) Bioinformatics in the post-sequence era. Nat Genet 33 Suppl:305-10. 4. Our cultural commonwealth: The Report of the ACLS Commission on Cyberinfrastructure for the Humanities and Social Sciences, July 18, 2006 5. Buetow, K (2005) Cyberinfrastructure: empowering a “third way” in biomedical research. Science 308(5723): 821-824. 6. Greene, K. and S., Donovan. (2005) Ramping Up to the Biology Workbench: A Multi-Stage Approach to Bioinformatics Education. Bioscene 31(1): 3-11. 7. Rainey, D., Faulkner, S., Craddock, L., Cammer, S., Tretola, B., Sobral, B.W., and O., Crasta. 2007. A project-centric approach to cyberinfrastructure education. TeraGrid 2007. 8. He, Y., R. R. Vines, A. R. Wattam, G
for the starter circuitry that heoffered for the previous version of the pulse oximeter.10 Opinions, findings, conclusions, orrecommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarilyreflect the views of the NSF. Page 12.115.13References[1] R. Brinkman and W. G. Zijlstra. "Determination and Continuous Registration of the Percentage Oxygen Saturation in Clinical Conditions," Arch. Chir. Neurol., vol. 1, pp. 177-183, 1949.[2] Design of Pulse Oximeters. Bristol, UK: Institute of Physics Publishing, 0-7503-0467-7, 1997.[3] J. Yao and S. Warren. "Stimulating Student Learning with a Novel 'In House
) R Knowledge of designing tests, approaches for execution 1008 Test Constructor Project CE,CS 1009 Lead flex fatigue tester BMED, IME C3a Eclipse - from User perspective (3.x, 4.x) D Work experience with Eclipse / Basic knowledge of Eclipse. 1010 Mechanical Properties of the Heart BMED M Knowledge of Eclipse and various plugins in Eclipse (e.g. C3b Plugins 1011 Automated Medical Adhesive Dispenser ME S
. Teaching Design Skills in the Freshman Engineering Curriculum, Proceedings of the 1996 Annual ASEE Conference, June 1996, Washington, DC.3. S. Chattopadhyay. Freshman Design Course at IPFW, Proceedings of the 2004 Annual ASEE Conference, June 2004, Salt Lake City, UT.4. R. E. Musiak, E. W. Haffner, S. Schreiner, A. K. Karplus, M. B. Vollaro, and R. A. Grabiec. Forging New Links: Integrating the Freshman Engineering Curriculum, Proceedings of the 2001 Annual ASEE Conference, June 2001, Albuquerque, NM.5. L. S. Baczkowski, J. D. Enderle, D. J. Krause, and J. L. Rawson. NDSU Undergraduate Design Projects for the Disabled, Biomedical Sciences Instrumentation, volume 26, pp. 95-99, 1990.6. S. M. Blanchard and R. P. Rohrbach
these projects, as well as Dr. Caren Sax for her assistance in designing the survey,A.J. de Ruyter for his efforts to help advise some of the student teams, and Michael Rondelli forhis guidance through the technology transfer process.Bibliography1. Marin, J. A., Armstrong Jr., J. E., and Kays, J. L., "Elements of an optimal capstone designexperience," Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 88, no. 1, pp. 19-22, 1999.2. Todd, R. H., Magleby, S. P., Sorensen, C. D., Swan, B. R., and Anthony, D. K., "A survey ofcapstone engineering courses in North America," Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 84, no. Page 12.1269.54, pp. 165-174, 1995.3
). Page 12.1347.124. "Engineering Education for a Changing World," A Joint Project by the Engineering Deans Council and Corporate Roundtable, American Society for Engineering Education, Washington DC (1994).5. S. Bishop and M. Besterfield-Sacre, "Freshman Engineering Leadership Team: Student Mentors for Recruitment and Retention," American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Washington DC (1996).6. D. Calkins, D. Plumb, S. Hawkins and M. Coney, "Technical Communications Based Freshman Design Engineering Course," American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada (1994).7. S. Keilson, "Freshman Design on a Shoestring," American Society for Engineering
, fluid flow, and electric and magnetic potential problems.The authors (JAS, MDV) are currently working on a textbook that would be germane to the firsttwo courses of this sequence.ConclusionIn summary, CV engineering is an established discipline of biomedical engineering. This fact Page 12.345.7must be considered by institutions when planning for educational efforts, e.g. course andprogram development, research thrusts. The information presented here should be useful toengineering departments who are already participating in the area or who plan such anexpansion.Bibliography1. Ritter AB, Reisman S, Michiak BB. Biomedical Engineering Principles
AC 2007-1793: A CLOSER LOOK AT THE VANTH/ERC BIOMEDICALENGINEERING MODULES: A METHOD TO EXAMINE THE EFFECTS OFSELECTED CORE COMPONENTS OF THE “LEGACY CYCLE” AND HPLMODELDavid Cordray, Vanderbilt University David S. Cordray, PhD is Professor of Psychology and Public Policy at Vanderbilt University. He is currently the Thrust Leader in Assessment and Evaluation for the VaNTH ERC. Professor Cordray has written extensively on research and evaluation methodology in education and human services areas. He has conducted experimental, quasi-experimental and meta-analytic assessments of intervention effectiveness in education, health, welfare, and other human service areas.Alene Harris, Vanderbilt Alene H
courses described herein serves tointegrate the student’s theoretical studies with practical experiences in an environment that isboth supportive and professional as well as well designed to prepare students for the next phaseof their career.Bibliography1. King, Paul H., and Fries, Richard C., Design of Biomedical Devices and Systems, Marcel Dekker, Inc., 20032. Enderle, J., Gassert, J., Blanchard, S., King, P., Beasley, D., Hale, P. Jr., Aldridge, D., “The ABCs of preparing for ABET,” IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine, v22.4, 122-132 (2003)3. Enderle, J.D., Ropella, K.M., Kelso, D.M., and Hallowell, B., “Ensuring that biomedical engineers are ready for the real world,” IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine
- Page 12.1268.11 Friendly Intervention for improving Upper-Extremity Function. Archives of Phys. Med. Rehabil. 2005, Vol. 86 (4): 837-844.5. Ann-Christin Eliasson, Lena Sundholm, Karin Shaw, and Chen Wang. Effects of Constraint Induced movement therapy in young children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy: an adapted model. Med and Child Neurology. 2005, 47 (4): 266-275.6. S. C. DeLuca, K. Echols, and S. L. Ramey, and E. Taub. Pediatric Constraint-Induced movement therapy for a young child with cerebral palsy: two episodes of care. Physical Therapy. 2003, 83(11):1003-1013.7. Amy Bodkin, Ronda Baxter, and Carolyn Heriza. Treadmill Training for an Infant Born Preterm With a Grade III Intraventricular
labincludes a 50-minute lecture (attended by all students in the class) and a four-hour lab session(held three times a week to reduce the number of students in lab at any one time).Lab lecture: At the beginning of each week throughout both semesters of the IDEAS coursesequence, students attend a 50-minute lecture in which the following three pieces of informationare presented: 1) The motivation and BME context for the particular lab technique(s) and/oranalysis method(s) the students will experience later in the week; 2) A detailed review of thecore concepts relating to the week’s lab; and 3) A brief preview of what is expected in the labthat week. These lectures are critically important not only for providing students with theknowledge base necessary
Conference. Page 12.331.106. Manuel-Dupont S, “Writing Across the Curriculum in an Engineering Program,” J of Eng Ed 1996 p. 35-40 Building Engineering Communication Skills 107. Morello, J, “Comparing Speaking Across the Curriculum and Writing Across the Curriculum Programs,” Communication Education. January 20008. McNair LD, Norback JS, Miller B, “Integrating Discipline-Specific Communication Instruction based on Workforce Data into Technical Communication Courses, “ Proceedings of the 2005 ASEE Conference.9. Norback JS, McNair LD, Laughter MJ, Forehand GA, Sutley-Fish, B, “Teaching Workplace
AC 2007-1712: "WHAT WORKS" IN ENGINEERING EDUCATION? AMETA-ANALYSIS OF VANTH/ERC BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING MODULESDavid Cordray, Vanderbilt University David S. Cordray PhD is Professor of Psychology and Public Policy at Vanderbilt University. He is currently the Thrust Leader in Assessment and Evaluation for the VaNTH ERC. Professor Cordray has written extensively on research and evaluation methodology in education and human services areas. He has conducted experimental, quasi-experimental and meta-analytic assessments of intervention effectiveness in education, health, welfare, and other human service areas.Thomas Harris, Vanderbilt University Jennifer Gilbert is graduate student in the Department of
determinedwith respect to the topics identified in the first three rounds4.This work was supported primarily by the Engineering Research Centers program of theNational Science Foundation under grant EEC-9876363.1. VaNTH refers to a collaboration between Vanderbilt University, Northwestern University, University of Texas,Austin and the Health Sciences and Technology Program between Harvard University and MIT.2. R.A. Linsenmeier, T.R. Harris, and S. A. Olds. “The VaNTH Bioengineering Curriculum Project”. Proceedings ofthe Second Joint EMBS/BMES Conference (CD-ROM, Omnipress): 2644-2645, 2002.3. R.A. Linsenmeier. "What Makes a Biomedical Engineer? Defining the Undergraduate Biomedical EngineeringCurriculum". IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology, Vol
teacher and student(s) are separated by physical distance, and technology(i.e., voice, video, data, and print), often in concert with face-to-facecommunication, is used to bridge the instructional gap.”2With the growth of distance learning programs, many question its appropriatenessand effectiveness. Research indicates that it can be as effective as traditional face-to-face instruction when the principles of good instruction are applied. That is, DEcourses are effective when technology and methods are aligned appropriately,when there is student-to-student interaction, and when students receive timelyfeedback.3 It is, however, the unprecedented range of technologies that causesmany institutions to select the technology first thus resulting in
. Kimmel, H. and R. Cano. K-12 and beyond: the extended engineering pipeline. in Fronteirs in Education Conference. 2001.4. Schreiner, S. and J. Burns. Disseminating Biomedical Engineering Concepts to 8th -12th Grade Teachers. in ASEE Annual Conference. 2001.5. Zachary, L.W., J.M. Sharp, and B.M. Adams. Engineering connections: Teaching engineering mechanics to K-12 teachers. in ASEE Annual Conference. 2000.6. Yasar, S., et al., Development of a survey to assess teachers’ perceptions of engineers and familiarity with teaching design, engineering, and technology. Journal of Engineering Education, 2006. 95(3): p. 205-16
: The authors are both ABET PEVs for Bioengineering and Biomedical Engineeringprograms; however, no information from visits the authors have made as ABET PEVs ordeveloped for the ABET accreditation visits at their previous institutions was used to prepare thispaper. In addition, the content of this paper has not been reviewed or endorsed by ABET, Inc. orby the Accreditation Activities Committee of the Biomedical Engineering Society and is the sole Page 12.1210.12responsibility of the authors. Having disclaimed all that, the authors still hope that the readerswill find the content of the paper to be useful.Bibliography1. J. Enderle, J. Gassert, S
learned and apply them to other courses later on in their undergraduate careers. In thefuture, we would like to incorporate more active learning exercises in class to improveunderstanding of concepts and assess student understanding of lecture material in real time.Additionally, we plan to develop methods to more quantitatively assess student learning from thephysician client design project, the level of student interest generated, and the impact of thecourse on the students’ academic careers.Bibliography1. Kim, U.K., Breslin, P. A. S., Reed, D., and Drayna, D., Genetics of Human Taste Perception, Journal of Dental Research, 83(6): 448-453, 2004.2. “Using a Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism to Predict Bitter-Tasting Ability”. Carolina Biological
AC 2007-1674: IMPROVING INTERDISCIPLINARY CAPSTONE DESIGNPROJECTS WITH COOPERATIVE LEARNING IN THE MEDI-FRIDGEPROJECTDavid McStravick, Rice University DAVID MCSTRAVICK received his B. S. and Ph. D. degrees in mechanical engineering from Rice University. He worked in industry for many years in various engineering research positions. He joined Rice University in 1996 and is currently a Professor in the Practice of Mechanical Engineering in the MEMS Department. He teaches in the area of engineering design and his current research interests are in medical product design and in engineering education.Marcia O'Mallley, Rice University MARCIA O’MALLEY received the B.S. degree in mechanical engineering from
. T. Buck, S. Ha, E. A. Lee, and D. G. Messerschmitt, "Ptolemy: A Framework forSimulating and Prototyping Heterogeneous Systems," Int. Journal of Computer Simulation,special issue on "Simulation Software Development," vol. 4, pp. 155-182, April, 1994[7] New Features in LabVIEW of Interest to Academia,http://zone.ni.com/devzone/cda/tut/p/id/3683[8] Control Design Tools[9] J.F. Kelly, LEGO Mindstorms NXT: The Mayan Adventure, ISBN: 1-59059-763-X[10] Improving Retinal Disease Treatment with LabVIEW FPGA and Intelligent DAQ, M.Wiltberger, Optimedica Corp., http://sine.ni.com/csol/cds/item/vw/p/id/698/nid/124400[11] ABET Website, http://abet.org/[12] ABET (a)-(k) Program Outcomes 2007-08, http://abet.org/Linked%20Documents-UPDATE/Criteria%20and
/Educating-Engineering-Students-in- Page 12.407.7 Entrepreneurship.pdf3. Ochs, John B., Watkins, Todd A., Boothe, Berrisford W., Creating a Truly Multidisciplinary Entrepreneurial Educational Environment, Journal of Engineering Education, October 2001, pp578- 83.4. Lewin David I., Teaching Techies to Become Entrepreneurs, Computing In Science & Engineering, May/June 2000, pp6-9.5. Criteria For Accrediting Engineering Programs, Effective for Evaluations During the 2006-2007 Accreditation Cycle, Engineering Accreditation Commission, ABET, Inc., www.abet.org6. Nunally, P. O., Saad, S. M., “Technical and
faculty, the faculty is involved in the analysis of these data, andany changes made in response to the data are implemented by the faculty. The system’s course-centered approach aids in keeping the faculty engaged in the process and helps to measureoutcomes consistently even when the course changes hands. The system has been operating forthree years and has recently generated data to support a formal ABET review that has led to anaccredited status.References1. J.D. Enderle, J. Gassert, S. Blanchard, P. King, D. Beasley, P. Hale, and D. Aldridge. “The ABCs of Preparing for ABET.” IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine, vol. 21, pp. 59-66, 2002
statistics must represent the actual results of calibration and the results should not be hidden by manipulating the numbers. Student Feedback: In general, the students seem to appreciate the course and what it is trying to teach. The hands-on nature of the course is well appreciated. This is the first opportunity that some of the students have gotten to use some of the equipment, such as an oscilloscope. One of the students felt that the text book(s) could be used more. I suspect that they do not see the value in using the texts as a reference and they therefore resent having to purchase the book and then not having homework problems assigned out of it. Reflection: The course seems to be well received by the students. I still feel that they learn
organizations, including co-investigators, federal and stateregulatory agencies, and the IRB(s) overseeing the research may receive yourinformation during the course of this study. Except when required by law, studyinformation shared with persons and organizations outside of Stevens will notidentify you by name, social security number, address, telephone number, or anyother direct personal identifier.Confidentiality of Your Study InformationYour study records include information that identifies you and that is kept inresearch files. We will try to keep this information confidential, but we cannotguarantee it. If data from this study are to be published or presented, we will firsttake out the information that identifies you.Retention of Your Study
2006. Page 12.101.11 Biomedical Signals and Systems Design Course 11Appendix: Nuts and BoltsEach group had 24 hour access to the following equipment:Analog EquipmentMasterflex L/S pump (77200-60)Cole Palmer Rotameter (10850)Assorted Tubing and ConnectorsKeck Ramp Clamp (C-06835-07)Omega Pressure Gauges (DPG100B-15G)Cole Palmer Pulse Dampener (C-07596-20)Digital EquipmentGreylor Dynesco Pump (PW-12DC)McMillan 111 Flo-MetersAALBorg variable solenoid valve (PSV-5) and driver (PSV-D)Honeywell ASCX05DN pressure transducersLabview 8.0 with controls toolboxKeithley KPCMCIA-16AIAO-C DAQ CardKeithley STP-37 screw terminalAgilent 33120A