accepted responses forseveral weeks.Results and DiscussionImpacts of the AIChE Education Division’s VCP program on the delivery of chemicalengineering courses during the COVID-19 pandemic were wide-ranging. After a web-basedinterest form was circulated to attendees and other members of the AIChE community,respondents answered whether they would like to participate in a VCP, to identify course(s) theywere teaching, and to indicate their willingness and ability to lead/moderate a VCP. Within oneweek, 88 faculty members filled out the form, and the communities began to materialize. Thetotal number of interested participants continued to grow through the semester and into thefollowing semester. From March 2020 to December 2020, 191 participants from
. Age ID Gender Role/Length of Experience/Training Site Range A1 50’s Female Library Media Specialist/17 years/Library Science Site 1 50s Female Engineering Teacher/12 years/Electronics, System Site 1 E1 Engineering, Education 30s Male Math, Engineering, CS Teacher/13 years/Math, Site 1 E2 Teaching, CS 40’s Male Math Teacher/3 years/Linguistic, English and Site 1 E3 Math 30s Female Director of Workforce Development and Social Site 2 A2 Enterprise/11 years/Visual
material is based upon work supported by the National ScienceFoundation under Grant No. DUE 1712186. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions orrecommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflectthe views of the National Science Foundation. This work was completed within the framework ofUniversity of Toledo IRB protocol 202214.References[1] World Economic Forum, "Figure 10: Change in demand for core work-related skills, 2015- 2020, all industries; Chapter 1: The Future of Jobs and Skills;," in "The Future of Jobs: employment, Skills and Work force Strategy for the Fourth Industrial Revolution," January, 2016 2016. Accessed: January, 2019. [Online
) isadministered with a single 11”x 14” piece of paper. First, participants were instructed to “Draw apicture of an engineer(s) engaging in their daily work. Include a speech bubble that tells aboutwhat they are doing.” Next, participants were instructed to provide answers to the followingprompts: (1) Describe what your engineer(s) is/are doing, (2) Based on the work depicted in yourdrawing, explain how your engineer(s) is/are using Science, and (3) Based on the work depictedin your drawing, explain how your engineer(s) is/are using Mathematics.Rubric DevelopmentThe DEAMS-R rubric was developed by two science education researchers and one mathematicseducation researcher in consultation with an engineering researcher. The development of therubric was
learning. Entrepreneurial Indicator Item(s) used Level of Proficiency Mindset for assessment “Parameter” Well Above Proficient Proficient Below Proficient Curiosity Exploring Porosity The student is able to The student is able The student is alternative calculations correctly calculate the to correctly able to correctly scenarios porosities of fabric calculate the calculate the materials greater than porosities of fabric porosities
-975). International Society of the Learning Sciences, June2010.Corcoran, T.B., F.A. Mosher and A. Rogat, A. (2009). Learning progressions in science: Anevidence-based approach to reform, CPRE Research Report# RR-63. New York: Consortium forPolicy Research; 2009 May.Foster, C., Wigner, A., Lande, M., & Jordan, S., & Lande, M. (2018). Learning from parallelpathways of makers to broaden pathways to engineering. International Journal of STEMEducation. 5(1), 6.Hatano, G. and K. Inagaki, Two courses of expertise. In H. Stevenson, H. Azuma, & K. Hakuta(Eds). Child development and education in Japan (pp. 262-272), NY: Freeman, 1986.Jordan, S. & Lande, M. “Additive innovation: Radical collaboration in design thinking andmaking
benefits ofinterventions. It is no surprise that a supportive learning environment would bring about student successand that historically underrepresented groups experience additional need for this support.Moreover, diversifying the gender and ethnic representation of ECpE graduates would yield amore diverse engineering work force more equipped to meet the challenges of tomorrow.Diverse teams are beneficial for an amalgam of moral, equitable, and innovative reasonsincluding improved problem solving and improved work outcomes [17]. This representation anddiversification is pertinent for professional and ethical advancement. Especially as the softwareand engineering (S&E) workforce continues to grow 3% faster than total employment growth
ofpedagogy.AcknowledgementsThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.1628976. Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material arethose of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.References[1] S. Freeman, S. L. Eddy, M. McDonough, M K. Smith, N. Okoroafor, H. Jordt, and M.P. Wenderoth, “Active learning increases student performance in science, engineering, and mathematics,” in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, (111,23), 2014. pp. 8410-8415.[2] D.H. Jonassen, J. Strobel, and C. Lee, “Everyday Problem Solving in Engineering: Lessons for Engineering Educators,” Journal of Engineering Education, vol
underrepresentedgroups, particularly for women, Black students, and Hispanic students.AcknowledgementsThe authors would like to thank the instructors of these courses for their cooperation and supportof this study. We would also like to thank the 41 teaching assistants and section leaders whohelped distribute materials and did all the video showings. Lastly, we would like to thank thestudents who were enrolled in the course and participated in the study. There were many richdiscussions about the topics in these videos that cannot be captured by data or summarized in apaper.ReferencesBeilock, S. L. (2008). Math performance in stressful situations. Current directions in psychological science, 17(5), 339-343.Beilock, S. L., & Willingham, D. T. (2014
Students on Engineering Design Teams,” in 2015 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition Proceedings, Seattle, Washington, Jun. 2015, p. 26.1007.1-26.1007.23, doi: 10.18260/p.24344.[7] E. Seymour and N. M. Hewitt, Talking about Leaving: Why Undergraduates Leave the Sciences. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1997.[8] D. R. Johnson, “Campus Racial Climate Perceptions and Overall Sense of Belonging Among Racially Diverse Women in STEM Majors,” J. Coll. Stud. Dev., vol. 53, no. 2, pp. 336–346, 2012, doi: 10.1353/csd.2012.0028.[9] C. E. Foor, S. E. Walden, and D. A. Trytten, “‘I Wish that I Belonged More in this Whole Engineering Group:’ Achieving Individual Diversity,” p. 13, 2007.[10] R. M. Marra, K. A. Rodgers, D. Shen, and B. Bogue
Department of Technology and Society. She is currently the Assistant Director of STEM Smart programs, which include programs S-STEM ASSETS, LSAMP, and NASA NY Space Grant. Lauren has had the opportunity to participate in many professional development programs, such as the first cohort of the Research Foundation Leadership Academy, and Research Foundation Mentoring Program. Lauren received her Master of Arts in Higher Education Ad- ministration from Stony Brook University in May 2017. Her current research analyzes the gender equity in higher education, with a focus of females in STEM. With her research background, Lauren is a Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) affiliated member, and instructs the course, Society and
,andconclusionsorrecommendationsexpressedin thismaterialarethoseoftheauthor(s)anddonotnecessarilyreflecttheviewsoftheNSF. References [1]Jolly,J.L.(2009).HistoricalPerspectives:TheNationalDefenseEducationAct,Current STEMInitiative,andtheGifted.GiftedChildToday,32(2),50–53. [2]Zeidler,D.L.(2016).STEMeducation:Adeficitframeworkforthetwentyfirstcentury?A socioculturalsocioscientificresponse.C ulturalStudiesofScienceEducation,11(1),11-26. [4] Riley,D.(2008).Engineeringandsocialjustice.SynthesisLecturesonEngineers, Technology,andSociety,3(1
. Figure 3. A Truck in MotionFigure 4 shows a bus hitting a coke can to slow down at the end of its motion. Using aluminumcans proved to be very useful to prevent vehicles from travelling back after hitting the terminalpost. Kinetic energy was absorbed into the can instead of being used to bounce back. Figure 4. A Bus at the Terminal PointTables 3 and 4 show how downloaded acceleration data in Figure 5 and Table 1 is converted intovelocity (Figure 6) and distance (Figure 7) traveled using numerical integration. Table 3. Vehicle 1 Data Analysis (Part 1) Time Yacc Net Accel. Trapezoid Width Left Right Area Speed (s) (G) (m/s2
point.AcknowledgementsThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.1607811. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this materialare those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National ScienceFoundation. The authors would also like to thank Dr. Daniel Knight of the University ofColorado Boulder for his collaboration and support, as well as the graduate and undergraduateresearchers who participated in data collection and analysis throughout the project: TahsinChowdhury, Jessica Deters, and Christopher Gewirtz at Virginia Tech; Nicholas Alvarez,Sidharth Arunkumar, and Amy Tattershall at New Mexico Tech; Finn Giardine, Annie Kary, andLaura Rosenbauer at Smith
that have been voiced surroundingthem. While COVID prevented or hindered the implementation of most planned interventions,our findings thus far demonstrate that the recruitment and first-semester interventions aresupporting many of the students’ needs. However, we realize additional steps may better meetprogram participants needs as they transition into their graduate studies. By doing so, weanticipate an increase in the positive outcomes of the SEnS-GPS students’ GPAs, programretention, and graduation rates.References 1. T. Figueroa & S. Hurtado, “Underrepresented racial and/or ethnic minority (URM) graduate students in STEM disciplines: A critical approach to understanding graduate school experiences and obstacles to degree
analyzing the data.References[1] National Academy of Engineering, The Engineer of 2020: Visions of Engineering in the New Century. Washington, DC: National Academy of Engineering, 2004. Accessed: Apr. 30, 2014. [Online]. Available:[2] C. L. Dym, A. M. Agogino, O. Eris, D. D. Frey, and L. J. Leifer, “Engineering design thinking, teaching, and learning,” Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 94, no. 1, pp. 103– 120, Jan. 2005.[3] S. Ahmed, K. M. Wallace, and L. T. Blessing, “Understanding the differences between how novice and experienced designers approach design tasks,” Research in Engineering Design, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 1–11, 2003.[4] N. Cross, “Design cognition: Results from
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identities are encouraged and how strongly they are expressed. Separating bygender, the results show the significant difference between men, women, and nonbinaryengineering students and how they consider their gender identity. The average Model for MultipleDimensions of Identity based on school type can help understand students' priorities when decidingto attend a small school.References[1] A. D. Patrick and M. Borrego, “A Review of the Literature Relevant to Engineering Identity,” in ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings, 2016, doi: 10.18260/p.26428.[2] K. L. Meyers, M. W. Ohland, A. L. Pawley, S. E. Silliman, and K. A. Smith, “Factors Relating to Engineering Identity,” Glob. J. Eng. Educ., vol. 14
Science Teaching, 44(8), 1187-1218.Chang, M. J., Sharkness, J., Hurtado, S., & Newman, C. B. (2014). What matters in college for retaining aspiring scientists and engineers from underrepresented racial groups. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 51(5), 555-580.Collins, D., Bayer, A. E., & Hirschfeld, D. A. (1996). Engineering Education for Women: A Chilly Climate? Women in Engineering ProActive Network.Crenshaw, K. (1990). Mapping the margins: Intersectionality, identity politics, and violence against women of color. Stan. L. Rev., 43, 1241.Cross, K. J., Clancy, K. B., Mendenhall, R., Imoukhuede, P., & Amos, J. R. (2017, June). The double bind of race and gender: A look into the experiences of
in 2020-21, as shown by the Student Demographics reported in Table 1.Students in this program believe that remote undergraduate research programs “give opportunities tostudents all over the country to participate in research projects …. without having to live in the samelocation”; “[collaborating] with people from different backgrounds …. enhance[s] the research process”;and “[Diversity] is important to gain an extrinsic understanding of how our work can impact others, soby promoting diverse collaboration, it also improves the work itself” (Student Testimonials).The active outreach to high school students allows undergraduate community college researchers to takeon high school mentees. This serves to lessen the gap between undergraduate
courses and pro-environmental knowledge and behavior and environmental attitudes.References[1] S.-W. Liang, W.-T. Fang, S.-C. Yeh, S.-Y. Liu, H.-M. Tsai, J.-Y. Chou and E. Ng, “A nationwide survey evaluating the environmental literacy of undergraduate students in Taiwan,” Sustainability, vol. 10, no. 6, p. 1730, Jun. 2018. Available: 10.3390/su10061730.[2] K. J. H. Williams and J. Cary, “Landscape preferences, ecological quality, and biodiversity protection,” Environ. Behav., vol. 34, no. 2, pp. 257–274, Mar. 2002.[3] Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, “AR4 Climate Change 2007: Synthesis Report,” 2007.[4] L. Chawla and D. F. Cushing, “Education for strategic environmental behavior,” Environ. Edu. Res., vol. 13, no. 4, pp
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Paper ID #33792Engineering Faculty’s Beliefs About Teaching and Solving Ill-structuredProblemsSecil Akinci-Ceylan, Iowa State University of Science and Technology Secil Akinci-Ceylan is a PhD student in Educational Technology in the School of Education, co-majoring in Human-Computer Interaction at Iowa State University.Yiqi Liang, Iowa State University of Science and Technology Yiqi Liang is a PhD student in Aerospace Engineering in the College of Engineering at Iowa State Uni- versity.Dr. Kristen Sara Cetin P.E., Michigan State University Dr. Kristen S Cetin is an Assistant Professor at Michigan State University in the
. American c Society for Engineering Education, 2021 S den age f a -g aded ac i i ie in a Ci c i Anal i e b kAb acIn hi a e , e anal e he e f a -g aded ci c i anal i blem , called challengeac i i ie , b e 800 den ac 8c e in 4 ni e i ie nde and me ic ch a : he a e age c m le i n a e, he a e age ime en n each ac i i , and he a e age n mbe fa em e blem le el. We al iden if he e cen age f den ha ggle, and he e cen age f den ha ga e . F m anal i e e f nd he ac i i ie a nd he ic f ma im m e an fe , n dal e a i n , N n e i alen , and e ie and a allel ei be he ha de d e ma h e i emen and he need iden if e ie and a
Metaphor F-M Perceptual metaphor F-M-P Figurative Language F Lexicalized metaphor F-M-L Personification F-P Simile F-S Synecdoche F-Y Metonymy F-M Analogy F-A Question S-Q Illustrative S-E Teaching Style S Example Imagination S-I Repetition
communication skill-building in engineering-specific technical communication classes,resulting in engineers who can more effectively propose, lead, and manage teams remotely [11,12]. Instructional technology has developed at the same time as pedagogical approaches haveexpanded to serve more diverse learners [13]. Engineers cross-trained in VMC in addition totheir discipline-specific skills will highly contribute to their professional growth.Professionalization also entails a successful life-stage transition from student to employee, whichcorresponds with a change of responsibilities and expectations. Transitioning, defined as “anyevent or non-event that results in changed relationships, routines, assumptions, and roles,” [14]includes four-S dimensions
University Dr. Ruth S. Ochia is a Professor of Instruction with the Bioengineering Department, Temple Univer- sity, Philadelphia, Pa. Her past research interests have included Biomechanics, primarily focusing on spine-related injuries and degeneration. Currently, her interests are in engineering education, curriculum development, and assessment at the undergraduate level. American c Society for Engineering Education, 2021Introduction:There has been much work on the development of entrepreneurial thinking in engineering students.[1,4,5] These studies emphasize the needs to train our students to be innovative and entrepreneurialminded to meet the changing technological
Paper ID #32725Broadening the Participation of Underrepresented Minorities in theMathematical SciencesProf. Tuncay Aktosun, University of Texas at Arlington Dr. Aktosun is a professor of mathematics at the University of Texas at Arlington. His research area is applied mathematics and differential equations with research interests in scattering and spectral theory, inverse problems, wave propagation, and integrable evolution equations. He is involved in various men- toring and scholarship programs benefiting students. He has been the GAANN Fellowship Director in his department since 2006, the NSF S-STEM Scholarship
suspension of disbelief on the part of the student. In Deshpande etal.’s [23] review of simulation games in engineering education, they found many advantages ofteaching engineering concepts through simulated environments over traditional classroominstruction, including but not limited to connecting theory to practice, customizability ofdifficulty to match students comprehension level, reduction of resistance to accepting innovativeideas and concepts, and greater retention of concepts over time. Another advantage ofsimulation-based learning is its compatibility with online learning, which continues to be agrowing trend, especially since the COVID-19 pandemic [11], [18], [31], [32].Using virtual systems to augment education is not only limited to
,” National Student Clearinghouse Research Center, Herndon, VA, Signature Report 19, Dec. 2020. [Online]. Available:[2] D. Shapiro, A. Dundar, F. Huie, P. Wakhungu, A. Bhimdiwala, and S. Wilson, “Completing college: A state-level view of student completion rates includes for the first- time, race and ethnicity outcomes for four-year public institutions,” National Student Clearinghouse Research Center, Herndon, VA, 16a, Feb. 2019. [Online]. Available: student-completion-rates-includes-for-the-first-time-race-and-ethnicity-outcomes-for-four- year-public