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Conference Session
Investigating Alternative-energy Concepts
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Peter Mark Jansson, Rowan University; Ulrich Schwabe, Rowan University; Kevin Bellomo - Whitten, Rowan University; Jonathan Bucca, Rowan University
Tagged Divisions
Energy Conversion and Conservation
temperature (and with that performance)of solar modules, is the airflow around them. With only average daily and not hourly wind data available from anearby town, this data may only be used to verify a visual trend of any impact stronger winds may have onmodule temperature. Figure 4 gives an example of this data, the trend-line creating a very clear divide on highinsolation days, between higher winds (red- above 2.65m/s) and lower winds (blue- less than 2.65m/s).This didnot hold up for some other months, as seen in Figure 5. While seemingly random, all high winds for themonth(>=3m/s – Figure 6) did correlate to lower temperatures (though not vice versa). This is expected to bedue to the necessity for much stronger winds in order to cool the
Conference Session
Investigating Alternative-energy Concepts
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Faruk Yildiz, Sam Houston State University; Keith Coogler, Sam Houston State University; Dominick Fazarro, Sam Houston State University
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Energy Conversion and Conservation
ambient energysource to storage device is needed to avoid voltage drops in the wires. For the purpose of placingstorage devices closer to every energy source, a detailed routing investigation will be conducted.References[1] Hinrics A. R., Kleinbach M. (2002). Energy: Its Use and the Environment. 3rd Edition,Orlando, Florida: Harcourt, Inc.[2] Yildiz, F., Zhu, J., & Pecen, R., Guo, L. (2007). Energy Scavenging for Wireless Sensor Page 14.1050.12Nodes with a Focus on Rotation to Electricity Conversion, American Society of EngineeringEducation, AC 2007-2254:[3] Rabaey, J. M., Ammer, M. J., Da Silva Jr, J. L., Patel, D., & Roundy, S. (2000
Conference Session
Solar, Wind, and Novel Energy-System Initiatives
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Faruk Yildiz, Sam Houston State University
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Energy Conversion and Conservation
(hrs) * Time (one day/hrs) (4)Where, W: Overall energy stored; Joule (J) = unit of energy (5) P: Number of people a day; 1J=1N.m=1kg.m2/s2 =1V.C =1W.s E: Energy recovered from one person; Watt (W) =unit for power (6) T: Time taken to store energy; and 1W= 1J/s =V.C/s=V.A Time: Time span for one day.In order to calculate the total energy stored in a day (24hrs), it was considered that 1mJ energycould be recovered per person according to the equations 5 and 6. In this case the total energystored in a battery can be calculated for 50 people as
Conference Session
Solar, Wind, and Novel Energy-System Initiatives
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Recayi 'Reg' Pecen; Jill Humston, University of Northern Iowa
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Energy Conversion and Conservation
students.IntroductionAccording to the National Science Board (NSB)’s Science and Engineering Indicators 2004,enrollment in undergraduate engineering and science programs in the United States has been indecline since the 1980s1. Clearly, there is a continued need for increased enrollment andretention in science and engineering. Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics(STEM) have become increasingly central to our economic competitiveness and growth. Long–term strategies to maintain and increase living standards and promote opportunity will requireunprecedented coordinated efforts among public, private, and non-profit entities to promoteinnovation and to prepare an adequate supply of qualified STEM workers2.The MSETI - AREA project utilizes an undergraduate
Conference Session
Alternative-energy Laboratory Experiences
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Bret Bosma, California State University, Chico; Gregory Kallio, California State University, Chico
Tagged Divisions
Energy Conversion and Conservation
28 mph (12.5 m/s) and astart-up wind speed of 7 mph (2.7 m/s). The aluminum body houses an accurate heading anglesensor (in-house modification) and a generator with charge regulator that produces 12 VDC forcharging batteries. A cup-type wind anemometer, wind direction vane, and a shielded thermistorare also mounted on the mast. Outputs from the DC generator and all sensors are routed to a dataacquisition panel located in a laboratory classroom. The panel displays DC voltage, DC current,wind speed, and temperature with outputs for load connection and analog outputs for computerdata logging of all sensor outputs. Students record data during a 2-3 day windy period and thenreduce the data to yield a power curve that is compared with that of the
Conference Session
Alternative-energy Laboratory Experiences
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Anurag Srivastava, Mississippi State University; Noel Schulz, Mississippi State University
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Energy Conversion and Conservation
controllers, hardware in the loop techniques, power system monitoring andcontrol as well as power electronics applications utilizing other hardware in the researchlaboratories. This paper summarizes the use of Real Time Modeling and Simulation (RTMS) toimprove teaching and research activities contributing towards improved learning for powerengineering students.Role of RTMS in Teaching ActivitiesWith advancements in computational power, signal processing and physical electronics, thepotential of modeling and simulation has been well recognized. The AC network analyzer wasone of the first power system simulator in 1960’s and was improved several times utilizing bettermodeling techniques and science advancements8.Development of a real-time digital
Conference Session
Learning about Power Systems and Power Consumption
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Carl Spezia, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
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Energy Conversion and Conservation
Sym 5 3 999.2 119 BUS-3 12.50 3377.3 18.42 0.561 Sym 5 3 3377.3 73 BUS-4 12.50 2733.0 7.78 0.561 Sym 5 3 2733.0 59 Table 2. Single Line-to-Ground Fault Analysis Results S L-GND Fault Bus Name Bus Sym X/R NACD Breake Int Part Bkr Bkr kV Amps Ratio r Time Time Duty Duty Type Cyc Cyc Amps MVA BUS-1 69.00 973.0 5.48 0.860 Sym 5 3
Conference Session
Learning about Power Systems and Power Consumption
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Mike Hay, University of Northern Iowa; Recayi 'Reg' Pecen
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Energy Conversion and Conservation
, 120 V, 0.19 A CFL recorded during 5 s of operation.Figure 3. Inrush current and power characteristics for a GE Helical 40W, 120 V, 0.37A CFL recorded during 5 s of operation. Page 14.116.7 Figure 4. Inrush current and power characteristics of Sylvania Movie Flood Light Bulb.Figure 5. Inrush current and power characteristics of Sylvania, 130 V 200 W incandescent bulb. Figure 6. Inrush current and power characteristics of a GE 120 V, 150 W incandescent bulb. Figure 7. Inrush current and power characteristics of a GE 120 V, 25 W incandescent bulb
Conference Session
Computer Applications in Energy Conversion
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Liping Guo, Northern Illinois University; Paul Curtis, Northern Illinois University; Andrew Barendregt, Northern Illinois University; Anthony Surillo, Northern Illinois University
Tagged Divisions
Energy Conversion and Conservation
AC 2009-354: A SUN-TRACKING SOLAR-POWER SYSTEMLiping Guo, Northern Illinois University Liping Guo received the B. E. degree in Automatic Control from Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China in 1997, the M. S. and Ph. D. degrees in Electrical & Computer Engineering from Auburn University, AL, USA in 2001 and 2006 respectively. She is currently an Assistant Professor in the Electrical Engineering Technology Program in the Department of Technology at the Northern Illinois University. Her research interests are mainly in the area of power electronics, renewable energy, embedded systems and control. Dr. Guo is a member of the ASEE, IEEE and a member of the honor society
Conference Session
Sustainable-energy Education: Lessons Learned
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Sharon deMonsabert, George Mason University; Jeremy Jessup, George Mason University; Lenna Storm, George Mason University
Tagged Divisions
Energy Conversion and Conservation
processers were analyzed from various different manufacturers. The most inexpensiveof these five models is the Fuel Meister II which retails for $3,095. The prices for the fivepreassembled processors and the on-site assembled unit can be seen in Chart 2.The pre-assembled options are priced only for the processor and other components such aspumps, collection tank(s), and chemicals will still need to be purchased. The different pre-assembled options along with the manufacturers’ information can also be found in Table 3. Page 14.532.8 Table 3 – Preassembled Systems Name Source
Conference Session
Investigating Alternative-energy Concepts
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Narayanan Komerath, Georgia Institute of Technology
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Energy Conversion and Conservation
of the practical. Surveying commercial applications would help, too. (The professor)'s experience and stories of how things are really done was of great value. I wish more courses would tell students what it is really like out there. I use this aspect of the course when writing cover letters or talking to recruiters. • The course required a lot of research and creativity because the subject material is not frequently touched upon by many classes. • I thought that this course challenged me to think a lot more than most other courses at this level. I loved the concept of actively coming up with a new solution to problems in our assigned fields. I loved this creative aspect of the class and feel it was
Conference Session
Sustainable Education and the Environment
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Omer Onar, Illinois Institute of Technology; Alireza Khaligh, Illinois Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Energy Conversion and Conservation
AC 2009-649: AN ENERGY-HARVESTING CURRICULUM DEVELOPED ANDOFFERED AT THE ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGYOmer Onar, Illinois Institute of Technology (IEEE S’05) received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in electrical engineering from Yildiz Technical University, Turkey, in 2004 and 2006 respectively. He was a research scholar in Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at the University of South Alabama (USA) from August 2005 to August 2006 and involved US Department of Energy projects based on power management for fuel cell applications. Currently, he is a doctoral research assistant at the Energy Harvesting and Renewable Energies Laboratory (EHREL) at the Electric Power and Power Electronics Center
Conference Session
Sustainable-energy Education: Lessons Learned
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Tom Ferguson, University of Minnesota, Duluth; Paul Weber, University of Minnesota, Duluth
Tagged Divisions
Energy Conversion and Conservation
Page 14.506.12opposition is especially strong when the construction of a nuclear facility is proposed within aperson’s local area (75% of the participants opposed such construction)2.In contrast, the opinions of editors and reporters whose focus was in energy, agriculture, and theenvironment were more evenly split within the realm of alternative energy sources (i.e. lessheavily weighted towards solar and wind)6. This came in response to the question “which of thefollowing alternative energy sources…hold[s] the most promise in easing US dependence onfossil fuels over the next ten years?”6 Within the responses, hydropower also received negligibleresults. A couple of important differences to note were that nuclear energy was not listed as itsown
Conference Session
Sustainable Education and the Environment
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Roger Beardsley, Central Washington University; Stephen Morton, Central Washington University
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Energy Conversion and Conservation
compliance and to verify reductions. While some of theGHG data categories may be relatively easy to document, monitoring individual air travel eventsin the required detail is impractical on a campus wide basis. The method described in this paperblends published statistical data with available campus information to determine campus GHGemissions due to air travel.What is ACUPCC?In summer of 2007, Dr. Jerilynn S. McIntyre, President of Central Washington University(CWU), became a charter signatory to the American College and University Presidents ClimateCommitment1. The basic intent of the climate commitment is an agreement to work toward aclimate-neutral campus by a future target date, reducing greenhouse gas emissions effects tozero. In achieving
Conference Session
Learning about Power Systems and Power Consumption
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Kala Meah, York College of Pennsylvania; Wayne Blanding, York College of Pennsylvania
Tagged Divisions
Energy Conversion and Conservation
C 3 VdLR A B C Discrete, VdL _R Filter _Inv Ts = 5e-005 s. 7 VdL_R (pu
Conference Session
Curricular Developments in Energy Education
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Craig Somerton, Michigan State University
Tagged Divisions
Energy Conversion and Conservation
design method and the importance of energy inour society.References1. Mid Atlantic Solid Waste Consultants, “Larimer County Two-Season Waste Composition Study”,, visited 3/6/2009.2. Cochran, Soni, “Vermicomposting: Composting with Worms”,, visited 3/6/2009.3. Datar, M.T., Rao, M.N., and Reddy, S., “Vermicomposting - A Technological Option for Solid Waste Management”, Journal of Solid Waste Technology and Management, v 24, n 2, May, 1997, p 89-93.4., visited 3/6/2009.5. Davis, Karen C., Perkey, Megan L., Harth, Nicholas B., and Dees, Nathan, “STEPing into the Classroom: An