Paper ID #33949S-STEM Student Reflections and IDP ProcessDr. Laura Kasson Fiss, Michigan Technological University Laura Kasson Fiss is a Research Assistant Professor in the Pavlis Honors College at Michigan Techno- logical University. She holds a PhD from Indiana University in English (2013). Her work has appeared in ASEE, FYEE, the NCHC Monograph Series, and elsewhere. Research areas include reflection, commu- nication, curriculum design, and Victorian humor.Dr. John L. Irwin, Michigan Technological University As Professor for Mechanical Engineering Technology at Michigan Technological University, Dr. Irwin teaches
Paper ID #32643Reimagining Energy Year 3: Reflections on a Course OfferingProf. Gordon D. Hoople, University of San Diego Dr. Gordon D. Hoople is an assistant professor and one of the founding faculty members of integrated engineering at the University of San Diego. He is passionate about creating engaging experiences for his students. His work is primarily focused on two areas: engineering education and design. Professor Hoople’s engineering education research examines the ways in which novel approaches can lead to better student outcomes. He is the principal investigator on the National Science Foundation Grant
, 2021 Reflecting on 10 years of centralized engineering student diversity initiatives (Experience)0. AbstractThe IDEA Engineering Student Center at the University of California San Diego’s Jacobs Schoolof Engineering was established in 2010 to focus on engineering student diversity and inclusioninitiatives following a series of racially charged incidents affecting our campus’ Black students.From its inception, the IDEA Center aimed to focus on 1) outreach, 2) recruitment and yield, 3)academic success and enrichment, and 4) retention and graduation for underrepresented minority(URM) students. Through the lens of nonprofit organizational lifecycles, the IDEA Centertransitioned from Idea to Start-up to Growth
critical to engineering, reflected in an emphasis onethics in educational accreditation guidelines, as well as funding for research than addressesethics in engineering [1]–[3]. Curricula have tended to take an applied and case-based approach,where professional engineering codes and/or philosophical ethical theories are introduced, whichare then used to resolve questions that arise in cases concerning engineering and technology [4],[5]. In recent years, however, there has been a proliferation of novel approaches, as well asdisagreement concerning the form engineering ethics education should take, and criteria fordetermining what would count as success [1], [5]–[7]. In part, this confusion stems fromdisagreements about the goals of ethics
•Understand and Respect Other Professionals •Research Information Information and •Identify Relevant Information Communication Literacy •Express and Receive Ideas Clearly •Write Concisely •Generate New Ideas Critical Thinking •Think Critically •Think and Act Independently •Organize Things Effectively •Self-Reflection Self-Management Skills •Manage Time and Meet Deadlines •Be Punctual to Class or MeetingsFigure 1. Generic Skills Perception Questionnaire Factors
Paper ID #33572”You Could Take ’Social’ Out of Engineering and Be Just Fine”: AnExploration of Engineering Students’ Beliefs About the Social Aspects ofEngineering WorkMr. Robert P. Loweth, University of Michigan Robert P. Loweth is a PhD candidate in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Michigan. His research explores how engineers engage and include diverse perspectives in their engineer- ing work. His findings have informed the development of tools and pedagogy that support engineering students in investigating and reflecting on the broader societal contexts and impacts of engineering ac
Paper ID #32896Teachers Navigating Educational Systems: Reflections on the Value ofFunds of Knowledge (Fundamental)Dr. Joel Alejandro Mejia, University of San Diego Dr. Joel Alejandro (Alex) Mejia is an assistant professor in the Department of Integrated Engineering at the University of San Diego. His research has contributed to the integration of critical theoretical frame- works and Chicano Cultural Studies to investigate and analyze existing deficit models in engineering education. Dr. Mejia’s work also examines how asset-based models impact the validation and recognition of students and communities of color as holders
Paper ID #34670Visual Thinking Strategies (VTS) for Promoting Reflection in EngineeringEducation: Graduate Student PerceptionsDr. Ryan C. Campbell, Texas Tech University Having completed his Ph.D. through the University of Washington’s interdisciplinary Individual Ph.D. Program (see, Dr. Campbell is now a Postdoctoral Research Associate at Texas Tech Uni- versity. He currently facilitates an interdisciplinary project entitled ”Developing Reflective Engineers through Artful Methods.” His scholarly interests include both teaching and research in engineering educa- tion, art in engineering, social justice
learning, and engineering communi- cation. American c Society for Engineering Education, 2021 I Wish I Would Have Known Engineering Student's Reflections on Challenges and Support Experienced in Graduate ProgramsAbstractThe purpose of this research paper is to characterize the experiences of engineering doctoralstudents as they reflect upon what they wish they had known before beginning their program.Engineering graduate enrollment rates have been declining over the past few years, while studentwell-being issues are rising. This work is part of an overarching investigation examining thephenomenon of
individual’s decision-making in the face of discrete moral or ethical quandaries. Yet,prior scholarship by Joseph Herkert [2] suggests there is a multi-layered set of ethical obligationsthat range for microethics––or individual decisions––to macroethics, which reflect theprofessional society’s values and ethical obligations. Macroethical dilemmas result in the“problem of many hands”, as described by van der Poel and Royakkers [3]. This brings to lightthe notion that individuals or even large organizations are not solely responsible for engineeringprocesses and uncertain outcomes. For it is clear that no individual or discrete organization hascomplete control and authority for the complex socio-technical innovation process from designto implementation
in this article.Dr. Marie Stettler Kleine’s research on humanitarian and integrated engineering programsinspired her reflection on how different forms of contextualization and the vocabulary used todescribe them signal different ways to best teach engineers. Her graduate training in science andtechnology studies and human-centered design prepared her to see that these forms ofcontextualization are much more nuanced than using particular language, but this varyinglanguage fundamentally changes the engineering pedagogy in practice. She continues tointerrogate why and how engineering educators learn from other disciplines to explicitlyprioritize contextualization.For Dr. Kari Zacharias, this project has been an opportunity to reflect on the
during an event designed to disrupt the educational enterprise [11]. TheCOVID-19 pandemic thus provides an opportunity to investigate dimensions of engineeringculture during a crisis, which can open new avenues for conversations about equity andaccessibility in engineering by identifying which aspects of culture are most and least amenableto change. In other words, disasters can help uncover ‘what really matters’ and potentially offer anew avenue for cultural change.This paper and its larger research project aim to capture student experiences and reflections, intheir own words, in order to understand how dimensions of engineering culture interacted withpractices in engineering education during COVID-19. This research project will then allow
understanding of global and societal contexts in orderto solve some of the grand challenges facing humanity. This task is made no less difficult by thenecessity of multidisciplinary teams, diverse stakeholders, and innovative communicationmethods in an increasingly complex world. This vision for a modern engineer is reflected in the2004 and 2005 National Academies publications of “The Engineer of 2020” [1] and “Educatingthe Engineer of 2020” [2]. For historical context, Figure 1 showcases the call for action assummarized in the Grinter Report of 1955 [3] to the call of action as summarized in the Engineerof 2020 reports of 2004 and 2005. Ultimately, all of these reports (starting in 1955) urged for amore well-rounded engineer. The Engineer of 2020
) communicating effectively, (4) recognizing ethical andprofessional responsibilities and considering the impact of engineering solutions, (5) functioningon a team in an inclusive environment, (6) analyzing and interpreting data, and (7) acquiring andapplying new knowledge [10].This paper describes the course module activities that help students succeed in completing theresearch report, the components of the research report, and grading checklists used by studentsfor creating successful deliverables and by instructors for grading guidance. This paper alsodescribes the assessment of students’ reports and student feedback in a reflection assignment.The paper ends with a discussion and conclusions.The Cross-Cultural Design Module and Cross-Cultural UI
abruptly transitioned from face-to-face instruction to completely remote in Spring2020 (S20), and as it reappeared as a hybrid course in Fall 2020 (F20) and Spring 2021 (S21).The focus of this present paper is not on the instructional changes required by COVID (anddiscussed in our companion paper), but rather on how those in turn changed the approach to thehandling of ethical questions and to the assessments of students’ responses to those scenarios.One hypothesis is whether the content or style of the pre-post scenario answers and of thereflections changed between an answer handwritten under time-pressure and one electronicallycaptured with little time constraint. Did the answers or reflections measurably change if moretime were to be allowed for
teachers and students. The diversity of the teacher workforce in the USA,however, does not reflect the diversity of the student population, resulting in most Americanstudents coming from different backgrounds than their teachers [1]. When teachers do notunderstand the different backgrounds of their students, learning can be inhibited. As Delpit [2]explains, “We educators set out to teach, but how can we reach the worlds of others when wedon't even know they exist?” (pg. 14).One way educators can learn more about the cultures of their students is through the use ofethnographic observation methods [3,4]. Through studying the communities and homes of theirstudents, teachers can identify local and familial funds of knowledge that students bring
you can build a house so many different ways. So, knowing the right way to do it is often difficult because everyone has their own preference. Each client has their own preference. They all like it a different way, so it’s hard to know where we can allow the client’s preferences take over, or where we put our foot down and say, “No, this is the way it has to be done.” It’s really difficult knowing what to do sometimes.As the preceding account suggests, Beatrice’s remarks reflect an interesting dichotomy. On theone hand, she speaks to her company’s high standards and notes a lack of ethical dilemmas. Onthe other hand, she gives multiple examples where difficult structural design decisions dependheavily on
ourunderstanding of their perceptions and values about stakeholder experiences within the contextof infrastructure decisions, as well as their agency beliefs to combat inequities in this context.Each framework is further described in the following sections.Critical ConsciousnessGrounded in the pedagogical practices of Brazilian educator-philosopher Paulo Freire (1921-1997), critical consciousness comprises three components: (1) critical reflection, which is thecritical analysis of inequitable social conditions; (2) critical motivation, which is the interest andagency one has to redress such inequities; and (3) critical action, which is the action taken toproduce or participate in activities aimed at promoting societal change [3]-[6]. The likelihood
instrumentation is to drive ongoing cycles of continuousimprovement in teaching with a focus on transforming student learning. Owing to theongoing, dynamic practices of reflective educators, pedagogy and plans iterativelyevolve. These changes in practice exist in a complex environment that has the potential toprofoundly impact students’ ability to engage with and internalize content. Given thisenvironment, instrumentation is deployed to collect data in a process of developmentalevaluation while proactively responding to student learning and development throughdisaggregated data. This work equips educators with information to support thedevelopment of prototypes and innovations that strive toward providing undergraduatestudents with authentic, deep, and
and Employers (NACE) [6]Future Skills Framework DevelopmentActua developed the Future Skills Framework to capture and articulate the instructor experience,and to provide a foundation for additional support to member programs and their instructors. Inaddition, a strengthened instructor experience framework is seen to have potential for improvedrecruitment, training and retention of future instructors, increased transferability of the instructorexperience to future career opportunities, and increased quality and consistency in youthengagement by the network. The potential to shape a national, post-secondary work integratedlearning experience reflects activity by universities and affiliated organizations to betterdocument the contribution of
program’s learning strategies course employed a three-pronged approach towardsusing the LASSI. First, students took the assessment online at the beginning and end of thesemester. Second, students were prompted to reflect on their pre-intervention scores throughstructured reflection assignments at three points throughout the semester. Third, students weresupported by several campus resources in interpreting and improving their performance acrossthe ten LASSI dimensions. The following paragraphs detail these interconnected approaches ingreater depth.Students completed the 3rd Edition of the LASSI [6] once at the outset of the semester and oncemore at its conclusion. Students took the LASSI online, with the first administration due at theend of the
professional developmentprogram positioned the importance of the inclusion of engineering content and encouragedteachers to explore community-based, collaborative activities that identified and spoke to societalneeds and social impacts through engineering integration. Data collected from two of the coursesin this project, Enhancing Mathematics with STEM and Engineering in the K-12 Classroom,included participant reflections, focus groups, microteaching lesson plans, and field notes.Through a case study approach and grounded theory analysis, themes of self-efficacy, activelearning supports, and social justice teaching emerged. The following discussion on teachers’engineering and STEM self-efficacy, teachers’ integration of engineering to address
increasing first year students’ understandingof diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) issues without impacting the overall learning outcomesof the course. These changes included: ● Creation of a pre-class/-lab assignment ● In-class/-lab discussions ● Collaborative creation of team and Class/Lab RulesAt the core of these course additions were case studies related to diversity and inclusion issuespresented at the STEM diversity forum. Students were tasked to read the case studies, reflect onquestion prompts and submit their ideas towards the creation of team or class rules that could beput in place to prevent the situation or what action they would take if they witness similarsituations on their own team or another team. This approach of
Morocco, and 6) 3Australia and New Zealand. To meet the program’s goal of global engineering competencies,students visit companies, universities and are immersed in cultural and social attraction sites inthe respective host countries. In addition, students participating in the program are required tohighlight their learning and broader experiences through a reflective journal [18].MethodsTo answer the research question, we conducted a qualitative study employing the case studymethodological framework. Case study research is based on examining the context and everycomplex condition in the real-world setting of the phenomenon to have an integral
willing to meet with instructors outside ofclass9. Krause writes that engagement does not guarantee learning is taking place, but learningcan be enhanced if it provides students with opportunities to reflect on their learning activities10.In our project, students were encouraged to reflect on the lessons learned from the activitieseither in writing or in a class postmortem discussion.There is consensus among members of our department’s professional advisory board thatprofessional practice invariably requires strong verbal and written communication skills. Todevelop their oral communications skills, students need opportunities to present their work aswell as observe their peers doing the same. Some instructors believe that the project
education. This DBR approach also reflects Kolb’s [5] four stages of experientiallearning (experience, reflection, conceptualize, and test) as the program developers, faculty, andstudents learn together through each cycle of development. Design & Planning Problem Ideation/ Refined Learning (ProjectStatement Selection Model Objectives mgmt) Data CollectionProgram Design Design
important tool for imaginative or creative self-expression. Infact, the use of poetry for the cultivation of creative thinking, imagination, reflection, andcommunication skills has been widely recognized in several scientific fields, including medicine[2, 3, 4], nursing education [5, 6], science education [7], mathematics [8], neuroscience [9, 10],biology [11], and conservation science [12] among others. Hence, it can be argued that poetry canbe an effective teaching and learning tool in engineering education as well.The remainder of the paper is organized as follows: In the next section, we provide a review of therelated literature. The following section describes the course and the specifics of the poetryassignment. We then present an overview of