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National Academies Gathering Storm committee concluded several years ago that theprimary driver of the future economy, security of the United States (US) as a nation, andconcomitant creation of jobs would be innovation—largely derived from advances in scienceand, particularly, in engineering [1]. It has been estimated that close to 50% of the students whobegin their education in engineering do not follow through to the completion of an engineeringdegree [2]-[5]. Some studies have further documented that the propensity for engineeringstudents to attrit is particularly high during their first two years of college [2], [4]. Givenengineers’ critical role in the growth of the U.S.’s economy, security as a nation, and creation ofjobs, this high-level of
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replaced the originalexam grades, regardless if it was better or not. For the fall 2022 semester, the same claims werebeing voiced after the first midterm exam. A paper-based, 75 minute, in-class retake was offeredto replace the score on the first midterm exam.DataThe data available for analysis included the midterm exam grades, the retake grades, and thefinal grades for 252 students from the fall semesters of 2020, 2021, and 2022. Over the 3 years,there were a total of 90 students who opted to take the offered retake exam. The letter gradesachieved on the original midterm exam(s) have been broken down by year and by undergraduate(446) and graduate (546) levels on Table 6. For 2020 and 2022, the grades represent the averagegrade on the first
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while discussing our research findings withthe deans, which ensured their continued support as we developed and launched the workshop.Throughout the process of presenting the workshops, we found participation among chairs wasunusually high. This was likely because the dean’s office in each college was responsible forcoordinating the scheduling and RSVPs for their respective event(s). In some cases, deans orassociate deans stayed for the full workshop, which added importance and urgency to the topic,as it demonstrated commitment at the highest levels within the college.Reflecting on how we were able to successfully engage with the deans to garner support for ourworkshop, we likely benefitted from increased institutional attention to the
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