Paper ID #37456Board 259: Early Research Scholars Program Update and Reflection StudyDr. Renata A. Revelo, The University of Illinois, Chicago Renata A. Revelo is a first-generation college student, who migrated from Ecuador to the United States as a teenager with her parents and sister. She is the first in her family to obtain a Ph.D. She is currently a Clinical Associate Professor at the University of Illinois, Chicago in the department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Her research focuses on shifting the culture of engineering via the study of engineering identity which centers on students of color and
Paper ID #38803Preliminary Reflections and Assessment of the 2022 Chemical EngineeringSummer SchoolDr. Margot A. Vigeant, Bucknell University Margot Vigeant is a professor of chemical engineering at Bucknell University. She earned her B.S. in chemical engineering from Cornell University, and her M.S. and Ph.D., also in chemical engineering, from the University of Virginia. Her primary researcDr. Daniel Anastasio, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Daniel Anastasio is an associate professor at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology. He received a B.S. and Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from the University of Connecticut in 2009
,qualitative and quantitative assessment methods and findings are explained, which overallindicate that students may have experienced both cognitive and affective benefits from theapproach. Finally, a discussion and conclusion offers additional details and reflections about theuse of IE and transmedia in undergraduate engineering.The Development & Delivery of EGR 340Geotechnical Engineering (EGR 340) is a technical elective offered by the Picker EngineeringProgram at Smith College. Established in 2000, the Picker Program is the first engineeringprogram at a women’s college in the United States and one of only a small number of 2engineering programs
Reflection on Faculty DevelopmentAbstractMany engineering faculty have been involved in some form of engineering education research(EER) during their professional career. This may range from a relatively superficial participationas a collaborator on a small departmental education initiative to a larger role in a leadershipposition as a principal investigator on a multi-institutional research grant. Regardless of the levelof involvement, each engineering educator must evolve and invest substantial time to acquire alevel of EER knowledge that is commensurate with their desired degree of participation. Forthose educators who are motivated to fully immerse themselves into a potentially rewarding EERprogram with the expectation of perpetuity, their
Paper ID #39532Board 42: WIP: Reflections on teaching an engineering course throughmurder mysteriesKrishna Kumar, University of Texas at Austin Krishna Kumar is an Assistant Professor in Civil, Architecture, and Environmental Engineering at the University of Texas at Austin. Krishna completed his Ph.D. from the University of Cambridge in 2015 on multi-scale multiphase modeling of granular flows and was supervised by Professor Kenichi Soga. Krishna’s research interest spans high-performance computing, numerical modeling, and explainable AI of natural hazards. He has developed massively parallel micro-/macro-scale numerical
Paper ID #38228Board 350: NSF S-STEM Academy of Engineering Success: Reflections on aSeven-Year JourneyDr. Robin A.M. Hensel, West Virginia University Robin A. M. Hensel, Ed.D., is a Teaching Professor in the Benjamin M. Statler College of Engineer- ing and Mineral Resources at West Virginia University and an ASEE Fellow member. Throughout her career, she has supported engineering teams as a mathematician and provided complete life-cycle manage- ment of Information Systems as a Computer Systems Analyst for the U.S. Department of Energy; taught mathematics, statistics, computer science, and fundamental engineering courses
Paper ID #37185Reflections on Mentorship – Being the Change You Want to See inEngineering EducationAlexander Vincent Struck Jannini, Purdue University Library TSS ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2023 Reflections on Mentorship – Being the Change You Want to See in Engineering EducationAbstractThe educational pathway of engineering is often fraught with obstacles and challenges. Whilestudents that participate in research labs get through with less difficulty, there can be instanceswhere students enter with both academic and personal issues. In this paper, I will specificallyhighlight one of my
Paper ID #38700Studying the Development of Design Thinking of Undergraduate Engineer-ingStudents in Singapore: Qualitative Reflection Analysis (Research)Dr. Eileen Fong, Nanyang Technological University Eileen Fong, PhD, is a Senior Lecturer at School of Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) at Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in Singapore. She is also currently the Associate Chair (Students) at MSE, responsible for student matters and admissions. She teaches third-year MSE undergraduates, and have received several teaching awards including the prestigious Nanyang Education Award for School (2019) and College (2021
andDr. April Dukes, University of Pittsburgh Dr. April Dukes is the Faculty and Future Faculty Program Director for the Engineering Educational Re- search Center (EERC) and the Institutional Co-leader for Pitt-CIRTL at the University of Pittsburgh. April also collaborates on the national educational research initiative, the Aspire Alliance’s National Change. April’s research and teaching efforts engage graduate students, postdocs, and faculty to inform and sup- port systemic change toward excellence and inclusivity in higher education. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2023 Inclusive Engineering Classrooms and Learning Communities: Reflections and Lessons
. He has written more than 115 refereed technical papers, and his opinion editorials have appeared in the Tampa Bay Times, the Tampa Tribune, and the Chronicle Vitae.Dr. Rasim Guldiken, University of South Florida Rasim Guldiken is an Associate Professor of the Mechanical Engineering Department at USF. He also serves as the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs of the USF College of Engineering. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2023 Community as “Surroundings” in a Classroom EcosystemAbstractIn this paper, we preliminarily examine the notion of the “surroundings” in an engineeringclassroom. We posed an open-ended reflection question to engineering undergraduates at a largeUS
. Thisfull paper explores the impact of self-paced and online Portable intercultural modules (PIMs) onthe intercultural learning goals of the students enrolled in a junior-level system thinking course.The PIM used in the class aims to improve learners’ teamwork and communication skills. ThePIM contains five activities, including watching videos about cultural diversity and empathy,survey, quizzes, and exercise that applies learning towards intercultural collaboration. The studentsin the system thinking course were asked to complete the PIM and a reflection assignment. Theresearch questions that we intend to answer for this study are: RQ1: What domains of interculturalcompetence, as defined by the AAC&U IKC Value rubric, are represented through
characteristics that a student brings to an educa- tional setting and their influence on students’ learning (ii) to study the role of culture inspired creative design projects on students’ sense-of-be- longing (iii) quantify students’ perceptions on the interventions and their reflections on culture in- spired creative design projects.In this study, students incorporate their cultural / cross-cultural influence on creative home-décorproducts at the conceptual stages of design through creative ideation, sketching, CAD and proto-typing. Students enhanced engagement and sense of belonging in learning engineering graphicsis assessed through pre and post-activity reflection and quality of students’ design
Paper ID #39980Board 76: Work-in-Progress: Threshold Concepts in Capstone DesginElizabeth A. Debartolo, Rochester Institute of Technology (COE) Elizabeth A. DeBartolo, PhD, is the Director of the Multidisciplinary Senior Design Program at the Rochester Institute of Technology, where students from Biomedical, Computer, Electrical, Industrial, and Mechanical Engineering work together on multidisciplinary capstone projects.James Lucas Daly ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2023 Work-In-Progress: Written Reflection for Threshold Concepts in Capstone
doctoral research focused on 1) how engineering stu- dents develop empathy during community-based learning (e.g., service-learning) and 2) how engineering educators can integrate empathy into their teaching. Before studying in the U.S., Linjue (Jade) earned her B.E. in Building Environment and Energy Engineering from the School of Architecture at Tsinghua University in China. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2023 Lessons Learned: Designing an empathy workshop for engineering faculty to promote equity-focused teachingAbstract:This paper shares lessons learned from designing and reflecting on an empathy workshop for engineeringfaculty. The workshop
, students are provided with an opportunity forself-reflection. The current work is focused on the results from the first cohort, in the first yearof the program. Data is therefore limited, so the current work focuses on the methodology of thelearning reflection, and preliminary data collected from the five students enrolled in the first yearof the program.Methods:APEX Success series events so far have included a resume writing workshop, a session onstudent clubs and professional societies, and a panel discussion on undergraduate research. Thefall orientation event centered around hands-on activities in the campus student makerspaceworking with 3D printers. A Canvas site has been set up so that students can access materialsand handouts for each of
two and how that impacts how they think ofthemselves and their learning. The narratives presented in this paper were collected as part of a weeklyone-hour reflection seminar that all students in the program are required to enroll in each semester. One ofthe goals of the course is to give students the opportunity to think about the connections between theirliberal arts courses and the general liberal arts university experiences, with what they are learning in theirengineering specific courses and experiences. In an attempt to create a student-centered body ofknowledge that initiates the dissolution of the techno-social dualism prevalent in engineering education,we present here student narratives and a discussion based on these narratives to
activities that can be used throughout various engineering andcomputer science courses from first year to upper division [5].As part of this project, the University of Denver (DU) has developed and implemented severalactivities, including a group-based hairdryer design task for second year thermodynamicsstudents. The pilot of the activity took place in spring of 2019 and this initial experience waspresented at ASEE in 2020 [6]. Since then, the activity has been run four times and iterated tohelp strengthen the goals of the activity and assess its effectiveness. Changes since the initialpilot have included options for remote courses, added reflection time, and a focus on overalldesign process instead of detailed mathematical questions. The current
innovative pedagogies that can help enhancethe employability of students. In response to this need, an exploratory study was conducted at asatellite campus of a large, Midwestern research-focused university. The intervention includedthe implementation of an entrepreneurially minded and communication-focused project,developed by the instructor of an upper-level undergraduate manufacturing course. Post-completion of the project, a metacognitive reflection assignment was administered to theparticipants and subsequently, data was collected. Participant responses were qualitativelyanalyzed using thematic analysis which led to the discovery of three themes: (1) identifyingvalue in nature-inspired design, (2) confidence in communication and self-expression
. After each lesson and after thelesson series, students completed a written reflection on what they had learned, totaling to fivereflections over the semester. Their responses will be explored with a thematic qualitativeanalysis to answer the research questions above. The lessons continue to be adapted to thiscontext and are being taught to all sections of the course this semester. A rollout to all incomingfirst-year engineering students is planned for the Fall of 2023, so this analysis is ongoing, and allconclusions drawn so far are from Fall of 2022 and are denoted as a WIP.Definition of EmpathyDuring a pilot study in the Fall of 2022, 59 first-year students in the honors sections of“Introduction to Engineering” at a large R1 university
beenpreviously documented in ASEE Prism [1], which is quoted below. “ASEE President Sheryl Sorby’s speech at the 2020 Annual Conference outlined a vision for both the organization and engineering education that reflects more diversity and equity. In light of this vision, as well as the societal momentum toward dismantling White supremacy and racism, ASEE has launched a Year of Impact on Racial Equity. Many aspects of engineering culture have origins and practices that center Whiteness and exclusivity. However, we are all caretakers of this culture and can either protect exclusionary traditions or strategically design models that better meet the diverse challenges and needs of our society. In order to
theHighlander Folk School model of reflection and practice (Brian & Elbert, 2005) can supportradical change in systems. Much of the work done in the Eco-STEM project thus far hasemphasized the role of faculty through Faculty Communities of Practice (F-CoP) (Warter-Perezet al., 2022), an inclusive Teaching Repository, a reflective Peer Observation Process and Tool(Bowen et al., 2022b), and a Student Experience Survey that is in the process of development(Eco-STEM). However, in this paper, we describe how leaders, in their leadership capacity aschairs of science and engineering departments, develop an understanding of their role as leadersthrough a lens of power and privilege--both as individuals in the broader context of society (e.g.,mostly white
integrating entrepreneurially minded experiential STEAMlearning into a second-year engineering course - Design & Manufacturing Processes I. A total ofsix students enrolled in the course. The project required students to develop engineeringactivities to highlight water pollution via the design, fabrication, and programming of softrobotic fish. During one semester, students formed teams to work on project tasks, includingsketching out a fish, designing a mold (fish) in Solidworks, 3D-Printing the mold, fabricating thefish (pouring silicone into the mold), testing the fabricated fish, programming the fish forblinking light and vibrations. A metacognitive photovoice reflection was used to assess theproject's impacts. The preliminary thematic analysis
program in the Mid-Atlantic region were tasked to write a reflective essay explaining the challenges faced intheir first four weeks in college. A thematic analysis of the qualitative data was used to analyzethe reflective essays.This “work in progress” paper will summarize the main results of the study. Based on theanalysis, we propose interventions to assist these students in their transition from high school tocollege. This project is relevant to institutions seeking to improve the retention of students intheir engineering programs.Background:First generation college students are defined as students whose parents completed only a highschool diploma or equivalent. Some researchers include in this classification those studentswhose parents
-based assessments, presentations, and reflections. Thesesections were distilled using a combination of classroom experience and research. Eachof these elements is powerful on its own but added together they create opportunitiesfor students to build self-efficacy, belonging, and inclusion. These qualities then lead toclassrooms that can foster students who can find resilience and joy in diversity andcreate equitable spaces. The framework I developed is visualized in Figure 1 below. Iwill describe each of these elements and the research that went into them.Before the Framework: While doing research around actionable science DEIB strategies, I encounteredand studied social-emotional learning (SEL). While the tenants of following theframework 1, 2 monica@csedresearch.orgAbstractWe recently hosted a workshop that brought together 12 K-8 teachers who teach computer science(CS) and/or computational thinking and 12 CS education researchers. Since there is a known gapbetween practices that researchers study and practices that teachers implement in a learningenvironment, the purpose of our full-day workshop was to create a meaningful space for teachersand researchers to meet and explore each others’ perspectives. The dialogue was framed aroundteachers’ classroom experiences with researchers reflecting on how they could improve theirresearch practice. The workshop, held during the 2022 CS Teachers Association (CSTA)conference
abilities to inform career decisions [10]. Strong evidence suggests the importance ofidentity formation through experiential education; however, there are many questions that stillremain unanswered about how engineering programs can help create pathways for students tomeaningfully participate and develop professional identity, especially at scale.While experiential learning and engineering identity formation are important to the collegeexperience, challenges remain for creating robust structures for students to reflect, conceptualize,and apply their learning. Kolb [13] recognized that the experiences themselves are not enough.His model describes a cyclical process that begins with a concrete experience, followed byreflection on that experience
using the Engineering Design Process (EDP)within the context of the accomplishments and mindset of Da Vinci. The course exploredengineering mechanics and design topics concurrent with applying physics topics in anengineering laboratory. A qualitative analysis was performed using a new reflective tool,PhotoVoice. The purpose of the assessment was to better understand the impact of the course onthe student vision, the operation of the course relative to what they have encountered in theireducational careers, and student-perceived learning outcomes. Analysis of student reflectionsrevealed themes of “Changed Perspectives,” “Engagement in the Classroom,” and“Brainstorming Benefits” when describing the impact of the course on their career visions
] during the REU. Thefollowing program components were used to develop students’ technical and professionalleadership-enabling competencies: virtual setting, research projects, posters, technicalworkshops, journal club, faculty seminar networks, community hours, and weekly reflection andsurvey. A Virtual SettingDue to restrictions following COVID, the REU site was held virtually. While this meant somestudents and faculty never actually met face-to-face, it allowed students the opportunity to workon projects across various geographic regions and meet and connect with faculty and mentorsaround the world. This virtual site was strategically organized to optimize student engagementand learning opportunities in a remote environment. The REU
mechanicalengineering course on Dynamics of Machines to (1) give students access to real-world learningexperiences and (2) explore and identify the ways in which an interdisciplinary design projectthat combines key components of EM, STEAM and bio-inspiration impacts students’ learning.The results include initial findings from a thematic analysis of the data collected usingphotovoice reflections. Adopted from the relevant studies in the literature in the context of EMcurricular activities, photovoice reflections combine pictorial and textual data and constitute aportion of the project’s conclusion section submitted by students. The paper then discusses futuresteps on the use of interdisciplinary design projects which provide real-world experientiallearning
maintain that the ways engineers navigate thisexperience are unique, even compared to other autonomous professions [e.g. 31, 32-34]. Whileseveral scholars have explored how leadership is practiced in the engineering profession, one hasemerged as particularly useful; [12] proposed a model of three leadership orientations in theprofession: 1. Technical Mastery –leadership practiced by teaching others; 2. Collaborative Optimization – leadership practiced by gathering and influencing teams; 3. Organizational Innovation— leadership practiced by creating market solutions.These three orientations reflect the skills, behaviors, and values commonly exhibited by leadersin the engineering profession; they also provide a coherent and