in differences inethical perspectives. The ongoing collaborative project described in this paper attempts todevelop the cross-cultural sensitivity of Indian and USA students through their reflections oncase studies that present ethical dilemmas in real-world situations. Central questions addressed inthis paper include: 1) How does a pedagogical model based on socio-cultural theory andincorporating cross-cultural activities support undergraduate engineering students in socio-cultural and ethical thinking? and 2) How do engineering students develop their professionalidentities through socio-cultural and ethical discourse? Based on socio-cultural learning theory,the present collaborative effort engages hundreds of students in professional
from historicaland cultural perspective. This research first analyzes the origins of entrepreneurial culture inhigher engineering education; secondly, explores the influences of entrepreneurial culture inhigher engineering education; finally, analyzes the implications of entrepreneurial culture inhigher engineering education based on a cultural perspective, especially in the culturalecology of Chinese mainland. This research preliminarily shows that the practice ofengineering entrepreneurship education within colleges and universities in Chinese mainlandurgently seeks rational reflection on the inheritance of traditional culture, the valuesexcavation of traditional business culture, the value recognition of entrepreneurship education,and
) understand specifications of commercially availableparts and use them to create a system – “obstacle avoiding robot” and v) create a robot or asubsystem. In addition, the course envisaged that students develop lesson plans in order toengage in mentoring of middle school students based on the understanding of their educationalbackground, write a weekly reflection report and make improvements on the delivery of lessonplan and help mentees build a finished product – an obstacle avoiding robot, from thecommercially available parts. Topics covered in the course included – Microcontrollers, Programing, Digital I/O,Encoders, Infrared sensor, Ultrasonic sensor, LIDAR, Gyroscope, Accelerometer,Magnetometer, Wireless interface to microcontroller, RC
of the Center for Educational Networks and Impacts at the Institute for Creativity, Arts, and Technology (ICAT). Her research interests include interdisciplinary collaboration, design education, communication studies, identity theory and reflective practice. Projects supported by the National Science Foundation include exploring disciplines as cultures, liberatory maker spaces, and a RED grant to increase pathways in ECE for the professional formation of engineers.Dr. David Gray, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Dr. Gray receieved his B.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Virginia Tech in 2000. He then earned a M.S. and a Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering from Virginia Tech in
meeting with teammates.At the beginning of ERT, students delivered team products through traditional written formats ofWord and Google Docs. Holding onto what had worked well in the past, it appeared thatcompleting team-based work was limited with reliance on “cut-and-paste” methods.New tools that reflected a virtual environment were needed to shift the focus to collaborativelearning. In a just-in-time fashion, faculty learned and utilized tools such as JamBoard [5] andMural [6]. These tools provided platforms for students to discuss, learn from each other, and stillproduce a product. They also allowed the faculty to see students’ collaborative processes, whilestill having a finished product to assess with rubric criteria.Students, used to face
real world environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety,constructability, and sustainability constraints. This project provided an academic enrichmentand curriculum engagement for students to apply their knowledge to benefit the community. Thispaper discusses capstone design project objectives, student learning activities, educationaloutcome assessment mapping, faculty reflections and lessons learned.IntroductionIn professional practice, engineers build successful careers out of solving open-ended problems[1]. However, the well-structured and constrained problems that engineering students tend tosolve at the early level coursework, do little to prepare them for the complexity of ambiguousand unstructured real-world problems [1
be able to move beyond it in engineeringeducation. Here, the focus is on the circumstances that led to the emergence and prevalence of theterm in two different contexts: (1) the discourse community of speakers of English as representedin the Oxford English Dictionary (OED) and (2) the discourse community of engineeringeducation as reflected in papers published by the American Society for Engineering Education(ASEE) in the period 1996-2020. The combination of these two perspectives reveals that (1) theconversation on soft skills is by no means limited to engineering education; (2) interest in thetopic has increased dramatically since 1996; and (3) implementation of the EC2000 accreditationcriteria provided the impetus for the dramatic
makes it challengingfor them to reflect on the comments and implement changes [9].The objective of the present work is to develop a method of providing feedback to students in aconcise and contextualized manner. The process involves searching students’ lab reports for theirwriting mistakes and sorting the relevant extracts into categories and identifying themes. Eachtheme consists of several errors that are clustered together under one particular construct. It isanticipated that by categorizing students’ mistakes into themes and providing feedback on eachof the themes, students find higher motivation for improvement compared to the situation wherethey are given individual comments on each and every one of their mistakes in an unsorted
. Thisdata suggests that topics students spent more hands-on time with resulted in better performance.IntroductionAccording to the Bureau of Labor and Statistics, the average person has 10 jobs by the age of 40[1]. This can be seen in Engineering and also reflected in what Engineering graduates are doingfive and ten years post degree[2], [3] . Further, nearly 25% of the Best Performing CEOs startedwith a B.S. in Engineering [4]. Industry continues to ask for more well-rounded competencies ofnew Engineers. The T-shaped engineer combines a depth of engineering technical knowledgewith broad knowledge across domains such as business, communications, entrepreneurship, andethics [2], [5]. Fostering 21st century skills ensures Engineers are equipped to
andreflection of the authors as well as over ten other graduate students. The students and us share thesame nationality, religion, and language. We are at different levels of our doctoral program indifferent engineering majors. The findings we share in this paper are the accumulation of all storieswe heard, reflections on the stories, and our own experiences. This cooperative inquiry processcan serve as a guide for other graduate students in discovering their personal journey during theirgraduate years. In addition, the findings can provide insights for university administrations andpolicymakers to ease this transformation process, especially for immigrant students.Keywords: Graduate school, cooperative inquiry, immigration, policy, administration
educationresearch [13]. Figure 1 leverages this model to show how the engineering and labor theory ofchange fits into this study of engineering graduate students engaging in a strike. The modelconnects Mejia et al.’s critical consciousness model [17], which engages Freire’s principles ofcritical pedagogy [18], with Hassan’s model of learning-assessment interactions [19]. “Mejia etal.’s model is represented in the center of this model, showing relationships between theory,action, reflection, and concepts of scholarship, praxis, concientização, and liberation that resultfrom their overlap. Hassan’s model of learning-assessment interactions is overlaid, with theoverlap taking the form of reflection as an assessment method and action as a learning method”[13
, adaptational, or causal process. Due to the limitation of space and relevance tothe purpose of this paper, focus will be placed on the developmental and compositional modelsof intercultural competence. Developmental models are rooted in the recognition that intercultural competenceevolves over time. An influential example is the Developmental Model of InterculturalSensitivity (DMIS) created by Milton J. Bennett [10]. There are six stages in the DMIS modelwhere interactants progress from relatively ethnocentric understandings of other culturesto a more differentiated, sophisticated and ethnorelative comprehension and appreciation:“Denial” reflects attitudes that only one’s own culture is in some sense real or legitimate, whileother cultures are
(Curiosity, Connections, Creating Value), as well as the additional areas identifiedin the eKSOs of communication and collaborations.2.1 Makerspaces developing curiosityStudent self-reflection essays have revealed that students feel that the multitude of resourcesavailable in the makerspace inspires curiosity [11], potentially by allowing students to developthe eKSO of Explore multiple solution paths. While no research was found that systematicallyexamined curiosity development due to the makerspace, two of the eKSOs under curiosity areDevelop a propensity to ask more questions and Be able to formulate salient questions. Tomko’scase study analysis of students in the makerspace highlights that a student “asks question afterquestion, and this method
sustained faculty changes, including their awareness and carerelated to students’ success, their readiness and implementation of online teaching pedagogy, andtheir initiatives in creating inclusive learning environments for diverse student needs. Resultssuggest the importance of fostering and sustaining change by creating collaborative spaces forfaculty to reflect on and support each other’s teaching practice. A departmental Community ofPractice (COP) related to teaching provided faculty with existing space, norms, and practicesupporting each other in reflecting on, adapting, and improving their teaching to support theneeds of diverse learners. We share our findings and implications in a traditional lecture.IntroductionThe emergence of COVID-19
variety of pedagogical approaches. As a model for other engineering centersto explore, this paper also describes the cases of two high school science teachers who wereembedded in a neuroethics research group for their summer research experience. Finally,program evaluation findings show that RET participants reported increases in knowledge relatedto ethical and responsible conduct in research and knowledge of core concepts in neuroethics.Some teachers in particular reflected that learning about neuroethics was impactful to their ownprofessional learning and their students’ learning. Integrating the study of ethics into scientificresearch, as well as into science and engineering education across all levels, is imperative fordeveloping a citizenry
inequities they sought to address.Freire characterized this as “false generosity”—as charity offered that does not empower, butinstead fosters dependency. While such aid may help individuals, it also sustains inequities [10].Addressing inequality in engineering education means interrogating the origins of inequalities.Efforts to unravel those systems requires the knowledge of decolonization and engaging indecolonizing methodologies [11]. This is important to reflect on because when organizationsenter a community, they often act in colonizing ways and extend oppressive systemsmasquerading as aid. Decolonizing methodologies center community knowledge and needs andforeground the community’s own purposes.Such work is effortful and time consuming, but
work comfortably within holistic, multidisciplinary contexts to solvecontemporary challenges. Moreover, engineers are expected to have the ability to work on multi-national teams designing products in one part of the world that will be manufactured in anotherand sold in yet another. In short, engineering is in itself, a global enterprise [2]. Trainedindividuals are needed who understand participatory development and have the technical skills toaddress complex issues. As noted by William Wulf [3], President Emeritus of National Academyof Engineering:“…engineering is now practiced in a global, holistic business context, and engineers must designunder constraints that reflect that context. In the future, understanding other cultures
relevant Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities - KSAs) were measured.Additionally, within the CATME platform team satisfaction, team interdependence and teamcohesiveness were measured. ANCOVA analysis was used to assess the quantitative data fromCATME. Preliminary results suggest that students in the treatment classes had higher teammember effectiveness and overall satisfaction scores than students in the comparison classes.Qualitative data from reflections written at the completion of the aforementioned projects wereused to explore these results.IntroductionA summary of reports on engineering curriculum concluded that the undergraduate engineeringcurriculum lacks rigor in “integrating technical and professional skills through practicalexperiences
sustainability, and July focused on convertingproject course implementation to online formats (due to COVID-19).In order to facilitate effective sharing of information and peer learning, SUMMIT-P uses twoprotocols during project meetings that provide a format for effective and fruitful discussion. Thetwo protocols, Descriptive Consultancy protocol and Success Analysis with Reflective Questionsprotocol, have historically been applied in the K-12 education community [4]. The DescriptiveConsultancy protocol [5], originally developed by Nancy Mohr and revised by Connie Parrishand Susan Taylor in August 2013, was modified by McDonnough and Henschel [6] and has beenadapted for this project to help presenters think more expansively about a particular
the scienceprofessions, researchers have identified an enduring strong association of science as a disciplinefor men [4]. This association of gender and career field also impacts young people before theycommit to a career path: middle schoolers have parroted the assumption that engineering is acareer for men [8].The Media and Women in STEMThese disciplinary norms and perceptions are reflected in the ways in which, and if, women inSTEM are portrayed in art, media, and popular culture around the world [3, 7, 9, 10, 11]. Themedia reflects the truth of underrepresentation in STEM [7, 10]. Of the 391 most popular STEM-themed YouTube channels, only 32 hosts presented themselves as female [9]. In acomprehensive study of entertainment media
disciplines, including engineering, reflects a procedural,individualistic, and separated way of knowing, which poses a significant challenge to youngwomen’s intellectual pursuit in these disciplines [18].Research Design Our study is an ethnographic study, a qualitative research approach that explores thesubtle yet important cultural aspects and processes in society. In an ethnographic study, theresearcher typically investigates a culture-sharing group in a natural setting over a prolongedperiod of time by collecting primarily observational and interview data” [19]. Ethnography is anaturalistic and holistic inquiry based on multiple data collection methods, using inductiveanalysis, and drawing cultural interpretations as final outcomes
environments.Autoethnography uses self-reflection and writing to understand and explore anecdotal and personalexperiences which allows for a deeper connection across individual educator stories as well ascontribute to a wider understanding of perspectives. Using a collaborative autoethnographicapproach allows educators to discuss their experience, coming together to make sense of theirsituation, context, and experiences. The study concludes with highlighting best practices andlessons learned for applying each of these teaching and learning formats, providing compellingjustification for continued use of all or parts of these teaching and learning formats as a goodpractice (regardless of a pandemic). Examples are provided for these engineering courses:Leadership
assessment data.The WGG project created blended engineering design challenges that engage youth in problemsolving and reflection. Through the WISEngineering online learning environment, youth arepresented with a design challenge. They are guided through knowledge and skills builders(KSBS) that help them to learn the content knowledge needed to successfully complete thedesign challenge. Youth are later asked to evaluate their design solutions according to criteriathat were presented along with the challenge. After completing the design challenge, the youthengage in guided reflection about the experience. This informal learning activity was deliveredat Boys and Girls Clubs. The project team was very aware that if the assessment resembled aschool “test
asked to voluntarily share their experiences in the form of writtenreflections as a part of an open-response survey at the end of each semester. To understand studentexperiences, we conducted a thematic analysis of student reflections after they completed theirfirst semester. We analyzed reflections and we discussed our findings through the lens of thesituated learning theory, specifically addressing its three key tenets: authentic context, socialinteraction, and authentic learning.IntroductionNumerous future jobs will involve science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM)knowledge. As such, it is important to attract students into STEM fields and to retain them asSTEM majors. Residential Learning Communities (RLCs) can help with both
performance. Also, student perception of the BlendFlex modelof instruction with LA support is reported.This study was reviewed and approved by the University’s Institutional Review Board.MethodsSubjects and SurveysAfter each exam, students were given an Exam Wrapper to reflect on their preparation andperformance in terms of foundation, course involvement, study habit and activities, and sourcesof error (see Appendix, Table A1 and A2). The purpose of the reflection activity is to highlighthabits that are helpful to continue and reveal some areas that could be adjusted. This reflectionhelps students plan what to do differently and better to prepare for the next exam and asksstudents what instructors or assistants can do to support their learning. Exam
framework to better understand empathyamong engineering educators. The framework is made up of three mutually dependentdimensions: skills, orientation, and being. The skills dimension includes empathic skills that canbe learned such as perspective taking, mode switching, and affective sharing. The orientationdimension concerns one’s proclivity for being empathetic and includes aspects such as anepistemological openness and reflective values awareness. The being dimension aligns withone’s values and morals as engineers and citizens and how these morals and values define andguide our actions and behaviors. Interviews were conducted with three assistant professors andone professor and these interview transcripts were thematically analyzed using in
impact of a user’s prior knowledge and the reflections of first-year engineeringstudents on differing results were also assessed.The results of this study indicate that designing a product display or interface is still centeredaround a population stereotype, but the population takes many forms depending on the productor interface. When an open-ended prompt is provided, such as, “draw in how you consider the[gear selections] should be positioned for [an auto transmission] Neutral (N), Drive (D), Low(L), and Reverse (R),” the multitude of responses becomes overwhelming to designers. Theinfluence of cultural shifts, since the original study, was evident within our responses as well.Multiple responses highlighted how modernization of technology may
,Sacramento’s (Sacramento State) with the Hornet Leadership Scholars’ Curriculum. TheHornet Leadership Program (HLP), launched in 2018, addresses some of our potential gapsin engineering leadership education. The program includes instruction on principles ofleadership, seminars by industry leaders, leadership practice and reflection, discussions,one-on-one mentoring, leadership development in student organizations, and communityactivities. The program also reinforces the educational process by creating opportunities forparticipants to be coach/mentors for less experienced students as they progress in theprogram. The HLP allows students to enhance their engineering leadership training throughdirect application of leadership principles. As we grow the
, changing racial and ethnic demographics, national security, andglobalization have all fueled the push to increase and diversify the science and engineeringworkforce [6]. Further, expanding racial (and gender) representation of engineering faculty hasbecome a top priority in many engineering colleges and departments across the country. Despitethe best intentions, many organizations have failed to reflect societal demographics within theirfaculty ranks. Techniques and strategies exist to recruit candidates from traditionallyunderrepresented groups, yet the full participation of these groups has not been achieved [6].It is clear that the engineering programs within higher education must improve their teachingapproaches to address issues of diversity
disparate contexts and perspectives.2. improve the ability to apply engineering design concepts to solve problems in the real world.3. improve the ability to make reflective judgment through independent and critical thinking4. improve the ability to make and act on the moral or ethical judgment in the engineering design process5. improve the ability to function effectively on a team.6. improve the ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiencesThis course is designed to achieve the learning outcomes listed above by assigning studentsdesign activities and projects. Table 1 shows the detailed descriptions of the teaching methodsused for each learning outcome. Table 1. Teaching methods for each learning outcome