ Out of Engineering and Be Just Fine”: AnExploration of Engineering Students’ Beliefs About the Social Aspects ofEngineering WorkMr. Robert P. Loweth, University of Michigan Robert P. Loweth is a PhD candidate in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Michigan. His research explores how engineers engage and include diverse perspectives in their engineer- ing work. His findings have informed the development of tools and pedagogy that support engineering students in investigating and reflecting on the broader societal contexts and impacts of engineering ac
however, WEdoes not imply “writing intensive.” Certified WE courses are not meant to be “writing classes;”instead, writing should be one of several instructional focuses, as required by the new WEinitiative.Since this new initiative is taking effect in Fall 2021, the WE Committee has not established thefinal assessment criteria. The plan is to have each program submit an assessment processregarding the WE related learning outcomes.Literature Review:Writing is an important skill that all engineers should have. Its importance is reflected in ABETaccreditation criterion 3 for student outcomes, “an ability to communicate effectively with arange of audiences.”Wheeler and McDonald [1] stated that writing is a useful tool in engineering if developed
education, including how to support engineering students in reflecting on experience, how to help engineering educators make effective teach- ing decisions, and the application of ideas from complexity science to the challenges of engineering education. American c Society for Engineering Education, 2021 Creating capacity to explore what students learn from reflection activities: Validating the knowledge gain surveyAbstractThis paper reports on the methodological process of validating a survey instrument to measurestudent learning from reflection activities. Reflection is thought to be a helpful teaching andlearning tool. In engineering education
learning, and engineering communi- cation. American c Society for Engineering Education, 2021 I Wish I Would Have Known Engineering Student's Reflections on Challenges and Support Experienced in Graduate ProgramsAbstractThe purpose of this research paper is to characterize the experiences of engineering doctoralstudents as they reflect upon what they wish they had known before beginning their program.Engineering graduate enrollment rates have been declining over the past few years, while studentwell-being issues are rising. This work is part of an overarching investigation examining thephenomenon of
Award for Women in Engineering Education in 2016. Dr. Davis received a B.S. degree in Computer Science from Loyola University, New Orleans in 1985 and an M.S. and Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Louisiana, Lafayette in 1987 and 1990, respectively. American c Society for Engineering Education, 2021 Examining the Efficacy of Exam Wrappers in a Computer Science CourseAbstract (Evidence-based Practice)An exam wrapper is a guided reflection activity that students undertake following an exam.Students are typically asked to reflect on their preparation, performance, and plans for preparingfor the next exam. The
one’s skills and experiences beyond the classroom. Astudy was conducted at NYU Tandon School of Engineering and found students lack support inidentifying and developing their career pathways. This study indicates that a combinede-portfolio and micro-credentialing platform could benefit students by a) providing students witha tool to reflect on and showcase their experiences, b) matching students with upper-class andalumni mentors in career pathways they are interested in, and c) providing them with curatedlists of on-campus and experiential opportunities and micro-credentials that would support theircareer pathways.IntroductionEvery student’s experience through engineering school culminates in different results -- students’future pathways range
of engineering designAbstractThis research paper describes the development of an assessment instrument for use with middleschool students that provides insight into students’ interpretive understanding by looking at earlyindicators of developing expertise in students’ responses to solution generation, reflection, andconcept demonstration tasks.We begin by detailing a synthetic assessment model that served as the theoretical basis forassessing specific thinking skills. We then describe our process of developing test items byworking with a Teacher Design Team (TDT) of instructors in our partner school system to setguidelines that would better orient the assessment in that context and working within theframework of standards and disciplinary
instrumentation is to drive ongoing cycles of continuousimprovement in teaching with a focus on transforming student learning. Owing to theongoing, dynamic practices of reflective educators, pedagogy and plans iterativelyevolve. These changes in practice exist in a complex environment that has the potential toprofoundly impact students’ ability to engage with and internalize content. Given thisenvironment, instrumentation is deployed to collect data in a process of developmentalevaluation while proactively responding to student learning and development throughdisaggregated data. This work equips educators with information to support thedevelopment of prototypes and innovations that strive toward providing undergraduatestudents with authentic, deep, and
Paper ID #34289Research Through Design: A Promising Methodology for Engineering Edu-cationKathryn Elizabeth Shroyer, University of WashingtonDr. Jennifer A. Turns, University of Washington Jennifer Turns is a Professor in the Department of Human Centered Design & Engineering at the Univer- sity of Washington. She is interested in all aspects of engineering education, including how to support engineering students in reflecting on experience, how to help engineering educators make effective teach- ing decisions, and the application of ideas from complexity science to the challenges of engineering education
engineeringproblem solving in support of students’ project planning and progress and as a scaffold forprofessional competency reflection [4].Based on our own first hand experiences and the broader literature investigating the nature ofengineering work [5]–[7], and studies focused on the novice to expert progression [8]–[11], weknow it is critical that students have opportunities to practice and reflect on solving ill-structuredproblems. Such opportunities are fundamental to the development of students’ ways of thinkingand knowing that help them to prepare for the profession. The growth of problem and project basedlearning (PBL) and other active learning experiences speaks to broad acceptance that ill-structuredproblem solving experiences are valuable to
asked to voluntarily share their experiences in the form of writtenreflections as a part of an open-response survey at the end of each semester. To understand studentexperiences, we conducted a thematic analysis of student reflections after they completed theirfirst semester. We analyzed reflections and we discussed our findings through the lens of thesituated learning theory, specifically addressing its three key tenets: authentic context, socialinteraction, and authentic learning.IntroductionNumerous future jobs will involve science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM)knowledge. As such, it is important to attract students into STEM fields and to retain them asSTEM majors. Residential Learning Communities (RLCs) can help with both
multimodal approach. Each student first answeredthe questionnaire questions. These questions were targeted to get students' individual opinionsabout challenges they experience in their STEM courses, strategies to stay focused in theircourses, and steps students take to mitigate these challenges. Later, we divided these studentsinto seven focus groups comprising five groups of four students and two groups of five students.In the focus groups, students collectively reflected on their learning challenges and strategies thatworked for them. Also, students suggested the factors that influenced their decision on theirfuture in a STEM career. The students' focus group discussion were video recorded. Further, theresearchers wrote the reflection memos to
rankhigher on the spectrum then they did originally. By the end of the semester both the first-yearME 110 and senior ME 465 students also increased the number of steps they had in their processand the maps went into more detail of steps using that common language previously mentioned.ConclusionsFrom the research and the data collected during that time a few conclusions can be drawn. Thefirst is that students entering the mechanical engineering department as a freshman compared towhen they prepare to leave the school after graduation their knowledge of the design process hasgrown to reflect what they have learned over their education. Another conclusion is that it isimportant to teach the steps to the design process to the students as first year
Iowa State University. Her research interests include learning and teaching an- alytics, dashboards, online learning, self-regulation, student engagement, and reflective practices. Her current work aims to examine how instructors’ teaching strategies and methodologies may be informed and improved by interpreting data visualizations (i.e., dashboards) in both in-class and online environ- ments.Dr. Evrim Baran, Iowa State University Evrim Baran is an associate professor of educational technology in the School of Education and Human Computer Interaction at Iowa State University. She conducts research at the intersection of technology in teacher education, human-computer interaction, and learning sciences. Her research
usingWeBWorK prelab problems to support students’ learning. Specifically, our study seeks toaddress the question: What is the impact of the WeBWorK prelab problem sets on students’preparedness for lab sessions, students’ learning and students’ engagement during labsessions?(Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the course was moved entirely online and the format andthe structure of the original lab sessions implemented were affected. Although the shifts inthe format and structure may not fully reflect the usual state of the original lab sessions andthe corresponding observations, the study was carried out mostly as planned.)Utilizing Online Homework SystemsOne of the key advantages of online homework systems is that students can receiveimmediate feedback
engineering course in which this method originates, students prepare a 15-minute lesson to teach a small group of their peers. These lessons are not one-sided studentpresentations. Students must apply the creative process to an educational context and developlessons that include pertinent content in an engaging activity and a mechanism for summativeassessment (e.g., discussion, individual or group quiz, quality of activity outcome). To furtherunderstand the effectiveness of this instructional activity in terms of student engagement andoutcomes, student self- and peer-assessments are qualitatively analyzed. Findings indicate thatstudents were reflective, consistent, and fair graders who reported high levels of studentengagement both in their own, and
sent to approximately 476 students enrolled in one (or both)of two engineering courses: a remote synchronous first-year seminar, and a hybrid remotesynchronous/remote asynchronous introductory programming course for non-computer sciencemajors; both of these courses were offered at University Park, the largest Penn State campus.Both courses were taught by the same instructor, who initiated the present study. Theengineering program at Penn State is one of the highest ranked in the country, with highlycompetitive admission standards, and enrollment patterns that reflect a significant percentage ofstudents from outside of the state and country (29% of overall student body in 2020). As is characteristic of many undergraduate engineering
formative analysis.As a work in progress,, we are seeking feedback from researchers who have experience withlarge-scale, multi-year implementations, especially in the context of making revisions to researchdesign. We chose design-based methods to construct our tools and plan our implementation,having selected them for their applicability in situations where plans may need to be revisedbased on formative iterations of reflection [1]. Now that we find ourselves with the need to makechanges, we are uncertain how to effectively integrate new research questions, collect andanalyze data, and communicate findings in ways that: (1) maintain consistent attention toestablished throughlines while; (2) integrating adaptations to the original research design
have toldme in the past that it is hard for them to listen to a woman because ... ‘it’s like ... in my mind it’sstill set that I know what I’m doing because I’m the guy ...’” [10, p. 281]. While she successfullygraduated with a mechanical engineering degree, Sandra reflected, “I can understand where theyare coming from ‘cause maybe that’s the culture in his family and where he’s from” [10, p. 281].Put simply, Sandra’s friend had deeply held beliefs that women were less knowledgeable thanmen; nevertheless, her male friend’s beliefs were his issues alone and not a reflection of her orwomen as engineers. The idea that to belong in engineering is to be male is embedded in the fielddue to the historical traditions of being a masculine-oriented
, which is developed after reviewing 191 journal articles published between 1995 and 2008on the topic, change strategies can be mapped into one of four categories: disseminating pedagogy;developing reflective teachers; enacting policy; and developing a shared vision. The categorization byHenderson et al. (2010, 2011) is consistent with other efforts to categorize theories of change (e.g.,Amundsen & Wilson, 2012) and has been utilized by Borrego & Henderson (2014) to identify ways toincrease the use of evidence-based teaching in engineering education. Most importantly, the frameworkhighlights the efforts of faculty as agents for change in all four categories. However, while the severaltheories are provided as suggestions for change