community. ACDI/VOCA works with the partnercommunity (Palos Blancos, Bolivia) on development projects and will serve as theintermediary between American and Bolivian university students and the communityprior to the team’s arrival in Bolivia. The Mosetenes Indians are the most importantpopulation in the area, besides the Aymara and Quechua colonizers. The exact nature ofthe project will be defined by the team and community members. Table 1 illustrates howdevelopment projects motivated previous research projects (designed and executed bystudents in other programs at our university) and reflects some of the types of researchprojects that could emerge in this program. Using the community interests communicatedby the NGO, the student teams will begin
anticipate that by asking educators about their teaching decisions, wemay trigger reflection, which in and of itself may lead to improvements in teaching practice.By exploring the processes through which engineering educators make teaching decisions andthe factors they consider, we can use decision making as a lens to understand their teachingpractices and gain a better understanding of how to help engineering educators make moreeffective decisions about their teaching. We believe that this approach is particularly appropriatebecause it is a framework used extensively in the field of engineering (i.e., design decision-making) and thus may be a more familiar framework to discuss their teaching practices.We chose to emphasize teaching decision-making
presentations and Building Engineering Communication Skills 7requiring students to privately view their presentation. This type of self-reflection canquickly highlight the good and bad presentation habits of individual students.Group WorkAs in motivation one, professional engineers will often write documents as a team. Anyof the above communication ideas may be assigned to a group of students. In fact, manyof the final communications used as examples above, were assigned to groups. Groupwriting brings special challenges related to teamwork which we will not expand uponhere. One helpful guideline, however, is to assign responsibility for various sections toprevent one person from assuming the role of
departments in the College of Engineering.13This program requires students to take four courses in nanoscale engineering, two of which arelaboratory courses. They are also expected to attend a seminar series. This program iscomprehensive, hands-on, and reflects the interdisciplinary nature of nanoscale engineering. Page 12.517.3However, this program does have its limitations. It does not offer a single ChE course so thespecific background ChEs can contribute to high volume manufacturing on the nanoscale isabsent. Most courses are graduate level, only available to advanced undergraduates.Additionally, the content focuses heavily on semiconductor
have performed better than others in monitoringwork examples. Also the SI group earned better grades than the non-SI group in the class.Introduction “Fundamentals of Environmental Engineering” is a junior course taught in the CivilEngineering department at New Mexico State University. General course objectives areto learn and apply the engineering design process and develop and apply skills used bysuccessful practicing professional engineers, including critical (reflective) thinking,communication, and documentation. This course teaches the fundamental civil-environmental engineering principles for design of conventional domestic watertreatment and wastewater treatment systems. One of the primary learning objectives ofthe course is for students
latest research results to create new,value-added products.Even in its formative years in the early 1900s, the role of the engineering profession was toharness scientific discoveries to create products that address the needs and desires of our society,and in doing so shape and improve our quality of life. Thus, in attempting to imagine whatengineering will be like, and what engineers will need to know, as we move more deeply into the21st century, we only need to reflect upon how our lives are changing, how society is beingstressed, and how recent scientific advances may relate to new product concepts that can address Page 12.347.2these
learning, but do not measurelearning itself. The most common indirect assessment tools are surveys which solicit input fromstudents, alumni, employers, graduate schools, or other constituencies. These surveys provideparticular insight into the questions of how and why learning takes place through questions aboutsuch topics as student engagement and the effectiveness of specific class activities. Angelo andCross discuss the essential insight gained as students engage in self reflection in these surveys.2Because of the focus on the how and why of learning, indirect measures are essential in ourefforts to improve the educational environment. They can help us evaluate the effectiveness oflectures, reading assignments, homework, or any other
encounter problems or ask questions leadinginto the explanation phase, in which students describe what they think is happening and areready to learn from their peers and teacher. In the elaboration phase students apply what theyhave learned to meet the larger design challenge. Finally, in evaluation students reflect on whatthey learned.Contextual Learning and Problem Solving. Students often fail to connect what they learn inschool with the world around them. The engineering problems in EiE demonstrate how math,science, engineering, and creativity are needed to solve a problem. Situating learning in a largercontext piques students’ interest and helps them to understand how what they are learninginteracts with the real world or solves a problem 24
evaluation of student performance data. Please see Appendix 4.All of these data are compiled in the Departmental Course Assignment Database, in order toallow both course-level and program-level assessment. At the course-level, the Database is usedby the ECE faculty in the preparation of their Course Portfolios. The Course Portfolios offereach faculty member the opportunity to reflect on the effectiveness of each of his courses,primarily in terms of the desired Course Objectives, and their associated Performance Criteria.Through this mechanism, the faculty member can evaluate student strengths and weaknesses inmeeting Course Objectives by identifying the specific curricular topics and assignments thathave contributed to the level of achievement, and
) with access to the latest technology tools for teaching. Flexible schedules are very important to most professionals as they contrast the environment of the academic world to the corporate world.These alternatives can be funded by the professional education programs and should be built intothe budget when developing a business case which would be reflected in the tuition paid bystudents.Since not all faculty will buy into the “pay for performance” concept, it should be voluntary andthe result of targeted recruiting for professional graduate education.A training program for faculty long on content knowledge and experience but short on teachingskills must be established. This should also include a mentor relationship with
participants 17, 20, 22 • Lifestyle conveniences 14, 16 Page 12.552.4 • Access to information and faculty 17, 14, 20 3 • Collaborative and interactive learning environment 17, 16Distance education is a learning-centered experience that allows participants to developargumentation skills, increase their written communication and complex problem-solving skills,participate in reflective deliberation, and develop higher levels of learning and critical thinking22 . The social environment changes in distance education. Some
content knowledge. The studio course inwhich she was enrolled required introductory physics and calculus skills. Her physics and mathbackground was adequate to perform well with this type of content. She was interested inlearning engineering skills and concepts. On the other hand, her goal in taking the course was toexplore and learn more about the engineering learning environment without strong intentions topursue an engineering degree. This reflected a “typical” freshman student’s uncertainty inchoosing engineering as a career.There were three sources of data for this study: 1) the researcher’s observations and journalentries, 2) the researcher’s assessment of her self-efficacy, and 3) the self-assessment papers shewrote as assignments for the
is developed following basic photogrammetry principles[19] and fine-tuned using simulation software. Since each image as shown in Figure: 7acovers only a small portion of the 50 acre field (Bozman) several images have to bemosaicked and georeferenced to develop a full field view. Since the first band which isreserved for red in an RGB image, is infrared in this hyperspectral camera, followed by ared, and user selectable blue or green as the 3rd band, the images acquired look differentfrom a regular RGB image. Infrared frequencies of the solar radiation get reflected byhealthy vegetation giving rise to the red color in the image corresponding to regions ofhealthy vegetation. Stressed vegetation although it may look green to the naked eye
engineering studentswill soon face on the job; the possible formats for their responses also reflect what they willencounter in the workplace environment. The real-time formative assessment provided by thisuse of technology aids student metacognition and helps the instructor address misconceptionsduring the “teachable moments” that frequently occur when the InkSurvey tool is used.We provide details of how instructors from any campus can incorporate the use of this InkSurveytool into their instructional program. In cooperative learning situations, one Tablet PC can beshared within each small group of students, thus reducing hardware requirements. This tool isalso useful in facilitating differentiated learning and Just in Time Teaching (JiTT
, Department ofMechanical Engineering, Department of Biomedical Engineering, and a student from theinternational exchange program. Thus, the enrollment in the course has grown beyond theinstructor’s original electrical engineering target audience to include multidisciplinaryparticipation.When the course was fist advertised in 2004, a large number of students expressed interest.However, since the initial offering, undergraduate student participation has declined while thegraduate participation increased slightly. In part, this is reflective of the declining trend inundergraduate enrolment in the electrical engineering program at University of Cincinnati.Another plausible reason is that the level of material presented in the course and the overallscope
student team leader was given the chanceto lead the class meeting, and the multi-disciplined class was divided into severalgroups, each taking on a different responsibility in such tasks as contacting 8vendors/sponsors, publicizing the project through media and web site, acquiringmaterials and equipment, and updating the construction drawings to reflect theavailability of needed building materials and products. During this period,students not only learned and applied their scientific, engineering and designknowledge but, more importantly, learned and practiced such skills as verbal andwritten communication, interaction and negotiation with professionals andvendors, team work and leadership.Because of the limits
classroom.Engineering faculty have found that using group work in their courses they achieve two mainobjectives: a) Students performance is better in comparison when students work individually;and b) students have the opportunity to face group work experience allowing them to learn howto work in group.However, faculty is often faced with problems when they assess group performance because it isdifficult to do assessments that reflect the actual performance of each member through the groupexperience without loosing the positive effect of working with groups. Usually assessment isreduced to an average of the group performance and to one evaluation at the end of the task.These types of assessments do not address and may even cause social loafing and/or inequity
industry today.The paper will relate how the course has become one that the students not only come willingly toformal lab hours, but insist on having expanded access to make their project come to life.Employers today are also looking for employees that can accomplish smaller automation projectswithout having to hire a consultant that leaves as soon as the start button is pushed. The paperwill relate examples of industrial alliances and how students have stated that the experience inthe classroom has translated to the student being more “Job Ready” and actually receiving joboffers due to these laboratory experiences. Finally the paper will give the authors lessons learnedand reflections for the future of the course to respond to a changing
standard length 50-minute classes and two were extended 100-minute classes.Almost all class meetings were a combination of lecture, discussion, and learning activities. Thebalance was typically 30% lecture and 70% learning activities, although some classes werecloser to 100% activities. The goal of the activities was to develop skills in problem formulation,solution, and reflective evaluation. Some of the activities have been designed to allow students todiscover certain fundamental principles rather than the traditional approach of being told theprinciples or have them derived by the instructor. Students worked on in-class activitiesprimarily as teams with 3 students per team. Some activities, such as white-board presentationsof student in-class
the powersupply for the isolated side of the circuit.Student reaction to Project GUISEThe 15 students who utilized Project GUISE in 2005 were asked for their reactions to it.An assessment instrument consisting of 12 statements was administered; students wereasked to state their level of agreement with the statements on a Likert scale where a ratingof 1 indicated strong disagreement and 5 indicated strong agreement. Table 1summarizes the results. The first seven statements in Table 1 are statements to whichagreement would indicate a favorable reaction to Project GUISE; agreement with theremaining five statements would indicate an unfavorable opinion. (The order of thestatements in Table 1 does not reflect their order in the questionnaire). On
• Reflections of the • Walking Tour of Interns Campus • Cluster interaction • Organize clusters 11 12 13 14 16MS: MS: MS: MS: MS:• Distribution and • Rehearsal for Poster • TRAC PAC 2 • Toll Plaza Field Trip • Field Trip – Indian overview of weekly #1 Competition • Computer Lab • Computer Lab Museum assignments
the exam, this may not be the case (as evidenced by their exam scores). • Several students moved from a constructivist to constructionist approach to study guide preparation after working in the focus groups. • Student strategies for completion of the study guide vary widely, but overall reflect a lack of confidence.We will touch on these points, and more, in what follows.UsageFor many of the students, learning is equated with memorizing or being able to locate necessaryinformation for the exam. They repeatedly expressed a lack of confidence in their examperformance. They guessed at how they performed on the exams and did so ratherconservatively. No one left the exam confident as further evidenced by superstitious
wisdom is verystrong. We have experienced that some Chinese students will come back and repeat a laboratoryexercise for understanding when everyone else has finished and left. They study regularly and stillmake time for recreation and exploration. Chinese students also possess excellent study habits.They are always on time and have perfect attendance; they take good notes, attend extra studysessions, study hard at night, and also have a nightly group study meeting to discuss the day’squestions. Some of the prevalent themes in education today are academic rigor and life longlearning. The Chinese society is a living learning community. This set up has greatly benefited thestudents which has been reflected in theirs being some of the highest quiz
of construction products and processes. Each picture, or entity is identified by alist of criteria that specify the material, construction method, equipment, labor, cost, time, andthe sequential placement within the construction process. When a combination of specificationsis entered, it will trigger the retrieval of a single entity or a sequence of entities corresponding tothe construction scenario entered. The retrieved/composed results reflect the scope of thespecifications entered. Figure 2 illustrates an interface for user-system interaction. The interfacewill direct the user to select a single option under each factor to obtain a final result of a singleimage or video. Otherwise, the user can choose to generalize the options, which
o willingness to learn o preferences (learning styles) o level of risk aversion o demands (work, family o commitment to scholarly and commitments, proximity to study reflective practice environment) o access to technologyThe subject domain Barriers and enablers o learning outcomes o internal and external o assessment strategies o time and cost implications o knowledge base and its compatibility o professional body reviews with new forms of teaching, learning o industrial
diplomas on June 6, 1911.The institution was authorized by the General Assembly in 1920 to institute a four-year teachereducation curriculum and to confer the baccalaureate degree upon its graduates. The Board ofTrustees proposed in 1921 that the name be changed. East Carolina Teachers College wasauthorized in 1929 to initiate graduate programs, and it conferred the first Master of Arts degreein 1933. In 1941, the college was charged to plan for a liberal arts program.In 1951, to reflect the institution's expanding academic commitments, the name was changed toEast Carolina College. As the fastest growing educational institution in North Carolina, by 1960it had become the state's third largest institution of higher learning. During the expansion of
concrete experiences directly, employ reflective observations regarding thoseexperiences, engage in a periods of abstract conceptualization, and then participate in learningactivities that involve active experimentation such as projects and classroom discussions. Once,again, the inclusion of rich case studies from other domains such as MOM in Action would seemconsonant with Kolb’s ideas.Another influential contemporary educator long concerned with human learning, John Biggs,argues11 that a student’s choice of learning strategy and his/her motive for learning largely prede-termine the depth and durability of their learning. Biggs argues that students engage in superficiallearning when their study strategies primarily involve doing the least that
, research methodologies and teaching and learning in technical education. Page 12.627.1© American Society for Engineering Education, 2007 ENGINEERING: THE UK CHALLENGEAbstractThis paper reviews experiences of the development of teamwork and leadership skills,personal reflection, planning and other transferable skills within engineering bachelorsdegrees within the UK over the last 15 years, illustrated by examples from one particularUniversity. It provides a picture of the current state of UK engineering education, and reflectsupon strengths and weaknesses. Comparisons are drawn with both European and NorthAmerican provision
without project management and servicelearning experience, and into an engineering program in its development stage.IntroductionWith growing pressures within the university setting to feature the engaged approach of workingwith adjacent communities, emphasis on town-gown collaboration is being touted as a retentionenabler1. One technique for melding these interests is the extension of case study type problembased learning2. In this approach students are encouraged to develop a team approach toproblem resolution in order to promote an appreciation for diversity, communication skills andself-esteem through collaborative problem solving. This approach builds on traditional basicssuch as research related reading, reflective report oriented writing as
attributes of a leader periodically by the instructor orteaching assistant and is then assigned full responsibility for the laboratory including directingpreparations for the experiment (Fig. 1), designating experiment duties, and guiding the reportthrough completion. The team leader rates the team members and the team members rate theteam leader in specified categories. The team leader is also graded by the instructor based on theinformation contained in the memo or summary grade sheet (reflecting organization, efficientuse of resources, leading by example) and quality of the laboratory report. Introspective teamdiscussions are encouraged to self-analyze team dynamics and develop plan to improve.In Hydraulics, the report format, team dynamics, and