Paper ID #35694A Comparison of Self-Reported Weekly Time Demands for Cadet and Fac-ultyPopulations the United States Military AcademyCapt. Joshua S Wiley, United States Military Academy Captain Joshua Wiley, U.S. Army, is an Instructor in the Department of Geography and Environmental Engineering at the United States Military Academy. He is a 2010 graduate of the United States Military Academy with a B.S. in Civil Engineering and GIS (Geographic Information Systems), a 2015 graduate of the University of Missouri Science and Technology with an M.S. in Petroleum Engineering and a 2019 graduate from Stanford University with an
students in pursuing their undergraduate studies.AcknowledgementsPartial support for this work was provided by the National Science Foundation Scholarships inScience, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (S STEM) program under Award No.2130428. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this materialare those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National ScienceFoundation.ReferencesApriceno, M., Levy, S. R., & London, B. (2020). Mentorship during college transition predicts academic self-efficacy and sense of belonging among STEM students. Journal of College Student Development, 61(5), 643-648.ès, C., & Martinot, D. (2011
: Discuss. The instructor discusses the RL problem, how the engineer would use math and statistics to address the problem, and the impact of the RL problem on the society and community. If the instructor can also demonstrate the instruments used for data collection, then use of such instruments in the RL problem will be covered. (2) S: Solve. The students work on the problem, they device a plan to solve the problem, and implement their plan. This would follow Polya’s four-step method of solving mathematical problems, thus reinforcing that concept. (3) R: Reflect. Students reflect on the problem, and they use information related to the RL problem to check if the values calculated are reasonable
interact with the student. Oftenan email or other contact from the instructor will have a significant impact on student motivationConclusionsIn this paper we highlighted the need for a variety of approaches necessary to address remoteleaning in in STEM disciplines at QCC, and discussed methods utilized to engage students with avaried, diverse approach. Techniques used to conduct experiments remotely, ensure a fairly andbalances method for assessment, and how to best utilize Synchronous and Asynchronousmodalities were also presented. Attracting, and maintaining a more varied group of students willresult in a more diverse group of Science and Engineering [S&E] professionals. In the long termthe society at large will bear the benefits from an
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