down.There are a couple of reasons for doing things this way. It is assumed that a grader can do amore impartial job if (s)he does not know the student whose work is being graded. Second,many exams are common across an entire university, which may consist of many colleges. Soanyone who is involved with the same course is assumed to be competent to grade any student inthe course.The third difference is that some countries seem almost immune to grade inflation. TheEgyptian observed, “Tough questions are given and many system exist for grading, but in mostcourses the mean of the students grade will be in (C or D) grade.”But by far the most common observation was that final exams overseas count much more thanthey do in America. In China, the final
teaching techniquesfor your current academic year. Ex). 1% active learning | 99% lecture9 - % Explanation: Briefly explain why below.12: Retention Techniques: What teaching technique(s) would most help to improve your retention ofcourse material at your current level in your education? Please explain:TL vs. AL Effectiveness. Directly after the demographics portion of the survey, students were asked Page 13.1290.5their opinion ratings on whether lecturing is an effective method of teaching. On a 7-point scale, theresults are depicted in Figure 1 and shown in Table 2 below. Responses to Effectiveness
scholarship.”([2], p. 17). Achieving such recognition and rewards would beof value to new faculty. Therefore, it is in the long-term interests of new faculty that thisprecursor discussion targeting administrators be held.Our particular focus is scholarly teaching by engineering faculty. The NRC has recognized thatthere are distinct differences in the ways the various disciplines approach teaching andlearning([2], p. 5). Three linked events have prompted changes in the instructional environment forengineering faculty and created an opportunity for increased attention to evaluation of teaching: ‚ In the late 1990’s the system of accreditation for undergraduate engineering degrees shifted from a focus on process to a focus on student learning
teaming and leadership skills. We suggest employing thefollowing tactics to rebuild an officer group. First, obtain the names and emails for the20 top GPA students in the freshman, sophomore, and junior classes in the appropriatemajor(s). Email these students, inform them about the organization and the opportunitiesavailable to serve as officers, and ask them to attend an organizational meeting or cometo your office individually to discuss the possibilities. An important aspect of thisrecruitment is convincing these students that there is value added in the activity. Thougheach organization is somewhat different, the main value added deals with thedevelopment and demonstration of attributes that are not technical in nature (peopleskills
Cognitive”, Cognitive Science, vol. 7, no. 4, 1983, pp. 329-363.7. Carmazza, A., “Naïve Beliefs in Sophisticated Subjects: Misconceptions About Trajectories and Objects”, Cognition, vol. 9, 1981, pp. 117-123.8. Berman, E., Using Pretests: A Short Guide. Office of Assessment and Enrollment Research, University of Arizona.9. Hartley, J., Davies, I., "Preinstructional Strategies: The Role of Pretests, Behavioral Objectives, Overviews and Advance Organizers", Review of Educational Research, vol. 46, no.2, 1976, pp. 239-265. Page 13.146.710. Pressey, S. L., A Simple Apparatus which Gives Tests and Scores-and Teaches
and Katherine Zeimer ofNortheastern University who provided the opportunity to do the study presented in this paper.Thank you also to Danial Hohne, Anthony Lachawiec, Susan Montgomery, and Peter Woolf ofthe University of Michigan for providing valuable insight in the completion of this paper.References[1] Bush, S.; McLester, S. “Clickers Rule!” January 9, 2008.[2] Turner, A.J., “Courses and ‘electronic office hours’ by computer”, Chronicle of Higher Education (1984)[3] Wallace, F.L. and Wallace S.R., “Electronic Office Hours: A Component of Distance Learning”, Computers andEducation, 37, 195 (2001
also would be a valuable topic for adepartmental mentoring program in the sciences and engineering. References1 Fox, M. F., & Mohapatra, S. (2007). Social-organization characteristics of work and publication productivity among academic scientists in doctoral-granting departments. The Journal of Higher Education, 78 (5), 542-571.2 Tenure-track job satisfaction survey: COACHE report highlights. (2007, August). Cambridge, MA: Harvard Graduate School of Education.3 Olsen, D., Creamer, E., & Layne, M. A. (2005). AdvanceVT faculty job satisfaction model. Poster presented at the 2005 Advance PI Meeting. Washington, DC. (
characterized by an easy competition. The reader shouldbe aware that from the 360 / 400 projects (45 workshops × 8 to 9 projects each), the studentswere aware that 30 projects were to be selected for the finals, and 3 projects from these finals areto win prizes.As a result of this minor instructional delivery modification, the students within each of Friday’sworkshops divided themselves fairly among the five energy categories. Hence, just as required,this produced at least one team per renewable energy category.This example demonstrates the great influence an instructor has on the class s/he teaches. It alsoshows how minor modifications to the instructional delivery strategy can have big impacts on theinstructional progress within a classroom.3. Case
administrators need to see this as a positive direction for the organization. Theymust agree on the definitions, the process for implementing the model and the rules for therewards system. Changing culture can be risky – making a positive change is cause forcelebration.This is not an easy or even rapid process, but it s a worthy one that is necessary in today’sacademic world. New educators can demonstrate the model and encourage the administration tomove. Junior faculty studies are often the basis for change, especially when the university ismoving forward to a new academic level. Be a voice, use technology, demonstrate excellence inteaching and scholarship – this is leadership and it will be recognized.ConclusionIn McKeachie’s book [10] he provides an
]. However, there is disagreement regarding theimplementation of SET corrections [9]. The validity of SET as measure of teachingeffectiveness was strongly questioned in the 1970’s [10]. More recently, it was arguedthat student ratings are of little help to instructors willing to improve them if notsupported by professional advice [11]. The hypothesis that the instructor’s look is arelevant factor to SET was dismissed by a recent study [12]. More general concerns arerelated to how effectively SET ratings are actually used [9]. Page 13.469.2A vast amount of research on SET topics tends to support that there are different practicalissues related to its
, and how?” 2007 ASEE Annual Conference, June 2007. R. Brent, R. Felder, and S. Rajala, “Preparing new faculty members to be successful: A no-brainer and yet a radical concept,” 2007 ASEE Annual Conference, June 2007. R. Rice, M. Sorcenelli, and A. Austin, Heeding new voices: Academic careers for a new generation, Washington, DC: American Association for Higher Education, 2000.6. R. Reis, Tomorrow’s professor: preparing for careers in science and engineering, Wiley-IEEE Press, 1997.7. P. Wankat, The effective, efficient professor: Teaching scholarship and service, Allyn & Bacon, 2001
. 2005.3. Dutch, B.J., and Allen, D.E., and White, H.B. (1998). Problem-based Learning: Preparing Students to Succeed in the 21st Century. “Essays on Teaching Excellence”. Center for Teaching, University of Southern Maine. Vol. 9, No 7, 1997 – 1998.4. Bound, D. & Feletti, G. (1991). The Challenge of Problem-Based Learning (p. 13). New York: St. Martin’s Press.5. Albanese, M.A. & Mitchell, S. (1993). Problem-Based Learning: A Review of Literature on Its Outcomes and Implementation Issues. Academic Medicine, 68. 52-81.6. Michaelsen, L., (1998). Three Keys to Using Learning Groups Effectively. “Essays on Teaching Excellence”. Center for Teaching, University of Southern Maine. Vol. 9, No 5, 1998.7. Price, P.C., (2006). Are You as
Page 13.349.921 This author has requested anonymity.Proceedings of the 2008 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition 8Copyright 2008, American Society for Engineering Education students are pretty much done at the end of class time. It also forces me to really focus on what I 22 want to test them over without asking redundant questions.If you solve an exam ahead of time, you can also pass out solutions to students as theyleave. Wayne Wells23 tells of one instructor who did this: [A]s each student completed the work and turned it in, she handed them a copy of the solutions with the rule