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Displaying results 151 - 180 of 1069 in total
Conference Session
Instrumentation and Laboratory Systems
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Murat Tanyel, Geneva College
Tagged Divisions
Computers in Education
Emirates University in Al-Ain, UAE where he helped set up an innovative introductory engineering curriculum. Dr. Tanyel received his B. S. degree in electrical engineering from Bo?aziçi University, Istanbul, Turkey in 1981, his M. S. degree in electrical engineering from Bucknell University, Lewisburg, PA in 1985 and his Ph. D. in biomedical engineering from Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA in 1990. Page 12.382.1© American Society for Engineering Education, 2007 Comparing the Walsh Domain to the Fourier Domain with a LabVIEW Based Communication Systems ToolkitAbstractAlthough the
Conference Session
Teaching Courses in Renewable Energy Systems
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Robert Weissbach, Pennsylvania State University-Erie; Isaac Aunkst, General Dynamics Corporation
Tagged Divisions
Energy Conversion and Conservation
Autonomous System Power Consumption Duration Energy Load Element Current (A) Duration (s) (Hours) (Ah) System @ idle 0.059 259200 72 4.248 Movement routine 4 750 0.208 0.833 Reset movement 4 120 0.033 0.133 Battery charging -0.49 36000 10 -4.9 Total per period 0.314Based on Table 2, the energy consumed during the 72 hour period may exceed the energyavailable to
Conference Session
Special Session on Fixed-Point Education
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jonathan Hill, University of Hartford; Hisham Alnajjar, University of Hartford; Saeid Moslehpour, University of Hartford
Tagged Divisions
Computers in Education
acontinuous time filter component like a capacitor or inductor. For this low-pass filter the effectis seen in the step response. Given a step input value ws the steady state value for x can beapproximated by recognizing the familiar geometric power series. ∞ ws x s = ws ∑ K3n = = 16 ws (9) n =0 1 + K3Unlike floating point numbers where the details involving precision are handled by a processorin silent fashion, with fixed point numbers the designer is responsible. To assist in this regard,Figure 12 is the so-called plumbing diagram for the example first order low-pass
Conference Session
Engineering, Engineers and Setting Public Policy
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Peter Mark Jansson, Rowan University; William Riddell, Rowan University; Nathan Vizzi, Rowan University; Krishan Bhatia, Rowan University; Ryan McDevitt, Rowan University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering and Public Policy
nation) and expect rebates approaching 50% for systems up to Page 12.651.310kW in size. For example, in just the past few years the CORE rebate program5 was offered bythe NJBPU - Office of Clean Energy that enabled the state to move its way up the ladder tobecome the U.S.’s second most abundant generator of photovoltaic energy. This is quite animpressive story of success since the solar insolation resources from the Sun’s light are notnearly as abundant in New Jersey as in some of the other states in the nation. It was new statepolicy that overcame the lack of solar resources and created the potential for state to possessreliable and
Conference Session
Emerging Trends in Engineering Education Poster Session
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
David Sawyers, Ohio Northern University; John-David Yoder, Ohio Northern University
?” Journal ofEngineering Education, October 2001.2 Hodge, B. K. and W. G. Steele, “A Survey of Computational Paradigms in Undergraduate Mechanical Engineering Education,” Journal of Engineering Education, October 2002.3 Chapra, S. C. and R. C. Canale, Numerical Methods for Engineers, 5th ed., McGraw-Hill, 2006.4 Dietel, H. M. and P. J. Dietel, How to Program C++, 4th ed., Prentice-Hall, 2002.5 Estell, J. K., "The Faculty Course Assessment Report," Proceedings of the Best Assessment Practices VII Symposium, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, Terre Haute, IN, April 2005. Page 12.1367.7 Appendix
Conference Session
Trends in Construction Engineering Education I
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Michael Soller, Indiana University-Purdue University-Indianapolis; Erdogan Sener, Indiana University-Purdue University-Indianapolis
Tagged Divisions
an ng S c o rk es n on st ru n n h ds r su nt se Sta ns
Conference Session
Cognitive and Motivational Issues in Student Performance I
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Paul Steif, Carnegie Mellon University; Jamie LoBue, Carnegie Mellon University; Anne Fay, Carnegie Mellon University; Burak Kara, Carnegie Mellon University; Steve Spencer, Carnegie Mellon University
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
AC 2007-368: INDUCING STUDENTS TO CONTEMPLATECONCEPT-ELICITING QUESTIONS AND THE EFFECT ON PROBLEMSOLVING PERFORMANCEPaul Steif, Carnegie Mellon University PAUL S. STEIF Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa Degrees: Sc. B. 1979, Brown University; M.S. 1980, Ph.D. 1982, Harvard University. Research area: engineering mechanics and education.Jamie LoBue, Carnegie Mellon University Undergraduate Student, Mechanical EngineeringAnne Fay, Carnegie Mellon University Director of Assessment, Eberly Center for Teaching Excellence, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA Degrees: B.A. 1983, York University; Ph. D. 1990, University of California
Conference Session
Thermodynamics and Fluid Mechanics Instruction
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Michael Maixner, U.S. Air Force Academy; James Baughn, University of California-Davis
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
AC 2007-195: TEACHING PSYCHROMETRY TO UNDERGRADUATESMichael Maixner, U.S. Air Force AcademyJames Baughn, University of California-Davis Michael Rex Maixner graduated with distinction from the U. S. Naval Academy, and served as a commissioned officer in the USN for 25 years; his first 12 years were spent as a shipboard officer, while his remaining service was spent strictly in engineering assignments. He received his Ocean Engineer and SMME degrees from MIT, and his Ph.D. in mechanical engineering from the Naval Postgraduate School. He served as an Instructor at the Naval Postgraduate School and as a Professor of Engineering at Maine Maritime Academy; he is currently a member of the
Conference Session
Emerging Trends in Engineering Education Poster Session
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Denise Jackson, University of Tennessee-Knoxville; Sara Abdulla, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
integration in college as it can be correlatedwith commitment to the institution and persistence. Thomas19 found that “students with a greaterproportion of ties outside their subgroup perform better academically and are more likely topersist. Second, similar benefits accrue to those students who develop ties with other studentswho themselves have broader ties.”Social Network AnalysisSocial Network Analysis (SNA) has been used since the 1930s in the social and behavioralsciences. Some of the major goals of SNA are to “discern fundamental structure(s) of networksin ways that (1) allow us to know the structure of a network and (2) facilitate our understandingof network phenomena.”4 Social networks can be generally defined as a group of inter-connected
Conference Session
Recruitment and Retention Topics
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Yolanda George, AAAS; Patricia Campbell; Tom R. Kibler, Campbell-Kibler Associates, Inc; Rosa Carson, Campbell-Kibler Associates, Inc.; Shirley M. Malcom, AAAS
Tagged Divisions
Women in Engineering
, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education and issues of race/ethnicity, gender and disability since the mid 1970's. Her BS, from LeMoyne College is in Mathematics, her MS, from Syracuse University, is in Instructional Technology and her PhD, also from Syracuse University, is in Teacher Education. Dr. Campbell, formerly a professor of research, measurement and statistics at Georgia State University, has authored more than 100 publications including co-authoring Engagement, Capacity and Continuity: A Trilogy for Student Success and Upping the Numbers: Using Research-Based Decision Making to Increase Diversity in the Quantitative Sciences with Eric
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Michele Wheatly, Wright State University; Nathan Klingbeil, Wright State University; Bor Jang, Wright State University; George Sehi, Sinclair Community College; Richard Jones, Sinclair Community College
who entered WSU intending to major in STEM disciplines(“persisters” P, reported by subgroups and “switchers” S, students who subsequently switchedout of STEM). While the overall first-to-second year retention rate has remained constant overseveral years, the retention of students who “persist” in the STEM disciplines has dropped.More alarmingly, the drop has been precipitous for female and African American students.Moreover, students who persist in STEM majors have lower retention rates than students overall(P + S). Cohort P+S P Caucas. P Afr. Am. Male P Female P P 1997 78.2 64.2 64.8
Conference Session
Distance, Remote, and Virtual Experiments
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
John White, University of Massachusetts-Lowell; Leo Bobek, University of Massachusetts- Lowell
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
the reactor dataacquisition system and the remote user.References1. J. R. WHITE, A. JIRAPONGMED and L. M. BOBEK, “A Web-Based System for Access to Real-Time and Archival Research Reactor Data”, Trans. Am. Nuc. Soc. (June 2004).2. P. JAIN, S. MARKIDIS, B. G. JONES, RIZWAN-UDDIN, J. R. WHITE, and L. M. BOBEK, “Web-casting of Nuclear Reactor Experiments”, Trans. Am. Nuc. Soc. (Nov. 2006).3. J. R. WHITE and L. M. BOBEK, “Reactor Operations Training via Web-Based Access to the UMass-Lowell Research Reactor,” Proceedings of Conference on Nuclear Training and Education, Jacksonville, Florida (Feb. 2007).4. The Nuclear101 website and UMLRR Online prototype, InduSoft Web Studio, Centra Live for e
Conference Session
Engineering and Sustainability
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Juan Lucena, Colorado School of Mines; Carl Mitcham, Colorado School of Mines; Jon Leydens, Colorado School of Mines; Junko Munakata-Marr, Colorado School of Mines; Jay Straker, Colorado School of Mines; Marcelo Simoes, Colorado School of Mines
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Ethics
andcurriculum development: the role of engineers in humanitarian activities. Additionally, reforminitiatives in science and engineering (S&E) graduate education have yet to realize their potentialfor integrating ethics into curricula. Addressing such challenges, this paper will describeactivities to date of an interdisciplinary faculty team at the Colorado School of Mines (CSM)working on the development of graduate-level curriculum in humanitarian engineering ethics(HEE). The HEE faculty team has 1) reviewed and critically assessed relations betweenhumanitarianism and engineering in order to develop an applicable concept of humanitarianethics (HE) in engineering education and practice; 2) researched barriers and opportunities in thedevelopment and
Conference Session
Distance, Remote, and Virtual Experiments
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Yaoye Li, Stevens Institute of Technology; Sven Esche, Stevens Institute of Technology; Constantin Chassapis, Stevens Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
@stevens.eduAcknowledgmentsThis work was supported by NSF Grant No. 0326309. This support is gratefully acknowledged.The collaborative efforts and discussions with Mr. Chenghung Chang are very much appreciated.References[1] Gustavsson, I. (2002). A remote laboratory for electrical experiments. Proceedings of the 2002 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Montreal, Canada, June 16-19, 2002.[2] Esche, S. K. (2005). On the integration of remote experimentation into undergraduate laboratories - pedagogical approach. International Journal of Instructional Media, Vol. 32, No. 4, 2005.[3] Esche, S. K. et al. (2003). An architecture for multi-user remote laboratories, World Transactions on Engineering and Technology Education. Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 7
Conference Session
Foster Excellence
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Tony Mitchell, North Carolina State University; Angelitha Daniel, North Carolina State University
Tagged Divisions
Minorities in Engineering
AC 2007-2785: START: A FORMAL MENTORING PROGRAM FOR MINORITYENGINEERING FRESHMENTony Mitchell, North Carolina State University Dr. Tony L. Mitchell, Lieutenant Colonel United States Air Force, Retired, received his B.S. degree in Mathematics from North Carolina A&T State University, the M. S. in Information and Computer Science from Georgia Tech, and Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from North Carolina State University. Currently he is Assistant Dean, Engineering Student Services, Director, Minority Engineering Programs, and Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at North Carolina State University in Raleigh. Previous educational assignments include
Conference Session
Contemporary Instrumentation Poster Session
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Akram Hossain
Tagged Divisions
limits. At that point, the triallimits are adopted for future control.V. ESTIMATING PROCESS CAPABILITYThe X and R charts provide information about the performance or capability of the process inreal time frame. These charts work like a window into the process and provide a quantitativemeasure of the product quality. One must at least go through the following steps to determine theprocess capability.1) After all the assignable causes have been eliminated from the process as far as it is practical,check to see that the process is stable and under tight control, collect at least 25 to 50 samples, 3to 6 reading per sample.2) Record the data set in a time ordered sequence. After calculating X ’s, R’s, X ’s, and R ’s.estimate the values of Upper
Conference Session
Improving ME Education: Trends in Mechanical Engineering I
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Madara Ogot, Pennsylvania State University; Gül Okudan, Pennsylvania State University
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
t A A s B X B y C X C n D X X D n E X E X n F X X F s G X X G s H X X H s I X I g J X X J t K X K Page 12.1450.7 Figure 5. Design Structure Matrix 62.4 Needs-Functional RelationshipThe
Conference Session
The Challenges of Tech Transfer
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Michael McCorquodale, Mobius Microsystems, Inc.; Richard Brown, University of Utah
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
AC 2007-756: MOBIUS MICROSYSTEMS: A CASE STUDY IN THECOMMERCIALIZATION OF GRADUATE RESEARCH IN ELECTRICALENGINEERINGMichael McCorquodale, Mobius Microsystems, Inc. Michael S. McCorquodale was born in Richardson, TX, on November 12, 1974. He received the B.S.E. degree with honors in electrical engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1997. For the next year, he was with Hughes Space and Communications Co., El Segundo, CA, where he developed GHz InP and SiGe digital integrated circuits. In 1998, he began graduate work at the University of Michigan where he completed the M.S.E and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering in 2000 and 2004, respectively, in the National
Conference Session
Design in Engineering Eduaction - Poster Session
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jennifer Miskimins, Colorado School of Mines; Ramona Graves, Colorado School of Mines
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
would also like to recognize the positive attitude, technicalhelp and input of the entire Colorado School of Mines’ Petroleum Engineering faculty and staff.Bibliography1. ABET, "ABET Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Programs (Effective for Evaluations During the 2006-2007Accreditation Cycle)," (Maryland: Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology, Inc., 2005).2. Jennifer L. Miskimins, Ramona M. Graves, and Craig W. Van Kirk, "Developing a Supplemental AssessmentDocument for ABET Certification: How Capstone Design Classes Can Help," (paper presented at the ASEE AnnualConference and Exhibition, Chicago, Illinois, June 18-21, 2006).3. R. S. Thompson, C.W. Van Kirk, R.D. Benson, T.L. Davis, R.M. Graves, and R.M. Slatt, “SPE 36771
Conference Session
Curricular Innovations
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Hillary Hart, University of Texas-Austin; Christy Moore, University of Texas-Austin
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
mentored to provide such labeling seemsvanishingly small. William S. Cleveland has provided useful insight on how to design graphicsfor clarity and to eliminate distortion of data,18 but his work is not generally cited in Engineeringpublications and courses.Problems with publishing research (questions about anomalous data, duplicate publication,authorship status, plagiarism, and copyright violations) have been addressed by numerousresearchers.19,20,21 Much of this work, however, has come out of the medical community, whichhas developed ethical codes in response; as an example, see the explanation of applicable codeson publication and authorship developed by the American Psychological Association.22Responsible Conduct of Research (2003)23 uses
Conference Session
Innovative Mechanics Education Programs and Projects
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Phillip Cornwell, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; Charles Farrar, Los Alamos National Laboratory; Peter Avitabile, University of Massachusetts-Lowell
Tagged Divisions
analysis.IntroductionThe authors of the National Academy of Science report Rising above the Gathering Storm1 writewith urgency of the need for the United States to strengthen the scientific and technical buildingblocks that lead to economic prosperity. The number of Master’s and Ph.D. degrees awarded inengineering has decreased approximately 7% and 13%, respectively, from 1996 to 20012 and thenumber of Ph.D.’s awarded in mechanical engineering has decreased approximately 19% from1996 to 20043. Engineering dynamics, which encompasses areas such as flight dynamics,vibration isolation for precision manufacturing, earthquake engineering, structural healthmonitoring, signal processing, and experimental modal analysis is naturally affected by thisdecrease in numbers
Conference Session
Curricular Innovations
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Maura Borrego, Virginia Tech; Lynette Osborne, National Academy of Engineering; Ruth Streveler, Purdue University; Karl Smith, University of Minnesota; Ronald Miller, Colorado School of Mines
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
.Before actual measures of network growth can be discussed, the concept of strong andweak ties must be defined. Within a network or community, there are variations in thestrength of the connections between different members. For engineering education, hereare some example ties, listed in order of increasing strength: 1. heard of a person and/or her work 2. met that person once 3. talk with that person semi-regularly, regularly or frequently 4. cite the other person’s scholarly work 5. collaborate with the person on proposal(s) or conference paper(s) 6. coauthor a journal article with this personTo run a social network analysis, the researcher must decide which level is mostappropriate to the study. For example
Conference Session
ChE: Innovations in undergraduate and graduate programs
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Lale Yurttas, Texas A&M University; Zachry Kraus, Texas A&M University; Jeffrey Froyd, Texas A&M University; Jean Layne, Texas A&M University; Mahmoud El-Halwagi, Texas A&M University; Charles Glover, Texas A&M University
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
20.00 40.00 60.00 80.00 100.00 Analysis of experimental data Phase Equilibrium Conservation of mass Atomic species balances Heat of Reaction Recycle/By-pass/Purge Heat of solution Ideal solution vs. nonideal solution Conservation of mass Phase equilibrium Conservation of energy Types of systems Process classification Conservation of mass S-S
Conference Session
Recruitment and Retention Topics
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Rose Mary Cordova-Wentling, University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign; Steven Thomas, Lockheed Martin Corporation
Tagged Divisions
Women in Engineering
. (1999). The incredible shrinking pipeline unlikely to reverse. Retrieved March 14, 2002 from, P., Hoonakker, P., Marchand, S., & Schwarz, J. (2003). Job characteristics and quality of working life in the IT workforce: The role of gender. Proceedings of the 2003 SIGMIS Conference on Computer Personnel Research, 58-63.Chapple, K., and Saxenian, A. (2001). Mediating careers: The role of labor market intermediaries in facilitating the entry, retention, and advancement of women and minorities in the information technology workforce. NSF IT Workforce Research Conference. Boulder, Colorado, October 14-16.Chiu, W., & Ng, C. (1999). Women
Conference Session
Educational Software
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Hyun Kim, Youngstown State University; Hazel Marie, Youngstown State University; Suresh Patil, Youngstown State University
Tagged Divisions
Computers in Education
based on model transport equations for theturbulence kinetic energy (k) and its dissipation rate (ε). The transport equations are based onassumptions that the flow is fully turbulent and the effect of the molecular viscosity is negligible.Transport Equations for the standard k-ε model ∂  µ   (ρκ ) + ∇(ρκV ) = ∇  µ + t ∇k  + Gk + Gb − ρε − YM + S k …..(3.a)∂t  σk    µ   2 ∂ (ρε ) + ∇(ρεV ) = ∇  µ + t ∇ε  + C1ε ε (Gk + C3ε Gb ) − C 2ε ρ ε + S ε …..(3.b)∂t  σk   k k k2where the turbulent
Conference Session
Curriculum Development and Delivery Modes in Nuclear Engineering
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
James Holloway, University of Michigan
Tagged Divisions
Nuclear and Radiological
= ψ(r, Ω) πR2 Page 12.1358.6 R→0 4πThis is the confirmation that φ is the same as the ICRU fluence rate. R S xFigure 1: A point source S with a sphere centered a distance x > R away. Compute the volumeaveraged scalar flux over the sphere. Students must also be asked not to over interpret this result: for a finite sphere the rate at whichparticles enter the sphere divided by
Conference Session
ERM Potpourri I
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Elif Kongar, University of Bridgeport; Tarek Sobh, University of Bridgeport
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
with the conventional output/input ratio analysis. Defining basicefficiency as the ratio of weighted sum of outputs to the weighted sum of inputs, the relativeefficiency score of a test DMU p can be obtained by solving the following DEA ratio model (CCR)proposed by Charnes, et al.1: Page 12.697.4 3 s ∑v k =1 k y kp max m ∑u x
Conference Session
ChE: Safety, Sustainability, and Global Opportunities
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Sundararajan Madihally, Oklahoma State University; Randy Lewis, Brigham Young University
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
AC 2007-2442: CHEM-E-CAR COMPETITION: INCORPORATING SAFETYWITH THE HELP OF INDUSTRY PARTNERS.Sundararajan Madihally, Oklahoma State University He is an Assistant Professor in the School of Chemical Engineering at Oklahoma State University. He received his BE in ChE from Bangalore University and his PhD from Wayne State University in Chemical Engineering. He held a research fellow position at Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School/Shriners Hospital for Children. His research interests include tissue regeneration and the development of therapies for traumatic conditions.Randy Lewis, Brigham Young University Randy S. Lewis is Professor of Chemical Engineering at Brigham Young University
Conference Session
Innovations in biological and agricultural engineering education
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Kyle Mankin, Kansas State University
Tagged Divisions
Biological & Agricultural
45 18 27 6 0 11The design project task was to prepare a functional layout design for one of the student spaces inSeaton Hall, housing the BAE department. Eight options were provided, and each student teamin each lab section selected one of these eight spaces (without duplication within a lab section).The selection of was design project spaces was ordered according to a class-determined rankingof the creativity exhibited in the outcome of an in-class team ice-breaking assignment.The objectives of the design project were to (1) engage the student in a problem solving/designprocess, in which s/he identifies a problem, locates relevant information, develops and analyzespossible alternatives, and formulates
Conference Session
Novel Measurement Experiments
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Seyed Allameh, Northern Kentucky University; Tom Ogonek Ogonek, Northern Kentucky University; Paul Cooper, Northern Kentucky University
Tagged Divisions
toughness b. Compared to monolithic structure layered composites exhibited either a larger tensile strength, a larger fracture toughness or both. c. Reinforced composites exhibited a very high tensile strength associated with a large level of fracture toughness.References1. Evans, A. G. et al., Model for the robust mechanical behavior of nacre, J. Mater. Res. 16, 2475-2484 (2001).2. Katti, D. R., Pradhan, S. M. & Katti, K. S., Modeling the Organic-Inorganic Interfacial nanoasperities in a Model Bio-Nanocomposite, Re. Adv. Mater. Sci 6, 162-168 (2004).3. Yao, N., Epstein, A. & Akey, A., Crystal Growth via Spiral Motion in Abalone Shell Nacre, JMR 21