innovative pedagogies that can help enhancethe employability of students. In response to this need, an exploratory study was conducted at asatellite campus of a large, Midwestern research-focused university. The intervention includedthe implementation of an entrepreneurially minded and communication-focused project,developed by the instructor of an upper-level undergraduate manufacturing course. Post-completion of the project, a metacognitive reflection assignment was administered to theparticipants and subsequently, data was collected. Participant responses were qualitativelyanalyzed using thematic analysis which led to the discovery of three themes: (1) identifyingvalue in nature-inspired design, (2) confidence in communication and self-expression
,foliage), and navigation processes (i.e. changing user viewpoint and maneuvering around site);and bringing all of these elements together into a working system prototype. The students wereprovided with mentorship from two faculty members of the San Francisco State University, onefrom Computer Science department and the other one from Civil/Structural Engineeringdepartment), along with feedback from the SEAONC DES committee to advance their work.This support system provided them the necessary technical support while providing expertise inthe context of the application.3. ResultsNote: The following reflects the experience of the student participants reported as co-authors tothis paper.Pre-Assessment: Reflecting on the computer science curriculum
] focuses on assessing student learning and experience to ascertainwhether students have acquired the skills, knowledge, and competencies related to their programof study. The ET department faculty use a combination of direct and indirect methods forassessment and evaluation of the SOs. The results and findings of these evaluations aresystematically utilized as input for the program’s CI actions[1], [13]. Direct methods requirestudents to exhibit their knowledge and skills as they respond to the instrument itself. Objectivetests, projects, laboratory work, presentations, and classroom assignments all meet this criterion[14]. Indirect methods such as surveys and interviews require students to reflect on their learningrather than to display it [12
provided throughout thesemester to prepare for upcoming interventions. Mentors are trained to mentor kids in theexperience of Making, which means teaching them how to complete tasks such as connectingsimple circuits, using a 3D printer, and performing other simple Maker tasks to enhance theirSTEM learning.In addition to recruiting and mentoring practices, we report the reflections and suggestions fromstudent mentors to illustrate how they learn and progress. We also utilize descriptive data andconduct t-tests regarding training and mentoring outcomes to determine whether student mentorsmaster the knowledge and pedagogy, therefore, are confident to teach the 5th and 6th-grade kids.RecruitingOur mentors are mostly recruited from engineering and
situation of manageable complexity. This can enhance the students’ ability toidentify and solve real-world problems, experiment with new ideas, and reflect on theresults of their work.References 1. DeGarmo’s Materials and Processes in Manufacturing. Black and Kohser.2020. 2. The Technology of Metallurgy. Dalton. 1994 3. Engineering Materials 2 – An introduction to Microstructures, Processing and Design. by Ashby & Jones. 3rd Edition.2012 4. ASTM E8-E8M Standard Test Method for Tension Testing of Metallic Materials. 5. ASTM E18 Standard Test Methods for Rockwell Hardness of Metallic Materials. 6. Effect of cold rolling on microstructure and material properties of 5052 alloy sheet produced by continuous casting. Zhu, et
, makingthem to see themselves as entrepreneurially minded individuals [7, 8]. Storytelling, throughwhich students share specific work or school situations that might represent a wide variety ofethical concerns [9] also constitutes ways to enhance and to extend the ethics learning outside atypical classroom setting.The integration of informal peer assessments provides additional opportunities for students toengage with academic content vicariously and to learn from their peers’ stories. The informalassessment process lowers the stakes, focuses on students’ learning as reflected in each story’snarrative, and encourages participation and creativity. Moreover, the processes of generating andsharing stories and the peer assessment process connect to
expand on the scope of this study by investigating the generalizability of the resultsto other regions and cultures and exploring potential ways to improve the program to support thedevelopment of future leaders in sustainable engineering.IntroductionEngineering education has transformed in recent years, emphasizing experiential learning todevelop students' competencies. One example of this trend is Engineers Without Borders (EWB),which provides students hands-on field experience through sustainable engineering projects. [1].EWB's experiential learning program is based on the principle of direct experience and reflection,which effectively develops the skills necessary for engineering practice, including problem-solving, teamwork, and leadership
Primary School Teachers. Asian Journal of education, 14(4), 125-147.Song, M. (2018). Learning to teach 3D printing in schools: how do teachers in Korea prepare to integrate 3D printing technology into classrooms? Educational Media International. doi:10.1080/09523987.2018.1512448Sullivan, P., & McCartney, H. (2017). Integrating 3D printing into an early childhood teacher preparation course: Reflections on practice. Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education, 38(1), (2022). Engineering Desing Process. Retrieved 2022, from (2022). teachHOUSTON program. Retrieved from University of Houston: https
emphasis on STEM learning is an importantkey to developing productive, responsible, and contributing members of society.Program Components and Activities:The MEWT project at ECSU adopted the experiential and authentic learning framework, whichmakes student engagement the top priority, where students learn by doing, discovering,reflecting, and applying. Authentic and experiential learning creates an environment necessary tonurture the 21st Century soft skills including critical thinking and problem-solving,communication, collaboration and teamwork, and learning to learn.The program activities were designed based on three tenets which include mentoring, research,and education/training. The education and training components included enhancing
Figure 2. It reflects the diversity of the collegeof ECST. 13 of 24 students responding to a question about ethnicity were LatinX. A majority of respondents(15) indicated an expected graduation date of 2023, meaning that they enrolled in the Robotics courseduring their second- or third-to last semester at college. More than half of the students (55%) werecommunity college transfer students. Figure 2. Student participants by race/ethnicity To understand the impact of the course, information on students’ previous experience with hands-onengineering projects in their major was also collected, as shown in Figure 3. Only 8 students (33%) hadtaken courses in the past that provided hands-on experience in their major