Paper ID #39783What If They Choose: Surfacing Insights Associated with a Pedagogy forDoctoral EducationDr. Jennifer A. Turns, University of Washington Dr. Jennifer Turns is a full professor in the Human Centered Design & Engineering Department in the College of Engineering at the University of Washington. Engineering education is her primary area of scholarship, and has been throughout her career. In her work, she currently focuses on the role of reflection in engineering student learning and the relationship of research and practice in engineering education. In recent years, she has been the co-director of the
, as reasoning and emotion are ofteninterwoven. Newly enrolled doctoral candidates were asked to explain ‘why a PhD’ usingLEGO® pieces to help them express beyond words, with constructions, through similes andmetaphors. The use of LEGO® was intentional for two reasons: it gave them a visual andkinesthetic outlet for enhancing and deepening their reflections and message; and it put themat ease, in ‘play mode’, which allowed them to access aspects of their psyche not typicallyexploited in technical conversations. They constructed stories, created characters, andproduced metaphors to channel and express what their motivations, drives and purpose were.The most common types of metaphors used were visual, ontological and spatially related.Their
combinetheory and practice, and design to establish knowledge base in system thinking concepts andtools, and focus on the unique challenges for management, governance, communication, andpolicy in the FEW nexus. Course grading includes reflections and analyses, creating systemcomponent maps with Loopy (a free online tool for thinking in systems), and a final project, anintegrated system map. All assignments are individual assignments. The NRT external evaluatordesigned an annual NRT survey that assesses the NRT program at our university, including theimpacts of the NRT Integrated FEW Systems course. Student ratings about their perceivedability to perform interdisciplinary systems tasks improved from the beginning to the end of thecourse, from ‘somewhat
, engineering doctoral students werefound to be the most difficult to attract in terms of willingness to work with writing centers[16].Discipline-Specific Writing-Intensive CourseSituated within a complex sociocultural context, each discipline under engineering enjoys aspecialized epistemology and rhetorical convention that are co-constructed and practiced byits members [17]. As newcomers to the discipline, graduate students are waiting to beapprenticed into their respective domain, sometimes through a discipline-specific writingcourse. According to research in disciplinary writing education, analyzing discipline-specifictexts is an excellent starting point for writing instruction, allowing students to reflect ondisciplinary norms and incorporate these
-surveys that focused on thequestion, "What influence did the course have on students’ knowledge and application of PMskills?”Course OverviewThe GAPS course (MSE 580x), Introduction of Project Management for Thesis Research, aimsto improve graduate STEM students' efficiency in completing their thesis research and projectsby adapting the PM skills and concepts. This one-credit, satisfactory-fail semester-long course isoffered once a week for 50 - 80 minutes. Students learn PM processes such as Work Break DownStructure and Critical Path and tools like the Project Charter and Gantt Charts. Although thecourse's primary focus is PM skills, throughout the semester, students have the opportunity todevelop other skills such as communication, reflective
thecomplexity of the teaching responsibilities that is prescribed by the difficulty of disciplinarycontent, the role of technology in the content, and the objectives of the engineering programs thatnow include acquiring soft skills, such as collaboration and communication, in addition to theknowledge of the engineering content. Research studies have shown that semester-long courses(16 weeks) are the most effective formats for preparing GTAs to teach in engineering and computerscience [7]. Nevertheless, for these courses to be effective, they must offer GTAs opportunities tolearn, apply, and reflect on different teaching practices so they develop competencies associatedwith the TPACK domains. In this study, an existing semester-long teaching and
Success," to improve advisingpractices for chemical engineering faculty and provide guidance for the successful mentoring ofgraduate students. The workshops aim to elicit reflections and encourage discussions amongfaculty to identify their beliefs about mentoring, explore how they align their mentoring practiceswith their research agenda, and how they define success for their students. This paper describesthe development and implementation of the first workshop in the series “Facilitating EngineeringFaculty Advising Success: Effective Strategies for Mentoring Graduate Students,” which wasoffered during the Fall 2022 semester. Emergent themes from participant contributions duringthis workshop highlighted collective difficulties in navigating and
could alsocause stress when it came to interactions.Qualifying Exams. Theme: Milestones: Preparing for and completing the qualifying exam was amajor stressor for participants; students in later stages of their programs also reflected on theirstressful experiences with qualifying exams. Oral exams were generally described as moreacutely stressful compared with written exams. Preparing for the exam led to conflicts withresearch progress or course deadlines, while the risk of consequences of failure (such as beingremoved from the program) led to stress due to the high stakes nature of the exams. A fewparticipants failed initial attempts at their qualifying exams and described very high stress interms of repeating preparations for the exam
overarchingthemes identified across all responses include a struggle to keep track of responsibilities in manyareas (typically classes, research, and personal needs), transitioning from student life toadulthood or feeling “stuck” between student life and adulthood, problematic cultures of stress indepartments or in engineering as a field, and a need to dissociate/disconnect from academicresponsibilities in order to feel relaxed (referencing anything from time with friends to alcohol).These trends were additionally examined by stress level (low/moderate/high). Results indicatethat graduate students with low levels of stress tend to practice self-reflection and disconnectionfrom their academic responsibilities to relax, while students with higher stress
other subjective measures like letters of recommendation and interviewsfor the admission process as the GRE quantitative score only measures a student’s ability whichaccounts for a fraction of graduate school success determinants. Rockinson-Szapkiw, Bray Jr,and Spaulding [6] in their study on the GRE score predictive validity in doctoral education alsodiscovered the GRE writing score to be a strong predictor for graduate students’ dissertationcompletion time.While these studies focused on various components of the GRE, evaluating their validity inpredicting factors postulated to reflect graduate school success, a more recent study by Newmanet al. [7] assessed issues with the GRE considering fairness for all demographic of applicants.They
research;and developing leadership, communication, and professional competencies. After two years ofdevelopment and implementation, we are also able to discuss lessons learned and strategies forscaling the model. We present findings from students in the program and a reflective interview ofthe project leadership team. In order to adopt this innovative education model, students, faculty,and universities need understanding of career pathways and opportunities beyond traditionalacademic pursuits.IntroductionWe formed the Pathways to Entrepreneurship (PAtENT) graduate education model to addressthe need to develop and train advanced engineering students in the art of entrepreneurship.Workforce estimates show that only 10% of doctoral graduates in STEM
transform STEM education can be implementation of an inquiry-basedcollaborative approach. The inquiry-based collaborative approach can impact and prepare STEMgraduates for the future workforce following the required high level of critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making skills. This innovative approach also can help STEM graduatesdevelop required collaborative and communicative skills while working as part of any team.The inquiry-based collaborative approach has recently received recognition when themetacognitive approach has been implemented into the design of online, hybrid and face-to-facelearning to support the dynamics of reflective thinking and a collaborative inquiry process [2].Metacognition is a required cognitive ability to
integrates culturally reflective mentoring and professional development specificallydesigned for Black, Latinx, and Indigenous Ph.D. students. This holistic graduate studentdevelopment model includes academic and professional skill-building for STEM careersalongside targeted support for pursuing fellowship opportunities, including the NSF GraduateResearch Fellowship.The theoretical framework for our model is based on social cognitive career theory (Lent et al.,1986). This is foundational to our program because it builds on the idea that the higher theperceived self-efficacy to fulfill educational requirements and occupational roles, the wider thecareer options people will seriously consider pursuing (Lent et al., 2004; Lent et al., 2010). Thegreater
reality under investigation, we, theresearchers, identified a telling consensus across their interviews. Participants illuminatedunrelenting reflections about their programs and “what does it mean” to offer one that is ofquality and how even answers to these questions may exist only “at that time” since they werelikely to change. Finally, there were other key quotes that found participants examining how theyused program goals and outcomes “to assess the[ir] program” and change them accordingly ifthey were not “working so well.” After three stages of (descriptive, linguistic, and conceptual)analysis, authors present a singular superordinate theme The Role of Assessment in Eng Ed PhDProgram Quality. Implications of this study are applicable to
voluntary convenience samplesurvey. Over 2,000 respondents from 26 countries and 234 institutions responded, revealing anoverwhelming mental health crisis in the graduate student population [9], [10]. They reportelevated rates of anxiety (41%) and depression (39%) in the sampled community, suggesting thatgraduate students are six times as likely to experience depression and anxiety compared to thegeneral public. Likewise, students have not been passive in their dissatisfaction with the state ofthe academy. In recent years, student labor organizing [11], labor strikes, and general protestmovements have become common reflecting the general themes of modern politics including themultiple epidemics of sexual harassment [12], [13], racism [14], [15
; for example, Chen et. al. states that “[s]tudents from all backgrounds may find theexperience [of an unexpectedly poor academic performance] threatening to their competence, butstudents from minority groups must also contend with anxiety that this performance ‘confirms’negative academic stereotypes attributed to their group memberships”[10].Often, these biases and stereotypes reflect an automatic judgment without an awareness ofindividuals’ specific abilities or experiences [11] [12]. Thus, the format of assessment, rather thanthe rigor, quality, or intended learning can have undue effect on educational outcomes. Forexample, IGEN performed a case study on a top-ranked physics program which noticed its“passage rate [for a qualifying exam] had
interactions with peers and faculty withinthe first 10 weeks (about 2 and a half months) of graduate school reduced the impact of stress,both physically and psychologically, for the next 6 months [7]. Overall, we know that at least40% of all doctoral students do not complete their programs, and much of this attrition could beprevented and is not reflective of student capability [8].Simultaneously, doctoral degrees awarded in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics(STEM) continue to be disproportionately awarded to white students. In the 2019-20 academicyear, 71.3% of all STEM doctoral degrees awarded to U.S. citizens and permanent residentswere awarded to white students, even though the U.S. population is approximately 59.3% white.Only 4.3
reinforcing cross-cutting concepts within the program. Forexample, the course design institute offers a distinct moment to invoke questions about powerdynamics via the situational factor of instructors. In other words, the context created by having aparticular instructor, that instructor’s perspectives, identities, lived experiences, relation to thecourse material, and so forth, will inextricably inform the course as a product and how it isexperienced by students and therefore should be its own design constraint[15]. Thus, programco-instructors are asked to reflect on their own roles in the course during course design sessions.During the cohort meetings after course design, they also reflect on their interactions andapproaches to collaboration and
helping the research goals of a sponsor or the teaching needs ofthe university. Of course, these three sets of goals are not mutually exclusive. The P3 modelattempts to coordinate what is best for the student while assuring that the support system alsobenefits sufficiently to provide resources for the student’s training.The third consideration for designing the P3 model reflects changes in the employment sectors,which would determine realization of students’ career plans. The data in Fig. 2 show growth ofcareers in industry at the expense of academe. The absolute numbers as well as change in demandin favor of industry are particularly strong in STEM fields, most notably in engineering andphysical+earth sciences; mathematics+computer sciences and
aggression. As researchers have explicitly stated that individual attitudes toward diversity, personal experiences, and the presence or absence of specific practices do not reflect diversity climate [28], evidence of this climate was limited to emergent themes from qualitative studies [67][75][83]. Thus, we also excluded papers based on autoethnography or findings relying on unique statements reflecting the experience of a lone participant. Cultural mosaic beliefs climate: perceived cultural diversity [30][31] is a recent addition to the climate literature. We included it in our framework due to the high proportion of international students in engineering doctoral programs. Perceived cultural diversity climate is defined as how well
one another and 14 initialcategories were identified. The categories capture the following meanings of NM1’s learningexperiences: (1) Obstacles and limitations; (2) Motivations; (3) Misconceptions about Ph.D.program; (4) Foundations and Focus; (5) Success/Survival; (6) Program comments; (7) Peer-to-peer learning; (8) Self-directed learning; (9) Mentoring & skill-building; (10) Social mentoring;(11) Goals as a mentor; (12) Mentoring as coaching; (13) Independence; (14) Why-questions. Asimilar coding process yielded 28 meaning units in the interview with a former AP lab mentor,PDM1. The following initial categories reflect PDM’s understanding of their role as a mentor:(1) Students’ independence; (2) Students’ peer-to-peer learning; (3
pertaining to the existence of the truerelationship between dependent and independent variables is correct. Thus, the data is statisticallysignificant. In Table 1, 𝞵1 and 𝞵2 are the coefficients of the ordered probit model with the values -0.42 and -0.8. This value is the threshold that reflects the predicted cumulative probabilities atcovariate values of zero. Based on the obtained results of regression analysis, higher accessibilityof forensic engineering curriculum within the university (β= -6.35), students’ positive attitudetoward solving complex problems (β= 1.04), higher interest in forensic concepts (β= -1.21), andpractical pedagogical approach used in the course (β= 6.35) will increase students’ interest topursue a forensic engineering
, technology policy, and law through the eyes of policymakers.Students work on public-facing projects in interdisciplinary teams applying strategic technologypolicy, regulatory concepts, and systems thinking to realworld policy issues to assist relevantpolicymakers in their policy decision-making process.Through the application of engineering systems principles (Figure 1), the use of systems design,and an understanding of sociotechnical systems, students in the MELP program will acquire theknowledge necessary for the understanding of policy and law as a system and how law, policy,and technology converge. Students will also develop skills for the analysis of complex systemsproblems, characterized by multi-stakeholder engagements reflecting the
on diverse stressors,one closed-end question on students’ satisfaction, and two open-ended questions on the students’perceived challenges in graduate experiences. The closed-ended questions on stressors askedparticipants to reflect on their graduate education experience and indicate the extent to whicheach of the 21 stressors disrupted their ability to perform academically and/or professionally. Another question asked participants to rate their experience as a graduate student at theirinstitution. Response options for the 21 stressors and one satisfaction questions were arrayed ona five-point Likert scale from 0 (none) to 4 (severely), and a five-point Likert scale from 1 (Veryunsatisfied) to 5 (Very satisfied), respectively. The two
students from across campus build professional skills,gain experience in teaching and research, and develop relationships across disciplines and degreeprograms [12].Two of these cohort programs focus specifically on leadership development: the GraduateStudent Leadership Academy [13] is an eight-week exercise in self-reflection, skill development,and teamwork to solve problems and build community on campus. The Graduate LeadershipFellows program is a year-long experience that encourages “graduate student leaders to engagein change-oriented projects. Fellows aim to increase belonging and community within theircollege or specific populations of students, and their projects increase graduate student well-being, inclusion, and ultimately success” [14
publication. Writing that doesn’t directlyapply to ongoing work frequently needs to be justified, and writing assignments that have buy-inare those most closely aligned with current needs. Class time is often used to break down andpractice steps in the writing and speaking process to equip students to tackle their own academiccommunication tasks. Through the practice of writing methods for example, attempting toreverse outline a few paragraphs, students gain the tools to make progress on their drafts. Otheractivities involve close analysis of exemplars across fields and genres. Finally, both in class andindividually students are provided with materials to motivate reflection on the broaderimplications of their research contributions and to support
worthy and valuablewill enable the researcher to motivate oneself, build passion, and make progress in the researchactivities. Often this mindset can be possessed by perceiving the research has novelty andinnovativeness. These are well reflected in the following statement by Shiva in the context ofproblem definition: “Therefore, I think that one of the first beliefs is that your research does matter. Maybe you might not have immediate success or immediate number of citations from that research or immediate results from that paper itself, but if you have a strong conviction that there is a research contribution here, that there is science in what you have done rather than just engineering, at that point, that kind of
based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation underAward No. 2205033. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed inthis material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NationalScience Foundation.References[1] N. Choe and M. Borrego. “Prediction of engineering identity in engineering graduate students,” IEEE Transactions on Education, vol. 62, no. 3, pp. 181-187, 2019. Available:[2] M. Bahnson, H. Perkins, M. Tsugawa, D. Satterfield, M. Parker, C. Cass, and A. Kirn. “Inequity in graduate engineering identity: Disciplinary differences and opportunity structures,” Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 110
orientation also covered best practice advice on how to get the most out of the mentoringexperience focused particularly on being prepared to connect, learning to ask questions to thementor, and listening for examples that connect with their goals, being open and honest in thecommunication, and periodically assessing and reflecting with their mentor to make sure bothparties were bringing what the other needs to the connection.At the end of the meeting, any mentoring pairs who were present were encouraged to take timeto meet in breakout rooms.MeetingsThe mentoring relationship lasted for 10 weeks. Table II, shown on the following page, includesthe suggested meeting schedule that was shared with participants. This schedule was based onthe model of
the Advisor Supportconstruct.Survey Instrument DevelopmentOur survey was developed by adapting two existing scales to our research question and context,namely the Dissertation Self-Efficacy Scale (DSES) [13] and the Advisor Behavior scale [8].The DSES scale was adjusted to be relevant to either doctoral or masters’ students indissertation, thesis, or applied project tracks and, with 14 total items, was renamed Thesis Self-efficacy. The decision to generalize the items to doctoral or masters’ students can help generalizeour survey for use at MSIs, where a recent nationwide study showed that 89% of graduatedegrees awarded at these institutions are master’s degrees [34]. The Advisor Behavior [8] scalewas adapted to reflect only those items