research is interdisciplinary as she has collaborated with colleagues from across the university. She has over 30 years of evaluation experience, conducting community-level assessments and evaluating collaborative research efforts. Dr. Mobley has also been involved in extensive applied work in the community, reflecting an explicit integration of her teaching, research and service endeavors.Marisa K. Orr Marisa K. Orr is an Associate Professor in Engineering and Science Education with a joint appointment in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Clemson University. Her research interests include student persistence and pathways in engineering, gender equity, diversity, and academic policy. Dr. Orr is a recipient of
Frequentists’ approach. After completing those analyses, wewill report our findings to make further contributions to the field in this area.AcknowledgementsThis material is based upon work partly supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF)under grant No. 1612445. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendationsexpressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of NSF.References[1] Walck-Shannon, E. M., Rowelli, S. F., and Freys, R. F., “To What Extent Do StudyHabits Relate to Performance?” CBE—Life Sciences Education, 20:ar6, 1–15, Spring 2021[2] Kaur, J., and Singh. P., “Study Habits And Academic Performance: A ComparativeAnalysis,” European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine
-19 pandemic. These results can informrecommendations for proactive interventions, policies, and better information about resources tosupport graduate engineering students.AcknowledgmentsThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation (award number2034800). Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in thismaterial are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National ScienceFoundation. The authors thank our project evaluator Dr. Elizabeth Litzler for her support andguidance on this project and the authors thank Amanda Manaster, Joseph Strehlow, BrianGreene, and Austin Steinforth for assisting as pilot participants and for conversations whichguided the
-04 to 2019-20, but as Figure2 shows, Florida Computing and Information degree attainment has a downward trend inminorities’ when considering minorities as a percentage of the college-aged population or thepercentage of degrees/certificates.Figure 1. Number of degrees/certificates awarded by Floridapostsecondary institutions by race/ethnicity in Florida [4]Figure 2. Underrepresented minorities in Florida Earning ComputingDegrees/Certificates [5]Figure 2’s stagnant and declining rates suggest that more aggressive data-driven measures areneeded to understand and adopt influencers that assist minority students in navigating the STEMpipeline and that Florida is a logical place to begin.Community Colleges Reflect Diverse Students and Pathways to
conceived as all belonging to the same cultural group– are closer to those of people in Zimbabwe, Israel, and Malaysia, respectively, than they are toeach other [13]. Regarding the second, the power of values to predict behaviors varies by culture[14]. The values of non-WEIRD (Western Educated Industrialized Rich and Democratic) groupssay less about how people will behave. Since values concern internal states, they can onlyultimately be accessed reflectively, through self-reports. By contrast, as norms concern externalbehaviors, they are publicly available and have been measured using various methods, not onlyself-reports but also experimental and quasi-experimental procedures, including economic gamesand mathematical models [15]–[19].One might
are contextualized by the overall health and functionality of the department and relate to qualities of the department that all members of the department can speak to (e.g., transparency; quality of mentoring). 2. Departmental climate data is the basis for self-reflection, not a research project. Data analysis in this context is fundamentally different in two ways. First, the people interpreting the data produced the data and thus have the necessary capacity to clarify and expand the meaning of the data that are available. Second, while research requires the interpreter to observe and analyze the data, climate data requires the interpreter to personally respond and, in many cases, consider
that predicted high leadershipscores among engineering students: frequency of study with peers, student-faculty interaction,and participation in an internship/co-op [16]. Alternatively, in a case study, thirty-eight percentof civil engineering students included informal learning as contributing experience to theirleadership development [17], a concept backed up by a large-scale Canadian study ofundergraduate engineering students highlighting that leadership development takes place inextracurricular activities [18]. The results from these studies align with conclusions from studentdevelopment research that highlight adult influences, peer influences, meaningful involvement,and reflective learning as facilitating leadership development [19]. A
and Shauman, 2003:91). The authors concluded thatfor all the attention focused on performance on standardized tests, coursework, orexpected work–family orientation, gender differences in these variables offer remarkablylittle leverage to explain gender differences in STEM major selection.Ceci, Williams and Barnett (2009) claim that there are gender differences in occupationalpreferences that occur between objects and people. Women are more likely to pursuepeople-oriented or organic fields, whereas men with similar mathematics and scienceability tend to pursue object-oriented fields. The research supports a common belief thatgender differences in occupational preferences reflect women’s deeply rooted preferencesfor caring or nurturing, that
visual and performing arts, but no assessment on anyform of digital skill or technology usage [24]. For many states without an assessment orgraduation requirement for digital competency, there are no viable means by which to measuremastery of the topic post-education.MethodologyTo obtain a better understanding of what employers and higher education expect children tounderstand in terms of digital competency, we created a survey intended to be distributed toemployers of various industries and collegiate advisors to capture their opinions on the value ofdigital competency. We found that it would be most useful to include a combination of both theDigital Competency Framework as well as the ISTE Student Standards. In order to mostaccurately reflect
three interviews up to 90 minutes long.The first interview focused on early experiences in making and what drew the student to thisprogram. The second interview focused on making experiences in the program. In the finalinterview, participants reflect on their journey up to this point and their identity as a maker. Therewere five men and four women interviewed. Three of the nine students self-identified as part of aracial or ethnic minority; the remainder were white. Four students were sophomores at the timeof the interview or had just completed their sophomore year and not yet begun their junior year.One was a junior, and the remaining four were seniors. Interviews were audio recorded andtranscribed.The qualitative data were analyzed by the
opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressedin this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NationalScience Foundation.References[1] F. E. Jones, “Predictor variables for creativity in industrial science.,” Journal of Applied Psychology, vol. 48, no. 2, p. 134, 1964.[2] C. D. McDermid, “Some correlates of creativity in engineering personnel.,” Journal of applied psychology, vol. 49, no. 1, p. 14, 1965.[3] T. B. Sprecher, “A study of engineers’ criteria for creativity.,” Journal of Applied Psychology, vol. 43, no. 2, p. 141, 1959.[4] M. A. Robinson, P. R. Sparrow, C. Clegg, and K. Birdi, “Design engineering competencies: future requirements and predicted changes in the
;fromopenview=true.[24] “LinkedIn - Wikipedia.” (accessed Feb. 02, 2022).[25] “About LinkedIn.” (accessed Feb. 02, 2022).[26] “LinkedIn Learning Review 2022.” review/?single_page=true (accessed Feb. 03, 2022).[27] “LinkedIn Learning - Wikipedia.” (accessed Feb. 02, 2022).[28] R. Krishnamoorthy and K. Keating, “Education Crisis, Workforce Preparedness, and COVID-19: Reflections and Recommendations,” Am. J. Econ. Sociol., vol. 80, no. 1, pp. 253–274, Jan. 2021, doi: 10.1111/AJES.12376.[29] “YouTube.” (accessed Feb. 03, 2022
. We iterated on and revised thecode book based on actual observations. Table 1 reflects the latest version of the code book.The coding process was iterative. For each 30-second increment, we identified and classifiedeach students’ contributions using the code book, and within each increment, one kind of activitywas only recorded once for each student to keep the observation protocol at a high level and forease of recording observations. For example, if a student asked two questions within oneincrement, we only recorded “ask” once for this student. Code Definition Ask Person asks a question Contribute Person asks group or member to contribute (aligns with manager role) Check Person asks group or member if they
receive timelyfeedback. This feedback is then used by instructors to adjust and improve their instruction and bythe students to reflect on their own learning, correct their misconceptions, and revise theirlearning strategies at an early stage. Providing students with the opportunity to self-assess theirlearning, receive feedback, identify, and correct misconceptions, and revise and refine theirlearning strategies has implications for promoting self-directed, self-regulated life-long learning. Large class sizes (particularly in fundamental engineering courses make it difficult forinstructors to frequently administer formative assessments for practice purposes and providepersonalized feedback to students. Fortunately, recent developments in
-curricular reflection in curricula as well as supporting PDS to collect data from both the studentsand academic and industry administrators.ConclusionFollowing the need to identify how students engage in different co-curricular activities, weanalyzed self-reported participation trends of a cohort of students who had engaged in only oneunique co-curricular activity (either Research, Technical, Non-technical, Service, Intramurals,Clubs) during the year. Results of descriptive and inferential analysis between co-curricularactivities revealed students self-report gaining a significantly higher number and type ofprofessional skills in the Technical work experiences as compared to others. Career security maybe a driving factor for students to turn towards
the feedback review sessions with those who didnot. Additionally, I present results from a short two-item survey asking for student experiences inthe review session. These results are preliminary and are documented to review and reflect on theneed for alternative feedback providing methods on student homework’s, and assignments inorder to improve overall participation and learning. Method of implementationFor this study three groups of students were considered: I) Students in the Electronics I classbefore the pandemic (Spring 2019, Fall 2019), II) Students during the pandemic participating inthe online classes and the weekly MSTeams meetings (Fall 2020 and Spring 2021), and III)Students attending in-class
overall lower test scores relative to predictions based onprevious math course grades. Also, female students in the credit/no credit cohort had lower testscores compared to predictions relative to male students. When combined, these results suggestthat students who chose credit/no credit were experiencing lower test scores relative to thoseexpected based on prior math course grades before the credit/no credit option was even known tobe available. Thus, the observed credit/no credit differences relative to predictions of studentperformance likely reflected other confounding factors outside of changes in student motivationdue to the knowledge of the credit/no credit option. Confounding factors may have includeddifferent student experiences with
hypothesis of this Engineering and Engineering Technology FYSP. These will includebut are not limited to: (1) Campus Teaching & Learning Centers; (2) Special programs developedand delivered on first-year student characteristics: (3) First Year student learning approaches;and (4) Instructional delivery modes that engage our students. Being very intentional andproactive, and incorporating ongoing and formative assessment into this work will producesatisfactory results. The commitment is to customize the efforts to reflect our students and ourinstitutional mission in a broad-based, coordinated, and inclusive manner. To move our institutionand students to the next level, we look deeply within and around us to develop and buildprogramming along these
sophomore level courses, e.g. math courses,statics, dynamics, etc. Intellectual growth then progresses towards problems rooted in relativismand commitment. At these stages, students take a more open-ended problem and work to furtherdefine the problem using justified assumptions and provide evidence-based answers.Transitioning to these higher levels of cognition is challenging for students [26]. Therefore, asstudents transition from dualism to relativism in our junior/senior level courses, the commentsagainst the open-ended course project could further reflect this cognitive transition as opposed tothe actual content of the project.In conclusion, we found that student perceptions of the polytechnic nature of a class did notdiffer as pedagogy was
canreflect challenges and experiences students may face as professionals. Students used criteria toconsider the social, economic, and environmental impacts of their designs which helped them tounderstand the importance of sustainability within their designs. The interactions between thestudents and the stakeholders provide the opportunity for students to develop design solutionsthat can benefit both the community and the student. The interactions encourage students tocommunicate effectively and become socially aware of the environmental impact of theirdesigns, which can better prepare them for the global challenges they may face after theirgraduations. Based on the course evaluation at the end of the semester, students reflected that theproject
1 (very low interests) .85 doing work related to working on a project involving to 5 (very high engineering. engineering principles? interest) Engineering 1 The degree to which Students indicated the extent to 4 1 (strongly disagree) .90 Identity students identify themselves which they agreed with statements to 7 (strongly agree) as an engineer. such as, "being an engineer is an important reflection of who I
research is supported by the National Science Foundation (#1920780). Any opinions,findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of theauthor(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.References[1] M. Shah and S. N. Chenicheri, "Using student voice to improve student satisfaction: TwoAustralian universities the same agenda." Journal of Institutional Research (South East Asia)vol., pp. 43-55, 2009.[2] R. Al-Hammoud, "Molding the Interactive Flipped Classroom Based on Students' Feedback".2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Columbus, Ohio, 2017.[3] A. Ieta, R. Manseur, and T. Doyle, "Restructuring Of An Electronics Lab UsingComprehensive Student Feedback", 2010 Annual
personal connections) [3].The main portion of the survey asks students about their overall sense of belonging at differentlevels, while the COVID-19 questions focus on students’ connection with others. With theunderstanding that sense of belonging is a complex construct, we asked students to reflect aboutone specific aspect of it - their connections with others - because we felt it was the most likely tobe affected by online learning formats. The following 10 questions, as listed in Table 1, wereadded to the main survey after items asking about motivation, belonging and identity and beforedemographic questions.Table 1. Survey questions related to COVID-19 effects on students’ learning experiences. Survey Question
reflect the views of the NSF.References[1] National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics. 2021. Women, Minorities, and Persons with Disabilities in Science and Engineering: 2021. Special Report NSF 21-321. Alexandria, VA: National Science Foundation. Available at[2] E. L. Anderson, K. L. Williams, L. Ponjuan, & H. Frierson, “The 2018 Status Report on Engineering Education: A Snapshot of Diversity in Degrees Conferred in Engineering”, Association of Public & Land-grant Universities: Washington, D.C., 2018.[3] F. McAlear, A. Scott, K. Scott, & S. Weiss, “Women and girls of color in computing.” Data brief. Kapor Center, 2018. Available:
observation rubric. The former assesses thequality of the instructional plan that the RET teachers develop, and the latter evaluates thequality of teachers implementing the lesson plan in the classroom. Both rubrics have beeninitiated and are currently under development. ERC virtual experiences will be the next topiccovered. The type of tools is yet undecided.Acknowledgments This work is supported by the National Science Foundation Grant EEC-2023275. Anyopinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this material are those of theauthor(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. We wouldalso like to thank the leadership team, education team, and the evaluation team of all partnerERCs, for
target demographics: underserved and underrepresentedstudents in STEM. In anticipation of this challenge, we collected letters of collaboration from schoolspresented in Table 1. These districts and schools reflect our target student demographics and represent aminimum of 28 elementary schools. Table 1: Collected Collaboration Letters and their Title I StatusSCHOOL TITLE I STATUS SCHOOL TITLE I STATUSCresthaven Academy Charter School 100% St. Rose Grammar School Eligible studentsHoboken Board of Education 60% The Charles H. Bullock School 100%Hoboken Dual Language Charter Sch. 100
so open ended was both a blessing and a curse. I wish the problem statements for the project were a little more focused and detailed with regard to steady state values and specifications.”Some students did express their desire for a hand-on component as opposed to designing atheoretical system. “It would be nice if there was a control system in the UO lab to learn from.”The majority of complaints have been with respect to the implementation of the project into thecourse timeline, as opposed to the value of the project itself. Despite holding multiple project dayseach semester, students frequently reflect on the stress of having too much of the project to finishat the end of the semester. Of particular note is the degree to
abstractconceptualization), and (2) transforming through doing and watching (i.e., activeexperimentation and reflective observation). The complete adaptive learning process requiresthese two critical components. When the students are actively engaged through these learningmodes, their high-order skills are significantly improved [1], [2].Statics is a sophomore-level course required by most engineering majors at universities. Solvingproblems in this course is critical for engineers. It is quite challenging for many students to relatewhat is covered in class to how particles in structural systems behave, especially if they do nothave a good grasp of the concepts. It is then essential for instructors to know what commonmisconceptions students have and how to correct
some instances,and very likely in a large departmental structure with multiple degree programs, the searchprocess captures more courses than a typical construction curriculum would utilize. The searchalso captures “special topics” and “thesis/dissertation” type offerings, which, by definition,would vary in content. Even with these limitations, the course offerings portfolio covers a widerange from architecture to facility management.SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONSThe goal of this paper was to provide an organized review of the construction programs in Texasusing the CIP code designations as a reference. The multi-discipline nature of constructioneducation is clearly reflected in this review. The program names, program CIP designations, andindividual
practices of the University ofMaryland STS program supports students’ macro-ethical reasoning about the world and theirpersonal and professional responsibility within it [36], [37], [3]. Our approach to this researchstudy integrates “outsider” (researcher leads’) and “insider” (participating students’ andundergraduate research fellows’) observations of and reflections on culturally salient events,activities, and artifacts to create ethnographic accounts of which cultural practices [38], [39] areconsequential for shaping engineering students’ macro-ethical reasoning and identity. In thisstudy, we followed students longitudinally over two years of the STS program and developedaccounts of how individuals do and do not take up STS cultural practices