many years of teaching experience s/he had, the amount of time they spendteaching science, and their work and learning experiences with science, technology, andengineering. Page 11.528.2 Proceedings of the 2006 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright © 2006, American Society for Engineering EducationAdditionally, we asked some of the teachers who completed the survey to complete twoinstruments that we had developed to measure students’ understandings of technology andengineering: the What is Engineering and What is Technology instruments [10] (see Appendix Afor copies
is represented by green Lego plates.Red areas are n-Si and are called source (S) and drain (D). S/Dregions, in an actual Si microfabrication process, are created by No Channel (a)introducing n-type impurities (such as phosphorous) into a p-Siwafer using silicon dioxide (SiO2) as a diffusion mask. This is LED in S/D Circuit (b)possible because the diffusion constant of phosphorous in SiO2 isvery low as compared to that in Si. Thus, the presence of SiO2makes sure that the n-type impurities are introduced in red areas(S/D) only. Following the thick white arrows (see b1 through b4),the next step is to make metal contacts (blue plates) to form S/Dleads
20 10 0 1 (Explanation) 2 (Demonstration) 3 (Hands-on) ScaleFigure 3: Results from the Post-Questionnaire: What part of the instructional unit helped you the most tounderstand the concept of cardio-vascular system? These results are based on the following scale:(1) Explanation (2) Demonstration (3) Hands-on Activity W h a t P a r t o f t h e I n s t r u c t i o n a l U n i t H e l p e d t h e mo s t t o U nde r s t a nd t he C onc e pt of P r e s s ur e ? 80 70 60 50
. National Science Foundation, NSF Graduate Teaching Fellows In K-12 Education (GK-12) (accessed March 8, 2006).2. J. Lyons, M. Banich, J. Brader and C. Ebert, (2002). “Formative Assessment of the University of SouthCarolina’s Graduate Teaching Fellows in K-12 Education Program,” Proceedings of the 2002 American Society forEngineering Education Annual Conference, Montreal, Canada, June 16-19, 2002.3. J. Lyons, J. Brader and C. Ebert, (2003). “GK-12 Enhances Teaching Skills of Engineering Graduate Students,”Proceedings of the 2003 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Nashville, Tennessee,June 22-26, 2003.4. J. Lyons and S. Fisher, (2004). “Effects of Elementary- and Middle
the County of Maui, the Maui HighPerformance Computing Center, and the U. S. Department of Labor.Participation in the first day’s program included 12 local technology employers (eight of whichalso were actively involved in planning the day’s activities), 32 students and 11 teachers.Students heard from technology employees about their career paths while teachers learned howto prepare their students for tech careers. Everyone then heard a presentation onentrepreneurship in technology. Finally, students chose a breakout session with one of eightparticipating technology companies. On the second day, participants toured the University ofHawaii Institute for Astronomy and the Maui Space Surveillance ComplexDuring the six weeks preceding the event
solution to problems and the relationshipbetween science and technology. Loepp [37] did a comparison study of the M/S/T standards,demonstrating the parallel nature of the engineering design process, scientific inquiry and theproblem solving process.The organization of content standards in science is intended to develop the students' cognitiveability based on critical thinking and scientific reasoning. The ability to learn through inquiry is abasic skill needed to understand how science principles and concepts could be applied toengineering principles and design. Most engineering disciplines require a high level ofproficiency in basic mathematics and science knowledge and skills.National Standards for Technological Literacy, STL, [28] promotes the
e, S S CS CS S S S g PC PC C C
feedback from the students was the need of longer laboratory hours, even withthe addition of evening hours. They indicated that most of the technology in thelaboratories was not available in their schools. Parents were extremely happy about theoutcome and demanded a second program at a higher level. Students presented theirdesigns to a group composed from the families, the authors, the undergraduate assistant.The program was concluded with a cook-out where the families and staff of the differentinstitute programs socialized. The students were presented with certificates. In all, higherexpectations with quality instruction and ample resources yielded higher results.References[1] http://[2] James, D. W., Jurich, S. and Estes, S
2006-518: QCC TECHASCEND: NSF-SPONSORED AFTER-SCHOOL PROGRAMAIMED AT POTENTIAL TECHNICIANSDon Engelberg, Queensborough Community College Principal Investigator Dr. Don Engelberg holds a B. S. degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and M. A. and Ph. D. degrees in physics from Columbia University. In addition to coordinating the entire TechASCEND project, he served as instructor for the fiber optics unit. Dr. Engelberg has served as P. I. for two previous NSF grants related to fiber optic telecommunications. In addition to his publications related to physics education, he has published on nuclear and particle physics and the history of physics. He has also directed grants under the
first laboratory exercise. This figure isprovided to emphasize the standalone nature of the kit. On the left hand side of the protoboard isa 5 VDC power supply provided by the 9 VDC battery and the 5 VDC regulator. An LED is alsoprovided at the output of the regulator to serve as a power supply pilot light (on) indicator. Thefour single pole, single throw switches mounted in a common DIP package provide thecapability to insert logic one and logic zero test signals into the circuit under test. The 7404 hexinverter is part of the four channel LED indicator circuit. The LEDs act as a four-channel logicprobe to provide a visual indication of the circuit’s logic output(s). This circuit is actuallyconstructed on to breadboard snapped together. The
Perspectives on Science and Mathematics Learning,” Science Education, Vol. 75, No. 1, pp. 9-21.6. K. Williamson, H. Ndahi, S. Waters, L. Nelson (2005) “Facing the realities of “high-stakes” testing while keeping science and engineering outreach alive,” Paper No. 2005-1184, Proceedings of the 2005 American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition.7. ENERGY STAR for K-12 School Districts, retrieved February 15, 2006 from the World Wide Web: Page 11.351.10Appendix A – Survey InstrumentsA1. Energy Consciousness Survey Table 1
11.3% of theengineering undergraduate degrees. These same race/ethnic groups are projected to make up Page 11.369.4 333.9% of the U.S. population graduating from high school in 2014. Engineering degreesawarded to women have followed a similar trajectory-growth through the 1990’s with apercentage peak in 2000 at 20.6% of the total. In 2003, women represented 20.1% of thebaccalaureates awarded in engineering (Society of Women Engineers). According to Science (Culotta 1993), a publication of the American Association for theAdvancement of Science
the Study of Technology. Reston, VA.9. Department of Education and Science/Welsh Office (1990). Technology in the national curriculum. London: HMSO.10. Ministry of Education. Technology in the New Zealand Curriculum (1995). Wellington, NZ: Learning Media. Page 11.138.1111. Department of Education Northern Ireland (1992). Technology and Design. Bangor, Northern Ireland, DoENI. 1112. Stein, S.J., McRobbie, C. J., & Ginns, I. S. (2002). "Implications of missed opportunities for learning and assessment in
, R. (1998). Learning vs. Performance: Retention and Transfer of Knowledge and Skills from Long-TermMemory. In Building Expertise, Cognitive Methods for Training and Performance Improvement (pp. 83-94).Washington, DC: International Society for Performance Improvement.2 Garet, M. S., Porter, A. C., Desimone, L., Birman, B. F., & Yoon, K. S. (2001, Winter). What makes professionaldevelopment effective? Results from a national sample of teachers. American Educational Research Journal 38(4),915-945.3 Guskey, T. R. (1999). New perspectives on evaluating professional development. Paper presented at the annualmeeting of the American Educational Research Association. Montreal, 19-23 April.4 Guskey, T. (March, 2002). Does it make a difference
teachers meaningfulengineering-related research experience that they can draw upon to educate their students aboutengineering career opportunities.To date, the UH-RET site has hosted 25 participants from 17 schools in nine independent schooldistricts, with another 14 participants expected in the summer of 2006. The diverse nature of theHouston community allows RET participants to subsequently reach a wide range of ethnic andsocio-economic groups, including numerous under-represented minorities. Teachers who haveparticipated teach a variety of subjects and levels, including courses in mathematics, physics,biology, chemistry, computing, and technology.Each teacher works closely with an engineering faculty member and graduate student(s) toconduct
timecommitment incumbent on all participating faculty. The administration/college/departmentmust be willing to provide lab supplies, faculty summer salary, graduate student assistantsalaries, and extensive clerical and planning support. Decisions on whether to implementsuch a program must obviously be made on a case-by-case basis. With essentials in placehowever, a bioengineering camp could be offered yearly and become a fixture on the 9-12academic scene. We suggest that similar programs could easily be implemented in any of theother engineering disciplines.VI. ReferencesMalgorzata S. Zywno, Member, IEEE, Kimberley A. Gilbride, Peter D. Hiscocks,Judith K. Waalen, and Diane C. Kennedy, Member, IEEE , Attracting Women intoEngineering: A Case Study
works may helpstudents to better appreciate and understand the atomic nature and structure of matter,relevant for high school chemistry classrooms. Instructional Learning Goal(s) Standards Link New Nano-concepts materials Section Activity 1: A Many ways to measure NSES/5-8/B/3,a, c A nano-nose can be used to detect Sense of Distance distance other than with eyes NSES/9-12/B/3, c, d small amounts of vapors. and ruler; concept of reference NSES/9-12/B/4, a, b A nano-ear can be used to listen to 2061/6-8/12B/5 small vibrations. Activity 2
0.5 0 ce um on e s ns le l ed Ro
. Recentassessments comparing U. S. student performance in multi-national groups reveals serious faultsin this foundation.Society’s leaders and pundits consistently emphasize the role engineering and science educatorsserve in building technical literacy4-6. Methods, techniques and strategies abound for engagingstudents in the quest for technical knowledge and understanding7-8. The authors have engaged in Page 11.1406.3a variety of activities to try and bridge the technological literacy gap, including working with K-12 pre-service teachers9-11.While outreach programs serve an important role informing students of available programs andfields of study, a detailed
course exam)? Page 11.693.3 • Describe the types of activities or projects that you use with students. • Describe the ways in which you and your students use technology to teach/learn Algebra II. • If you have taught Algebra II for several years, what changes have you made in Algebra II? Why? • In what way(s) do you think using technology in the classroom enhances (or not) the teaching and learning of algebra II concepts? • Describe the characteristics of different students to whom you teach Algebra II (what courses have they taken and what do they take after Algebra II
developers of pre-college curricula face?Challenge #1: Developing sustainable practices. An innovative educational initiative isrelatively straightforward to offer once or twice in a few classrooms where the extent ofthe impact is limited, with significant involvement of the initiative’s creator(s) anddeveloper(s) invested. To have truly lasting impact, however, one needs to developeducational initiatives that can be transferred from expert to novice, that have appropriatedocumentation procedures in place, and are economically viable for all partnersinvolved.Challenge #2: Placing a curriculum in an environment that is over-prescribed in termsof content and resources. Adding new educational content to a pre-college curriculuminevitably means that
Page 11.229.2educators, in particular, have the responsibility to introduce students to the most current trends inthe discipline. This challenge not only is limited to the discipline of science but also introduceshow technology merges with it. The marriage of technology and science is not a new endeavorbut one that has been outlined in reform documents since the late 1980’s. It was through thesereform initiatives that science educators have developed curriculums to shape the future ofscience education. The first reform document to appear in 1989, Science for All Americans: Project 2061(SFAA) [1] recommends a way of “thinking that is essential for all citizens in a world shaped byscience and technology.” This long-range, multi-phase
undergraduate and a graduate engineeringclass for education majors as well as a large K-12 outreach effort. The undergraduate course hasenrolled hundreds of preservice teachers, the graduate class enrolls 15 – 20 per summer, and theoutreach program touches over 2000 K-12 students per year. Included in the undergraduate classis a month-long field experience at which the preservice teachers become facilitators ofengineering lessons with local K-12 students. In the fall 2005 semester this field experience waswith a group of home-schooled students.Home Schooling and TWTUp until the 1850's, most children in the United States were educated at home.8,9 Within the pasttwenty five years, the United States has seen a tremendous upswing in the number of
://www.bls.gov3. National Science Board (2004), from Noeth, R. J. (2004). Maintaining a Strong Engineering Workforce. Iowa City, IA: ACT.5. Wimberly, G. L., & Noeth, R. J. (2004). College Readiness Begins in Middle School. Iowa City, IA:ACT.8. Tracey, T., Robbins, S., & Hofsess, C. (2005). Stability and change in interests: A longitudinal study ofadolescents from grades 8 through 12. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 66(1), 1-25. Page 11.990.6
Bransford, J., Brown, A., & Cockings, R. (Eds.) How people learn: Brain, mind, experience, and school.Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press. 2000. (also Bransford, J. D., Vye, N., Bateman,H., Brophy,S.P. and Roselli, R. (2004) Vanderbilt's AMIGO Project:Knowledge of How People Learn Enters Cyberspace. Duffy,and J. Kirkley (Eds). Learner-CenteredTheory and Practice in Distance Education: Cases from Higher Education. Lawerence Earulbaum,Mahwah: New Jersey.3 Schwartz, D., Brophy, S., Lin, X., & Bransford, J. Software for managing complex learning: Examplesfrom an educational psychology course. Educational Technology Research and Development, 47 (2), 39-59. 1999.4 Schwartz, D., Lin, X., Brophy, S
Development. In addition, she has developed numerous tools to mentor young women considering engineering as a career and has been involved in the development of a women in engineering role model book for K-12 Page 11.1349.1 students.Patricia Carlson, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology PATRICIA A. CARLSON is professor of rhetoric at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology. She is a long-time advocate of writing in engineering education. Carlson has been a National Research© American Society for Engineering Education, 2006 Council Senior Fellow for the U. S. Air Forcer, as well as having had
University CAROLINE BELLER earned her B. S. in Education from Florida Atlantic University in 1967 and her M. Ed. In 1989 and Ph. D. in 1998 from Texas A&M University in College Station, TX. Dr. Beller is an Assistant Professor in the School of Teaching, Curriculum, and Learning in the College of Education at Oklahoma State University. Her main research interest are in science education and professional development. Dr. Beller has presented extensively at state, national, and international conferences in her research areas.Pamela Fry, Oklahoma State University PAMELA FRY was named Dean of the OSU College of Education in March 2005. As dean, she also serves as the Director of
investigation raises the awareness of these issues, providing the motivationand foundation for a more complete and thorough examination in the next several years.References:[1] M. M. Atwater, "Equity for Black Americans in Precollege Science," Science Education, vol. 84, pp. 131-286, 2000.[2] "Land of Plenty: Diversity as America's Competitive Edge in Science, Engineering and Technology," The Congressional Commission on the Advancement of Females and Minorities in Science and Engineering and Technology Development, National Science Foundation, 2000.[3] "Georgia Department of Education Website,"[4] S. Goodkin, "Leave No Gifted Child Behind," in The Washington Post. Washington D.C., 2005
,National Science Foundation, Washington, DC.32 Loucks-Horsley, S, Love, N., Stiles, K. E., Mundry, S., & Hewson, P. W. (2003). Designing professionaldevelopment for teachers of science and mathematics. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.33 Iversen, D. J., & Kalyandurg, C. (November, 2004). Engineering in the K-12 classroom: An analysis of currentpractices and guidelines for the future. Washington, DC: The American Society for Engineering Education. Page 11.762.13