. Check with alumni and industrial contacts to learn of their evaluation of the quality of the software. Look for well-designed software that provides an integrated development environment. ‚ Examine the available evaluation boards, including those from third-party manufacturers. Look for a board that will support the various objectives of your course with few external components needed. ‚ Test the hardware and software systems together. How much training will be necessary before your students are able to compile an example program, load it, and run it on hardware?Support from the manufacturerThe degree of support from the manufacturer(s) of your development system and hardwarecomponents can make the
design, and infrastructure design gives us insight into what benefits,intended or unintended, may arise when we apply these principles in the classroom. In addition,as design instructors, it is useful as a lesson on the way in which social movements and ideastransferred from field to field inform, or reinvigorate, an area of practice in engineering.The concepts of design for accessibility began to take hold in architecture, particularly for thedesign of public buildings, in the 1970’s. These principles form the foundation for legislationenacted in the United States and elsewhere.1 The implementation of legislation, such as theAmericans with Disabilities Act, led to a change in building requirements intended to makebuildings more accessible to
- PIC board as interface) and in Experiment 2 to perform motor speed controlusing a perforated disc and optical interrupt sensor. For this the PIC is used for pulse widthmodulation and the NI USB 6009 is introduced for counting - shown in Fig. 2. Fig. 2 Using USB 6009 DAQ and PIC board for motor speed controlThe students apply this knowledge to their group’s choice of one of three projects that require Page 12.1272.5use of sensors, acquisition of sensor data and its use for a simple control function(s). Studentsare also required to develop a ‘dashboard’ on their laptop in LabVIEW to display the sensor data,etc. All students are
vehicles entering the Solar BikeRayce USA are classified as S Class. An SClass vehicle must have a functional electric propulsion system, battery, and solar array, usingno other source of energy other than the battery and solar array. The size of the solar array andthe dimensions of the vehicle are subjected to limitations for use on the track. Teams maychoose one battery from the following types: Sealed Pb-acid, NiMH, NiCad, or Li Ion/Li IonPolymer/Li Ion Alloy batteries. The S Class solar vehicle also must exhibit roll over protectionfor the driver, meaning that it must have sufficient strength to help protect the driver in the eventof a roll over and should shield the driver from the incidental movement of body and chassisparts.15MTSU’s solar
that best serves student learning. • Instructors should be good listeners and excellent observers. They should conduct student evaluations regularly.AcknowledgementsI would like to acknowledge with gratitude the support of the engineering faculty at the U.A.Whitaker School of Engineering at Florida Gulf Coast University and Professor Neville Parker atThe City College of New York.Bibliography1. Alley, M., Crowley, L., Donnell, J., and Moore, C. Writing Guidelines for Engineering and ScienceStudents. 08/2006, Available online at: http://www.writing.eng.vt.edu/workbooks/design.html (accessed January 2,2007).2. Brent, R., Felder, R., and Rajala, S. (2006) Preparing New Faculty Members to be Successful: A No-Brainer and Yet
traditionis a capstone design experience within each program in the senior year. Each program hasevolved its own senior design course over the years to suit its particular curricular needs.Typically projects have been team-based with representation from within the disciplineexclusively.A few years ago, the College of Engineering initiated a program to offer a multi-disciplinarydesign opportunity for the senior design project. The “No Walls” program had students takean engineering design course (ENGR 401) offered through the general engineering programas a substitute for their discipline’s capstone course(s). The faculty coordinator identified theappropriate disciplines as dictated by the project requirements, and recruited students (largelythrough
. Smith, K.A., and Imbrie, P.K., Teamwork and Project Management, 3rd ed., Boston, MA: McGraw Hill, 2006.10. Deacon Carr, S., Herman, E.D., Zarotney Keldsen, S., Miller, J.G., and Arkinstall Wakefield, P., The Team Learning Assistant Workbook, Boston, MA: McGraw Hill, 2005.11. LaFasto, F. M. J., & Larson, C. E. (2001). When Teams Work Best. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.12. Wankat, P., and Oreovicz, F., “A Push for Participation,” ASEE Prism, Vol. 15, No. 5, 2006, pg. 39.13. Prince, M., “Does Active Learning Work? A Review of the Research,” Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 93, No. 3, 2004, pp. 223-231.14. Smith, K.A., Sheppard, S.D., Johnson, D.W., and Johnson R.T., “Pedagogies of Engagement: Classroom
these initial efforts are also described. Finally, an assessment of thestudents’ advising is presented including current observations by this cohort on if and howstudents’ academic direction were effected by the research experience. Page 12.964.2Window on Research and Scholarship (WORS) Advising ProgramWindows on Research and Scholarship is only one of six advising option that incoming first-yearstudents may chose to participate in at Tufts. The semester-long program assigns a small groupof students (10 or less) to an advisor who meets at least once a week with them during thesemester to work on a research topic(s) of interest to that advisor
Figure 3: Template and model properties3.2. PIC Library The PIC Library is a custom library of Simulink blocks (in the form of s-functions) thatinterface with sensors and actuators connected to the PIC microcontroller. The following blocksare currently included in the PIC library: ADC, PinStateIn, PWM, and PinStateOut. Moreover,the library includes a block labeled IOBlock that is required in all user-designed Simulinkdiagrams to enable serial communication between the PIC microcontroller and Matlab.Hardware settings and parameter requirements of each block are detailed below. ADC Block (see Figure 4) configures the analog to digital conversion module of the PICmicrocontroller. Note that five of the six I/O pins of port A and three I/O pins of
diverse student backgrounds. The course can be adapted to several teaching formatsfrom classroom to sustainable online implementations. CART at BSC is currently working toimplement the course as an online course in the near future.References 1. Atkins, DE, Droegemeier, KK, Feldman, SI, Garcia-Molina, H, Klein, ML, Messerschmitt, DG, Messina, P, Ostriker, JP and Wright, MH. (2003) Revolutionizing Science and Engineering Through Cyberinfrastructure: Report of the National Science Foundation Blue-Ribbon Advisory Panel on Cyberinfrastructure. 3 Feb. 2003 (http://www.communitytechnology.org/nsf_ci_report/) 2. Greene, K. and S., Donovan. (2005) Ramping Up to the Biology
ESE SW SE SSW SSE S Figure 2. Wind Rose for January 2005. This shows the average strength of the wind foreach of the 16 compass points during the month of January. N NNW 100 NNE NW NE 50 WNW ENE W 0 E WSW ESE SW
Boardclassroom (exhibited in the top panes of (100KS/s version) and Hardware/Software Environmentfigure 1). This Mobile StudioInstrumentation Board (I/O Board) technology replicates the functionality of an oscilloscope,function generator, multimeter, power supplies and additionally allows users to control externaldevices with 16 reconfigurable digital I/O ports. With the advent of a Mobile Studio lab, manyinstrumentation-based course offerings could be held in normal classrooms rather than in speciallyoutfitted studio facilities. In addition, students will be able to perform hands-on experimentsoutside of the classroom anywhere/anytime, thus facilitating new opportunities for them toexplore/tinker and gain insight through practical experience
electrophysiologyrelated simulations since it is possible to simulate hybrid circuits with both biological andsynthetic electronic components.Bibliography1. N. K. Sinha, Control Systems, New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1988.2. R. S. Tucker “Large-signal circuit model for simulation of injection-laser modulation dynamics,” IEE Proceedings, Part I, vol. 128, no. 5, pp. 180-184, 1981.3. B. Bunow, I. Segev, and J. Fleshman, “Modeling the electrical behavior of anatomically complex neurons using a network analysis program: excitable membrane,” Biol. Cybern., vol. 53, pp. 41-56, 1985.4. R. B. Szlavik, A. K. Bhuiyan, A. Carver, and F. Jenkins, “Neural-electronic inhibition simulated with a neuron model implemented in SPICE,” IEEE Transactions
continuing efforts to improve the freshmen engineering sequence.The impact of retention efforts that began in 2002 with the TWD grants and continue through2005 for Baylor’s engineering and computer science programs are readily discernable from table3. The two-year freshman retention rate increase of 46% for engineering and 38% for computerscience is evidence that the School’s retention efforts have been particularly effective.Recently, two of the authors received a 5-year NSF S-STEM grant to fund scholarships andmentoring activities for transfer students. These funds will provide scholarships for up tofourteen transfer students per year and mentoring activities to increase the probability that theywill graduate with a degree in engineering or
large base of users of these systems could transfer text, dataand e-mail over phone-lines by a variety of services. 2. Early Web Browser. Mosaic, later named Netscape, was introduced in the early1990’s and Netscape (the company) went public in 1995. Netscape was free toindividuals and schools and was low-cost to business users. It brought graphics, images,music and video to PCs over telephone lines. Netscape also allowed experiments andsimulations to be viewed or controlled over the web in real time or near real-time.One of the earliest applications of this real-time use of browsers was a camera thatwatched a coffee pot at Cambridge University2. Some of the earliest controlledexperiments were introduced in 1994 at UC San Diego, in
the bottle on the right contains Page 12.1095.4only hydroxyapatite.Bibliography1. Hogg R, Healy TW, , Fuerstenau DW, Mutual coagulation of colloidal dispersions, Trans Farad Soc, 62, 1638(1992).2. Kim S, Zukoski CF, A model of growth by hetero-coagulation in seeded colloidal suspensions, J Colloid InterfaceSci, 139, 198 (1990).3. Borum L, Wilson, Jr. OC, Surface modification of hydroxyapatite. Part II. Silica. Biomaterials 24, 3681 (2003). Page 12.1095.5
Boardclassroom (exhibited in the top panes of (100KS/s version) and Hardware/Software Environmentfigure 1). This Mobile StudioInstrumentation Board (I/O Board) technology replicates the functionality of an oscilloscope,function generator, multimeter, power supplies and additionally allows users to control externaldevices with 16 reconfigurable digital I/O ports. With the advent of a Mobile Studio lab, manyinstrumentation-based course offerings could be held in normal classrooms rather than in speciallyoutfitted studio facilities. In addition, students will be able to perform hands-on experimentsoutside of the classroom anywhere/anytime, thus facilitating new opportunities for them toexplore/tinker and gain insight through practical experience
random roommate , would you? 100% 90% 80% 70% Percentage (%) 60% Males 50% Females 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Yes No Re s pons e Males Vs. Female 90.00% 80.00
applications. In EAS222, students develop an understanding of the basicprinciples and applications of engineering mechanics including the behavior of structures undervarious loads, bending and Mohr’s circle.This paper discusses how the mechanics topics are threaded through this sequence of courses andhow mastery of these topics is being assessed at the disciplinary level in the junior year.Assessment of students’ understanding of mechanics topics includes the following instruments:data drawn from quiz/exam grades and/or particular question(s) on exams/quizzes related tospecific concepts; and faculty observations gathered using a survey tool. Our current dataevaluates the first group of students to reach the junior level in the new curriculum that
Washington, D. C.: National Academies Press. pg.ES-2.2. Jackson, S. A. (2002). The Quiet Crisis: Falling Short of Producing American Scientific and Technical Talent [Electronic Version]. Retrieved October 23, 2006.3. National Science Board. (2004). Science and Engineering Indicators 2004 Two volumes. Arlington, VA: National Science Foundation (volume 1, NSB 04-1; volume 2, NSB 04-1A).4. Pearson, G. (2004). Collaboration conundrum (Editorial). Journal of Technology Education, 15(2), 66-76.5. National Academies of Engineering. (2004). Ninth Annual Symposium on Frontiers of Engineering. Washington, D.C.: National Academy of Science.6. Pearson, G., & Young, T. (2002). Technically speaking: Why all Americans need to know more about
curricula.AcknowledgementsThe authors extend their gratitude to Erik Luther, Academic Resources Engineer at NationalInstruments Inc., for providing access to the hardware and software that were essential indemonstrating the RASCL concept. Additional thanks goes to Matt Spexarth (former NationalInstruments campus representative for KSU, 2006 KSU graduate, and current NationalInstruments employee) for providing the StudentScope VI utilized with the RASCL prototype.Finally, the authors acknowledge the KSU Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering forsupplying (1) funds to purchase RASCL equipment and materials and (2) faculty feedbackregarding the requirements list for this learning tool.References[1] D. W. Knight, J. F. Sullivan, S. J. Poole, and L. E
AC 2007-2261: ASSESSMENT OF LEARNING AND ITS RETENTION IN THEENGINEERING DESIGN CLASSROOMGül Okudan, Pennsylvania State University Page 12.287.1© American Society for Engineering Education, 2007 Assessment of Learning and its Retention in the Engineering Design Classroom Part A: Instrument Development Okudan, G., Ogot, M., Zappe, S. and Gupta, S.AbstractThis paper describes the development of an engineering design knowledge assessmentinstrument. While, our ultimate goal is to prepare the environment and conditions that are mostconducive for our students in teaching engineering design concepts, we often are unable todetermine
Scale Days – weeks Weeks - months Months – years Situational expertise Product expertise Discipline(s) Knowledge Base expertise Journals, Vendor information, Archival literature, newspapers, personal patents, CAD/CAM, computer modeling, Resources networking design of data analysis, theory experiments Identify a problem Recognize a need Awareness of Engage/Motivate Needs analysis knowledge gap Common Define
conflicting class schedules made it very difficult for students to meet outside of class; and • creating groups where women and minorities are not isolated, when possible.Based on the number of comments suggesting that they be able to choose their own groups,students were allowed in Fall ’06 to specifically request if they wished to work with anindividual or group of students. One request was received from the entire class. Students arealways given the option to suggest students with whom they would rather not work based on pastrelationships. No student has ever taken this option. Table 1 – Individual Student Survey Results F 05 S 06
, almost 25 percent of the U.S.’s counties had low per-capitaincomes below one half of the national average or less, high unemployment, low laborforce participation, and a high dependency on government transfer payments, all of whichare measures of economic distress. The problem of persistent poverty is a complex one thatincludes communities and individuals who through no fault of their own, find themselvesunable to make ends meet in this globalizing, information-intensive world. People at riskare women, children, the elderly, people of color and single-parent families. Large numbersof the nation’s citizens live at or below the poverty threshold, struggling to pay bills andprovide the basics of food, clothing and shelter. Health care and simple
. This is especially important in the interpretationof the effect of thermal treatment on phase behavior and the correlation of the resultantmicrostructure to materials’ properties.References 1. Donovan, M. S., Bransford, J. D. & Pellegrino, J. W. (Eds.) (1999). How people learn: Bridging research and practice. National Academy Press, Washington, DC. 2. Hestenes, David, Wells, Malcolm, Swackhamer, and Gregg (1992). “Force concept inventory.” The Physics Teacher, 30(3): 141-151 3. Hestenes, David, Wells, and Malcolm (1992). “A mechanics baseline test.” The Physics Teacher, 30:159- 166 4. Hake, R.R. (1998). “Interactive-engagement versus traditional methods: A six-thousand survey of mechanics test
µ 2 u( x , y ) = Uf ' ( η ), v(x, y) = U [ηf ' ( η ) − f ( η )] (14) 4 ρUx where η is defined in relation (10). Velocity profiles for various locations x are illustrated inFigure 6 showing the development of the boundary layer from the uniform flow for variablesρU/µ = 1x105m-1 and U = 0.1m/s. The boundary layer thickness δ is the locus of points wherethe horizontal velocity is 99% of the freestream velocity U and is µx δ =5 (15) Page 12.58.7
AC 2007-2428: APPLICATION OF CADD/CAM TO ENGINEERINGTECHNOLOGY COURSES AND SOME REAL-LIFE PROJECTSB. Sridhara, Middle Tennessee State University Dr. B. S. Sridhara is a professor in the Department of Engineering Technology and Industrial Studies at Middle Tennessee State University. He received his B.S.M.E. and M.S.M.E. degrees from Bangalore University and Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India. He received his M.S.M.E. and Ph. D. degrees from Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, New Jersey, and Auburn University, Alabama. Dr. Sridhara has published several peer-reviewed articles in the areas of Acoustics, Vibration, finite element methods, and Engineering Education.Rick Taylor
the lake. Assume the lake can be adequately described as a cylinder and that the following data describes the system: Lake Area = 40,000 m2 Lake Depth = 42 m Mass of Chemical Spilled = 320 kg Stream flow into lake = 0.7 m3/s Toxicity to deep water fish = 12 µg/l Toxicity to surface water fish = 35 µg/l Assume that during the summer, the lake is stratified with a 2.5 m epilimnion and a 1m thermocline. What would be the difference between a spill during summer stratification and fall turnover. Make quantitative comparisons of
has been involved with the course for over ten years and has coordinated the course for the past five years during which the switch to seminar format took place. Page 12.698.1© American Society for Engineering Education, 2007 Evaluating the Seminar Model for First-Year Engineering Education Margot A. S. Vigeant, Karen T. Marosi, and Ronald D. Ziemian Bucknell University Department of Chemical Engineering; Associate Dean of Engineering; Department of Civil and Environmental EngineeringAbstractBucknell University requires all