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Conference Session
Women, Minorities and the New Engineering Educator
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Noel Schulz, Mississippi State University; Kirk Schulz, Mississippi State University
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New Engineering Educators
draft manuscripts and make suggestions andcomments. When paper reviews are received, we have found it helpful to share these reviewswith the students so that they can see the types of comments that are typical following the blind,peer-review process. By involvement of students throughout the process, when it comes time forthem to write their first journal paper, they are familiar with the process of submitting their workfor publication in a journal.Professional PresentationsGraduate students need to make technical presentations as often as possible. While it may not bepossible for all of your graduate students to make a presentation at a national meeting, there are asignificant number of regional, local, and statewide conferences that can also
Conference Session
New Engineering Educators: Tricks of the Trade I
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Adrienne Minerick, Mississippi State University; Jason Keith, Michigan Technological University; Donald Visco, Tennessee Technological University
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New Engineering Educators
the peer-review process. For example, prior to any work being submitted by the group forpublication, students in the group not affiliated with the paper can serve as reviewers. Theyshould provide written reviews of the submission in the same manner as would occur atprofessional journal. Such student-student interaction allows them to establish a formalprofessional relationship with the colleagues in their group.As a final example, students can benefit from learning to write professional correspondenceregarding committee meetings, abstract submissions, or requests for papers. It may be necessaryto instruct the student on email etiquette (carbon copying advisor on lab correspondences, papersubmissions, etc.) including salutations and signatures
Conference Session
Women, Minorities and the New Engineering Educator
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Brook Sattler, University of Washington; Jessica Yellin, University of Washington; Yi-Min Huang, University of Washington; Jennifer Turns, University of Washington
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New Engineering Educators
incidentresulted from an awareness of past offenses and potential future offenses related to diversity. Page 12.558.5When JI102 attempted to write her first draft of the diversity statement she did not know what tosay. She emphasized that she did not think it was very good. When she brought her diversitystatement to the peer review and discussion session it was not a priority for her to have the groupread it and comment. JI102 stated that these feelings of inadequacy about her diversity statementstemmed from her previous experience. She was unaware of how much the incident that occurredduring the previous diversity workshop had negatively impacted her
Conference Session
Advice from the Experts for NEEs at Small Universities
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Eric Larson, Seattle University; Agnieszka Miguel, Seattle University
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New Engineering Educators
what extent the following factors contribute to scholarship ifat all: publishing pedagogical papers, synthesis or review papers, setting up labs for research andteaching, writing grant applications, developing software, exploring different research areas,performing research that is unsuccessful, and involving undergraduate students in research.4. Time ManagementOne of the most difficult challenges to conducting research at a smaller institution is finding thetime for it. This section presents tips on how to manage the time required for teaching, research,and service.Tip 1: Spend summers doing almost exclusively research.Virtually all of the people we talked to used the summer to concentrate on research. Unlike theacademic year, summer is free
Conference Session
Faculty Development: Creating successful NEEs
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Kam Jugdev, Athabasca University
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New Engineering Educators
development perspective, assistant professors may need help transitioningfrom graduate school to the role of an academic so activities relevant to them may includementoring and peer consultation with an emphasis on course reduction and reduced servicecommitments in the first year or two as they develop productive research program and teachingcredibility 8. One way of helping new faculty may be to consider team teaching or to ensure anew faculty member received early and ongoing feedback on teaching practices.In terms of research, it may help new faculty to be aware of university and government researchgrant opportunities, perhaps through the Research Office. The Research Office may also befamiliar with industry grant opportunities that are often
Conference Session
New Engineering Educators: Off the Beaten Path
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jenny Lo, Virginia Tech; Vinod Lohani, Virginia Tech; Michael Gregg, Virginia Tech; Richard Goff, Virginia Tech
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New Engineering Educators
to follow half of the material. This allowed the two facultyto regroup and alter subsequent workshop and lectures based on this information.Shared responsibility in writing tests, exams, quizzes, assignments, and other course documentshelped both instructors. One faculty member might be primarily responsible for writing one halfof a test while the other member would write the other half. Then both faculty members couldreview each others’ work for accuracy and fairness.Additionally, Lo and Lohani used their respective strengths in delivering course material.Lohani had expertise in object-oriented programming and elected to teach much of the lecturesrelated to programming concepts. Lo emphasized the key concepts associated with
Conference Session
New Engineering Educators: Tricks of the Trade II
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
John Marshall, University of Southern Maine; June Marshall, St. Joseph's College
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New Engineering Educators
assignments that require an on-line response or chat room discussion. Anothermethod is to require each student to find a hosting firm and develop a case study (relatingto the content of the course) that is presented to the class. One more strategy formaximizing outside of class behavior relates to the time consuming activity of viewing Page 12.867.5audio visual materials such as DVDs. Require the students to view the materials on theirown time at the library (room use only) and write a three paragraph “executive summary”that is collected and serves as discussion points during class.Learning Technique Number 5 - Preparing to TeachDoyle in Integrating
Conference Session
Women, Minorities and the New Engineering Educator
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Annette Mallory Donawa; Clifton Martin, Morgan State University; Carl White, Morgan State University
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New Engineering Educators
CANDIDATE | CARL WHITE, PHD, ASSOCIATE DEANAbstract Teaching and learning in the American school system should be directed towardcreating self-guided, independent thinkers. Teachers who are committed to creating acritical thinking environment realize that the primary purpose of all education is to teachstudents how to learn effectively. More importantly, institutions of higher education,specifically those whose mission statements include educating students who may notbe as academically prepared as their peers, may want to consider re-engineering theircurricula so that they can produce self-guided independent thinkers. This mixed methods research study will examine the affect of critical thinkinginstruction in a
Conference Session
Women, Minorities and the New Engineering Educator
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Cheryl Allendoerfer, University of Washington; Sharon Jones, Lafayette College; Jaime Hernandez, Texas State University-San Marcos; Rebecca Bates, Minnesota State University-Mankato; Robin Adams, Purdue University
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New Engineering Educators
professions. Discussions about the importance of meeting the needs of diverse students arewidespread; however, there has been less discussion of how to define diversity, and how toactually go about studying diversity in meaningful ways. Given the lack of explicit guidance inthis area, new engineering educators may benefit from examples of how their peers are thinkingabout diversity in designing educational research studies. In this paper we provide threeexamples of studies of diversity issues in engineering education in order to demonstrate someways in which diversity can be conceptualized and integrated in educational research. For eachstudy, we discuss how diversity is defined, how the research question addresses the relevantaspects of diversity
Conference Session
Best of the NEE
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Yi-Min Huang, University of Washington; Jessica Yellin, University of Washington; Jennifer Turns, University of Washington
Tagged Divisions
New Engineering Educators
writing the requirements and specs would take too long. So that part is missing unless you put the framework around it. So if we make this sort of a convincing little iPod, then what I'm hoping they'll do is if there's an ambiguity in the requirements either that I've put it in intentionally or unintentionally, and both are in there, they'll figure out what would be the answer that makes the better end product, and they'll shape the requirements according to some understanding of the end goal…” (SD107, Full professor) Page 12.441.10The third example shows how an instructor based decisions about delivering content on
Conference Session
Best of the NEE
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Wendy James, Oklahoma State University; Stacee Harmon, Oklahoma State University; Richard Bryant, Oklahoma State University
Tagged Divisions
New Engineering Educators
into causing particular classes to be a part of degreerequirements or lead to inclusion of topics in a course’s content goals. On the micro level,instructors’ plans are influenced by the decisions at the macro level, but they still make thechoices of specific lesson plans, contents of daily/weekly/monthly instructional objectives,activities for students, methods of instruction, and forms of evaluating students.4 In analyzingcurriculum planning, Colin J. Marsh and George Willis write Teachers are, of course, the final planners, and, in practice, many daily lesson plans are not written out but remain in the heads of experienced teachers. In fact, many of the numerous decisions made daily by classroom teachers are the