(b) improving graduate student technical and professional competencies as wellas preparation for a career at the high priority convergent research topic targeted by thetraineeship. Using a cohort-sequential design with retrospective and concurrent comparisongroups, the evaluation includes both formative and summative activities reflective of bestpractices per Patton [8], Kundin [9], Schwandt [10], as well as Hendricks, Plantz, and Pritchard[11]. These activities and mixed-methods data, collected across multiple stakeholders, fostercontinuous program improvement during the project timeline, establish an evidence base forsuccesses and lessons learned, and generate best practice resources.3.1. Transferable skills courseThe 15-week Transferable
academics and careers.AcknowledgementsThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under GrantIUSE-2044347. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in thismaterial are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National ScienceFoundation.References 1. U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics. (2015). Demographic and enrollment characteristics of nontraditional undergraduates: 2011-12. https://nces.ed.gov/pubs2015/2015025.pdf 2. Horn L. (1996). Nontraditional undergraduates, trends in enrollment from 1986 to 1992 and persistence and attainment among 1989–90 beginning postsecondary students (NCES 97–578). U.S
collection during Spring 2023, present the results, and receive peerfeedback next year.AcknowledgmentsThis work was made possible by a grant from National Science Foundation (2106229). Anyopinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those ofthe author and do not necessarily reflect the views of National Science Foundation.ReferencesChang, D. (2012). College students’ perceptions of studying abroad and their readiness. Asia Pacific Education Review, 13, 583–591.Chieffo, L., & Griffiths, L. (2004). Large-scale assessment of student attitudes after a short-term study abroad program. Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad, 10, 165-177.Farrugia, C., & Sanger, J. (2017
ideologies in engineering such as male-dominance,competition, exclusion of both faculty and student people of color (POCs) in engineering [3],more work needs to focus on how faculty and students in engineering understand the concept ofthe HC and its subsequent perpetuation of normativity on and within the discipline/s. With thisnew understanding of the ways POC receive the HC as more active than passive, and the impactsit has on their development in the disciplines of STEM (i.e., engineering) through means such asstandards, regulations, and professionalism, school administrators, and educators alike can bettercomprehend, reflect, and act upon how many of the standards present in their workingenvironments are normalized. For classrooms
preferred design by comparingoptions against specific criteria; consideration of design implementation and predicteddifficulties; and evidence of reflection and critical thinking.Introduction to Civil Engineering (IntroCivE)This was a 1-credit course intended to introduce first year students to the profession of civilengineering. The syllabus articulated five learning goals, including ‘define sustainability anddescribe its importance to civil engineering’. Another learning objective related to ethics, andsustainability is prominent within the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) code ofethics. The course primarily used a flipped learning style where students were assigned a shortreading passage or video and then asked to complete a short
the unit of analysis which the researchers then map inorder to analyze it [10]” [11]. Codes were grouped together to form the typology, laid out in thefollowing section. The three codes deciphered from the interview transcripts were related tosafety, engineering ethics' social/technical debate, which we refer to as the demarcation problem,and tacit knowledge.As data were collected and interpreted during the COVID-19 pandemic, we must also recognizethat the pandemic has created a space for time and reflection about the education process andrethinking how we teach and learn. It provided engineering educators with opportunities toengage students in reflecting on how engineering expertise and creativity can help addresssocioeconomic and racial
Professor and Director for Diversity and Inclusion in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of South Carolina. He is also the ASEE Campus Representative and a Senior Faculty Associate in the Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning (CIEL). His current educational interests include designing and implementing problem-based learning strategies for within-the-classroom and beyond-the-classroom experiences, creating and evaluating inclusive learning environments, and facilitating critical student reflection in engineering education.Gurcan Comert Gurcan Comert received the B.Sc. and M.Sc. degree in Industrial Engineering from Fatih University, Istanbul, Turkey, and the Ph.D. degree in
engaged, are present withinsocially engaged arts programming and general arts programming. These skills include, but arenot limited to, perspective-taking, empathy, and maintaining positive cross-racial relationships.This study took place over two years and included two cohorts of students, totaling over 2,500students, during the study researchers explored a connection between youths’ participation in artsprogramming and their ability to display critical reflection. The authors explain they foundincreased participation in arts programming led to growth in critical reflection and action, whatFreire calls critical praxis, for non-white youth. In another representative paper, Castaneda & Mejia (2018) mention “civil engineers
outcomes and course grades.High engagement also encourages deeper learning to take place [4]. "Deep" learning occurswhen students focus not only on surface-level content knowledge (e.g., definitions), butunderstanding and reflecting on how content relates to other ideas, and integrating concepts inreal world applications. Students who engage in deep learning retain more information, and earnhigher course grades [5],[6],[7],[8],[9],[10],[11].A number of factors contribute to high or low levels of student engagement. For example,innovative courses that employ interactive forms of learning are associated with increasedengagement [12]. Teaching quality [13] and perceived workload [14] also have a direct impacton engagement.The ability to measure
comparison to previous cohorts prior to the inclusion ofthis assignment will also be studied. We will be evaluating student performance on the specificstatistical analysis assignments in the lab courses to determine if improvement over previouscohorts exists. It is hypothesized that by incorporating this assignment, we should seeimprovements in skills retention and application later in our program with the addition of anexperimental design component to our Tissue Culture Laboratory. This is particularly importantwith the importance of statistics as a skill for bioengineers throughout the field including inresearch, industry and medicine.ReflectionAs we work on our assessments, we have begun initial reflection on the successes and areas
students/year) and are enrolled by a wide variety of science,engineering, and design majors at the University of Minnesota (a large public research university.)Three key adaptations from these two courses show potentially lasting promise. The first isutilizing individual projects where students collaboratively support each other’s projects (fromideation to implementation). The second is the use of static, responsive, and teleconference- basedvideo submissions for project check-ins, reports, and design reviews. The final is using onlinecommunications tools, including Learning Management Systems (LMSs) and particularly theDiscord service.Student ratings of teaching, comments, usage reports, and self-reflections are analyzed. While thedata are far
learningtools like tracking their study habits and assessing their understanding. Ultimately our goal is toempower students to make adaptive decisions and take the driver’s seat in their education.AcknowledgementsThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) underGrant No. 1745347. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed inthis material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NSF.References:[1] M. K. Orr, R. K. Anderson, and M. L. Rucks, “Work in progress: Developing a procedure for identifying indicators of ‘overpersistence,’” in Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, 2017.[2] B. A. Martin, K. M
are those of theauthor(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.References[1] PricewaterhouseCoopers, “Blind spots,” PwC. [Online]. Available:https://www.pwc.com/us/en/about-us/blind-spots.html.
effort by students over an extended period of time • Interactions with faculty and peers about substantive matters • Experiences with diversity, wherein students are exposed to and must contend with people and circumstances that differ from those with which students are familiar • Frequent, timely, and constructive feedback • Periodic, structured opportunities to reflect and integrate learning • Opportunities to discover relevance of learning through real-world applications • Public demonstration of competence.While not all HIPs will not address each characteristic to the same degree, the list provides astandard for judging the quality of implementation. It could potentially be used to assess thequality of other
Summer 2021.Not surprisingly, in post-program surveys, students expressed their desire for the industry visitsto have taken place in a face-to-face format instead of virtual.AcknowledgementsThis material is supported by NSF DUE #1564768. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, andrecommendations expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views ofthe National Science Foundation.[1] K.A. Evans, M.K. Orr, D.E. Hall, & M. Desselles, Board 38: S-STEM Summer Scholarship for a Sophomore Bridge: Year 1 in Review, Paper presented at 2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Salt Lake City, Utah. 10.18260/1-2—30020, June 2018.[2] K.A. Evans, M. Desselles, & M.K. Orr, Board 47: Year 2 of an S-STEM Summer
a CCD camera.One laser beam will have interacted with an object to be studied, and the other will serve as areference, unaffected by the presence of the object. Typically, the use of a numericalcomputation to “reconstruct” the electric field at the location of the object is required in order todisplay an image of the object on a computer screen, but we have avoided this step by choosingimage-plane holography. Here, a lens is used to cast a (real) image of the object directly onto acamera, and an interference pattern that modulates the image can be read off without anycomputation and used to determine the phase of light reflecting from the object. This system isdiagrammed in Fig. 1A, and Fig. 1B provides a photo of the real apparatus
theseinstitutions work toward continuity and consistency in the knowledge, skills, and abilities (i.e.,competencies) that graduates gain for the workforce. While many institutions have employeradvisors, few compare these stakeholders’ feedback to mandated state curriculum content toactual classroom content. Guided by the research question “to what degree does the Florida AMCurriculum Frameworks reflect the needs of AM employers,” we compared the State of Florida’smandated AM two-year program curriculum to AM employer demands expressed in jobpostings. Unlike traditional alignment research, which is conducted from the perspective ofpostsecondary institutions and written with the assumption that two-year programs teach whatemployers want, in this study, we
Individual Reflection 5% Individual Reflection 5% Individual Reflection 5% Meetings with Faculty 5% Design Reviews 5% Design Reviews 5%Seventy percent of project grades are based on project reports in the senior courses and fiftypercent in the junior spring course. The technical content of each project report is evaluated bytwo Engineering faculty, while the writing quality is evaluated by an English professor. In mostsemesters the faculty mentoring team includes 3-5 Engineering faculty. Every involved facultymember assesses at least one project report from every team, so overall assessment of projectquality and the assignment of grades is based on a collective evaluation by 3-5
researchhypotheses.We explored descriptive statistics for each category for CS and non-CS students in Table 4 andFigure 1. CS students had Mathematics and Writing inferred interest scores near the middle ofthe scale, with similar standard deviations, indicating that respondents tended to be neutral towardthose two areas, although this may reflect that they are academic areas, rather than hobbies. Cre-ativity had the highest average score among the CS respondents, followed by Athletics comingup afterwards. Athletics was a surprising result as it was one of the areas we assumed not to beconnected to CS students. Public Performance, however, met our expectations as it has the lowestscore in the group.The means for self-reported and inferred interest were
-up mentoring during the academic year, and wasconducted from 2017 to 2020 with three cohorts of fellows recruited from across the country.To evaluate the impact of the program on the participants’ perceptions of their preparation foracademic careers, a follow up survey was sent in May 2021 to the three former cohorts ofparticipants (n=61), and responses were received from 37 of them. The survey asked participantsto reflect on areas that they felt most prepared for in their academic positions, and areas that theyfelt least prepared for. The survey also asked participants to discuss additional supports theywould have liked to have been provided with to better prepare them given their current positions(academic, industry, etc.). Results from
are included asan Appendix at the end of this paper. Of the 22 individuals who participated as an ECX presenteror moderator in 2020, 20 replied to the survey resulting in a 91% response rate. Some of themajor themes emerging from this survey are summarized below: ● Preparation time: The amount of time ECX presenters spent preparing for ECX varied but the most common amount of time spent preparing individually for the session was 4-8 hours, with another 4-8 hours coordinating and practicing with their panel. Several ECX facilitators indicated that the sessions should be delivered more than once, since the time invested in preparing the material was significant for a single delivery. When reflecting on what they might do
faculty-student mentoring relationship must be takenseriously by the university and highly valued to demonstrate real benefit to students and theinstitution (Birkeland et al., 2019; Blake-Beard et al., 2021; Smith, 2007; Thomas et al., 2007).Institutions that provide mentor training inclusive of developing cultural competence, empathy,and humility around equity, diversity, and inclusion are deemed more successful (Fries-Britt &Snider, 2015; Stelter et al., 2021). Additionally, a focus on mentor self-examination is critical tosuccess, including self-reflection, standardized assessments, peer support, and critical feedbackopportunities (Blake-Beard et al., 2021).Student mentoring is considered a high-impact educational practice (Kuh, 2008) that
managingacademic support effectively with most of the support offered face-to-face through teamteaching in blocks. Other challenges faced included ensuring the available teaching space couldbe kept safe [3], and that time could be managed effectively. The disadvantages and benefitsof adopting a hybrid model of teaching are explored from both staff and student viewpoints,by critically reflecting on student evaluations for the module and the perceptions of staffretrospectively.IntroductionThe design projectIn our chemical engineering department at a research-intensive higher education institution(HEI) in the UK, we have been running a design project for our 1st year cohort since the early1980s (with precursors established in the 1960s [4]). In its present
the course outcomes. . After AY19-1, more learning centered experiences were incorporated into the EV310course design. As this course continued to develop and evolve, the course outcomes were re-evaluated to better nest within eh Environmental Science and Environmental EngineeringProgram. As a result, the five designed outcomes used in AY17-2, AY19-1, and AY20-1 evolvedinto seven course outcomes in AY21-1 and AY22-2 as depicted in Table 1. The new courseoutcomes better reflect the foundational role that EV310 was designed to serve within theEnvironmental Science and Engineering Program. These outcomes are aimed at higher ordercognitive learning functions than the previous five course outcomes. Consequently, theallocation of embedded
, where they reflected on the delivery methods of the course and whatthey learned. Student survey responses were overwhelmingly positive – students enjoyed thediverse cohort and set of topics, the focus on group work and active discussion via Zoom, andthe projects (on a specific renewable electricity generation site and a life cycleassessment). Survey results show that Engineering students were initially more interested incourse topics related to technology whereas Art/Architecture students were more interested incourse topics related to cultural and political issues; however, after the course, student interest inthese topics converged and there was no discernable difference in interest levels across coursetopics between the two cohorts. We show
authors havealready indicated for these indicators built by the SUA [3].This reflects a structural problem as would be the preparation of students to face university.Many decisions are made based on the categorizations made of schools. Categorizations that areresponsible for the existence of the ranking as a measure of the student's contextual performance[13].It is also important to clarify that the rebuttal of the hypotheses that this work proposes shouldnot be seen as a value judgment on public education policies in Chile or the inclusion of theranking as an element of evaluation for higher education admission. What is sought byhighlighting that this hypothesis has been rebutted is to generate reflection from all partiesinvolved in the creation
engineering from Caltech and spent three years as a postdoc in Carl Wieman's group at Stanford University. His research focuses broadly on problem-solving in physics and engineerin courses, as well as issues related to retention and equity in STEM. © American Society for Engineering Education, 2022 Powered by www.slayte.com Assessing authentic problem-solving in heat transferIntroductionEngineers are known as problem-solvers. In their work, they encounter ill-structured problemsthat require them to collect additional information, consider external constraints, and reflect ontheir solution process 1,2,3,4,5,6 . Recent graduates cite these skills as the most
students to different worldviews and cultural issues in the context of sensitive issues,such as race, gender and human rights; (2) Collaborative Assignments and Projects, whichemphasizes collective discussions and team-based assignments; and, (3) Intensive Writing, whichrequires students to produce and reflect upon, not only what they write as part of an assignment,but to also respond to the writings of others by interrogating the nature of, and the audience forwhom the writing was intended.Employing these frameworks and the practices embedded within them proved to be a significantbut enjoyable, ongoing challenge. That these biographical histories are centered on race, gender,ethnicity, and other socioeconomic issues is clear. In addition, their
-driven faculty professional learninghighlighting how faculty mindset tendencies are reflected in their comments and actions in theirclasses, how students perceive rapport with faculty as a result, and how pedagogical practicescan be changed to reflect more growth mindset tendencies. Such professional learning shouldinclude measuring faculty mindset tendencies using valid and reliable instruments as well asqualitative data collected in interviews and reflections. Additionally, we recommend comparingprofessor-student rapport scores before, during and after a long-term professional developmentexperience to help participants to see the impacts of their learning on their ability to establishrapport with their students
characteristics. The authors reflect on the avenue that academia could taketo form new pedagogical approaches that include interdisciplinarity in engineering schools.IntroductionThe world’s challenges require complex and novel solutions from multifaceted andinterdisciplinary developments in the modern and global landscape. The interaction of differentfields of knowledge breaks the “boundaries of a single academic discipline or methodologicalapproach” [1] , bringing innovative and sustainable results to address current and future challenges.Therefore, multifaceted and interdisciplinary activities contribute to students in the builtenvironment and infrastructure development majors to develop more sustainable solutions.Specifically, interdisciplinarity is