a collaboration betweenLouisiana Delta Community College (LDCC) and Louisiana Tech University (LA Tech), withpilot partner Bossier Parish School for Technology & Innovative Learning (BPSTIL), to expandinstrumentation workforce pathways for high school students in Louisiana. This material is basedupon work supported by the National Science Foundation's Advanced Technological EducationProgram under Grant No. 1801177. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendationsexpressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views ofthe National Science Foundation.This paper presents a detailed account of the course mapping process; a final table of learningobjectives that meet LDCC dual enrollment and
Diagrams d. Activity Resource Requirements and Resource Breakdown Structure e. Project Schedule with Model Data and Schedule Baseline f. Activity Cost Estimates with Activity Cost Supporting Detail2. Creating, updating, and analyzing project schedules to determine integrity and validity.3. Applying resource management techniques to identify resource requirements and to level resources in order to meet project objectives.However, test results and end of course feedback reflected that while the students were learningthe mechanics of identifying requirements, creating a project schedule and assigning resources,they did not necessarily have a full grasp of dealing with the impact of scope changes on theschedule and resource
Engineering Education, 2021An Insight into Students’ Feedback on Synchronous Distance Learning during COVID-19 LockdownAbstractThe fast growth of technology and internet in the last decade has built the necessaryinfrastructure for distance learning, and made the rapid transition to online teaching possibleduring the COVID-19 pandemic. However, there are still a lot of uncertainties about the impactof distance learning on students’ learning effectiveness in engineering education. This paperpresents the survey results about distance learning in a Civil Engineering course during theCOVID-19 lockdown period and is aimed at understanding students’ challenges and preferencesin distance learning. The survey results reflect the students’ perspective
to become more effective by delegating work to competent individuals.Throughout the independent study, the faculty supervisor may hold weekly meetings with thestudent to discuss the project progress as well as answer questions and clear up anymisconceptions the student may have. These meetings provide an opportunity to discuss otheravenues of inquiry to research further or experiment with. The student may also keep an online orphysical project journal documenting the progress made and reflecting on the work completed.The faculty supervisor may choose to review the journal to provide feedback.The rules and structure for an independent study vary widely with departments and institutions.They may be letter-graded or graded as pass/fail. Many
.” International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy, 6(2), 4-13.[12] Cunningham, C. M., & Kelly, G. J. (2017). Epistemic practices of engineering for education. Science Education, 101(3), 486-505.[13] Jonathan D. Hertel, Christine M. Cunningham & Gregory J. Kelly (2017) The roles of engineering notebooks in shaping elementary engineering student discourse and practice, International Journal of Science Education, 39:9, 1194-1217[14] Wendell, K. B., Wright, C. G., & Paugh, P. (2017). Reflective decision‐making in elementary students' engineering design. Journal of Engineering Education, 106(3), 356- 397.[15] Kelley, T. R., Capobianco, B. M., & Kaluf, K. J. (2015). Concurrent think-aloud protocols to assess
focused on their perception of their learningexperiences and well-being. The importance of this next set of questions was that it shifted theirevaluation away from their expectations of the Flex Model and the instructor’s ability to utilize ittoward a reflection on how the shift from traditional in-person classes has impacted theirperceived ability to learn, retain concepts, and personal well-being.The pre-survey results for the experiential set of questions can be found below in Table 4. TheLikert scale ranged from 1 to 7 which correlated with the labels “Much Better In Person” to“Much Better Online”. The averages for item found in the last column all skew toward apreference for in-person classes as the more positive experience for understanding
timeframe. What varies in this environment are the grades students receive whichtheoretically reflect their differing levels of course performance. By extension, one is meant toassume that a learner with an “A” knows the material at a higher level than a learner who earneda “C” in the same class. In contrast, competency-based education is based on the belief thatactual competency in the specified area is more important than students completing the samecontent within the same amount of time. While not all digital badges are based on a competencymodel of education (e.g. some are awarded for participation) many are. This is another way inwhich the underlying technology affords a more informative credential. For instance, if thecompetency being
. Whilecorrelation coefficients between items were all positive, there were only four eigenvalues greaterthan 1.0 on both ECTD beta A and B versions. This indicates there were four independent factorsmeasured by the instruments. Most items were loaded onto one factor and only one or two itemsloaded onto each of the other three factors. As the factor analysis results from the ECTD beta Aand B versions were not the desired model that can reflect the five computational thinkingfactors, there was a need for another round of revisions.Instead of designing two compatible versions A and B, the 30 items from the beta versions of theECTD were revisited for reanalyzes of content and face validity. The research team selected fourbest items to be indicators of each of
technological systems and the products of the engineering disciplines. Systems thinking isconceptual and doesn't rely on higher-level mathematics knowledge explicitly. It is one of themost accessible aspects of engineering for non-engineers. Non-engineers can learn the basics ofhow things work.Definition of Systems ThinkingThe applicability of systems thinking across many different fields has led to many variations ofdefinitions of system thinking (some representative examples include [1-5]). While sharing anessential emphasis on the foundational importance of identifying elements and relationshipsbetween those elements, varying definitions reflect the vocabulary and priorities of differentdisciplines. Recent comprehensive definitions aimed at
for funding this work underGrant # 1834465. Any opinions, findings, or conclusions found in this work are those of theauthors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the sponsors.References[1] O. Ashour and C. Tucker, “Leveraging Virtual Reality to Connect Learning and Integrate Course Knowledge in the Industrial Engineering Curriculum,” 2018. [Online]. Available: https://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=1834465.[2] J. E. Rudin, “Using virtual reality in education,” in STC, Education, Training and Research, 1995, pp. 55–58.[3] Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET), “Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Programs 2018-2019,” 2017.[4] J. E. Froyd and M. W. Ohland, “Integrated Engineering
System, they do not think their faculty helped use it. A similar divide was identifiedin the students' perceptions of online classes. Respondents stated they did not enjoy the onlinecourses but felt like the online teaching was successful. In response to the perception of adaptation,respondents identified that they and their faculty adapted, with faculty to a lesser extent. Thus,students' perceptions reflect they are comfortable in an online learning environment but do notprefer it. The responses also indicate that students perceive that they may be better in the onlineenvironment and adapting to it than their faculty. This might be an expected outcome as facultyare older and perceived as slightly less capable of technology and adaptability
] G. S. Weissmann, R. A. Ibarra, M. Howland-Davis, and M. V. Lammey, “The multicontext path to redefining how we access and think about diversity, equity, and inclusion in STEM,” J. Geosci. Educ., vol. 67, no. 4, pp. 320–329, Oct. 2019, doi: 10.1080/10899995.2019.1620527.[15] E. Charles, “Decolonizing the curriculum,” Insights, vol. 32, no. 1, Art. no. 1, Sep. 2019.[16] D. K. G. Fomunyam, “Decolonising the Engineering curriculum in a South African University of Technology,” vol. 12, no. 17, p. 9, 2017.[17] H. Mogstad and L.-S. Tse, “Decolonizing Anthropology: Reflections from Cambridge,” Camb. J. Anthropol., vol. 36, no. 2, pp. 53–72, Sep. 2018, doi: 10.3167/cja.2018.360206.[18] R. Connell, “Decolonizing Sociology
(e.g., pre/post assessment of impacts ofprofessional development). Further, they could be used as a self-reflective tool to provide astarting point for educators to engage in discussions around personal conceptions of the work ofengineers. Next steps include further examination of participant responses to explore theirconceptions of engineers and their use of mathematics and science. This exploration can provideuseful information for teacher educators and professional development providers to use whendesigning engineering- focused instruction for K-12 teachers.References[1] National Research Council. (2012). A framework for K–12 science education: Practices,crosscutting concepts, and core ideas. Washington, DC: The National Academies
adjusted according to the feedback of the tests.AcknowledgementThis work was supported in part by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1956193.Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are thoseof the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.References [1] Y. Sun, H. Song, A. J. Jara, and R. Bie, “Internet of things and big data analytics for smart and connected communities,” IEEE Access, vol. 4, pp. 766–773, 2016. [2] X. Yue, Y. Liu, J. Wang, H. Song, and H. Cao, “Software defined radio and wireless acoustic networking for amateur drone surveillance,” IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 56, no. 4, pp. 90–97, 2018. [3] J. Wang, Y. Liu, and H
indicated.Module 1: Introduction to ResearchThe purpose of the first module is to help students understand why they might want to conductresearch in the first place, both to motivate their research work and to motivate them in thecourse, and to give them some key information they need to start on research. This is particularlyimportant if they are starting a research project while they are taking the course.Some of the reasons that are presented for conducting research are curiosity, the wish to solveproblems, salary considerations, and desired career paths. Students are asked to reflect on theirown motivations in the learning activities for this section.After examining research motivation, students examine the value of research to society. Thespecific
, recruit the new cohort of ACCESS scholarshiprecipients, and continue to connect students with peers, mentors, and industry and governmentprofessionals, providing them opportunities to network, learn from, and interact with potentialemployers for internships or full-time positions.The material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.1930282. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this materialare those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National ScienceFoundation.8.0 References[1] “Heatmap,” cyberseek.org. [online]. Available: https://www.cyberseek.org/heatmap.html. [Accessed March 3, 2021].[2] Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of
Likert measurement scale [18]. For additional analysisof perceived skill with actual awarded grades, the mean average grade for each course sectionwas compared to the section average of survey results for the question addressing perceivedability (question 1).For the first question regarding engineering ability, students showed a slight increase in meanresponse (2.684 to 3.125), which did not reflect a statistically significant increase (p = 0.063).When comparing the perceived skill based on survey results and the awarded grades, students wereawarded grades slightly higher (3.2 compared to 2.904) but not statistically significant (p = 0.340).Therefore, over the course of the semester there was little change in perceived skill, but the
Appendix summarizes the questions and how they are reflective of the sixcategories investigated as perceptions. Some questions overlap several categories.In relationship to Accessibility, students felt very comfortable using the tool and referring toexamples, repeating problems to prepare for tests and to gain mastery. The areas where they didnot feel that it benefitted them more as compared to the hard text learning method was in notetaking and in referring back to information. The note taking was very minimal using the onlineversion of the book and rereading was rarely done. Repeating practice problems was done withsignificance (91%) and produced slightly higher mastery as noted in the grade’s analysis sectionof this paper.Personal confidence
predictive effect on team assignmentperformance. Finally, the transition to remote learning (in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic)had a negative effect on student performance, and this negative consequence disproportionatelyaffected students who were already poor performers.IntroductionThe ability to work in teams has long been recognized as a critical skill for all engineeringgraduates as reflected in accreditation criteria specified by ABET [1]. Criterion 3, studentoutcome number 5 states that students must have: “An ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives.”As a result, there have been
administration.Future Activity PlansThere are several activities planned for the coming year and beyond. In the current, second yearof the research data management course, “flipped classroom” approaches have been used morefrequently. Based on student feedback, the creation of a data management plan throughcumulative assignments have been replaced with more use cases to directly apply concepts. TheData Services Librarian is collaborating with other data librarians to share instructional curriculaand materials among Superfund programs. The course will continue to be revised to strengthenan evidence-based learning philosophy, and to reflect feedback from students about the contentand alignment with application to their work.To improve curation of data produced by
) literature, the richness of a medium is defined as its capacity to change understanding,and it is commonly asserted that media with more information are richer [3]. For instance, Zoom andGoogle Meet are richer than text messages [3]. CMC researchers have shown richer media to facilitatemore fluent conversation, interpersonal awareness, interpersonal bonding, oxytocin release, andperception of understanding [4][5][6][7]. Video is used to quickly communicate nonverbal cues forturn-taking, understanding, and attention [5][8][9].State of the art videoconferencing reflects the findings of the literature on richness; Zoom and BbCollaborate feature simultaneous videoconferencing, emoji reactions, text chat, screen sharing, andbreakout rooms. However, they
thermalstorage for rapid produce drying (Year 1); airflow optimization within the structure and waterrecapture during drying (Year 2); irrigation systems using multipurpose thermal storage water(Year 3); retractable insulation systems and blanching to speed the drying process (Year 4).Designs consider systems developed by previous students; as an example, the irrigation systemdesigned in Year 3 uses water from the Year 1 thermal storage tank and delivers water via theracking system developed in Year 2. We are working in close partnership with Stanford’s HaasCenter for Public Service and office of Community Engaged Learning to build both aneducational program and research agenda that emphasize the value of reciprocity, partnership,reflection, evaluation
- changing adversity. 11. As a student, analyze your own transformation by reflecting on the diversity of knowledge and perspective you experienced throughout the project.Project DesignStudents at the University of Colorado Boulder, in the form of an extracurricular student group,prepared for the implementation of the Mathangeni project in two primary ways: (1) learningabout the footbridge design and implementation process, and (2) applying this knowledge todesign and plan for the construction of the bridge and communicating their understandingthrough construction documents and written reports. The overall project timeline is described inFigure 2. May Sep
better reflect the end users. The focus on community needs often attracts more womenthan average non-civic hacks [4].Benefits and goalsHackathons tend to drive intrinsic motivation due to interest in specific topics used and thepotential to impact the real world [12], translating to further action as citizens [13]. Since outputsare not usually viable [14] and prototypes are not polished, tangible outcomes have becomesecondary [4] to building engagement and awareness around the issue [15]. Additionally, it is aunique opportunity to “practice agility, iteration and scoping” [4] in an experiential learningenvironment that educators often fail to provide, especially in non-technical fields [16].Individual motivations are professional and personal
): the percentage of underrepresented students whose GPA is above 3.0 is 13% less thanthat of the majority students, and the percentage of underrepresented students whose GPA isbelow 2.0 is more than triple of that of the majority students. This gap directly contributes toother academic problems; for example, the current retention rate of underrepresented students is10% less than that of the majority students in CBAS at MTSU. Moreover, this gap gets worseyear after year in the past three years.Closing this gap is more challenging in the sophomore year due to a well-known phenomenon incollege education known as “sophomore slump”: reflected as either students getting poorer GPAor lower retention rate, or both, in the sophomore year [1] [2
underrepresented students is small at this time, though it will undoubtedly grow over thenext few years.Although written primarily with graduate students in mind, Wosu and Pai's 2012 articleestablishing a model for diversity and equity provides an excellent introduction and path forwardfor any engineering program or library to follow. Out of the six performance indicators for theirmodel, libraries can have the greatest effect on both "institutional climate/culture" and"institutional receptivity". The climate/culture reflects how students are treated, opportunities forresearch and contributions to a chosen discipline, and especially whether students feel like theybelong. Library programming can be created to foster this sense of an "inclusive
commitment to community-centered design and social justice [5]. Priority 1 is “Practice a community-first model ofdevelopment”, and its subgoals include critically evaluating project success as measured by thecommunity, identifying power imbalances and inequities in student development projects [6],and encouraging transparency in the chapter failures and impacts. Priority 2 is “Develop acommunity of globally-minded students and professionals” which involves ongoing self-reflection and collaborating with both professionals and students of different backgrounds anddisciplines. Priority 3 is “Challenge norms in higher education and STEM” and largely involvesvaluing non-engineering expertise in engineering projects and working towards
Final Exam Review In-Class team meeting minutes, performance evaluations of team members, course reflection paper Table 2: Software Project Management Course Comparison during Fall 2020Students are then randomly assigned to teams of 4-5 members and propose software developmentprojects to work on, subject to the instructor’s approval. The next eight weeks are spent workingon these projects, divided into four two-week sprints, giving demonstrations and submittingreports at the end of each sprint. Projects are required to use revision control and include a robusttesting plan. During the final week, each team gives a 30-minute demonstration and presentationof their project and the course of its development for the
their career in industry. The second sectionfocused on grasping a general understanding of either ethical reasoning or global awareness,depending courses that the faculty member taught the prior academic year. Section three askedquestions associated with the barriers and challenges associated with teaching a Pathways Course.Section four asked was designed for non-Pathways faculty and sked about their knowledge of thePathways program. The fifth section asked about the faculty member to reflect on the Pathwayscourse they had taught or briefly talk about any future plans for the course. The last question askedhow ethical/global awareness factored into their teaching more generally. 5. Results and Discussion 5.1.Incentives When
participants had differentperceptions about the centrality of their Black identity and mixed feelings about enacting thisidentity while attending school. That is, although all participants were Black students, theyplaced race in different places of the identity circle (or, not at all), reflecting the relative salienceof the identity for each of them.From the FIE 2020 Paper: Brawner, Catherine, Marisa Orr, Rebecca Brent, and Catherine Mobley. 2020. “Experiences of Black Persisters and Switchers in Computer, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering in the USA.” Proceedings of the IEEE/FIE Conference, October.In this paper, we begin to provide information about institutional policies that may influencestudent persistence and attrition