understanding the field.Some of the research questions would be best explored by a math-educator who can look throughtheir lens of expertise of common students’ K-12 experience based on current policies oncontent, the theories of semiotics, and theories of cognitive development in a social environment.Other questions are best tackled by engineering faculty, especially those which describe thenature of student misconceptions and lack of abilities in using mathematics in engineeringcourses. Page 13.627.16References1. Fink, L.D., Ambrose, S., & Wheeler, D. (2005). Becoming a professional engineering educator: A new role for a new era. Journal
qb23,wmm24,emg26,kusic,fromme,af63@drexel.eduAbstract Since the 1960’s, Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI) has been promoted as the new standardfor teaching and learning. Schools were provided with computers and internet connections atan astounding rate in the 1990’s, but there was no correlated increase in student performance.1Investigation into this problem has revealed that computer technology is simply used to augmenttraditional ‘instructionist’ teaching strategies,1,2 and this type of integration does not parallel thecurrent real-time problem solving domain that is driven by technology. Therefore, the integration of technology to reinforce science, technology, engineering andmathematics (STEM) education must not simply augment the
weighted list 5. Aggregate factor values into context scenario(s) Figure 3: The Contextual Needs Assessment Method as Published17,18 Page 13.923.8* Available electronically, email MatthewGreen@letu.edu.The contextual needs assessment method facilitates and directs the process of discovering,documenting, and applying contextual information and is easily adaptable to a variety of designneeds. The straightforward method provides valuable structure and insight for organizing anddriving the needs assessment process, and the templates place the power of contextualassessment in the hands of even novice engineers
andmade 22 trips to Peru. All of these systems were designed and installed by undergraduate andgraduate students and local people, assisted by faculty and experienced volunteers.The original goals of the program were: • To advance international understanding and cooperation through collaborative development of innovative solutions that support mutual cultural and technical learning; • To explore the use of renewable energy in the Andes in ways that bring local Peruvian residents and UML students together to work in partnership; • To optimize educational experiences of students involved through the integration of service and learning, what is termed service-learning (S-L); • To promote local economic development within Peru.The program has
of minutes. In order to improve detection and forecast of such phe-nomena using radar, one of the key factors is fast scan capability. Conventional weatherradars, such as the ubiquitous NEXRAD (Next Generation Radar developed in the 1980’s),are severely limited by mechanical scanning. Approximately 175 of these radars are in anational network to provide the bulk of our weather information. Under the developmentfor weather applications, the electronically steerable beams provided by the phased arrayradar at the NWRT can overcome these limitations of the current NEXRAD radar. Forthis reason, the phased array radar was listed by the National Research Council as oneof the primary candidate technologies to supersede the NEXRAD [1]. By definition
: x ? rh , rFr ? I rh%%, rF f ? I f h%% (3) and: / F - W sin s ? m%x% (4) where F ? Fr - F f and Page 13.1095.9 Fig. 7 Vehicle coasting down an incline. W cos s ? Wr - W f ? mg cos s .Substitution and rearrangement yields the fundamental equation describing the vehicle’s motion: g sin s %x% ? »C (5) iwhere i ? 1 - I
. B. (2006). Introduction to operations and supply chain management. Pearson Education, Inc.: Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.Builder Magazine http://www.builderonline.com/Burt, D. N., Dobler, D. W. & Starling, S. L. (2003). World class supply chain management: The key to supply chain management, 7th ed. McGraw-Hill Irwin: New York, NY.Bushnell, R. D. & Meyers, R. B. (1999). Getting started with bar codes: a systematic guide.Chopra, S. & Meindl, P. (2004). Supply Chain Management, 2nd ed. Prentice Hall: New Jersey.Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP), http://www.cscmp.orgDrickhamer, D. (2004, May). Supply Chain Superstars. Industry Week, 253(5), 59-66.Heizer, J. & Render, B. (2006). Principles of
ongeometrical optics with a survey of wave optics. In order to compensate for the lack oflaboratory work, an optics project was introduced alongside class demos. Studentsbrowsed for possible topics for a couple of weeks and then proposed one based oninstructor’s feedback. The project concluded with a short presentation of the work infront of the class and a brief written report. In order to increase class interest in theproject, the presentation took the form of a competition and the winner(s) were chosen bythe class, who judged the presentations according to preset criteria. Student feedback wasrecorded and quantized, and the peer evaluation and feedback were returned to thepresenters. The winners received small prizes in recognition of their
education philosophy allows offering a degreeprogram with significant amount of the course work and other requirements, such as labwork, met by external courses and work experience, the above mentioned on-lineinstruction in nanotechnology will be phased in gradually.Bibliography1. Daly, S. and L. Bryan. “Models of Nanoscale (Phenomena) as Tools for Engineering Design andScience Inquiry”. Proceedings of the 2007 ASEEAnnual Conference.2. Dhillon, H. and S. Anwar. “A Framework for the Assessment of Online Engineering TechnologyCourses: A Case Study”. Proceedings of the 2007 ASEE Annual Conference.3. Anwar, S., J. A. Rolle, and A. A. Memon. “Development and Delivery of On-line Upper DivisionEngineering Technology Courses”. Proceedings of the 2005 ASEE
education structure. Nowadays, Formula-S is the biggeststudent project at the University.The student team has up to 40 members from 4 different departments – Vehicle Technology (ca.30 students), Industrial Design, Management International Processes, and Information Design.This project starts in summer before the junior year of study and takes 12 months. In the last twoyears the students decided to enter the main contest in Detroit; for these teams the project takes22 months.The main task is to design and manufacture a racing car, due to the Formula-S requirements, andto compete with up to 120 university teams worldwide. Our undergraduates have the possibilityto compare their knowledge and skills with that of their peers worldwide5. To cope with
. Fifty years ago, the biggest regionalcompanies included International Harvester, General Electric, Westinghouse, Magnavoxand ITT Communications Division. Today, the largest employers of engineers andtechnologists include ITT Aerospace /Communications Division, Raytheon Net CentricSystems, General Dynamics, Undersea Sensors Systems Inc., Zimmer, Biomet, DePuy,General Motors, Dana Corp, and International Truck & Engine. These companies neededucational resources to grow their local talent.The lack of graduate programs in urban areas such as Fort Wayne is rooted in the legaciesof the land grant college system. In the late 1800’s and early 1900’s, the U.S. governmentgave states allotments of federal land with which to create an endowment to
authorship cluster. Women are more likely to bring together otherwisedisconnected groups in the creation of publications.References1. Etzkowitz H, Kemelgor C, Uzzi B. Athena unbound: The advancement of women in science and technology. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press; 2000.2. McIlwee JS, Robinson JG. Women in Engineering: Gender, Power and Workplace Culture. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press; 1992.3. Padgett JF, Ansell CK. Robust Action and the Rise of the Medici, 1400-1434. The American Journal of Sociology 1993;98(6):1259-1319.4. Morselli C, Giguere C, Petit K. The efficiency/security trade-off in criminal networks. Social Networks 2007;29(1):143-153.5. Kochan S, Teddlie C. An
worker in this packaging process. Theresulting designs incorporate a number of the universal design principles, providing studentsvaluable knowledge they can use in evaluating the usability of their designs for their capstonedesign projects and beyond.References[1] D. Culver and S. Fellows. Using Assistive Devices for the Disabled to Teach Design in a Freshman Engineering Course, Proceeding of the 1998 Annual ASEE Conference, June 1998, Seattle, WA.[2] B. Ankenman, J. Colgate, P. Jacob, R. Elliot, and S. Benjamin. Leveraging Rehabilitation Needs into Freshman Engineering Design Projects. Proceeding of the 2006 Annual ASEE Conference, June 2006, Chicago, IL.[3] L. S. Baczkowski, J. D. Enderle, D. J. Krause, and J. L
shows the reduction in the FLbackscattered radiated power as distance increases, which is a familiar characteristic ofRF signal propagation. Page 13.972.6 " D i s t a n c e A p a r t ( m ) 0 " d ど 0 0 . 5
likely given that validity is not aproperty of the instrument, but is instead related to the scores, which must be interpreted incontext.6 Page 13.207.3ABET resisted rigid specification of what institutions must to in assessing their students' learningand discouraged reliance on any single measure. The consequence of the generality of ABET'sspecifications and the associated flexibility in operationalizing EC2000’s Criterion 3 learningoutcomes led to the emergence of a wide array of items, scales, and instruments for assessingstudent performance on one or more of the criteria. Few, if any, of these measures, however,appear to have been developed
attend professional conferencesthat will enhance their professional growth and further the mission of the university. Eachfaculty member has a budget of $2,400 per academic year for this purpose.Faculty scholarshipsA scholarship support system is set up to enhance faculty research, funded internally by theuniversity. The scholarship is awarded to the faculty member(s) who demonstrates that he/she is Page 13.907.5more deserving of the award than his competitors.Presidential awardsTo support faculty research and/or to assist faculty who are completing their terminal degrees, aspecial fund is established annually. Faculty members who wish to apply
Undergraduates Leave the Sciences, Westview, 1997.[2] Felder, R. M., and R. Brent, “Understanding Student Differences,” Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 94, no. 1, 57-72, January 2005.[3] Herrmann, N., The Creative Brain, The Ned Herrmann Group: Brain Books, 1995.[4] Tobias, S., They’re Not dumb, They’re Different, Research Corporation, 1990.[5] Lumsdaine, E. and M. Lumsdaine, Creative Problem Solving: Thinking Skills for a Changing World, 2nd ed., 1993.[6] Perry, W. G., Jr., Forms of Intellectual and Ethical Development in the College Years, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc., New York, 1970.[7] King, P. M. and K. S. Kitchener, Developing Reflective Judgment, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, 1994.[8
engineering development.Bibliography1. Nikitin, N.I., et. al., The Chemistry of Cellulose and Wood (translated in 1966 from Russian by J. Schmorak,Israel Program fro Scientific Trasnlations, Jerusalem, Israel), Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Institute of HighMolecular Compouns, Moscow-Leningrad.2. Gaur, S. and Reed, T.B., An Atlas of Thermal Data For Biomass and Other Fuels. NREL/TP-433-7965, June1995.3. Klass, D.L., Biomass for Renewable Energy, Fuels, and Chemicals, Academic Press, 1998.4. Mani, S., and Tabil, L.G., “Compaction of Corn Stover,” American Society of Agricultural and BiologicalEngineers, Paper number 041160, 2004 ASAE Annual Meeting.5. Mani, S., et. al., ”Specific Energy Requirements for compacting Corn Stover,” Bioresource
/learning methodology and corresponding assessment/evaluation method is Page 13.912.11presented. It will ensure eventual realization of the reform objectives. The curriculumreform will start from Fall semester of 2008 and completed after a learning andassessment cycle of three years.References1. Connor, H; Dench, S; Bates, P., An Assessment of Skill Needs in Engineering,Institute for Employment Studies Report, SD2, Nottingham, UK, 2001.2. Choudhury, A., Ramrattan, S. and Ikonomov, P., “A web based approach for realtime process control”, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Systems, Vol.8(2), 2005.3. Choudhury, A., Ikonomov, P., Keil, M
developing the Course Syllabus (Form 1). The course syllabus contains thecourse outcomes mapped to the program outcomes. The measure for assessment is the CourseAssessment Form (CAF) (Form 2-a) where the course objectives and outcomes are listed andmapped to the program outcomes, as shown in Figure 3. The form lists three performancemeasures: students (S), Faculty (F), and Quantitative (Q).A) Measuring Course OutcomesThe course outcomes are measured using three indices: Student Assessment, FacultyAssessment, and Quantitative Assessment. Page 13.41.6Student Assessment of the Course:By the end of each semester, students evaluate the course using the
synthesis i: A model of information behaviors of scientists in medicine and public health. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 2006;57(13):1740-9.2. Zimmerman DE, Muraski ML. The elements of information gathering : A guide for technical communicators, scientists, and engineers. Phoenix, Ariz.: Oryx Press; 1995.3. Foster AL. Information navigation 101. Chronicle of Higher Education 2007;53(27):A38-A40.4. Arnold J, Kackley R, Fortune S. Hands-on learning for freshman engineering students. Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship. 2003 [Online]. Available: http://www.istl.org/03-spring/article2.html [Febraury 29
environmental ethics as part ofsustainable education into the undergraduate engineering curriculum (4). Overall, educatorsbelieve that education for the engineer of the 21st century must include a critical component ofsustainable development in modern engineering curriculum (5).In response to the ABET 2000 criteria, several universities in the U. S. have launched programsto incorporate sustainable/green engineering principles into the engineering curriculum. Forexample, Carnegie Mellon University, the University of Texas at Austin, and Arizona StateUniversity established the NSF and USEPA sponsored Center for Sustainable Engineering in2005 to enhance undergraduate education in sustainable engineering. This Center is developingpeer-reviewed educational
. By maintaining a challenge-focused structure, the relevance ofeach lesson is more apparent to learners.The curriculum unit begins with a grand challenge that is then divided into five challenges,starting students with the basics of magnets and magnetic fields, covering how MR images arecreated, and examining general image properties. By completing the five modules, students are Page 13.379.2equipped to answer the following grand challenge question:Claire, a lawyer in her early 30's, has been experiencing dizziness and numbness in her legs.She has also had trouble seeing clearly while driving and can't seem to remember the details ofher cases
. 9ReferencesBegel A., Garcia D. and Wolfman S., "Kinesthetic Learning in the Classroom", ACM SIGCSEBulletin, v. 36, n. 1, March 2004.Dave, R. H., Developing and Writing Behavioral Objectives. Educational Innovators Press. 1975.Dunn, R. S. and Dunn, K. J., Teaching Secondary Students Through Their Individual LearningStyles. Prentice Hall. 1978.Felder, R. M. and Silverman, L. K., “Learning and Teaching Styles in Engineering Education”,Engineering Education 78:7 674-681. 1988.Felder R. M. and Soloman, B. A., “Index of Learning Styles”, http://www.ncsu.edu/felder-public/ILSpage.html , accessed 01/17/08Feldman J. and McPhee, D., The Science of Learning and the Art of Teaching. CENGAGEDelmar Learning. 2007Gardner, H., Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple
To identify which factors/effects are important.Response Surface To maximize or minimize a response. designs To reduce variation by locating a region where it is easier to manage. To make a process robust (note: this objective may often be accomplished with screening designs rather than with response surface designs).Regression To estimate a precise model, quantifying the dependence of modeling response variable(s) on process inputs. Page 13.370.12© American Society for Engineering
Program 6* 7 8 S/NS** Outcomes1 Inspecting size tolerances b, c, g 1 3 NS2 Flatness “ 1 2 S3 Straightness “ 1 2 S4 Circularity “ 1 3 NS5 Parallelism “ 1 1 S6 Perpendicularity and Angularity
. Perkins, “Business Rules = Meta Data”, The proceedings of the: Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems, IEEE, 2000.[6] J. Widom and S. Ceri, “Active Database Systems”, Morgan Kaufmann, 1996.[7] E. Baralis, S. Ceri, and S. Paraboschi, “Modularization techniques for active rules design”, ACM Transactions on Database Systems, 21(1):1-29, 1996.[8] G. Ronald Ross, “Business Rule Concepts”, Business Rule Solutions Inc., 1998.[9] The Business Rules Group, “Defining Business Rules – What Are They Really?”, http:www.BusinessRulesGroup.org, Feb. 2006.[10] B. von Halle, “Building a Business Rule System, Part 1”, Data Management Review, Faulkner & Gray, January 2001
improvementin percent allocation across the board at all universities and all courses of study. Even so, thehighest allocation was 19.8% in manufacturing at the University of New South Wales. As theauthor points out, this is well below the 24% allocation recommended by the Institution ofEngineers Australia.In the United States, Stouffer and Russell performed a very comprehensive survey of civilengineering curricula.4,5 The survey is based on data compiled from recent EAC-ABETaccreditation visits. Ninety of the 218 accredited civil engineering programs participated in thesurvey. Like the current study, Stouffer and Russell use U. S. News and World Report rankingsas a basis for categorizing schools, indicating that 21 of the top 26 undergraduate programs
. Jarvie, M, Paterson, K. “Minority Student Enrollment in EnvironmentalEngineering, General Student Perceptions of the Discipline, and Strategies toAttract and Retain a More Diverse Student Body.” 2007 American Society ofEngineering Education National Conference Proceedings, Paper Number AC2007-388.2. Maldonado, C., Ramirez, T., Vazques, I., Medina-Borja, A. “More Femalesthan Males? Deciphering the Psychosocial Characteristics that Attract Girls intoEngineering in Puerto Rico.” 2007 American Society of Engineering EducationNational Conference Proceedings, Paper Number AC 2007-3023.3. Duggins, S. “Recruitment and Retention of Women in the Computing Sciences:Tackling the Underlying Problems.” 2007 American Society of EngineeringEducation National
relationship marketing, and possibleprotection policies.A student who has fully met these objectives has learned to• Identify and analyze a need on a foreign market• Set up and argue for a possible technical solution and a marketing plan and also make afinancial budget based on the proposal(s)• Bring the results in perspective according to alternative solutions• Structure and write an interdisciplinary report in English• Present methods and results orally• Formulate relevant problem statements on a professional level• Choose and use appropriate methods• Assess and conclude on the collected data and results• Collect relevant information for use in the projectFurthermore, the student has learned to• Plan and complete a project together with other