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Displaying results 151 - 180 of 659 in total
Conference Session
AERO 1: Rocketry and Space Education
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Megan Ennis, University of Michigan; Elizabeth Ann Strehl, University of Michigan; Aaron W. Johnson, University of Michigan; Corin L. Bowen, California State University, Los Angeles; Oliver Jia-Richards, University of Michigan
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Aerospace Division (AERO)
program at theUniversity of Michigan. The lesson introduced students to one macroethics topic, orbital debris,that directly connects to the “technical” topics of the course. We believe this socio-technicalintegration stressed to students that engineering cannot be separated from its societal impact.This paper reviews previous macroethics work, context about the course, the content andstructure of the lesson, a distributed post-lesson survey and its results, and author reflections ofthe lesson.Previous workHekert offers a formal definition of macroethics after reviewing and combining severalengineering ethics frameworks: “‘macroethics’ applies to the collective social responsibility ofthe [engineering] profession and to social decisions about
Conference Session
Community Engagement Division 1 - Empowering Students and Strengthening Community Relationships
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Khalid Oladeji Bello, University of Louisville; Faisal Aqlan, University of Louisville; Danielle Wood, University of Notre Dame; Jay B. Brockman, University of Notre Dame; Hazel Marie, Youngstown State University ; Kerry Meyers, University of Notre Dame; Daniel Lapsley, University of Notre Dame
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Community Engagement Division (COMMENG)
achievingcommunity engagement long-term goals. To use TOC, the long-term change needs to beidentified and the conditions necessary to achieve the change should be established. The TOCapproach has been used in a wide range of CBR projects, including those focused on healthpromotion and environmental sustainability. However, the difficulty of measuring intangibleoutcomes and the power dynamics between university and community partners can make theevaluation of community engagement challenging (Stoecker et al., 2010).An effective community-university partnership positively impacts students and CBR projectquality. Students involved in CBR engage in active learning. They engage in some activity thatforces them to reflect and think about what they are doing
Conference Session
Engineering Economy Division (EED) Technical Session 1
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Robert P. Leland, Oral Roberts University
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Engineering Economy Division (EED)
in the School of Engineering since 2005. His research interests include control systems, MEMS, engineering education, stochastic processes, and additive manufacturing. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2023 Microfinance in an Engineering Economics CourseMicrofinance involves the making of small loans to borrowers who otherwise would not haveaccess to credit, to help them build successful businesses. Many borrowers are women. In Fall2022, students in EGR 461 Engineering Management and Economy at Oral Roberts Universitywere introduced to microfinance through several background assignments, selecting andfinancing a loan through Kiva and writing a reflection paper.Microfinance was
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division (FYP) - Technical Session 2: Program Design
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sukeerti Shandliya, University of Cincinnati; Gibin Raju, University of Cincinnati; So Yoon Yoon, University of Cincinnati; Cedrick Kwuimy, University of Cincinnati
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First-Year Programs Division (FYP)
., psychic assumptions reassessment of values and self- 4 Recognition that one’s discontent and the process of reflection transformation are shared and that others have negotiated a similar change 5 Exploration of options for new roles, relationships, and actions 6 Planning of a course of action Affirming & Connecting, i.e., shifted 7 Acquisition of knowledge and skills for perspective that allows one to cope implementing one’s plan with those situations more easily in 8 Provisional trying new roles the future 9 Building competence and self-confidence in new roles
Conference Session
COED: Skills for Moving from Computing Student to Professional
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Edward Dillon, Morgan State University; Abigail Dina; Mariah McMichael; Theodore Wimberly Jr.; Lauren Brown; Krystal L. Williams, University of Georgia
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Computers in Education Division (COED)
direct reflection of unfavorable perceptions and stigmas that have plagued thefield of Computing for some time as it pertains to race and ethnicity [24]. There have beeninitiatives by tech companies [27, 30], who are making efforts to address this issue aroundretention, especially with underrepresented minorities. Likewise, tech companies have begunworking closely with minority-serving institutions in efforts to provide insight on the type ofcomputational skills and programming proficiency a student (or prospective employee) mustpossess for success in these sectors [11, 22, 33]. One anecdotal and common insight from theirobservations concerns a candidate’s ability to exhibit proficient critical thinking skills to solveproblems through technical
Conference Session
Experimentation and Laboratory-Oriented Studies Division (ELOS) Technical Session 2: Manurfacturing, Simulation, Safety, and Technical Writing
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nandhini Giri, Purdue University - West Lafayette (COE); Ajay P. Malshe, Purdue University at West Lafayette (COE)
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Experimentation and Laboratory-Oriented Studies Division (DELOS)
Food - emotions - narrative mapping Entertainment Project Short reflection of personal narrative that explains 2 Project: Personal Narratives mapping Explore the physical and digital material involved in 3 Project: Medium the mapping 4 Project: Methodology Identify, frame an experience, and develop a workflow Identify tools and material needed to re-create 5 Project: Design tools & material experience 6 Project: Prototype Prototype a
Conference Session
Design in Engineering Education Division (DEED) Technical Session 3
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Leah M Wiitablake, Clemson University; Amber Taylor; Landry Samuels; Jalani Ziad Eanochs; Caleb Jovan Hardin; Shi'ron Williams-Mattison; Samuel Cole Fambrough; D. Matthew Boyer, Clemson University
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Design in Engineering Education Division (DEED)
contentauthored by graduate students with subject matter knowledge in Robotics. We discuss ourprocess for reviewing each chapter of the OER textbook, including readings to prompt studentthought and reflection, and how we leverage the Universal Design for Learning (UDL)Guidelines [6] for examining the chapters for learner-centeredness. We highlight the benefits ofincluding students in creating learning materials, such as how students know what works inteaching and learning and what falls short. As such, incorporating student feedback can infusematerials with learner-centered elements and provide opportunities to improve howtextbook-based OER presents information, perspectives, and ways of thinking about the subjectmatter in ways that traditional textbooks
Conference Session
Equity, Culture & Social Justice in Education Division (EQUITY) Technical Session 4
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Pheather R. Harris, University of California, Irvine; Dianne G. Delima, University of California, Irvine
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Tagged Divisions
Culture & Social Justice in Education Division (EQUITY), Equity
receiving social and cultural capital 3. To engage with extant campus programming that allows participants to reflect, and meaningfully address, factors that contribute to STEM persistence across STEM disciplines. a. Participating faculty have opportunities to participate in campus-wide programming, based on their individual interest, to gain a stronger understanding about the experience of students from minoritized populations to enhance their understanding, and utility, of the content they learn in the professional development experience, and to satisfy their elective requirement. b. To create a sustainable
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Trina C. Kershaw, University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth; Susan Thomson Tripathy, University of Massachusetts, Lowell; Hong Liu, University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth; Kavitha Chandra, University of Massachusetts, Lowell
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Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
as staying engaged andmeeting deadlines, and changes in the overall organization of the project, such as time forreflection and clearer connections between the team activities and the learning module they werecreating. They also wished they had a better understanding of the project at the beginning.Based on what we learned during the first year of the project, we made changes to theorganization of the project to better explain its goals. We also addressed challenges about anddesires to have more opportunities for improving academic writing, gaining technicalknowledge, and reflecting on the process. Overall, we worked to support teams through the co-creation process by providing better scaffolds. The benefits of scaffolds are addressed in
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sarah LaRose; Robert Merton Stwalley III P.E., Purdue University, West Lafayette
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Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
Summer Observe project management Project Giving back MEP Ambassador Sophomore ABE 495 RS Summer experience reflection Advanced learning skills Outreach to PreK-12 students (Program closed after Recruitment Year Soph. Seminar Encourage society involvement 1st cohort) Building/ Strengthening Web Mentoring by
Conference Session
Engineering Technology Division (ETD) Technical Session 6
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ravi C. Manimaran, Department Chair, Engineering Technology, Austin Peay State University; Ali Haider, Austin Peay State University
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Engineering Technology Division (ETD)
] focuses on assessing student learning and experience to ascertainwhether students have acquired the skills, knowledge, and competencies related to their programof study. The ET department faculty use a combination of direct and indirect methods forassessment and evaluation of the SOs. The results and findings of these evaluations aresystematically utilized as input for the program’s CI actions[1], [13]. Direct methods requirestudents to exhibit their knowledge and skills as they respond to the instrument itself. Objectivetests, projects, laboratory work, presentations, and classroom assignments all meet this criterion[14]. Indirect methods such as surveys and interviews require students to reflect on their learningrather than to display it [12
Conference Session
Equity, Culture & Social Justice in Education Division (EQUITY) Technical Session 7
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kiana Alexa Ramos; Julia Gardow; Emanuel Joseph Louime; Eunice Yujin Kang; Avneet Hira, Boston College
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Culture & Social Justice in Education Division (EQUITY), Equity
both chromebooks and Ipads that wereprovided by the research team. The group were split in half to ensure less issues with internetconnectivity, where one group worked on the name tag activity while the other world onanswering the engineering question. Week three consisted of a set of reflection questions intended to help youth identifyproblems they may want to solve by the end of the project workshop. We did this using anotherset of poster boards ideation prompts. The first board prompted youth to walk through their dailyroutine and categorize into six different time periods: waking up, morning, noon, late afternoon,night, and bedtime. Youth were encouraged to add in any parts of their routine for every part ofthe day. Research team
Conference Session
Research Methodologies – Session 2
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kanembe Shanachilubwa, Pennsylvania State University; Catherine G. P. Berdanier, Pennsylvania State University
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Educational Research and Methods Division (ERM)
describe the family life of their co-workeror employer as part of their answer. This background information benefits the interviewer as itwill help frame the context and dynamics the participant had to contend with. However, thisinformation would be omitted from the final narrative as this background is unnecessary for thereader. It is important to remember that although this information would not be included in thefinal constructed narrative, its influence persists through the remainder of the data collection andinterpretation.Smoothing is inherently an iterative and reflective process that researchers often refine throughexperience [11]. Most literature on narrative methods typically discusses the philosophicalunderpinnings of narrative analysis
Conference Session
Stories, Communication, and Convergence in Engineering Education
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kathryn A. Neeley, University of Virginia; Rider W. Foley, California State University, Channel Islands; Andrew Li; Rebecca Jun, University of Virginia
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society Division (LEES)
organize the divisionsare not exclusive. The reflect differences in emphasis rather than the existence of separateknowledge domains.1 The number of divisions vs. constituent committees and interest groups seems to fluctuate based on the context inwhich the list is generated (ASEE website vs. PEER). By some counts, there are 55 divisions. In any case, theproportion of “Engineering and. . .” divisions remains essentially the same. 2 This paper focuses on four “Engineering and. . .”divisions that explicitly connectengineering with expertise that is relevant to engineers but not typically required in engineeringeducation
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division (FYP) - Technical Session 6: Mentors & Teams
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Matthew B. James, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Tahsin Mahmud Chowdhury, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Juan David Ortega-Alvarez, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University / Universidad EAFIT; Jennifer Lyn Benning, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Natalie C.T. Van Tyne, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Jenny L Lo, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
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First-Year Programs Division (FYP)
participated in the aforementionedsummer program are granted a degree of autonomy in how they approach teamwork in theircourses and chose to implement the equitable teaming tools from the Summer 2022 workshop tovarious degrees in their classes in the Fall 2022 semester. The full list of available teaming toolsincluded: 1) pre-readings related to the importance of diversity on teams, 2) individual assetmaps encouraging students to explore how their own backgrounds could be valuable and appliedin the course, 3) team asset charts designed to facilitate a breakdown of work for teamassignments in a way that draws upon the diverse backgrounds of all team members, and 4) teamprocessing documents guiding students through reflective questions regarding their
Conference Session
Equity, Culture & Social Justice Technical Session
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sara Al Humidi; Alena Sloan; Andrea Atkins, University of Waterloo; Rania Al-Hammoud, University of Waterloo
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Culture & Social Justice in Education Division (EQUITY), Equity
teammembers’ expertise as well as their high level of social perceptiveness, resulting in an increase ofparticipation and a decrease in biases amongst team members [4]. Women working in teams alsodemonstrate higher interactive and co-operative work styles that improve a team’s overallprocesses and management skills. Garcia et al. [5]and Ostergaard et al. [6] found an increase indiverse knowledge and perspectives that originated from different career paths due to thecomposition of gender-diverse teams.Some studies also consider that diversity could create discomfort in teams because social identitypredicts that the difference in knowledge, and experience can make communication difficult andincrease competitiveness [6]. This may be reflected in
Conference Session
Work-in-Progress Session: Understanding Issues Faced by Graduate Students and Faculty
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Herman Ronald Clements III, Purdue University, West Lafayette
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Educational Research and Methods Division (ERM)
, I feel it is valuable to disclose my position as an author, including the identities I hold,the privileges I am afforded, and the perspective I bring to understanding engineering researchculture. I am a Black, cisgender man, and a Ph.D. student studying engineering education. I amalso a recipient of a stipend from the National Science Foundation (NSF), so I am a directbeneficiary of the engineering research “culture,” or system as it stands. This work-in-progresspaper is directly tied to my own experience and the experiences of colleagues that are alsoengaging in engineering research culture. Through rich conversations and reflection about thespaces in which engineering researchers operate, I began to question the underlying valuesystems
Conference Session
Equity, Culture & Social Justice in Education Division (EQUITY) Technical Session 4
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Selyna Perez Beverly, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Donald L. Gillian-Daniel
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Culture & Social Justice in Education Division (EQUITY), Equity
development can be developed to supportmore inclusive practices in engineering. According to Grayson [34], engineering education in the United States was founded inthe military to address a pressing need for surveying and construction skills. By World War II,engineering schools in the US enrolled a large number of men and trained them in technicalskills needed for the war. There were very few women or people of color enrolled in engineeringschools, particularly since the military was only composed of White men during this time period.These historical exclusionary roots contributed to the formation of an engineering culture thatwas reflected in its disciplinary norms. Tonso’s [35] work in engineering classrooms in the1990s revealed how
Conference Session
Computer Science Education and AI research
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Lily R. Liang, University of the District of Columbia; Briana Lowe Wellman, University of the District of Columbia; Rui Kang, Georgia College & State University
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Educational Research and Methods Division (ERM)
. • Campus life offered by the department is very stimulating. • If I am/were going to college next year, I would continue with this department. • There’s a real sense of community here. 2. Reflection Survey. Besides the above survey, we also created another open-ended anonymous survey with the following reflection questions to gain deeper insight into students’ experiences in the departmental learning community. • Do you find the presentations/workshops conducted by the ExCITE Program students helpful? Why or why not? If helpful, in what ways? If not, please explain why. • How did participating (or not participating) in the ACM and ACM-W club meetings/activities (including the take-apart
Conference Session
Student Teams and Teamwork
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Siqing Wei, Purdue University at West Lafayette (COE); Amirreza Mehrabi, Purdue University; Li Tan, Arizona State University; Matthew W. Ohland, Purdue University at West Lafayette (COE)
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Educational Research and Methods Division (ERM)
members within the same team. Perhaps most of the time, the student teamsfunction just fine. Yet instructors might actively or passively notice the existence ofdysfunctional teams, where team dynamics were impaired, and team members developednegative attitudes towards one another [4-5]. Furthermore, in other situations, social loafingmight exist within student teams but sometimes hardly get instructors’ attention [6]. When suchsituations happen, the benefits of cooperative learning are compromised and at risk [7]. Scholars and practitioners have proposed ways of trainings to support student team success.Using Goal-Role-Process-Interpersonal-Relationship models, students wrote memos to reflect ontheir team dynamics and development [8]. Students
Conference Session
Design in Engineering Education Division (DEED) Technical Session 9
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Stephanie Bunt, The Pennsylvania State University; Laura Hinkle; Andrew Walton; Nathan C. Brown
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Design in Engineering Education Division (DEED)
. Three research questions are asked:RQ1: How does student STEM SC relate to their design performance in parametricbuilding design? In this study, “design performance” refers to the ability of students to generatesolutions that have good performance in quantitative metrics such as low energy usage. Previousresearch shows that student self-efficacy and performance are positively related both outside ofSTEM [11] and in STEM [12]. However, this study evaluates performance specifically in abuilding design exercise with quantitative goals that are simulated within a parametric designtool. This relationship can reflect potential student effectiveness in technical building design, butit does not fully reflect student behavior. The extent of their
Conference Session
Design in Engineering Education Division (DEED) Technical Session 10
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Robert E. Curtis, Jr. P.E., Pennsylvania State University; Catherine G. P. Berdanier, Pennsylvania State University
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Design in Engineering Education Division (DEED)
education that emphasizesculminating skills in lieu of a list of courses would provide a better alignment between professionalpractice skills and undergraduate education [9, 10]. Research also discusses the role of internalreflective conversations in creating effective designers. Literature has shown that accomplisheddesigners reflect on their design experiences to improve their future work and practicedengineering designers thoroughly engage in problem setting and reflective conversations [11-13].Conversation during engineering design is not only important in internal reflective conversationsbut also in external communications with colleagues and stakeholders to successfully advocate fora solution. Researchers have examined how engineering design
Conference Session
Pre-College Engineering Education Division (PCEE) Technical Session 13: Attitudes & Prespectives of Teachers
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Christina Anlynette Alston, Rice University; Faiza Zafar, Rice University; Scott Currier; Krystle Dunn; Milton Johnson; Selene Verhofstad; Carolyn Nichol, Rice University
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Pre-College Engineering Education Division (PCEE)
aremore effective when analyzing their work for potential improvements. Finally, school instructorsbenefit from teamwork.The action research process begins by identifying issues before developing an iterative actionplan with strategies for pursuing optimal practice. The cyclical action research processcomprises four key phases: contemplation, planning, action, observation, and reflection [20].The authors identified five key stages of conducting an action research project. These includeidentifying a problem area, collecting relevant data, analyzing the data, acting on the evidence,and evaluating the results. Although these procedures may appear like everyday inquiry andresearch processes, the most critical aspect of action research is who
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
John Ray Morelock, University of Georgia; Dominik May, University of Wuppertal; Aileen Reid, University of North Carolina, Greensboro; Ayesha Sherita Sherita Boyce; Nicola W. Sochacka, University of Georgia; Joachim Walther, University of Georgia; Chaturved Janaki, University of Georgia
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Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
, the Collaborative Lounge for Understanding Society and Technology through Educational Research (CLUSTER), is a dynamic in- terdisciplinary team that brings together professors, graduate, and undergraduate students from engineer- ing, art, educational psychology, and social work in the context of fundamental educational research. Dr. Walther’s research program spans interpretive research methodologies in engineering education, the pro- fessional formation of engineers, the role of empathy and reflection in engineering learning, and student development in interdisciplinary and interprofessional spaces. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2023
Conference Session
Sociotechnical Thinking: Who, Why, and How?
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Patrice Marie Buzzanell, University of South Florida; Sean M. Eddington, Kansas State University; Carla B. Zoltowski, Purdue University at West Lafayette (COE)
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Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society Division (LEES)
explanations and understanding of howmajority and underrepresented group members in a College of Engineering felt exclusion andinclusion and what visions they could produce from their collective sensemaking. Qualitativecausal mapping provides DT facilitators with a tool to listen for, plan, and mark passages to drawout explicit and implicit linkages that might not be conscious or intentional. In the case of the DTfacilitator in our study, he displayed strategies to encourage causal expressions such as pullingdata from past sessions and encouraging reflection, digging below the surface meanings of talkto underlying feeling (longing for inclusion, confusion with why people do not act in particularways), and expressions of curiosity). The DT session
Conference Session
Mentorship, Retention, Minority Participation, and Examining the Experiences of Women
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Felix F. Udo-Eyo, Temple University
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Minorities in Engineering Division(MIND)
. The NSSE indicators include the following: higher-order learning; reflective and integrativelearning; learning strategies; quantitative reasoning; collaborative learning; discussions withdiverse others; student-faculty interaction; effective teaching practices; quality interactions; andsupportive environments. The definition of these predictors is presented in Table 1. Other factorsthat will be included as variables in the study are the pre-college preparedness of the students, suchas the raw ACT and SAT scores of participants, and the socio-economic status of participants uponentering engineering college. The socio-economic status by proxy will be measured by theparticipant parents’ levels of education. Four success workshops will be
Conference Session
Equity, Culture & Social Justice in Education Division (EQUITY) Technical Session 7
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kenya Z Mejia, University of Washington; Hailee Kenney, University of Washington; Tiffany Dewitt, University of Washington; Jennifer A Turns, University of Washington
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Culture & Social Justice in Education Division (EQUITY), Equity
University of Washington. Engineering education is her primary area of scholarship, and has been throughout her career. In her work, she currently focuses on the role of reflection in engineering student learning and the relationship of research and practice in engineering education. In recent years, she has been the co-director of the Consortium to Promote Reflection in Engineering Education (CPREE, funded by the Helmsley Charitable Trust), a member of the governing board for the International Research in Engineering Education Network, and an Associate Editor for the Journal of Engineering Education. Dr. Turns has published over 175 journal and conference papers on topics related to engineering education
Conference Session
Equity, Culture & Social Justice in Education Division (EQUITY) Technical Session 4
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Stephanie Masta, Purdue University, West Lafayette ; Janelle Grant, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Cara Margherio, University of Washington; Darryl Dickerson, Florida International University; Matthew W. Ohland, Purdue University, West Lafayette ; Alice L. Pawley, Purdue University, West Lafayette
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Culture & Social Justice in Education Division (EQUITY), Equity
qualitativecomments about each other at 4 points during the term. We tracked patterns of coded languageuse [27] amongst selected teams, and did a deep analysis of how coded language increased inintensity across the term. We also assessed how minoritized teammates indicated warnings oftheir marginalization. We have reported some analysis from these data elsewhere [27], [28], [31].Finally, we conducted a diary study during spring 2022, much delayed from our originaltimeline. We conducted in-person initial interviews with diary participants who were recruitedbased on their self-indicated identities as someone from a historically excluded group inengineering, using the device of a career journey map to structure the conversation. We thenasked them to reflect on
Conference Session
Architectural Engineering Division (ARCHE) Poster Session
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Daniel Cartuche; victor R viteri; Miguel Andres Guerra, Universidad San Francisco de Quito USFQ; Homero Murzi, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
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Architectural Engineering Division (ARCHE)
the other hand, theUnited States reflects its competition individually, creating a culture where everyone"strives to be the best they can be" and that "the winner takes all" [26].Uncertainty avoidance in Ecuador is relatively high which means that it uses differentmechanisms to avoid ambiguity, in this culture emotions are expressed openly andconservatism prevails even though the rules are not always respected, about itscollectivist characteristic this also reflects that the traditions of each group are alwayshighly respected [18]. The United States, on the other hand, is below average, whichmeans that its members accept new ideas and try new things; this can also be seen in thehigh level of innovation and creation of new products in the
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Madalyn Wilson-Fetrow, University of New Mexico; Vanessa Svihla, University of New Mexico; Sherry Hsi, BSCS Science Learning
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Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.1751369 and Grant No. 2005784. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendationsexpressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of theNational Science Foundation.References[1] V. Svihla, T. B. Peele-Eady, and A. Gallup, "Exploring agency in capstone design problem framing," Studies in Engineering Education, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 96–119, 2021, doi: 10.21061/see.69.[2] V. Svihla and T. B. Peele-Eady, "Framing agency as a lens into constructionist learning," Proceedings of Constructionism, pp. 313-324, 2020. [Online]. Available: