Chebyshev type – I filter approximations are discussed. In theend, the derivation of S-parameters matrix for the BLC carried out using the well-known Even-Odd modenetwork analysis is presented. 1. INTRODUCTIONDuring the 5G investigations, eight modules have been built mostly based on the Fundamentals of Physics,Semiconductors and Circuit Theory including the Patch Antennas, BPF, Couplers, Transmitter (TX),Receiver ( RX) and Switches etc. The Switch between the Antenna and TX and/or RX must be equipped tohandle high power when connected to the TX, and LO-Power when connected to the RX. In order to meetthese requirements, the p-i-n diodes with forward and reverse biases have been used, respectively. Its
the loading area, take them to a specific workstation, and go back to the loading area. For your reference, the company provides the layout of one of its warehouses. Each trip must take the minimum time and always be safe for both robots and workers. In case of a collision with a wall, the AGV breaks when it has a momentum of 220 kg*m/s or more
Paper ID #36755Study of Speeds of Collision in Traffic Accidents: Physics ModelingCompetences and Soft-Skills DevelopmentDr. Rodrigo Cutri, Mau´a Institute of Technology, Brazil Cutri holds a degree in Electrical Engineering from Maua Institute of Technology (2001), MSc (2004) and Ph.D. (2007) in Electrical Engineering - University of S˜ao Paulo. He is currently Titular Professor of Maua Institute of TechnologyDr. Nair Stem, Mau´a Institute of Technology, Brazil - Associate Professor at Instituto Maua de Tecnologia - CEUN-IMT - Graduated at Physics (Bachelor) at IFUSP, Master at Electrical Engineering and Doctor at
explanations, opinion, judgment, etc Ind Individual thinking/problem solving. CG Discuss clicker question in groups of 2 or more students WG Working in groups on worksheet activity OG Other assigned group activity, such as responding to instructor question Prd Making a prediction about the outcome of demo or experiment SP Presentation by student(s) TQ Test or quiz W Waiting O Other – explain in comments Instructor is Doing Lec Lecturing RtW Real-time writing on board, doc. projector, etc. Fup Follow-up/feedback on clicker question or activity to entire class PQ Posing non-clicker question to students (non-rhetorical) CQ Asking a clicker question AnQ
Domenic M¨onnich is currently studying Automotive Engineering at the University of Applied Sciences Joanneum Graz. After completion of his studies, he aspires to work in the field of research and develop- ment.Mr. Christian J. Steinmann, Joanneum University of Applied Sciences, Austria Christian Steinmann has an engineer degree in mathematics from the Technical University Graz, where he focused on software quality and software development process assessment and improvement. He is man- ager of HM&S IT-Consulting and provides services for SPiCE/ISO 15504 and CMMI for development as a SEI-certified instructor. He performed more than 100 process assessments in software development de- partments for different companies
Paper ID #39843How Students’ Efforts Outside of the Classroom Correlate to TheirLearning Outcome in Both Online and Face to Face ClassesDr. Lawretta C. Ononye, State University of New York, Canton Lawretta C. Ononye is an Associate Professor of Physics and Engineering in the School of Engineering Technology at the State University of New York (SUNY) in Canton. She is a recipient of the 2014 State University of New York Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Scholarship and Creative Activities. Re- cipient of the 2010 National Science Foundation (NSF) S-STEM Grant Award in the amount of $596,160 in which she served as the
Paper ID #39006Hybrid Fuel-Cell and Battery Power Plant DesignMs. Jacquelyn Autumn Carter, United States Coast Guard Academy Undergraduate electrical engineering student at the United States Coast Guard Academy.Alexandra MurphySarah SchollenbergerCaleb HoldridgeRyan Thomas FlynnDr. Tooran Emami Ph.D., United States Coast Guard Academy Tooran Emami is a tenured associate professor of Electrical Engineering in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computing at the U. S. Coast Guard Academy (USCGA). Her research interests are control and power systems, particularly Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) controller design
graduate students to a flipped online format found that, whileaverage performance levels remained the same, there was an increase in performance dispersionover time.These studies show that the results of implementing a flipped classroom are varied. Whileperceptions tend to be positive, the change in learning levels varies from no effect toimprovement. In this regard, it is essential to consider the impact of various factors, includingstudent education levels (secondary, undergraduate, postgraduate), the number of studentsinvolved (a small group or a large course), and the design and appropriateness of the material(s),among others. Consequently, the results largely depend on the particularities of each situation.MethodologyThe methodology applied
, “Design method for piezoelectric cantilever beam structure under low frequency condition,” International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 153–159, 2018.[6] J. Iannacci, RF-MEMS Technology for High-Performance PassivesThe challenge of 5G mobile applications, Nov. 2017.[7] D. Murph, “Georgia Tech researchers develop environmentally-powered nanogenerators,” Engadget, 13-May-2021. [Online]. Available: tech-researchers-develop-environmentall y-powered-nanogen.html. [Accessed: 04-Dec-2022].[8] P. Glynne-Jones, M. J. Tudor, S. P. Beeby, and N. M. White, “An electromagnetic, vibration- powered generator for Intelligent Sensor Systems
4h "Taking the responsibility of studyingand learning using other material, on my own.”These answers contrast with those obtained to questions 3d and 4d "Work in groups to completetasks or other projects", shown with an orange vector in Figure 3. Students indicate that ideallythe group work done for each activity should be less.Regarding passive type of instruction, only items 3k and 4k resulted with significant difference;the other two items of this subdimension (a and s) did not have a significant difference. Being asubdimension of only three items, in which only one indicates a significant shit, it is not possibleto conclude anything. However, analyzing the general shifts of each pair we have the following.For 3k and 4k "Get most of the
Passive a, k, s a, k Type of instruction Interactive d, g, i, l, n, u i, l Type of instruction Constructive b, c, h, j, r, t b, j, rFor the actual course, Figure 2 shows the percentage in which, from the students’perspective, the instructor performed or asked them to do certain actions in class, such asdiscussing concepts with classmates and solving problems in groups, among others. For theideal course, students indicate the percentage in which they would like the actions to occuras part of the type of instruction. This is particularly important, since a semester has (onaverage) 30
approach of our project provided uswith a large array of skills from research, design, and construction as well as testing and technicalwriting. Additionally, collaboration was extremely important to this project as we learned how tocommunicate with different people and engineers as well as discovered how to spend our time themost effectively. The paper also highlights how student projects can be used for innovativesolutions to real-world problems and how to prepare engineers for future needs.Reference[1] “History of the Wheelchair.” Science Museum Blog, 21 Mar. 2019,[2] “Power Generation Using Bicycle Mechanism as an Alternative Energy Source.” S. Manish Yadav, Ajey Kumar Thakur
should havethem focus on different water sectors to further ensure that the differentiate themselves. Toensure that students explore a job of interest, I will encourage them to conduct the assignmentindividually if they are not in agreement with their partner(s). I repeatedly offered to connectstudents with a professional, but it was only as the presentations approached that any groups tookme up on the offer. Based on this experience, I will try to emphasize even more the need forstudents to network early. I want to make the assignment better for the students. I am also interested in betterunderstanding the value of this type of assignment. In the future, I intend to ask students if theystayed in touch with the professional connection and
://[2] R. J. Roselli and S.P. Brophy, "Effectiveness of challenge‐based instruction inbiomechanics," Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 95, no. 4, pp. 311-324, 2006. DOI:[3] W. B. Gaskins, J. Johnson, C. Maltbie, and A. R. Kukreti, "Changing the LearningEnvironment in the College of Engineering and Applied Science Using Challenge BasedLearning," International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 33-41, 2015. DOI:[4] National Research Council, How people learn: Brain, mind, experience, and school:Expanded edition, National Academies Press, 2006.[5] D. L. Schwartz, S. Brophy, X. Lin, and J. D. Bransford