trajectories, student motivation, and learning. Sreyoshi has been recognized as a Fellow at the Academy for Teaching Excellence at Virginia Tech (VTGrATE) and a Fellow at the Global Perspectives Program (GPP) and was inducted to the Yale Bouchet Honor Society during her time at Virginia Tech. She has also been honored as an Engaged Ad- vocate in 2022 and an Emerging Leader in Technology (New ELiTE) in 2021 by the Society of Women Engineers. Views expressed in this paper are the author’s own, and do not necessarily reflect those of organizations she is associated with. Learn more about Sreyoshi’s impact - www.ThatStatsGirl.comDr. Racheida S. Lewis, University of Georgia Dr. Racheida S. Lewis, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor
Paper ID #39538Assessing Global Engagement Interventions to Advance Global EngineeringCompetence for Engineering Formation (Work in Progress)Prof. Scott Schneider, University of Dayton Scott J. Schneider is an Associate Professor and the ETHOS Professor for Leadership in Community at the University of Dayton. Schneider is currently focusing his research in the areas of engineering education and community engaged learning.Dr. Corinne Mowrey, University of DaytonDr. Eric Janz P.E., University of DaytonDr. Erick S. Vasquez, University of Dayton Erick S. Vasquez is an Associate Professor in the Department of Chemical and Materials
in engineering use gender pronouns? 2) How does prior experience before moving to the U.S. influence their use of gender pronouns?MethodsGender pronouns workshopWe conducted a pilot study to collect exploratory data from international engineering graduatestudents who attended a gender pronouns workshop at a large research university in the Midwestwhere preferred gender pronouns are freely and commonly used. This one-hour workshopincluded a basic introduction to gender identities, an overview of traditional pronouns (e.g., he,she, they) and neopronouns (e.g., ze/hir/hir(s)/hirself), discussions about the importance of usingand sharing gender pronouns, and information about how participants could share their owngender identity. In
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establish remarkable footprints and make an impact that matters. Simul- taneously, Daniel is the CEO of an EdTech start-up. Prior to joining FIU, Daniel had worked in Dubai for the ministry of Education as a STEM Educator and Lead Instructor. Previous work experience was in the United Kingdom (as an assistant Lead manager) and Nigeria. To date, he has co-authored 2 journal articles, authored 2 Physics textbooks, held many leadership roles and won several awards (one notable one is a World Bank award).Dr. Bruk T. Berhane, Florida International University Dr. Bruk T. Berhane received his bachelorˆa C™s degree in electrical engineering from the University of Maryland in 2003. He then completed a masterˆa C™s degree in
of Control. (1997). Choice Reviews Online, 35(03). Sourav, M. S., Zhang, X., & Wang, H. (2021). Social media as information support in reducing COVID – 19 depressions: Self-efficacy as mediator for behavioral modeling. 2021 11th International Conference on Intelligent Control and Information Processing (ICICIP). Lent, R. W., Miller, M. J., Smith, P. E., Watford, B. A., Hui, K., & Lim, R. H. (2015). Social cognitive model of Adjustment to engineering majors: Longitudinal Test across gender and race/ethnicity. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 86, 77–85. Microsoft releases National
and tensilestrength.Explanation of Materials ChosenThe material the team chose for 2019’s Rover completion tires is MatterHackers NylonG, whichis a glass-fiber- reinforced -nylon. In the materials testing conducted, NylonG had the highestimpact resistance and an impressive amount of tensile strength. These reasons made it the bestchoice for the pneumonic tire because it can absorb consistent, hard-hitting impacts and still keepits original composure after elastic deformation.The team decided to employ a new material for the spoke segments. This material is currentlymanufactured by 3DXTech Company. The base material for this filament is a semi-aromaticpolyamide copolymer, referred to in conversation as nylon. Due to the higher
contribute to the advancementand better understanding of both Education for Sustainable Development and SustainableDevelopment Goals.Even though the spread of Sulitest in Europe (without France) and the Americas region hasreached 15% and 21% respectively [13], there is an invitation to higher education institutions toincrease the effort and knowledge of students towards sustainability. This research providesmeaningful insights to understanding students’ sustainability knowledge in higher educationinstitutions and strengthen the design of future sustainable global engineering courses.A sustainable future can be feasible if education for sustainable development is disseminatedworldwide.References 1. S. Ling, A. Landon, M. Tarrant, D. Rubin, “The
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for international students [9]. They framed the results in terms of university, country,and city pull factors and found that attractiveness of the host university, interest in theenvironment of the country, and affordable cost of living in the city were the most importantfactors to students [9].In the STEM context, Gesing and Glass [12] examined graduating international students in theU.S.’s location choices after graduation with a reverse push/pull framework. They found thatstudents’ economic and cultural backgrounds changed which factors were salient. Students fromwealthier countries were overall more likely to return home after graduating [12]. Students frommiddle-income countries were pulled to stay in the U.S. by professional
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Cognitive,Intrapersonal, and Interpersonal are designed to capture different constructs related to globalperspectives, especially with consideration for the experiences that can shape these areas forstudents, such as curriculum, co-curriculum, and community [6]. The GPI instrument has beenvalidated and has shown to be reliable. The full survey instrument and items can be found fromBraskamp et al.’s work [6].3. Methods 3.1 Sampling and Data Collection First-year engineering students participating in the RSAP program completed apre-course survey in January 2022 at the beginning of the semester-long ENGE 1644 - GlobalSTEM Practice: Leadership and Culture course at VT. A total number of n=83 studentscompleted the pre-course survey, which
culture.To continue with this model, the in-country program course(s) could include interculturalexperiential learning activities centered on Kolb's model.While guiding participants through the experiential learning cycle, specific assignments andactivities could focus on fostering global awareness, understanding, and applying interculturalknowledge. Participants could be asked to identify a task that allows them to acquire and applycultural knowledge and document examples of how they learned. The program's experientialcomponent could be improved by placing it in the context of learning alongside local students insmaller groups where interference from a large cohort could be mitigated. Students would needto be afforded adequate self-managed time to
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abroad for students’ personal, academic, and career goals. 3. Responsible parties shall communicate the importance of understanding the social, historical, political, economic, linguistic, cultural, and environmental context(s) for each program and location. Student Learning Objectives 1. Responsible parties shall evaluate student competencies and place students in language and other courses at their level. Responsible parties shall prepare participants to navigate the cultural transition and to engage in culturally relevant, ethical, and reciprocally beneficial activities in relation to the local context. 2. Responsible parties should encourage students to consider the social, cultural
the major engineering curricula and there is some anecdotal support to grow more.As the demand for more engineers and more EC courses grows, cloning and scaling well-prepared and relevant EC courses are ways to meet the impending demand.This paper provides guidance for EC teaching priorities, learning activities, and industry-informed projects. Whether an engineering program opts to build a stand-alone course or embedengineering-focused communication content and skills in an existing course, instructors andprogram directors are well positioned to shift EC pedagogy, practice, and assessment towardcontent that matches future work styles, career trajectories, and agile work teams.References[1] V. A. Kulkarni, A. K. Bewoor, P. Malathi, and B. S
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renewable energyeducation in particular and all other initiatives, in general, must ensure employment/self-employment tothe students upon successful completion.(h) It should preferably be provided in local languages for better acceptance and efficacy (good qualityteaching–learning resources materials should also be available in local languages at affordable prices).”The Burundi ContextBurundi is located in East Africa at a latitude of 3°S (below the equator). As an economy, Burundi hasseen steady growth over the last five years and is starting to attract significant foreign investment. It hasa plentiful supply of rainfall and solar irradiance which makes it ideal for hydroelectric and solar energysystems. However, at present, only 11% of the
exceptional career development opportunities as well.Reference:1: Perreault, G. and Dimitrova, D., “Demystifying the Fulbright Scholarly Experience”,Journalism & Mass Communication Educator, Vol. 77 (4), pp. 429-434, July 2022.2: Exchange Alumni. “Connect Empower Inspire”. Retrieved from Carrie, G. and Lang, C., “Are Fulbright Applicants Idealists or Opportunists?” EasternEconomic Journal, Vol. 42, pp. 288 – 301, 2016.4: Al-Dahir, S. “From the Bayous to the Sand Dunes: One Faculty Member’s Year Abroad as aFulbright Scholar”, American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education Vol. 76 (1), Article 17,2012.5: Lee, J. “A Fulbright Scholar’s report on textiles and apparel education in Myanmar.”,Fashion and