Mindset (EM)which are curiosity, connections, and value creation. This student-centered pedagogical approachpresents the students the opportunity to not just master technical content but also to identifyopportunities, integrate knowledge and create value for themselves and others.This paper discusses the results of a concurrent investigation on the effect of incorporating EMLinto the 9-week, group-based, customer-focused, and open-ended game design project in aFreshmen level programming course in the Electrical and Computer Engineering curriculum.The course was first taught with the new project model in Spring 2020 but due to COVID-19,certain aspects of the project were not implemented. Based on the student responses to theproject reflection
) understand specifications of commercially availableparts and use them to create a system – “obstacle avoiding robot” and v) create a robot or asubsystem. In addition, the course envisaged that students develop lesson plans in order toengage in mentoring of middle school students based on the understanding of their educationalbackground, write a weekly reflection report and make improvements on the delivery of lessonplan and help mentees build a finished product – an obstacle avoiding robot, from thecommercially available parts. Topics covered in the course included – Microcontrollers, Programing, Digital I/O,Encoders, Infrared sensor, Ultrasonic sensor, LIDAR, Gyroscope, Accelerometer,Magnetometer, Wireless interface to microcontroller, RC
decisions and critique the accuracy of the information. Students who evaluate well can provide reflections on approaches taken to solve a problem and demonstrate their ability to assess underlying concepts in the process of choosing the best among multiple alternative solutions. ● Create: putting elements together to produce a new pattern or original work. In engineering, the previous levels of the taxonomy culminate to the design of a component or system that invokes all previous levels of the taxonomy. Such efforts to create are often stimulated in capstone design classes but can also be invoked in smaller projects in lower- level courses.Promoting the integration, design, and evaluation capabilities of students is
free space and wave velocity 7 Wave Equation and Induced EMF Wave propagation in material Solutions medium 8 Wave Solutions in Visualization of magnetic Damped wave in conducting Conducting Media fields media Module 3: Transmission Line Theory 9 Wave polarization and Wave reflection due to Reflections impedance mismatch 10 Transient Response and Transmission line reflection Transient time domain Bounce Diagram
education, the pro- fessional formation of engineers, the role of empathy and reflection in engineering learning, and student development in interdisciplinary and interprofessional spaces.Amy Ingalls, University of Georgia Amy Ingalls is an instructional designer with the University of Georgia Office of Online Learning. She holds a Master of Education in Instructional Design and an Education Specialist in Library Media. Amy American c Society for Engineering Education, 2021 Paper ID #32550has extensive experience developing, designing, and supporting impactful online courses at
and prototyping • EP3: Planning and interpreting experiments • EP4: Identifying knowledge gaps and obtaining information from disparate sources • EP5: Planning for technical failureEP1 captures the team aspect of engineering, which includes both the need for coordinatingteamwork and the need for effective communication across a team for a successful designoutcome. The inclusion of disparate knowledge is highlighted in the literature. For example,Trevelyan found that the most crucial skill reflected in high performing engineers is coordinatingmultiple competencies to accomplish a goal [3]. EP2 highlights an aspect of problem solving thatgoes beyond the application of domain knowledge to include creativity, analysis, and evaluation.This skill
learning program hadpoor awareness of good sources of literature and rather weak scientific reading and writing skills.As one of the aims of the distance learning master’s program is to prepare students for doctoralstudies, it was considered necessary to pay attention to the development of the more genericacademic skills in addition to the specific Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) relatedobjectives, and the use of scientific articles was considered to provide a useful tool for that.Since assessment was recognized as the element that directs the students’ actions most, acontinuous assessment method with weekly quizzes was adopted. The questions of the quizzeswere on the scientific article but also reflecting on the lectures and the assessment
the ECE major. 5. Facilitate student interest in robotics.Theoretical Motivation The theoretical motivation that drove course redesign was centered on evidence-basedpedagogy pointing towards the benefits of project-based learning. Fundamentally, Kolb’sExperiential Learning Model asserts that a cycle of concrete experience, reflective observation,abstract conceptualization, and active experimentation results in higher student learning [10].Implementation of Kolb’s method along with the integration of theory and hands-on practice inand introductory engineering course at Harvey Mudd College saw a statistically significant gainin student learning and an increased enthusiasm amongst female students [5]. To incorporatethese theories, our
own learning. A common misconception is that self-directedlearning can only occur in isolation from all other input from either the educator or fellowstudents. Students can work in a highly self-directed way while being a part of a larger team.Notably, a salient trend in the research suggests that students with highly developedself-directed learning skills connect and consult with a range of peers and leverage theirlearning network to make their choices about the direction of their learning [1].Foundational literature that examines the construction of a successful self-directed learningenvironment suggests that learning should reflect three distinct parts: The learner, the educator,and the learning resources [2]. Significant parts of this
inhibited their ability to learn.In a few instances where a code embraced both helpful and non-helpful student responses, thecode was duplicated to preserve the link to the coded segments and then each code was renamedto reflect the opposing sentiments. The renamed codes were then assigned to the appropriatecategory. The students’ responses that each code referenced were then reviewed to ensure thatthe response was assigned to the appropriate category. In those instances, where the studentresponse included both helpful and non-helpful sentiments, the response was coded to bothcategories.In instances where a student’s response was unclear, we considered the totality of the student’sresponses on the survey. Proximity to the nature of the survey
capture students interest in and perceivedvalue in learning EE. The questions asked how likely students are to major in EE, if learning SSin interesting, and if students think learning the different SS topics will benefit their career.For both instructional variables, we use subjective student opinions rather than a measure of theteaching style or amount of homework assigned; our commentary is not meant to reflect on thequality of the given instructor. For the instructional quality variable, we use responses to aLikert style question that asked students to rate the overall quality of instruction in SS. Forinstructional quantity, we asked students to self-report the average numbers of hours they spenton homework each week and what percentage of
through distance education in the time ofthe fourth industrial revolution: Reflections from three decades of peer reviewed studies",Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 2020.[8] W. Ibrahim and R. Morsi, "Online engineering education: A comprehensive review,"American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, Washington, DC,2005, pp. 1–10, 2005.[9] B. Mischewski and A. Christie, "Understanding the feasibility of micro‐credentials inengineering education," 29th Australasian Association for Engineering Education Conference(AAEE 2018), Engineers Australia, p. 758, 2018.[10] C. M. Stracke, and A. Bozkurt, "Evolution of MOOC designs, providers and learners andthe related MOOC research and publications from 2008 to
known as antenna ranges.many of the same students will soon be relied upon to design much more complex systems andtheir components.2. BackgroundProject-based / Problem-based learning (PBL) has been increasingly prevalent throughoutengineering curricula. Pedagogically, both approaches are similar: students work collaborativelyto address complex, ill-structured problems which reflect problems encountered in real lifewithin engineering. In this pedagogical approach, students engage in self-directed learning togather relevant knowledge and identify knowledge gaps; instructors serve as coaches to helpstudents identify necessary information to solve these problems. Problems are framed to fosterskills in knowledge acquisition and problem solving, as
thinking.This is only natural as their own personal experience was reflective of that style of educationmore often than not. Unfortunately, for those of us who have had to build consumer products, wevery well know that a microcontroller and some sensors does not a system (nor a product) make!Teaching students about embedded systems is valuable knowledge, but the objective of this classgoes beyond that oversimplification. When designing this course for our students, we observed athree-fold deficiency in the student body. Firstly, ECE students lacked hands-on experiencebuilding a complete system. We had an excellent theoretical program teaching students thefundamentals of ECE, but all of our lab-oriented classes focused on small, self
to become more effective by delegating work to competent individuals.Throughout the independent study, the faculty supervisor may hold weekly meetings with thestudent to discuss the project progress as well as answer questions and clear up anymisconceptions the student may have. These meetings provide an opportunity to discuss otheravenues of inquiry to research further or experiment with. The student may also keep an online orphysical project journal documenting the progress made and reflecting on the work completed.The faculty supervisor may choose to review the journal to provide feedback.The rules and structure for an independent study vary widely with departments and institutions.They may be letter-graded or graded as pass/fail. Many
adjusted according to the feedback of the tests.AcknowledgementThis work was supported in part by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1956193.Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are thoseof the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.References [1] Y. Sun, H. Song, A. J. Jara, and R. Bie, “Internet of things and big data analytics for smart and connected communities,” IEEE Access, vol. 4, pp. 766–773, 2016. [2] X. Yue, Y. Liu, J. Wang, H. Song, and H. Cao, “Software defined radio and wireless acoustic networking for amateur drone surveillance,” IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 56, no. 4, pp. 90–97, 2018. [3] J. Wang, Y. Liu, and H
-circuit and RN is the Norton equivalent resistance seen by the inductor when the capacitoris treated as an open-circuit. The notation used here for the two time constants reflects thosestatements. These treatments are well-known low frequency approximations.The coefficient of the second-order derivative has a dimension of time squared, which suggests apossible alternative representation as the product of two time constants τ1 and τ2 . 1 = τ1 τ2 (7) ωo2The question is whether these arbitrary time constants can be related, in general, to RLC circuitparameters
instructional settings and EE topics.The success of the HBCU ECP project led the group to consider whether or not the scope of thecollaboration could be expanded to include a broader range of topics and participants. As theECP project wound down, the group has been reflecting on what lessons there are to be learnedfrom this experience. First and foremost, the project succeeded because many schools workedtogether as one to collectively improve the learning experiences of their students.What enabled the group to succeed? 1) Experienced faculty trained faculty at schools new topersonal instrumentation at both in-person workshops and regular online meetings. Theexperienced faculty from within the project had worked together previously in the MobileStudio
equity and accessibility for all. These methods are summarized below.1) Combine synchronous and asynchronous learning options to provide both flexibility for self- paced learning and humanized interactions in the class. [10]–[13]. All the course materials, schedules, and assignments were managed using iLearn. Weekly pre-recorded lectures, usually composed of two or three 30- to 50-minute videos, were posted to iLearn as shown in Figure 2(a). At the end of each video lecture, exercises were added to reflect the topics covered in the video. A shared Google doc was created to collect questions from the students on the video lectures. The weekly video lectures were designed tailored to the weekly lab activities. Students must watch
assessments are conducted at each course with CPS/IoT infusion. The outcomesand impacts of the course modules are monitored via student surveys as indirect measure andcourse assignment evaluations by instructor as direct measure. The student surveys reflect theiropinions on the course and their learning. Rubrics are developed for each course module onexercises and/or lab exercises, class projects, and independent projects to provide directmeasurements that quantify students’ achievements on the educational objectives presented inthe module outline. Each rubric includes the outcome indicators that align with some of the newABET students learning outcomes “1 through 7” and the levels of achievements for theexperience of CPS/IoT. For each instructional
✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Taylor ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ *Pseudonym assigned by the researchersIt is our intention to include all five participants regardless of the number of open-ended questionsthey were willing to answer. We believe that their selection of questions also revealed the real- 3world scenarios they were able to comfortably discuss. In turn, this would also reflect specificelectric circuit concepts that they perceive to sufficiently know and use in explaining thephenomena.Analysis and FindingsThe transcriptions were organized, coded, and cross-analyzed on Dedoose through multipleiterations of coding. Descriptive and in vivo coding were used for the first cycle, while
extra credits earned fromcompleting the modules. Therefore, the original final score is the reflection of their overallacademic performance in the course. Based on their original final score, students were assignedletter grades from A+, A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, D-, to F. We use the standard cut-offsof 97 / 93 / 90 / 87 / 83 / 80 / 77 / 73 / 70 / 67 / 63 / 60 when assigning letter grades. To simplifyour analysis, students were divided into three groups based on their original final letter grade torepresent three different levels of course performance. Students who had original final lettergrades of A+, A, and A- belong to Group 1; those with original final letter grades of B+, B, andB- belong to Group 2; and the rest (with original
responses used for training grows. Whether theevaluation is done by a human or via an NLP-based algorithm as described, there is oftenambiguity for the very reason that students were often found to fail to adequately justify theirresponses to the considered conceptual writing quiz. This is where a Directed Line of Reasoningapproach to providing feedback would be most useful.AcknowledgementsThis material is based upon work supported of the National Science Foundation under Grant No.1504880. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in thismaterial are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National ScienceFoundation.Works Cited[1] Writing to Develop Mathematical Understanding, David K. Pugalee