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Conference Session
Non-Technical Skills in ET
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jung Oh, Kansas State University-Salina; Alysia Starkey, Kansas State University-Salina; Beverlee Kissick, Kansas State University-Salina
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
involves an integrated three-step processincluding a discipline-specific pre-lab activity, general/customized information literacyinstruction, and communication skills development. This paper describes how thecollaborating team has learned from each other’s reflections to make the assignment ameaningful learning experience.Librarians and faculty have been traversing on parallel paths during the past few decades.The rapid explosion of technological integration into nearly every aspect of daily life hasmerged the separate paths into one. Writing centers and libraries recognize their roles ascenters of learning and the importance of collaboration.1 Librarians, writing center staffand faculty must now travel in tandem in order to prepare students to
Conference Session
Computer Engineering Technology Curriculum
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Xuefu Zhou, University of Cincinnati; James Everly, University of Cincinnati; Max Rabiee, University of Cincinnati
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
advisor committee. The new course has been offered twice in 2006and received very positive student responses. This paper describes the course information,lecture topics, laboratory exercises, student feedback, and the instructor’s reflections.1. IntroductionWireless computing is a rapidly emerging technology which offers network connectivity therebyminimizing the need for a wired connection and thus supports the concept of mobility. Wirelesstechnology has already become the most exciting area in telecommunications and networks. Therapid growth of wireless and mobile telephones, satellite communication, wireless local areanetworks (WLAN), wireless personal area networks (WPAN) and wireless metropolitan areanetworks (WMAN) and the applications of
Conference Session
Capstone Design II
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Stephen Laguette, University of California-Santa Barbara
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
successfully competed and have won several prestigious awards. 4) Student and Faculty Created Projects include creative and challenging projects such as the award winning Laryngoscope with internal suction, a solar-powered surf board, and athletic training equipment.Capstone Design Projects Course ObjectivesThe Senior design projects are developed with the support of local industry, interested faculty, Page 12.506.3student organizations, and interested students. The projects reflect the academic integrity andexcellence of the Mechanical Engineering department. A committed faculty and IndustrialAdvisory Board are instrumental in this
Conference Session
Optical and Wireless Communication Systems
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Ernest Kim, University of San Diego
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
tailored to complement the laboratory exercises that canoften include engineering design concepts.A typical electromagnetics course topical coverage at our institution is: 1. Review: Vectors and Vector Calculus (1 week) 2. Maxwell's Equations (1.5 weeks) 3. Uniform Plane Waves and Propagation (2 weeks) 4. Reflection and Transmission of Waves (1.5 weeks) 5. Transmission Lines and Waveguides (2.5 weeks) 6. Transmission Line Principles in Circuit Design (2 weeks) 7. Antennas and Radiation (2 weeks)The laboratory content of the electromagnetics course (for Fall 2006) was: 1. Transmission Line Characteristics (1 week) 2. “Microwave Training Kit” Experiments (4 weeks) 3. Introduction to Agilent Advanced Design
Conference Session
Innovative Curriculum in Engineering Technology
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Massoud Moussavi, California Polytechnic State University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
(reflection, refraction, Snell’s law, lenses,mirrors, beam splitter), wave and particle optics(polarization, interferences, and diffraction), fiber optics(optical fiber types, signal distortion and attenuation), Page 12.1113.7 optical communication systems including light sources, detectors, receivers, amplifiers, and modulation. 3 lectures/problem-solving and 1 three-hour laboratory Prerequisite: ETE 335 II. Prerequisites and Co-requisites: ETE 335/335L; Students are expected to have a good theoretical, analytical, and practical knowledge of communication system including modulation, demodulation, transmission, receivers, transmission line, and signal
Conference Session
Technology Integration in the Classroom for Manufacturing I
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Mohamed Gadalla, Texas State University - San Marcus
Tagged Divisions
used asan information model to determine the size of each constituent. For example, in an Engineeringprogram the amount of science should represent the biggest sector of the pie, while in anindustrial technology program it is the hands-on. Page 12.434.2To further explain this concept; to teach a Strength of Material course in the three programs. Inthe Engineering program, the course structure and outline should reflect a science basedapproach. This means that the fundamental concepts based on differential equations andintegration are used to develop the formulas. The focus will be on how to drive these formulasand using them to solve symbolic and
Conference Session
Engineering and Sustainability
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Juan Lucena, Colorado School of Mines; Carl Mitcham, Colorado School of Mines; Jon Leydens, Colorado School of Mines; Junko Munakata-Marr, Colorado School of Mines; Jay Straker, Colorado School of Mines; Marcelo Simoes, Colorado School of Mines
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Ethics
disasters notjust by returning people to their pre-disaster state, but as opportunities to help people improvetheir lives beyond what might have been possible before[3]. (see also Cuny, although seldom as radical, many engineers are rethinking their exclusivecommitment to corporate goals and foreign policies[4, 5]. At the professional level, however,engineers have not engaged in the philosophical and ethical dimensions of their humanitarianinterventions as other professions have done [6]. At best there has been a symbolic recognitionthat some engineers have engaged in civic service and humanitarian work, as reflected by theHoover Medal established in 1929 to “commemorate the civic and
Conference Session
Innovations in Mechanical Engineering Education Poster Session
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Nihad Dukhan, University of Detroit Mercy; Michael Jenkins, University of Detroit Mercy
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
functionality. They also had to provide a technical report ofthe design and construction of it. In addition, they were required to create complete experimentalprocedure, data sheets, and analysis and to describe the requirements for a lab report based on theexperiment that future students can complete and turn in for a grade in the heat transfer lab. Thelast part of the project that challenged the students to reflect on their own learning and the wayfuture students may learn the concepts. The reflection component may not be present in typicalprojects, and/or may not be probed. The learning of the students was probed via a survey of afew questions. The questions asked the students if the project increased their understanding ofthe technical concept they
Conference Session
Software Engineering Topics
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Steve Chenoweth, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; Mark Ardis, Rochester Institute of Technology; Cheryl Dugas, Rochester Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Software Engineering Constituent Committee
. Cooperative learning isa pedagogy that directly supports this type of teamwork. Through cooperative learning studentsrealize their interdependence, practice face-to-face communication, recognize their individualaccountability to the success of the group, practice interpersonal and small-group skills, andengage in frequent reflective processing of their achievements.We have adapted cooperative learning to teach software architecture in two undergraduatesoftware engineering programs. In traditional cooperative learning, students work on one teamfor an extended period. This helps foster acceptance of individual differences and promotessuccessful teamwork. In our courses we kept students together on the same teams, but we wantedstudents to play multiple
Conference Session
Preparing Engineers for the Global Workplace
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Angela Bielefeldt, University of Colorado at Boulder; Bernard Amadei, University of Colorado at Boulder; Robyn Sandekian, University of Colorado at Boulder
Tagged Divisions
course goals include: (i) introduce students to open ended problems at the community level;(ii) help students develop the skills to solve those problems and provide holistic engineeringsolutions that are sustainable and appropriate to the community being served; (iii) help studentsdevelop cultural and social awareness; (iv) help students work in interdisciplinary teams; (v) givestudents the opportunity to reflect on the importance of their community service; (vi) givestudents a professional work ethic, and (vii) help students gain a better understanding of theimportance of engineering in society and in community development. Two different models forthe course have been used: in year one, a single team of three students worked on two
Conference Session
Engineering Without Borders: Programs Involving Students
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Margaret Pinnell, University of Dayton; Eger Bill; Phillip Aaron, University of Dayton; Charles Schreier, University of Dayton
Tagged Divisions
the international technicalimmersion program such that it can serve as a model that can be easily adopted by peerinstitutions (small to mid-size colleges and universities). The ETHOS immersions are ten tosixteen weeks long, during which students work with collaborating organizations to assist infinding appropriate, and effective solutions to technical challenges. Students use theirengineering skills to address real problems, while gaining a better understanding of the interfacebetween technology and global society. Academic credit is incorporated into these immersionswith technical reporting, reflections and presentations delivered upon completion of the program.Pre-immersion course work includes research and engineering fundamentals
Conference Session
Approaches to Learning Outcomes Assessment in Liberal Education
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Zhiwei Guan, University of Washington; Jennifer Turns, University of Washington
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education
promising strategy for promoting knowledge integration and professionaldevelopment. We define a course-specific professional portfolio as a portfolio in which astudent makes claims about his/her preparedness for professional practice and supportsthe claims through artifacts drawn from a single course. We believe that having studentscreate such portfolios represents a promising practice for helping students consolidatetheir knowledge and reflect on the connection of this knowledge to engineering practice.In our work, we have been studying the practice of course-specific portfolio construction.To this end, we conducted a study in winter of 2006 in which 35 junior and seniorengineering students in a mechanical engineering class (ME 355 Introduction
Conference Session
Experiential and Service Learning
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Margaret Bailey, Rochester Institute of Technology; Elizabeth DeBartolo, Rochester Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Multidisciplinary Engineering
improvestudent learning within a large-scale, multidisciplinary capstone design course. The experientiallearning model is referenced while redesigning a course to ensure that planned activities give fullvalue to each stage of the process. The learning methodology is based on an existing educationalmodel which includes four basic stages; active experiences, reflective observations, abstractconceptualization, and active experimentation. Motivations for course transformation are basedon continuous course assessment which revealed improvement opportunities within studentlearning. Beginning in 2006/07, student-centered workshops replaced traditional lectures forinstruction of product design and development. An annual course assessment conducted duringthe
Conference Session
Women, Minorities and the New Engineering Educator
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Brook Sattler, University of Washington; Jessica Yellin, University of Washington; Yi-Min Huang, University of Washington; Jennifer Turns, University of Washington
Tagged Divisions
New Engineering Educators
. Page 12.558.1© American Society for Engineering Education, 2007 Diversity in Engineering Teaching – Views from Future Engineering FacultyAbstractThis current paper uses a qualitative analysis approach to explore the conceptions of diversity asexpressed by future engineering educators. Engineering graduate students and post-docs (futureengineering educators) wrote a statement of diversity as it relates to teaching engineering as acomponent of a teaching portfolio. We then interviewed these participants about the processesthey used for this writing task. During the interview, they reflected on their processes in writing thediversity statement; they also discussed their personal experiences with
Conference Session
Teams and Teamwork in Design II / Design for Special Services
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Susan Conry, Clarkson University
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
simple. 1. The problem to be addressed is chosen so that it has several relevant dimensions: 6 It must reflect a problem that a real client needs to have solved, and the client must be willing to interact with the students. 6 The students must not have had extensive experience working in the application domain involved, so it will be necessary to interact with the client in an interdisciplinary setting to determine necessary system features. 6 There must be several viable candidate system structures so that students have to evaluate alternatives in order to define the architecture in a manner that meets the client’s objectives
Conference Session
New Engineering Educators: Off the Beaten Path
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Robin Adams, Purdue University; Cheryl Allendoerfer, University of Washington; Tori Rhoulac Smith, Howard University; David Socha, University of Washington; Dawn Williams, Howard University; Ken Yasuhara
Tagged Divisions
New Engineering Educators
, delve deeper into specificresearch issues, or how to use their research to make an impact. Common sources for accessingthis kind of knowledge have been formal presentations or publications. However, these oftenprovide only superficial accounts of the rationales behind research, career, or impact decisions.Informal situations such as meetings, conferences, brown bag sessions, gatherings at the local“water cooler”, and blogs are also places to meet and share knowledge. However, theseconversations are rarely formalized and shared broadly. Some exceptions are efforts to formallysupport reflective practice and dialogue such as the Annals of Research on EngineeringEducation website [18]. On this website researchers may discuss such issues as
Conference Session
FPD9 -- Teaching Methods & Technology
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Margot Vigeant, Bucknell University; Karen Marosi, Bucknell University; Ronald Ziemian, Bucknell University
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
University of Virginia [7]. We felt strongly, however,that students needed to be able to explore at least two possible majors, and thereforesettled on the seminar model, starting in the Fall of 2002. We know of only one otherprogram running their introductory course in this manner; Vanderbilt piloted theirmodular program in the same year [8]. The change from the single-class to the seminar model represented a significantinvestment of faculty time and university resources. In this paper, we reflect on fiveyears of accumulated first-year data and one year of graduate data to conclude that, yes,the seminar model is superior to the single course model in numerous ways, bothquantitative and qualitative. We wish to note that the single-class model
Conference Session
Direct Measures of Student Performance
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Kevin Sutterer, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; James Hanson, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; Robert Houghtalen, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
theassessment scheme is working effectively. The one-year assessment cycle assesses studentlearning outcomes. This assessment includes faculty evaluation/course reflective statements(indirect), submissions to student portfolios (direct), and senior surveys/senior focus groups(indirect). Use of student portfolios as a means of direct assessment is well documented5. Directassessment of learning outcomes, as evidenced in the student portfolios, is facilitated through theweb-based RosE Porfolio tool. It should be noted that the key aspect of the direct assessment isthe use of a portfolio system. The RosE Portfolio is simply a tool that facilitates that process.RosE PortfolioThe RosE Portfolio at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology has been in use for 6
Conference Session
Academic Boot Camp
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Eric Brittain, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Reginald Bryant, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Lincoln Chandler, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Robbin Chapman, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Shaundra Daily, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Mark Hampton, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Ishara Mills-Henry; Aisha Walcott, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Minorities in Engineering
Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Electrical Engineering and Computer Science department. Her research explores computational tools and practices for promoting critical reflection within design-based learning activities. Her theoretical framework, Cooperative Constructionism, establishes a design-based approach to critical reflection with applicable computational tools and teaching pedagogy. Her publications include chapters in Social Capital and Information Technology and the forthcoming book, Communities of Practice: Creating Learning Environments for Educators. Dr. Chapman has served as Assistant Program Director for NASA’s Space Life Sciences Training Program at Kennedy Space Center and was a
Conference Session
Cognitive and Motivational Issues in Student Performance II
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Victoria Robson, Virginia Tech; Vinod Lohani, Virginia Tech; Tanner Bateman, Virginia Tech
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
race. White studentsperformed better in the course than minorities. As a set the learning style variables weremarginally significant predictors of course grade above and beyond race and gender. This was afunction of the active – reflective dimension. Specifically, reflective learners had a significantly Page 12.761.6higher course grade than active learners. Lastly, the four factors from the New Student Surveywere also marginally significant predictors of course grade. The only New Student Factor toapproach significance was the factor pertaining to computer knowledge. Taken together, gender,race, learning style preferences, and prior
Conference Session
Assessing Entrepreneurship Programs
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Akash Choudhary, University of Missouri; Donald Myers, University of Missouri; Halvard Nystrom, University of Missouri; Mihir Gokhale, University of Missouri
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
to understand the impact of entrepreneurship in terms of abusiness education in general 4, 9. However, little literature could be found to analyze theeducational impact of an entrepreneurship course and how it affects the entrepreneurial decisionsand interest in entrepreneurship of the engineering students who have taken it.Research purpose This research will try to capture the reflection of former engineering studentswho took a specific entrepreneurship course. This study will try to ascertain whether theseengineering students perceive that the course helped them: choose a career; better understandentrepreneurship and new product development; prepared them to pursue entrepreneurship andnew product development activities; communicate and
Conference Session
FPD4 -- Hands-on & Real-World Studies
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jonathan Rice, University of Maryland-Baltimore County; Taryn Bayles, University of Maryland-Baltimore County; Greg Russ, University of Maryland-Baltimore County; Julia Ross, University of Maryland-Baltimore County
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
final design.System performance was judged based on the power generated, system efficiency anddevice cost index as used in the formula below: Power Generated x Overall System Efficiency x Device Cost IndexPower generated refers solely to the ability of the system to light the light bulb. It isdetermined by the maximum current and voltage that the device produces as measuredusing a multi-meter. The overall system efficiency is calculated by dividing the usefulwork output by the energy input. The useful work output reflects the amount of workthat the system outputs in lighting the light bulb while the energy input reflects theamount of energy put into the system during the collection time. The device cost indexsimply refers to the
Conference Session
Teaching Innovation in Architectural Engineering II
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Kerry McManus, Swinburne University of Technology
Tagged Divisions
with time. The adaptation of the staff to such change is explored and it hasbeen reflected in the changes to their teaching styles and approaches to thestudents.The conclusion is made that the industry-based staff have influenced the programso that there is a close relation to industry philosophies instilled in the students.That because of this, the research topics undertaken by the students are closelyaligned with practice. These factors have contributed to the continuing success of Page 12.1416.2the program over the years.IntroductionConstruction engineering, as a discipline, can sit uncomfortably within aUniversity faculty. The Construction industry is a
Conference Session
New Engineering Educators: Tricks of the Trade II
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Melani Plett, Seattle Pacific Univ; Donald Peter
Tagged Divisions
New Engineering Educators
. Page 12.1263.4 7. Since it is common for students to earn 100% on the self graded portion, we keep the percentage of the course grade based on the self graded homework at roughly 5%. This is high enough of a grade reward to motivate students to complete the assignments, but it is also low enough to avoid significantly raising the course grade. 8. We have chosen to keep the total homework percentage of the course grade at roughly the same as we did before implementing self grading. Thus, the instructor graded homework portion is roughly 5% less than it would have been before. 9. To aid the student in learning, both of us require students to do a metacognitive reflection on what he/she learned when
Conference Session
Environmental Engineering Curricula III
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Angela Bielefeldt, University of Colorado at Boulder
Tagged Divisions
Environmental Engineering
major; (2) place a greater emphasis on sustainability and globalengineering in the course. In fact, it was hypothesized that the emphasis on sustainability andglobal engineering could help achieve the recruiting and retention goal, particularly for femaleand minority students. Previous research has indicated that these topics help attract women toengineering.7 In addition, Seymour found that: “In the process of developing and clarifying their Page 12.987.2career goals, however, women expressed more altruism than men and were more likely to switchto career paths that reflected humanitarian goals or offered more satisfying work.”8 The
Conference Session
Design Experiences in Energy Systems
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jennifer Mullin, Virginia Tech; Jinsoo Kim, Korea National University of Education; Vinod Lohani, Virginia Tech; Jenny Lo, Virginia Tech
Tagged Divisions
Energy Conversion and Conservation
design to select threefinalists. The three winning designs, “Best in Show” and two “Honorable Mention” werechosen according to the design criteria stated in the design assignment.Given the open-ended nature of the assignment, the student’s final designs reflected adiverse range of potential solutions. These designs ranged from playful to practical to Page 12.1336.5conceptual. A few examples included a solar powered drink mixer, a solar powered cellphone charger, a wind powered light tower, a hydro-powered drawbridge, and asubmerged bottom feeding hydropower plant. The modest expense constraint inspiredfurther resourcefulness for many teams
Conference Session
Environmental Engineering Curricula III
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Kurt Paterson, Michigan Technological University
Tagged Divisions
Environmental Engineering
podcast viewing application (iTunes or similar)is automatically notified when a new episode is available. This eliminates the need forstudents to continually check for new episodes at the class web site.3. Pedagogical DesignIn the Introduction to Environmental Engineering class the enhanced-podcast wasdesigned as a critical component to a balanced learning environment, not as a newdelivery of ineffective teaching methods (e.g. creating hour-long lectures on an iPod).Core lecture segments were shifted to the podcast, allowing class time to be used foractive learning exclusively. Podcasts have the advantages of pause and replay by thestudent, important for such reflective course elements like lecture. The podcast, andcompanion web site, directed
Conference Session
Collaborative & New Efforts in Engineering Education
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Michael Bramhall, Sheffield Hallam University; Keith Radley, Sheffield Hallam University
Tagged Divisions
• Critical reflection • Self-awareness • Taking responsibility for own learning • Working creatively with complex situationsMost recent research agrees that autonomy is a developmental process which cannot betaught or learnt 3. However, the Sheffield Hallam model with constant interactions betweenpedagogic learning environments, learner autonomy characteristics and policy impacts,achieves ‘pedagogic resonance’ for students4 - creating a space for new learning partnerships.We draw upon different traditions e.g. constructivist theories of learning, particularlyexperiential learning5,6,7, and also the central idea of a learner-led curriculum8 that isincreasingly made possible through the appropriate use of technology. Constructivism isbased
Conference Session
Creating 'Materials' Awareness
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Craig Johnson, Central Washington University; Beth Rogers, Yakima Valley Community College; OraLynn Manweller, Smiths Aerospace Corporation
Tagged Divisions
. This first activity cost about $200. Most of that was the cost of theglycerin soap. This type of soap is available at many local craft stores, but has a wide pricerange. Page 12.1283.4Feedback was sought from both students and instructors. The university Human SubjectsReview Committee supported a group, oral interaction. Thus the instructors recorded studentresponses during the activity. The instructors also pooled group data for the Temperature vs.inverse delta time curves. Finally, the instructors reflected on other aspects of the activity.NSF MatEd: The MatEd Program requested activities to support their concept inventory. So theywere
Conference Session
FPD2 -- Highlighting First-Year Programs
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Peter Burton, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
Islam in his 2001 paper “Reflections on large class teaching in the social sciences”2 talks about the need for students to be active, as opposed to passive learners, and the need forlarge classes to be interesting. An interactive teaching style helps significantly to achieve this.The Importance and Role of Tutorial GroupsTutorial groups are an essential follow-on from lectures and a valuable opportunity forstudents to get extra assistance in a small group environment after first attending the lecture.They are often opportunities, particularly in respect of large first year classes, for students topose questions that they might not want to ask in a large group, to go over material covered inthe lecture in more depth and to benefit from each