lease agreement required that thetractor be returned in the same condition in which it wasreceived, it made a fine test bed for the ensuing project. F i g 1 : T r a c t o r U s e dThe second major resource made available was the easy availability of hydrogen gas resultingfrom the presence of the electrolyzer itself. The unit was a Hydrogenics model HySTAT-30refueling station6 which consists of a generation and compression module, storage ability and adispenser module. This system is capable of producing about 30 kg of hydrogen per day and isable to dispense the gas at controllable pressures up to 5000 psi. The water supplied to this unitwas
was held in Fort Smith, Arkansas where the girls attend the BESTrobotics competition with SHS. During this competition, the girls helped the high schoolstudents staffing the S HS team booth; help out with the robot with repairs, and even driving andspotting the robot during the competition itself. The girls enjoyed the activities tremendously. Page 13.29.6Saturday Activity 2 – Box it UpThe second activity has not occurred at the time of this writing (February 2008). The secondactivity will introduce prototyping using CNC (computer numerical control) and 3D rapidprototyping - technologies used in design and development, manufacturing processes
industryReferences: 1) Clough, G. Wayne (2004). The Engineer of 2020. The National Academy of Sciences. The National Academics Press. Washington, D.C. 2) Todd, Robert H. and S. P. Magleby (2004). “Creating a Process to Design a Capstone Program that Considers Stakeholder Values”, Proceedings of the 2004 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, Salt Lake City, Utah, June 20 – 23, 2004 3) August, Randy, Francis DiBella, Len Dowd, Jerome Tapper, and Joel Weinstein (2006). “A Description of an Integrated Capstone Project Team with Electrical, Mechanical and Computer Engineering Technology Students”, Proceedings of the 2006 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference &
. “Derive and expression for the resistance, Req, for the small-signal circuit.”This homework was graded and returned to the students. If they did not do well, they were givenadditional problems to complete. About a week later, the first quiz was administered. Theresults of this initial change showed marked improvement in the student’s scores on the first quizand exam of the microelectronics course. Details of the improvement are discussed in the resultssection.After the first feedback cycle, a year later, the professors met for a second round of discussionsto find further improvement techniques. This discussion brought to light one of the majordifferences found between the sophomore and junior level courses – other than s-domainanalysis, which was
qualities of honesty andobjectivity, avoidance of conflicts of interest…and making decision[s] which are fair and basedon merit.” These themes are also consistent with the themes of the NAFTA Code of Ethics,specific to Canada, the US and Mexico, and designed expressly to be equivalently worded inFrench, English and Spanish.15 These themes match well to our module themes 2-6. We havealso included the more specific themes of modules 1, 7, & 8 because engineers and researcherswho will be working in the U.S. should be conversant with the specific laws, rules, andexpectations concerning ethics codes, intellectual property, data integrity, and research practices.Each module is intended to require one hour (nominally) to complete, and consists of the
; • Develop an innovative 200-level course that meets the needs of engineering students; • Ensure that problems related to engineering are emphasizedThe current manuscript will discuss the process and design of a four semester credit hour coursethat will include the key elements of multivariable calculus and differential equations with theprerequisites of traditional MA 125: Calculus I and MA 126: Calculus II courses.Needs of Engineering Students – Faculty InterviewsThe authors interviewed faculty from Biomedical Engineering, Electrical and ComputerEngineering and Mechanical Engineering who taught any course(s) that had/have either MA 227:Calculus III or MA 252: Introduction to Differential Equations as a prerequisite or had one ofthese courses
the United States. Nationwide this was accomplishedthrough the use of a method called triangulation. In this method a rather long base line ismeasured on one coast, say 25 miles, using a steel tape and taping bucks6. Using a transit toensure that the line is straight and leveling to determine the elevations of the ends of the tape, avery precise measurement is made of the base line (a very long and tedious task). See Figure-2on the left is a metric leveling rod, in the center a taping buck. The elevation of the end points ofthe tape are determined with dumpy level as shown in Figure-3. Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4In the 1940’s this technology permitted the measurement of horizontal
D u ty cy cle co m m a n d M o to r T a rg e t sp ee d D u ty c y cle a s a sp e ed PW M M o to r fu n c tio n o f co n tr o l D y n a m ics ta rg et sp eed M o to r lo a d a n d V b a tt Figure 3
, Nashville, Tennessee, 2003.10 R. D. LaRoche, B. J. Hutchings, R. Muralikrishnan, “FlowLab: Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Framework for Undergraduate Education”, Proc. 2002 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, June, Montreal, Quebec, CA, 2002.11 Appanaboyina, S. and Aung, K., , “Development of a VRML Application for Teaching Fluid Mechanics,” Proc. 2004 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, June, Salt Lake City, Utah, 2004.12 R. Jia, S. Xu, S. Gao, EL-S. Aziz, S. Esche, and C. Chassapis, “A Virtual Laboratory on Fluid Mechanics,” Proc. 2006 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, June, Chicago, Illinois, 2006.13 R. LaRoche, B. Hutchings, and R. Muralikrishnan, “FlowLab: Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Framework for
13 10 10 14 M 1 2 5 5 2 I 3 1 1 1 0 A 75% 81% 63% 63% 88% M 6% 13% 31% 31% 13% I 19% 6% 6% 6% 0% Table 1. 2006-07 Electrical Engineering Senior Design – S. Williams Student Group Page 13.1070.9 Program Outcomes Assessment Results: EE-407, EE
. Page 13.191.93. Donovan, M. S., Bransford, J. D. & Pellegrino, J. W. (Eds.) (1999). How People Learn: Bridging research and Practice. National Academy Press, Washington, DC.4. Kikas, E. (2004). Teachers' conceptions and misconceptions concerning natural phenomena. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 41(5) 432-448.5. Krause, S., Decker, J., Niska, J., & Alford, T. (2002). A Materials Concept Inventory for introductory materials engineering courses, National Educators Workshop Update 2002, 17, 1-8.6. Krause, S., Decker, J. C., & Griffin, R. (2003). Using a Materials Concept Inventory to assess conceptual gain in introductory materials engineering courses. 2003 Frontiers in Education Conference Proceedings
area (Q) can be obtained using the following equation: b(h 2 / 4 / y 2 )Q? (25) 2Determination of the Principal Stresses:A square differential element of beam subjected to the normal stresses sx and sy and a shearingstress txy is shown in Figure 4. To develop the expression for the principal normal and shearingstresses acting on the element of the beam, the equation for the normal stress s and shearingstress t on an inclined plane with an angle of inclination of s are obtained first. uy A v xy ux
. In order to evaluate if curriculum help develop these skills in students, anassessment instrument is needed. A wide variety of such surveys have been developed andvalidated, although generally for settings outside engineering academia. In this research, theMiville-Guzman Universality-Diversity Scale short form (MGUDS-S) was used. It is a written15 question survey with responses on a 6-point Likert scale. It evaluates universal-diverseorientation (UDO) and has been most widely used in medical school settings. The overall UDOscore is composed of three subscales: diversity of contact, relativistic appreciation, anddiscomfort with differences. The author also added four of the Pittsburgh Freshman EngineeringAttitudes Survey (PFEAS) questions and
13.1382.6SDOF system are shown in -1Figure 4. From the swept sine -1.5 -2 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Time (s) Figure 4. Typical time response for a swept sin inputresults the FRF can be calculated in Matlabusing the built-in command called“tfestimate.” A typical FRF generated thisway is shown in Figure 5.This lab was also used to begin
engineering economy course had fullenrollment in spite of the fact that it was being offered by the department for the first time andduring a four-week period in the summer.Some of the writers who previously underwent Quality Matters training contributed experiencesgained from the training to the development of this online course. Quality Matters is a peer-reviewed program of “inter-institutional quality assurance in online learning”.5 A publication byGary S. Moore and others was a good source for information on online learning.6 The followingis a discussion of what was done to successfully offer engineering economy course to students inthe construction management program online.1. Introduction and Course OverviewWe used this section to introduce
selected, the outcomesmay have been different.AcknowledgementsThis research is supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF-DUE-0302542) and is partof the on-going efforts of the Center for Assessment of Science, Technology, Engineering andMathematics at the Colorado School of Mines (see Page 13.1238.13References1. Cooper, S., Dann, W., & Moskal, B. Java-Based Animation in Building viRtual Worlds for Object-orientedprogramming in Community colleges. NSF-DUE-0302542.2. Walker, Leslie., “Recognize Me?”, The Washington Post Online, accessed 2006,
- Summer 1998.3. Jones, R. C. ,Kumar, T “Technological literacy for non-engineers,” Frontiers in Education Conference, 1991. Twenty-First Annual Conference. 'Engineering Education in a New World Order.' Proceedings. 21-24 Sept. 1991 Page(s):179 – 184. Page 13.897.54. Krupczak, J.J., Jr.; Ollis, D.; Pimmel, R.; Seals, R.; Pearson, G.; Fortenberry, N. “Panel - the technological literacy of undergraduates: identifying the research issues,” Frontiers in Education, 2005. FIE '05. Proceedings 35th Annual Conference 19-22 Oct. 2005 Page(s):T3B - 1-25. Krupczak, J.J., Jr.; VanderStoep, S.; Wessman, L.; Makowski, N.; Otto
model follows. Page 13.219.5 3As also mentioned above, a basic DEA model allows the introduction of multiple inputs and multipleoutputs and obtains an “efficiency score” of each DMU with the conventional output/input ratioanalysis. Defining basic efficiency as the ratio of weighted sum of outputs to the weighted sum ofinputs, the relative efficiency score of a test DMU p can be obtained by solving the following DEAratio model (CCR) proposed by Charnes, et al.1: s ∑v k =1
AC 2008-1308: A VENTILATION SYSTEM CAPSTONE DESIGN PROJECTCharles Forsberg, Hofstra University Charles H. Forsberg is an Associate Professor of Engineering at Hofstra University, where he primarily teaches courses in the thermal/fluids area. He received a B. S. in Mechanical Engineering from the Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn (now Polytechnic University), and an M. S. in Mechanical Engineering and Ph. D. from Columbia University. He is a Licensesd Professional Engineer in New York State. Page 13.129.1© American Society for Engineering Education, 2008 A Ventilation System
precise spatial and temporal delivery of neuromodulators in organotypic brain slice culture.Ali Asgar Bhagat, University of Cincinnati Ali Asgar S. Bhagat earned his M.S. in electrical engineering from the University of Cincinnati in 2006, and is currently a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. His research interests include microfluidics and MEMS devices for chemical and biological assays. He was the teaching assistant at UC for the microfluidics laboratory course discussed in this paper.Hugo Caicedo, University of Illinois at Chicago Hugo Caicedo Angulo earned his B.S. in electrical engineering from the Univesidad del Valle,Cali-Colombia in 2005
) professionals is significantly disproportionate to minority representation inthe U.S. general population and workforce, thereby impacting the current pool of primarilyWhite male STEM professionals’ ability to meet the rapidly changing demands facing theengineering industry. Instead, the U.S. must increase the numbers of women and minorities(defined for the purpose of this study as African Americans, Hispanics, and Native Americans)that earn degrees in STEM fields not just at the baccalaureate level, but at all levels1.Minorities, particularly African Americans, are showing an increase in enrollment andsubsequent degree attainment in science and engineering (S&E)1. Data from 1987 and 2000show an increase in the percentage of S&E degrees awarded
resource-basedindustries such as paper or in textile mills which were widely dispersed geographicallyaround the state, the textile mills in the more populous southern part of the state and thepaper mills in the north. In the 1960’s, however, these industries began a slow,precipitous decline which accelerated in the 1970’s and 1980’s. At the same time, newindustries, which required higher skill sets, began locating in the greater Portland area.These included such companies as National Semiconductor, Fairchild Semiconductor,Pratt and Whitney, Idexx Laboratories and other. These industries were interested inhaving a local institution which would not only provide educational opportunities fortheir employees but also would be a source of new engineers
intercultural opportunities. This will enable studentsand faculty to develop an entrepreneurial and international adventurous spirit to better succeed inthe new frontier of a globalized environment1.History and Evolution of Capstone CoursesIn the early 1990’s there was mounting pressure from industrial and educational leaders to makesignificant changes to the engineering curriculum to better prepare engineers for leadership whileproviding real-world experience1. This was a result of industry feeling that engineeringgraduates were inadequately prepared for the practice of engineering. Response from thesepioneers developed what has become known as capstone courses or programs. These programsbrought open ended design problems and often industrially
)‚ Worksheet for law of cosines problem using both special functions macros (2 pages)‚ Mathcad solutions (X pages)‚ Summary Sheet Excel/Mathcad (1 page) Page 13.321.10A pre-formatted summary sheet was given to the students to fill in as follows: S u m
Introductory Course.” Journal of EngineeringEducation, Vol. 82, No. 1, 15-21.5. Farrell, S.; Hesketh, R.P.; Slater, C. S. ”A Laboratory Project to Design and Implement a Process for theProduction of Beer.” Proceedings of the 1999 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference andExposition, Session 3226, June 20-23, Charlotte, North Carolina.6. Farrell, S.; Kadlowec, J.; Marchese, A.; Schmalzel, J.; Mandayam, S. “Hands on the Human Body! a.k.a.Introducing Freshmen to Multidisciplinary Engineering Principles through Application to the Human Body.”Proceedings of the 2002 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, Session1526, June 16-19, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.7. Hesketh, R.; Farrell, S.; Slater, C
on Solidworks and calculated themass properties using the software. Representative graphs for the linear and angularaccelerations at the head are shown in Figure 3. 100 50 0 Accel (ft/s/s) -50 -100 x -150 y z -200
unit Fig. 2 (a) Description of BTS (b) students testing a simply-supported beam.Student GroupsThe two different sections of the mechanics of materials course taught by the first author in fall2007 offered a natural division of students into separate experimental and control groups. Basicstatistical analysis was used to compare the level of readiness in the two student populationsbased on their grades in the prerequisite course, Statics. Besides calculating the mean ( X ) andstandard deviation (S) values of the grades in the two groups, a t-test was also performed basedon a 95% confidence level7. The t-test helps to determine whether the difference between the twostudent groups (the mean values) is statistically significant. In a
introductory course in MATLAB, which features a verystrong alignment of curriculum objectives to assessment tasks; refer to Figure 3 where the arrowpointing from “objectives” to “assessment” implies the objectives of the course must beembedded in the assessment tasks. The proposal for this system is reported in the next section. Teacher S tu d e n t p e r s p e c t iv e p e r s p e c t iv e o b je c t iv e s assessm ent T e a c h in g L e a r n in g a c t iv it ie s a c t iv i tie s assessm ent o u tc o
survey questionsprovides some insight into student perceptions. M E3 5 0 C o urs e End S urv e y Que s t i o ns 3 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 4 4.2 4.4 4.6 4.8 5 E1. M E3 50 imp ro ved my ab ilit y to und ers t and , d et ermine, and wo rk wit h p hys ical and thermal p ro p ert ies . E2 . M E3 50 imp ro ved my ab ilit y t o ap p ly a s ys t emat ic t ho ug ht p ro ces s to s o lve eng ineering p ro b lems . E3 . M E3 50 imp ro ved my ab ilit y to analyze t hermal s ys t ems b y ap p lying co ns ervatio n o
viewed as their dominant style(s).Exit Survey: At the end of the course, an exit survey with 7 questions was administered, and 42students completed the survey. The exit survey, shown in Figure 6, specifically addressed thestudents’ experience with the simulation programs used in the course. Students were told thattheir data would not be reviewed until the final grades were submitted and were advised toprovide honest responses to the questions.Name: _____________Q1. The simulation modules helped improve my confidence level in learning engineering.Strongly disagree 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Strongly agreeQ2. I think the simulation modules are good learning supplements.Strongly disagree 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Strongly agreeQ3. I enjoyed using the simulation