Division; Senior Fellow CASEE, National Academy of Engineering, 2008-2010; Program Officer, NatDr. Maura Borrego, University of Texas, Austin Maura Borrego is Director of the Center for Engineering Education and Professor of Mechanical Engi- neering and STEM Education at the University of Texas at Austin. Dr. Borrego is Senior Associaate Editor for Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and E ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2023 Lessons Learned from a Capacity-Building Workshop for Two-Year Colleges seeking U.S. National Science Foundation FundingAbstractThe Scholarships in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (S-STEM) program,managed by the U.S
bachelor’s degrees may be eager to enter the engineering workforce. However,in many engineering disciplines, individuals have more earning potential and career trajectoryoptions with a master’s degree. In this paper, we identify several categories of barriers and lessonslearned to launching an S-STEM focused on graduate students at a large R1 public institution thatmay be useful to other such programs. These include discussions on recruitment of this specializedpopulation of students into graduate school, especially those from other institutions, can bedifficult because i) there are structural and legal barriers to accessing financial information aboutstudents to identify low-income students and ii) smaller institutions may not have the
, and geosciences mobilized bonding and bridgingsocial capital to access academic and professional pathways. Specifically, this case studyinvestigated women in master’s programs participating in a National Science Foundation (NSF)S-STEM program and interdisciplinary community of practice, focused on a wicked problem ofunderstanding and balancing biogeochemical cycles in natural and engineered systems,incorporating a variety of strategies (e.g., mentoring, research opportunities, communityengagement, coursework) to ease transitions into and through master’s programs.Literature ReviewLimited research exists on graduate women in the STEM disciplines. Within the extant literature,we found that women were less likely to apply to graduate school than
Blocks(i) We will utilize the code blocks editor for listening to an Arduino input pin. Next, the analogvalue or digital state will be print out in the SerialM onitor window. To open the code panel, astudent needs to click the “Code” button.(ii) Next, s/he is asked to click on the SerialM onitor which is located at the bottom of the codepanel.(iii) To run the Arduino code, s/he should click “Start Simulation”, and observe the numbers inthe Serial Monitor during the interaction with the potentiometer. As the potentiometer input valuechanges by moving the pointer on the dial, the serial output value will change accordingly. Sincethe circuit includes two independent Arduinos, students can click back and forth between the twoArduinos while the
). For overthree decades, many researchers conducted various conceptualization studies on PCK (Grossman1990; Cochran et al., 1993; Loughran et al., 2012; Van Driel et al., 1998; Gess-Newsome 1999;Magnusson et al., 1999; Hashweh, 2005; Abell, 2008; Park and Oliver, 2008; Kind, 2009). Amongthese models, Magnusson et al. (1999)’s PCK model has been widely used in pre-service and in-service teacher education. In these prior efforts, most of the studies have argued for threeknowledge domains: content (subject) knowledge, pedagogical knowledge, and contextualknowledge were the basic domains affected by teachers’ PCK (Abell, 2008; Cochran et al., 1993;Gess-Newsome, 1999; Grossman, 1990). In our approach, we identified four knowledge domains by
Scholarship ProgramIntroductionThere is a lack of low-income community college students who successfully transfer to four-year-institutions, graduate with an engineering baccalaureate degree, and enter the STEMworkforce/graduate school [1,2,3]. To remedy this situation, the current project, funded throughan NSF S-STEM grant, developed the “UC Irvine Pathways to Engineering Collaborative” tohelp low-income students from diverse backgrounds to successfully transfer to and persist in theengineering program of a four-year university. The designed program targets the population ofstudents who have the ambition to pursue engineering degrees, but often lack the resources orexposure to engineering opportunities. The aim of the project is to a) increase the
Electrical Engineering (ICITEE). https://doi.org/10.1109/icitee49829.2020.9271781Sense of Belonging References: [2] Walton, G. M., & Wilson, T. D. (2018). Wise interventions: Psychological remedies for social and personal problems. Psychological Review, 125(5), 617–655. https://doi.org/10.1037/rev0000115 [3] Walton, G. M., & Brady, S. T. (2017). The many questions of belonging. In A. J. Elliot, C. S. Dweck, & D. S. Yeager (Eds.), Handbook of competence and motivation: Theory and application (pp. 272–293). The Guilford Press. [4] Walton, G. M., & Cohen, G. L. (2007). A question of belonging: Race, social fit, and achievement. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 92(1), 82–96. https
pedagogical content knowledge for undergraduate engineering and technology programs: Accelerating graduates’ preparedness for the 4IR geospatial industryAbstract:Surveying engineering technology (SET) and Geomatics (S/G) programs have significantly beenimpacted by advances of three-dimensional (3D) geospatial data acquisition technologiescoupled with innovation in computational infrastructure over the past decade. Today, large-volume 3D data in the form of point clouds, meshes, or other representations, are frequentlycollected by sensors such as Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) and depth cameras for bothindustrial purposes and scientific investigations. Traditional surveying techniques are more oftenintegrated with the
students’ learning. The students were also encouraged to ask questions and interactwith their peers.InstrumentsThis study comprised multiple data sources: an open-ended questionnaire, classroomobservation, and an S-STEM survey. The open-ended questionnaire consisted of five questionsdesigned to probe students to share their experiences of the problem-based learning environment.The students were provided the opportunity to address their likes and dislikes regardingengineering learning through PBL and describe the strategies they used to solve each problemscenario [10]; [34].Classroom observations were conducted throughout the duration of the study. The commentsentailed the teacher and the students. The implementation of the lessons, pedagogy, and
). School engagement: Potential ofthe concept, state of the evidence. Source: Review of Educational Research, 74(1), 59–109.Retrieved from http://www.jstor.org/stable/3516061[2] Appleton, J. J., Christenson, S. L., Kim, D., & Reschly, A. L. (2006). Measuring cognitiveand psychological engagement: Validation of the student engagement instrument. Journal ofSchool Psychology, 44, 427–445. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsp.2006.04.002[3] Kashefi, H., Ismail, Z., & Yusof, Y. M. (2012). Supporting engineering students’ thinkingand creative problem solving through blended learning. Procedia - Social and BehavioralSciences, 56, 117–125. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sbspro.2012.09.638[4] Ohland, M. W., Sheppard, S. D., Lichtenstein, G., Eris, O., Chachra
, he completed his MSc Degree in Construction Management from Istanbul Technical University in 2019. For his MSc thesis, he focused on the integration of Building Information Modeling (BIM) in facilities management. Before joining MSU, he worked as a research & teaching assistant at ITU from 2017 to 2021.Andreana Louise RoxasDr. Kristen Sara Cetin P.E., Michigan State University Dr. Kristen S Cetin is an Associate Professor at Michigan State University in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering.Dr. Annick AnctilGeorge Berghorn, Michigan State UniversityRyan Patrick Gallagher ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2023 Developing and Evaluating a Virtual Training
and their association with career interest in STEM,” International Journal of Science Education, Part B, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 63–79, 2012.[5] Y. S. George, D. S. Neale, V. Van Horne, and S. M. Malcom, “In pursuit of a diverse science, technology, engineering, and mathematics workforce: Recommended research priorities to enhance participation by underrepresented minorities,” American association for the advancement of science, 2001.[6] N. Gonzalez, L. C. Moll, and C. Amanti, Eds., Funds of Knowledge: Theorizing Practices in Households, Communities, and Classrooms. New York: Routledge, 2005. doi: 10.4324/9781410613462.[7] P. Bell, L. Bricker, S. Reeve, H. T. Zimmerman, and C. Tzou, “Discovering and Supporting
this lack of representation in higher education engineeringprograms, the University of Lowell S-STEM program, funded by the NSF Scholarships inScience, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Program (S-STEM), has the goal torecruit three cohorts of low-income, high-achieving students who wish to pursue a career inhigher education. The UML S-STEM program supports engineering scholars for four years,their last two years of undergraduate school and their first two years of graduate school. Thegoal of the program is to attract and retain diverse engineering S-STEM scholars and preparethem to enter the competitive pool of future faculty candidates. We present our successes and challenges in recruiting the first two cohorts of low-income
. It'snecessary in phase diagrams to prevent clutter and confusion, but students can benefit by seeingdatapoints on S/N fatigue curves and in graphs of Charpy impact energy vs. temperature. In suchgraphs, data points help students understand the degree of scatter that is normally found in thesemechanical tests.Some limitations of graphing software can be overcome by changing default settings on fonts,standard symbols, line thicknesses, hard-to-read vertically-oriented text, or a legend that fails tolist symbols in the same order as they appear on the graph. Other limitations are best overcomeby converting a graph to artwork.This paper demonstrates ways to improve the quality of engineering graphs used in materialseducation by comparing many examples of
, University of Missouri, Kansas City Dr. Michelle Maher explores student research, teaching, and disciplinary writing skill development and higher education access and equity issues. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2023 Reaching Consensus: Using Group Concept Mapping in an S-STEM Research TeamAbstractThis study was done to explore Group Concept Mapping (GCM) as a method to reach consensusfor data collection using document analysis in an S-STEM research team. The team wascomprised of five members and the GCM approach was made up of six steps: (1) Preparation,(2) Generation, (3) Structuring, (4) Analysis, (5) Interpretation, and (6) Usage. The members ofthe
is to prepare the2023 Fall semester implementation. This will include a more detailed implementation frameworkfor 1101 Intro and UNIV 1301 sections. Further, the objective is to expand the interventions toinclude other departments in CECS and possibly to other colleges such as the College of Scienceor College of Business. Our vision is to have a sequence of interventions that continue thisFreshman Year experience with Sophomore, Junior, and Senior Year Innovator Experiences,with an increasing portfolio of skills each year. . T E S M ESS S ESS . T S . S E M T T
important. As acountermeasure to this issue, two assessment tools were applied to the SIT’s OnlineInterdisciplinary Robotics workshops held in March in AY2021 and AY2022. One is ourglobal competence assessment framework formed by combining the Miville-GuzmanUniversality-Diversity Scale - Short Form (MGUDS-S) and SIT’s student satisfaction survey.It will be used to evaluate participants’ global competence as well as to investigateweaknesses in the design of the online gPBL program. The other new tool is a new method ofassessing students’ level of engagement in group work based on an analysis of students’activity within the Slack collaboration platform. We believe that Slack-based evaluation cankeep a more effective, accountable track of student
, measure of learning. It has been suggested that instructors maybe more lenient with expectations and award higher grades that normal in an attempt tocompensate for the negative circumstances [10] and that grades during this time period wereinflated [11].To date, the majority of studies that explore student performance compare performance duringthe COVID affected semester(s) to performance pre-COVID. We sought to better understandboth the immediate and the ongoing effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and the associatedinstitutional response on our engineering students. We explore student performance in three largemulti-section foundational mechanics courses: Statics, Mechanics of Deformable Bodies(Deformables), and Dynamics. These courses are required
toward science and engineering we included an adapted version ofthe Middle/High Student Attitudes Toward Science, Technology, Engineering and Math(S-STEM) survey [33]. The scale measures students' attitudes toward their own proficiency inSTEM subjects (e.g., “I know I can do well in science”), the value of STEM toward futureendeavors (e.g., “Knowing about science will allow me to invent useful things”), and interest inSTE|M careers (e.g., “I believe I can be successful in a career in engineering”). The measureshad sufficient levels of reliability on the pre (ɑ = 0.87) and post surveys (ɑ = 0.87) .Additionally, to measure students' perceptions of engineers and engineering we adapted itemsfrom the “What is Engineering?” survey instrument [9]. The
Lab., 2019.[3] D. S. Touretzky, C. Gardner-McCune, F. L. Martin, and D. Seehorn, “Envisioning AI for K-12: What Should Every Child Know about AI?,” In Proceedings of the Thirty-Third AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Palo Alto, CA: AAAI Press, 2019.[4] J. McCarthy, “From here to human-level AI,” Artificial Intelligence, vol. 171, no. 18, pp. 1174–1182, 2017.[5] S. Akgun, and C. Greenhow, “Artificial intelligence in education: Addressing ethical challenges in K-12 settings, AI and Ethics, pp. 1-10, 2021.[6] J. Su, and Y. Zhong, “Artificial Intelligence (AI) in early childhood education: Curriculum design and future directions,” Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence, vol. 3, 2022.[7
Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2020, 17 (19), 1–8. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph17196960. Karimzadeh, S.; Bhopal, R.; Huy, N. T. Review of Infective Dose, Routes of Transmission, and Outcome of COVID-19 Caused by the SARS
students.Limitations and Future WorkThe frameworks must be validated through qualitative research, and the work should beexpanded to include integration pathways.AcknowledgementThis work was funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) with Grant No DRLGEGI008182. However, the authors alone are responsible for the opinions expressed in thiswork and do not reflect the views of the NSF.References[1] B. Vittrup, S. Snider, K. K. Rose, and J. Rippy, "Parental perceptions of the role of media and technology in their young children’s lives," Journal of Early Childhood Research, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 43-54, 2016.[2] A. Sullivan, M. Bers, and A. Pugnali, "The impact of user interface on young children’s computational thinking," Journal of Information
problems. They have learned to design,build, simulate, perform instrumentation and system integration, and/or test the developedmethods and algorithms in a multidisciplinary environment. This has resulted in improvedreadiness for careers that require multidisciplinary knowledge and skills.AcknowledgementThe project is funded by the NSF’s EEC Program. We would also like to thank LockheedMartin and Northrop Grumman Corporations for hosting the participants and giving them a tourof their research labs and facilities. We would also like to thank Northrop GrummanCorporation and Lockheed Martin Corporation for their continued support of the UAV Lab atCal Poly Pomona and its students.References[1] Bhandari, S., Tang, F., Aliyazicioglu, Z., Raheja, A
, DC, pp. 1– 77, 2012.[5] National Research Council, “Promising Practices in Undergraduate Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Education: Summary of Two Workshops,” The National Academies Press, Washington, DC, 2011. Accessed on 13 June 2016 from http://www.nap.edu/catalog.php?record_id=13099[6] T. A. Litzinger and L. R. Lattuca, “Translating Research into Widespread Practice in Engineering Education,” in A. Johri and B. Olds. (Eds.), Cambridge Handbook of Engineering Education Research, Cambridge University Press, New York, pp. 375–392, 2014.[7] S. Zappe, K. Hochstedt, E. Kisenwether, & A. Shartrand, “Teaching to innovate: Beliefs and perceptions of instructors who teach
time;connection, enabling them to conduct experiments even ifthey don’t have access to a physical laboratory. • web server, responsible for making system information available (signals from sensors, equipment images, WebLab's have been implemented in several institutions etc.) at interface accessible by the user remotely;since the 90's, presenting solutions for remote operationgenerally using commercially available software or dedicatednetworks [1]-[6]. At the Instituto Mauá de Tecnologia, several • user interface
37 17.45% 55 21.15% Prefer not to answer 27 12.74% 29 11.15% I identify as a person with a disability 23 10.85% 11 4.23% Group(s) not listed above: 21 9.91% 7 2.69% I identify as LGBTQ+ 7 3.30% 8 3.08% Total sample n 212 260Note: Reference sample for check all that apply is the preceding multiple choice question(gender)Group(s) not listed above: Hub Regional Pre-Survey Hub Local Pre-Survey -Black -Jewish -Veteran
educators achieve this much-needed broader vision.References[1] M. E. Cardella, “Early childhood engineering: Supporting engineering design practices with young children and their families,” presented at the NARST 2020 Annual International Conference, Portland, OR, Mar. 2020. [Online]. Available: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/340234317_Early_Childhood_Engineering_Supp orting_Engineering_Design_Practices_with_Young_Children_and_Their_Families[2] National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, Science and engineering in preschool through elementary grades: The brilliance of children and the strengths of educators. Washington, DC: National Academies Press, 2021, p. 26215. doi: 10.17226/26215.[3] S. A
Southeast Asian woman who at the time of the interview had worked asa mechanical engineer in the U.S. for 11 years. She has held several professional roles in hercareer across the energy and automotive industries. At the time of the interview, she was a crashsafety engineer at a major automotive company.In describing her current role, Radha stressed how important it was to understand the impact herwork was going to have on other parts of the system. In her engineering context of crash safetytesting, this ‘system’ was the entire vehicle and its launch. She described how, “especially asmechanical engineer[s], we’re very prone to look at parts, right?...We are really important, butagain, we’re just part of it.” She identified the dynamic between
. 45+ team-Building Activities for College Students. https://tophat.com/teaching-resources/ebooks-and-guides/45-team-building-activities-for- college-courses/ January 25th, 2023[5] K. Hall. Science of Team Science. 2019 ERC Conference, Arlington, VA https://peer.asee.org/31863[6] J. R. Morelock, and H. M. Matusovich. All Games Are Not Created Equally: How Different Games Contribute to Learning Differently in Engineering. 2018 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Salt Lake City, Utah 10.18260/1-2-29766[7] C. A. Bodnar, D. Anastasio, J. Enszer, and D. D. Burkey. Engineers at play: Use of games as teaching tools for undergraduate engineering students. Journal of Engineering Education, 105(1), 147-200[8] S
opinions, findings, and conclusions orrecommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarilyreflect the views of the National Science Foundation.References[1] Bailey, M., Baum, S., Mason, S., Mozrall, J., & Valentine, M. (2009, October). RIT EFFORT_Career_Life_Survey. Establishing the Foundation for Future Organizational Reform and Transformation: ADVANCE EFFORT@RIT. https://www.rit.edu/nsfadvance/sites/rit.edu.nsfadvance/files/docs/faculty%20career%20life %20survey.pdf[2] Bailey, M., Marchetti, C., DeBartolo, E., Mozrall, J., Williams, G., Mason, S., Valentine, M., Baum, S., & LaLonde, S. (2011). Establishing the foundation for future organizational reform and transformation at a